
每日一词∣社区养老 community-based elderly care

中国日报网 147


此时同学们对“starting services翻译”大致比较关怀,咱们都想要了解一些“starting services翻译”的相关资讯。那么小编也在网上搜集了一些关于“starting services翻译””的相关知识,希望大家能喜欢,各位老铁们一起来了解一下吧!

我国将加大对社区家庭服务业的税费政策优惠。从今年6月1日到2025年底,对提供社区养老、托幼、家政相关服务的收入免征增值税,并减按90%计入所得税应纳税所得额。 China will further reduce taxes in the community-based service industries, including the elderly care, childcare and household services. Starting from June 1 this year to the end of 2025, earnings of those industries will be exempted from the value-added tax, and enjoy a 10-percent deduction in taxable income.

北京西城区大栅栏街道养老助残服务中心康美健康服务驿站 (图片来源:新华网)




促进生育政策和相关经济社会政策配套衔接,加强人口发展战略研究。积极应对人口老龄化,构建养老、孝老、敬老政策体系和社会环境,推进医养结合,加快老龄事业和产业发展。 We will work to ensure that our childbirth policy meshes with related economic and social policies, and carry out research on the population development strategy. As we respond proactively to population aging, we will adopt policies and foster a social environment in which senior citizens are respected, cared for, and live happily in their later years. We will provide integrated elderly care and medical services, and accelerate the development of old-age programs and industries.



家政服务 household services

居家养老 home-based elderly care

养老保险 endowment insurance

(中国日报网英语点津 马文英)


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