select * from emp;
--模糊条件查询 %:0-n个字符 _:一个字符
select * from emp where ename like '%s%';
select * from emp where ename like 's%';
select * from emp where ename like '__s%';
--范围查询beteen and:包括边界值
select * from emp where sal between '' and ''
select * from emp where sal ≥'' and sal≤''
select * from emp where sal in ()
select * from emp where sal not in ()
---排序:asc 升序 desc 降序
order by 默认升序
select * from emp order by sal
select * from emp order by sal ,deptno
分组函数: max() min() avg() 按单列分组
count():一般为count(*) 表示查询表中全部记录
select max(sal) from emp
select min(sal) from emp
select avg(sal) from emp
select count(*) from emp
---group by:手工分组
select max(sal) from emp group by deptno
标签: #oracle排序升序