

LearningYard学苑 44








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Today, the editor brings the "Matlab software introduction"

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(一)内容摘要(Content Summary)


In this issue, we will introduce the arithmetic software Matlab, mainly from the following aspects: what is Matlab, the composition of the interface of Matlab, the advantages and disadvantages of Matlab, and the use of Matlab.

(二)思维导图(Mind mapping)

(三)软件介绍(Software Introduction)

3.1 什么是Matlab?(What's Matlab?)

MATLAB 是一个用于科学研究与工程应用分析和设计的商业化算术运算软件,由美国新墨西哥大学的数学教授Cleve Moler开发。MATLAB发展迅速,是一个强有力的科学与工程领域的应用软件。它不仅用于解决矩阵与数值计算方面的问题,而且已经成为集数值与符号计算、数据可视化、图形界面设计、程序设计、仿真等功能为一体的集成软件平台。

MATLAB is a commercial arithmetic computing software for analysis and design of scientific research and engineering applications, developed by Cleve Moler, a mathematics professor at the University of New Mexico, U.S.A. MATLAB has evolved rapidly and is a powerful application software for scientific and engineering fields. It is not only used to solve problems in matrix and numerical computation, but has become an integrated software platform that combines numerical and symbolic computation, data visualization, graphical interface design, programming, and simulation.

3.2 Matlab的操作界面组成 (Matlab's operator interface composition)


(1)Main window. The main window area consists of a functional area, a fast access toolbar and a current folder toolbar. The functional area is mainly used to show the homepage, drawing, and applications; the fast access toolbar is mainly file deposit, text copy and paste.


(2)Command line window: Enter the command and display the execution result. After entering the command, press Enter, the system will explain and command. If the command is very long, it can be divided into two lines of input: add 3 decimal points after the first command line (indicates that the logic of the upper and lower behaviors continues), and press Enter to continue entering the command to read the line.


(3)Current file window. Select a folder in the current folder toolbar or the current folder window as the current folder.


(4)Working area window: Storage of the memory space of various variables and results for variable display and operation.

3.3 Matlab的优点和缺点(Advantages and disadvantages of Matlab)

(1)MATLAB 作为一种科学计算软件,具有如下优点。

(1)As a scientific computing software, MATLAB has the following advantages.

强大的数学计算能力特别是矩阵运算能力。语言特性简洁,编程效率高。MATLAB 编程语言本身的特性简洁明了,没有引入太多复杂的特性。交互性好,使用方便。绘图能力强大,能够利用数据可视化有效辅助研究分析。利用 MATLAB 可以方便地绘制多种常用的二维图形和三维图形,这些图形不但提供大量数据的直观表示,而且更便于揭示数据间的内在关系。

Powerful mathematical computing power, especially matrix computing power. Simple language characteristics and high programming efficiency. The characteristics of Matlab's programming language itself are simple and clear, and there are no more complicated features. Good interaction and convenient use. Drawing capabilities are powerful and can use data visualization and effective assistance research and analysis. Using Matlab can easily draw a variety of commonly used two -dimensional and three -dimensional graphics. These graphics not only provide intuitive representations of a large amount of data, but also more convenient to reveal the inherent relationship between data.

(2)尽管 MATLAB 具有上述优点,但是其缺点也是较为明显的。

(2)Although Matlab has the above advantages, its disadvantages are also obvious.

该软件价格昂贵。体积庞大,对计算机性能要求高。随着 MATLAB 功能的不断增加,工具箱数量的不断增多,其完整安装所需的空间也越来越大。在某些特定应用领域中的表现不及其他软件。MATLAB 的优势主要体现在以矩阵计算为核心的科学计算与仿真上,但是在一些相对更新的应用领域,由于其基础架构的问题,因此表现不见得是最佳的。语言本身的计算效率存在不足。一般而言,MATLAB 内置的计算函数的效率都足够高效,但是对于利用 MATLAB 进行开发的程序员来说,如果需要提高所编写的程序的效率,就需要掌握更多的技巧。

The software is expensive. The volume is huge and requires high computer performance. As the Matlab function continues to increase, the number of toolboxes continues to increase, and the space required for complete installation is getting larger and larger. Essence It is not as good as other software in some specific applications. The advantage of Matlab is mainly reflected in the scientific calculation and simulation calculation calculated as the core of matrix, but in some relatively updated applications, due to its infrastructure problems, it may not be the best performance. There is insufficient calculation efficiency of the language itself. Generally speaking, the efficiency of Matlab's built -in computing functions is high enough, but for programmers developed by Matlab, if you need to improve the efficiency of the programmed program, you need to master more skills.






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文字| Ann

排版| Ann

审核| clear

标签: #matlab仿真软件介绍 #仿真软件 matlab