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现在小伙伴们对“webpack process”大体比较讲究,朋友们都想要知道一些“webpack process”的相关文章。那么小编在网络上收集了一些关于“webpack process””的相关知识,希望小伙伴们能喜欢,小伙伴们快快来学习一下吧!

Webpack is a module bundler, but you can also use it running tasks as well.Webpack relies on a dependency graph underneath(underneath:在...下面). Webpack traverses through the source to construct the graph, and it uses this information and configuration to generate bundles.Webpack relies on loaders and plugins. Loaders operate on a module level, while plugins rely on hooks provided by webpack and have the best access to its execution process.Webpack's configuration describes how to transform assets of the graphs and what kind of output it should generate. Part of this information can be included in the source itself if features like code splitting are used.Hot Module Replacement (HMR、热更新) helped to popularize webpack. It's a feature that can enhance the development experience by updating code in the browser without needing a full page refresh.Webpack can generate hashes for filenames allowing you to invalidate past bundles as their contents change.

标签: #webpack process