现在各位老铁们对“字符串函数title作用”大致比较关注,你们都想要分析一些“字符串函数title作用”的相关资讯。那么小编同时在网络上搜集了一些关于“字符串函数title作用””的相关内容,希望咱们能喜欢,兄弟们快快来学习一下吧!Strings 字符串
Because most programs define and gather some sort of data, and then do something useful with it, it helps to classify different types of data. The first data type we’ll look at is the string. Strings are quite simple at first glance, but you can use them in many different ways.
A string is a series of characters. Anything inside quotes is considered a string in Python, and you can use single or double quotes around your strings like this:
"This is a string."
'This is also a string.'
"This is a string."
'This is also a string.'
This flexibility allows you to use quotes and apostrophes within your strings:
'I told my friend, "Python is my favorite language!"'
"The language 'Python' is named after Monty Python, not the snake."
"One of Python's strengths is its diverse and supportive community."
Let’s explore some of the ways you can use strings.
Changing Case in a String with Methods 使用方法更改字符串中的大小写
One of the simplest tasks you can do with strings is change the case of the words in a string. Look at the following code, and try to determine what’s happening.
name = "ada lovelace"
Save this file as name.py, and then run it. You should see this output:
Ada Lovelace
In this example, the variable name refers to the lowercase string "ada lovelace". The method title() appears after the variable in the print() call. A method is an action that Python can perform on a piece of data. The dot (.) after name in name.title() tells Python to make the title() method act on the variable name. Every method is followed by a set of parentheses, because methods often need additional information to do their work. That information is provided inside the parentheses. The title() function doesn’t need any additional information, so its parentheses are empty.
在本例中,变量名是小写字符串“ada lovelace”。方法title()出现在函数print()的变量之后。在Python中,方法是可以对一个数据进行的操作。name.title()告诉Python将title()方法作用于变量名。每个方法后面都有一组括号,因为方法通常需要额外的信息来完成它们的工作,这些额外信息放在括号内。title()函数不需要任何额外的信息,所以它的括号内是空的。
The title() method changes each word to title case, where each word begins with a capital letter. This is useful because you’ll often want to think of a name as a piece of information. For example, you might want your program to recognize the input values Ada, ADA, and ada as the same name, and display all of them as Ada.
Several other useful methods are available for dealing with case as well. For example, you can change a string to all uppercase or all lowercase letters like this:
name = "Ada Lovelace"
This will display the following:
ada lovelace
The lower() method is particularly useful for storing data. Many times you won’t want to trust the capitalization that your users provide, so you’ll convert strings to lowercase before storing them. Then when you want to display the information, you’ll use the case that makes the most sense for each string.
Using Variables in Strings 在字符串中使用变量
In some situations, you’ll want to use a variable’s value inside a string. For example, you might want two variables to represent a first name and a last name respectively, and then want to combine those values to display someone’s full name:
first_name = "ada"
last_name = "lovelace"
1 full_name = f"{first_name} {last_name}"
To insert a variable’s value into a string, place the letter f immediately before the opening quotation mark 1. Put braces around the name or names of any variable you want to use inside the string. Python will replace each variable with its value when the string is displayed.
These strings are called f-strings. The f is for format, because Python formats the string by replacing the name of any variable in braces with its value. The output from the previous code is: ada lovelace
这些字符串被称为f字符串。f代表格式,因为Python通过将大括号中的任何变量的名称替换为变量的值来格式化字符串。之前代码的输出为:ada lovelace
You can do a lot with f-strings. For example, you can use f-strings to compose complete messages using the information associated with a variable, as shown here:
first_name = "ada"
last_name = "lovelace"
full_name = f"{first_name} {last_name}"
1 print(f"Hello, {full_name.title()}!")
The full name is used in a sentence that greets the user 1, and the title() method changes the name to title case. This code returns a simple but nicely formatted greeting: Hello, Ada Lovelace!
You can also use f-strings to compose a message, and then assign the entire message to a variable:
first_name = "ada"
last_name = "lovelace"
full_name = f"{first_name} {last_name}"
1 message = f"Hello, {full_name.title()}!"
2 print(message)
This code displays the message Hello, Ada Lovelace! as well, but by assigning the message to a variable 1 we make the final print() call much simpler 2.
此代码同样显示消息Hello,Ada Lovelace!,但是是通过将消息分配给变量,使最终的print()函数调用变得更简单。
Note: F-strings were first introduced in Python 3.6. If you’re using Python 3.5 or earlier, you’ll need to use the format() method rather than this f syntax. To use format(), list the variables you want to use in the string inside the parentheses following format. Each variable is referred to by a set of braces; the braces will be filled by the values listed in parentheses in the order provided: full_name = "{} {}".format(first_name, last_name)
F字符串是在Python 3.6中首次引入的。如果您使用的是Python 3.5或更早的版本,则需要使用format()方法,而不是此f语法。要使用format(),请按照以下格式,在括号内的字符串中列出要使用的变量。每个变量都由一组大括号表示;大括号将按提供的顺序用括号中列出的值填充:full_name = "{} {}".format(first_name, last_name)
标签: #字符串函数title作用