

马肃就是老段 3







A graph is a set of vertices and a set of edges. A vertex is also called a node. An edge represents a connection between a pair of vertices. Edges can be associated with a length or a weight. Graphs can be used to represent a variety of data including navigational maps (and graph algorithms are used to find routes between two places on a map, for instance).




Graphs are commonly represented using either an adjacency list or an adjacency matrix. (You can choose to represent a graph in any way that you deem appropriate.) All your implementation for concerning graphs should be in the cpen221.mp2.graph package.




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You will start by implementing the IGraph interface using two concrete types: (i) ALGraph, which uses an adjacency list representation, and (2) AMGraph, which uses the adjacency matrix representation.


You should strengthen the specifications for as many methods as possible in your implementation relative to the specifications in IGraph interface without breaking any of the provided skeleton code.


Popular algorithms — such as Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm — require some specialized data structures but you can pick other data abstractions that are sufficient for solving the problem.


Dijkstra 算法,是Edsger Wybe Dijkstra 在1956年发现的算法,迪克斯特拉算法使用类似广度优先搜索的方法解决赋权图的单源最短路径问题。Dijkstra 算法原始版本仅适用于找到两个顶点之间的最短路径,后来更常见的变体固定了一个顶点作为源结点然后找到该顶点到图中所有其它结点的最短路径,产生一个最短路径树。本算法每次取出未访问结点中距离最小的,用该结点更新其他结点的距离。需要注意的是绝大多数的Dijkstra 算法不能有效处理带有负权边的图。


Dijkstra 算法的⼯作原理是逐个访问图中的顶点,同时跟踪记录从起始顶点到所有其他顶点的当前最短距离,并不断更新这些最短距离。更具体地说,该算法跟踪记录未访问的顶点并在任何时间点以最短的距离访问未访问的顶点,⾃然是从起始顶点开始。每当算法访问⼀个未访问的顶点时,它会查看其所有出站边,并尝试更新从起点到边中⽬的地的最短距离,使⽤到当前顶点的当前最短距离作为基础。⼀旦算法访问 了所有顶点并考虑了它们的所有边,就可以保证找到到每个顶点的最短路径。

Dijkstra 算法中最具挑战性的部分是确定如何有效地找到当前距离最短的顶点。


Your graph implementation uses generics that allow for reuse. The Edge type has been implemented to give you some examples for working with generics.




package com.qf.algorithm;

import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSON;

import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONArray;

import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONObject;

import java.io.BufferedReader;

import java.io.IOException;

import java.io.InputStreamReader;

import java.util.*;

public class Dijkstra {

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));

String input = br.readLine();

List<Object> data = parseData(input);

int start = (int) data.get(0);

int[][][] edges = (int[][][]) data.get(1);

int[] result = dijkstrasAlgorithm(start, edges);



public static int[] dijkstrasAlgorithm(int start, int[][][] edges) {

int numberOfVertices = edges.length;

int[] minDistances = new int[numberOfVertices];

Arrays.fill(minDistances, Integer.MAX_VALUE);

minDistances[start] = 0;

List<Item> minDistancesPairs = new ArrayList<Item>();

for (int i = 0; i < numberOfVertices; i++) {

Item item = new Item(i, Integer.MAX_VALUE);



MinHeap minDistancesHeap = new MinHeap(minDistancesPairs);

minDistancesHeap.update(start, 0);

while (!minDistancesHeap.isEmpty()) {

Item heapItem = minDistancesHeap.remove();

int vertex = heapItem.vertex;

int currentMinDistance = heapItem.distance;

if (currentMinDistance == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {



for (int[] edge : edges[vertex]) {

int destination = edge[0];

int distanceToDestination = edge[1];

int newPathDistance = currentMinDistance + distanceToDestination;

int currentDestinationDistance = minDistances[destination];

if (newPathDistance < currentDestinationDistance) {

minDistances[destination] = newPathDistance;

minDistancesHeap.update(destination, newPathDistance);




int[] finalDistances = new int[minDistances.length];

for (int i = 0; i < minDistances.length; i++) {

int distance = minDistances[i];

if (distance == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {

finalDistances[i] = -1;

} else {

finalDistances[i] = distance;



return finalDistances;


public static List<Object> parseData(String json) {

List<Object> data = new ArrayList<>();

JSONObject jsonObject = JSON.parseObject(json);

int size = jsonObject.getInteger("start");


JSONArray jsonArray = jsonObject.getJSONArray("edges");

int[][][] edges = new int[jsonArray.size()][][];

for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) {

JSONArray jsonArray2 = jsonArray.getJSONArray(i);

edges[i] = new int[jsonArray2.size()][];

for (int j = 0; j < jsonArray2.size(); j++) {

JSONArray jsonArray3 = jsonArray2.getJSONArray(j);

edges[i][j] = new int[jsonArray3.size()];

for (int k = 0; k < jsonArray3.size(); k++) {

edges[i][j][k] = jsonArray3.getInteger(k);





return data;


static class Item {

int vertex;

int distance;

public Item(int vertex, int distance) {

this.vertex = vertex;

this.distance = distance;



static class MinHeap {

Map<Integer, Integer> vertexMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();

List<Item> heap = new ArrayList<Item>();

public MinHeap(List<Item> array) {

for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) {

Item item = array.get(i);

vertexMap.put(item.vertex, item.vertex);


heap = buildHeap(array);


List<Item> buildHeap(List<Item> array) {

int firstParentIdx = (array.size() - 2) / 2;

for (int currentIdx = firstParentIdx + 1; currentIdx >= 0; currentIdx--) {

siftDown(currentIdx, array.size() - 1, array);


return array;


boolean isEmpty() {

return heap.size() == 0;


void siftDown(int currentIdx, int endIdx, List<Item> heap) {

int childOneIdx = currentIdx * 2 + 1;

while (childOneIdx <= endIdx) {

int childTwoIdx = currentIdx * 2 + 2 <= endIdx ? currentIdx * 2 + 2 : -1;

int idxToSwap;

if (childTwoIdx != -1 && heap.get(childTwoIdx).distance < heap.get(childOneIdx).distance) {

idxToSwap = childTwoIdx;

} else {

idxToSwap = childOneIdx;


if (heap.get(idxToSwap).distance < heap.get(currentIdx).distance) {

swap(currentIdx, idxToSwap);

currentIdx = idxToSwap;

childOneIdx = currentIdx * 2 + 1;

} else {





void siftUp(int currentIdx) {

int parentIdx = (currentIdx - 1) / 2;

while (currentIdx > 0 && heap.get(currentIdx).distance < heap.get(parentIdx).distance) {

swap(currentIdx, parentIdx);

currentIdx = parentIdx;

parentIdx = (currentIdx - 1) / 2;



Item remove() {

if (isEmpty()) {

return null;


swap(0, heap.size() - 1);

Item lastItem = heap.get(heap.size() - 1);

int vertex = lastItem.vertex;

int distance = lastItem.distance;

heap.remove(heap.size() - 1);


siftDown(0, heap.size() - 1, heap);

return new Item(vertex, distance);


void update(int vertex, int value) {

heap.set(vertexMap.get(vertex), new Item(vertex, value));



void swap(int i, int j) {

vertexMap.put(heap.get(i).vertex, j);

vertexMap.put(heap.get(j).vertex, i);

Item temp = heap.get(i);

heap.set(i, heap.get(j));

heap.set(j, temp);




标签: #java图片处理