
英语作文(World Environmental Day Activities)

小猪探道 94




As we all know, June 5th is World Environment Day. In order to celebrate this special day, I strongly recommend a paper recycling activity to our school. Firstly, paper waste is a serious problem on our campus. A lot of paper is thrown away every day, which has a negative impact on the environment. If we can recycle these paper waste, it can effectively reduce the amount of paper waste and reduce air pollution caused by incineration. Secondly, paper recycling is an easy and economical way to protect the environment. All we need is a few recycling bins and some paper processing equipment. We can turn the waste paper into useful products like paper bags or even postcards. This can also raise awareness of environmental protection among students. Finally, this activity can stimulate students' creativity and their environmental consciousness. Through organizing and participating in the activity, students can learn how to recycle paper and reduce paper waste. It can also help students to sow seeds of environmental consciousness in their young minds. Therefore, holding a paper recycling activity is a perfect way for our school to celebrate World Environment Day. 篇二: To celebrate World Environment Day, I recommend organizing a tree planting activity on our campus. Planting trees is a simple but effective way to help the environment. Trees can absorb carbon dioxide and other pollutants in the air, and provide oxygen for us. They also provide a habitat for birds and other animals, and they help to prevent soil erosion. In addition to helping the environment, tree planting activity can bring many benefits to students. Through planting trees, students can learn about the importance of environmental protection and develop a sense of environmental awareness. It can also improve students' teamwork and communication skills, as well as their physical fitness. Furthermore, tree planting can make our campus more beautiful and attractive. It can also bring a sense of freshness and vitality to our campus environment. When students see the trees grow up, they will have a sense of accomplishment and feel happy that they have contributed to the environment. Therefore, I believe that tree planting is an ideal activity to celebrate World Environment Day. Let's work together to make our campus greener and more eco-friendly

标签: #中国旅游景点推荐英语作文