

慧都科技 85






所有这些构建块都是从GraphObject抽象类派生的 ,因此我们随便将它们称为GraphObjects或对象或元素。请注意,GraphObject 不是 HTML DOM元素,因此创建或修改此类对象的开销不会太大。



myDiagram.nodeTemplate = $(go.Node, $(go.TextBlock, // TextBlock.text is bound to Node.data.key new go.Binding("text", "key")) ); 

TextBlocks,Shapes和Pictures是GoJS的原始构建块。TextBlocks不能包含图像; 形状不能包含文本。如果希望节点显示某些文本,则必须使用TextBlock。如果要绘制或填充某些几何图形,则必须使用“形状”。


myDiagram.nodeTemplate = $(go.Node, "Vertical", // second argument of a Node/Panel can be a Panel type /* set Node properties here */ { // the Node.location point will be at the center of each node locationSpot: go.Spot.Center }, /* add Bindings here */ // example Node binding sets Node.location to the value of Node.data.loc new go.Binding("location", "loc"), /* add GraphObjects contained within the Node */ // this Shape will be vertically above the TextBlock $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle", // string argument can name a predefined figure { /* set Shape properties here */ }, // example Shape binding sets Shape.figure to the value of Node.data.fig new go.Binding("figure", "fig")), $(go.TextBlock, "default text", // string argument can be initial text string { /* set TextBlock properties here */ }, // example TextBlock binding sets TextBlock.text to the value of Node.data.key new go.Binding("text", "key")) );


现在我们已经了解了如何制作Node模板,让我们看一个实例。我们将制作组织图中常见的简单模板 - 名称旁边的图像。请考虑以下Node模板:



var $ = go.GraphObject.make;var myDiagram = $(go.Diagram, "myDiagramDiv", { "undoManager.isEnabled": true // enable Ctrl-Z to undo and Ctrl-Y to redo });// define a simple Node templatemyDiagram.nodeTemplate = $(go.Node, "Horizontal", // the entire node will have a light-blue background { background: "#44CCFF" }, $(go.Picture, // Pictures should normally have an explicit width and height. // This picture has a red background, only visible when there is no source set // or when the image is partially transparent. { margin: 10, width: 50, height: 50, background: "red" }, // Picture.source is data bound to the "source" attribute of the model data new go.Binding("source")), $(go.TextBlock, "Default Text", // the initial value for TextBlock.text // some room around the text, a larger font, and a white stroke: { margin: 12, stroke: "white", font: "bold 16px sans-serif" }, // TextBlock.text is data bound to the "name" attribute of the model data new go.Binding("text", "name")) );var model = $(go.Model);model.nodeDataArray =[ // note that each node data object holds whatever properties it needs; // for this app we add the "name" and "source" properties { name: "Don Meow", source: "cat1.png" }, { name: "Copricat", source: "cat2.png" }, { name: "Demeter", source: "cat3.png" }, { /* Empty node data */ }];myDiagram.model = model; 





标签: #js获取图片的原始尺寸