

教英语音乐的呦呦 457









1. be good at sth.擅长做某事

2. be absent from 缺席

3. be annoyed at对……恼怒

4. be in charge of负责

5. be available to sb.可被某人利用或得到

6. at one's expense由某人支付费用

7. be concerned about 对……担心

8. attribute…to…把……归因于……

9. be likely to do sth.极有可能做某事

10. be sick of厌恶

11. consist of由……组成

12. manage to do 设法做某事

13. it is crucial to do 做某事很关键

14. warm sb. of sth. 警示某人

15. be vulnerable to 易受……的伤害

16. free sb. from 使某人从……中解放出来

17. with respect to在……方面

18. be inclined to倾向于

19. have claim on对……拥有所有权

20. in total 总数

21. justify doing证明……合理

22. be used to 被用来

23. adapt to 适应

24. contribute to贡献

25. have access to 可以利用

26. be less inclined to不太愿意

27. be blamed for sth应对某事负责任

28. apply for 申请

29. be harmful to 对.....有害

30. be similar to与……相似

31. depend on 依靠

32. be subjected to 经受

33. sell out 卖光,卖完

34. give priority to优先

35. be decorated with 用……修饰

36. fall down摔倒,跌倒

37. pick up 取,拿某物

38. get married with sb.和某人结婚

39. find out 找出来

40. beyond one's expectation超出某人的预期

41. be honor of 做……感到荣幸

42. carry out 执行,实行借

43. fill up 填补,装满

44. now and then偶尔,有时

45. for a long time 一段时间

46. fall asleep入睡,睡着

47. enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事

48. regard…as…把…看作…

49. pay attention to 注意,重视

50. play a(an)…role in 扮演角色

51. be aware of 意识到

52. be assigned to被分配给;归属于

53. adjust to 调节,调整以适应

54. be essential to对…必不可少

55. be likely to 倾向于,很有可能

56. seize an opportunity抓住机会

57. adapt to 适应

58. run out用完,耗尽

59. make for 有助于...

60. have difficulty in doing sth.做某事有困难

61. tidy up 收拾,整理

62. as soon as possible尽快

63. hold a party举办晚会

64. go through 经历

65. ask sb.to do 要求某人做某事

66. allow sb.to do允许某人做某事

67. get along with 和某人相处

68. in advance 提前

69. pocket money零花钱

70. go down 下降

71. save up 储蓄,贮存

72. go up 上升

73. pay for赔偿,为…付钱

74. at the right time 在适当的时间

75. stick to 坚持,粘住

76. part-time job 兼职

77. go back to 回去,返回,追溯到

78. baby-sitter保姆

79. cope with 应对

80. as well as 也,和……一样

81. focus on 集中于

82. rely on 依靠

83. from time to time不时地,时常

84. make use of 利用,使用

85. due to归因于,由于

86. be full of 充满,装满

87. be indifferent to对…冷漠,漠不关心

88. in face of 面对...

89. take action 采取行动

90. see a doctor就诊,看医生

91. agree with 同意

92. had better do 最好做某事

93. build up 增加,加强

94. fix up 修理,解决

95. at ease安逸,自由自在

96. continue to do继续做某事

97. be tired of 厌烦

98. get rid of 摆脱,去除

99. be covered with 被...盖满,充满着

100. be busy doing sth.忙于做某事

101. in the middle of在中间,正在做某事

102. accompany sb.陪伴某人

103. hand in 提交,呈送

104. think of 记起,想起

105. have to do不得不做某事

106. a waste of time 浪费时间

107. chat with sb.和某人聊天

108. at least 至少

109. compare with 与…相比较

110. vary from 不同于

111. look after 照顾

112. inherit from从…继承:从…得到

113. be mean with sth.在某方面吝啬

114. a big fortune一大笔线

115. carry on 继续,参与

116. fail to do sth未能做事

117. take care of 照题

118. encourage sb. to do鼓励某人做某事

119. the same as 和...一样

120. wear out 耗尽,磨损

121. be ready to do 准备好做某事

122. be used to doing sth.习惯于做某事

123. be equal to 相等,合适

124. be familiar with 和...熟悉

125. believe in 相信

126. take charge 负责,主持

127. at hand 在手边,即将到来

128. resort to依靠,求助于

129. concentrate on集中经历于;全神贯注于

130. face with 面对,面临

131. start a business of one’s own某人自主创业

132. be too particular about 对…很挑剔

133. keep one's promise遵守承诺

134. spend one's time doing 某人花费时间在某事上

135. inform sb. of sth遇知某人某事

136. be responsible for对某事承担责任

137. have a good appetite 胃口好

138. instead of代替;而不是

139. be trained as被训练成

140. be stuck in a traffic jam 遭遇堵车

141. be qualified for 可以胜任

142. put off推迟

143. be out of stock 脱销了

144. be arrested for doing sth.因为犯罪而被逮捕

145. take revenge on向某人复仇

146. be divided into 被分成

147. play an active role in 在方面起到积极作用

148. devote oneself to something/doing sth致力于;投身于

149. aim at准:目的在于

150. in addition 此外

151. by contrast 与…相反的是

152. general public 公众

153. free market 自由市场

154. military spending军费开支

155. be crazy about sth.对某事痴迷

156. view as把看作

157. not simply but also...不仅…而且...

158. step away from离开

159. be split on 意见有分歧

160. hold sway over 对…有影响力,控制

161. be able to do sth.有能力做某事

162. make a living by 通过...谋生

163. be prepared for 为…做准备

164. be passionate about 对…充满热情

165. have no choice but to do没有其他选择而不得不做某事

166. prevent sb. from doing sth.阻止某人做某事

167. be saddled with 背负

168. student loan 助学贷款

169. credit history信用记录

170. safe bet 稳赢

171. knock back 喝下

172. to a large extent 在很大程度上

173. hold true对…适用

174. in the right way适当的,有效的

175. take picture 拍摄照片

176. be fond of爱好,喜爱

177. prepare for 准备

178. make an appointment约会,预约

179. fill in 填充,填写

180. on the phone 通电话

181. take on 承担 depend on 依靠

182. a majority of大多数的,大部分的

183. all of a sudden 突然

184. mix...with… 和混合

185. blame for 责备

186. based on 根据,依据

187. be able to do有能力做某事

188. lead to 导致

189. give up放弃

190. get out of 避免,摆脱

191. go bankrupt 破产

192. compete with 与...竞争

193. tend to有…倾向,趋向

194. have faith in 对…的信任,有信心

195. put up 举起

196. in a hurry 匆忙,立刻

197. there is no need for 不需要

198. have in common有共同之处

199. be fed up with 感到厌烦

200. be eager to渴望要做盼望

201. set up 建立

202. be obliged to不得不,被迫做

203. evolve into 发展成,进化成

204. realize one's dream 实现某人的梦想

205. tide over克服,度过

206. be reluctant to 不情愿

207. cut down 每减,砍倒

208. aim to目标在于.

209. in harmony with 与...协调,与……一致

210. charge for索价,要价

211. in the long run 长远

212. contribute to 有助于

213. be influenced by 受...的影响

214. tear apart 使…分裂,把弄乱

215. give a talk 作报告,做演讲

216. attend the presentation 出席见面会

217. because of 由于

218. make a plan制定计划

219. take over接管,接收

220. move into移入,迁入

221. at least 至少

222. belong to 属于

223. as if 好像

224. take out 取出,拿出

225. call for 需要

226. by nature 天生的

227. be beneficial to对...有益

228. have an effect on对…有影响

229. a ray of hope 一线希望

230. take advantage of 利用...的优势

231. in time 及时

232. be about to即将,正打算

233. tie up 绑好,包扎

234. take place发生,举行

235. make use of利用,使用

236. be supposed to 应该

237. participate in 参加

238. turn to转向,变成

239. take responsibility承担责任

240. in front of 在,前面

241. figure out 解决,算出

242. in a group 成群结对地

243. think highly of高度评价

244. look down upon 看不起

245. put on 穿上,上演

246. care about 担心,关心

247. in general总之,一般而言

248. year after year 年复一年的

249. for the sake of 为了.

250. involve in参与,涉及

251. drop out of school 退学

252. give rise to 发生,引起

253. have impact on 有...影响

254. try to do sth.尝试做某事

255. be fussy about 挑别的

256. in the canteen在食堂

257. leave an impression 留下印象

258. be made from由...制造

259. look for 导找

260. a good bargain 便直货

261. on the menu在菜单上

262. in debt 负债

263. give way to 给…让路

264. account for 占…的比例

265. lack of 没有,缺乏

266. create job opportunity创造工作机会

267. break down 分解,瓦解

268. be engaged in doing sth.忙于做某事

269. bring about引起,导致

270. pull together把 拉在一起:齐心协力

271. conform to符合,遭照

272. be upset by因…而生气

273. remove from 除掉,移除

274. be dissatisfied with对…不满意

275. be looking forward to 期望做某事

276. be worried about 担心;忧虑

277. traffic jam 交通堵塞

278. move out of搬出

279. it takes time to do sth.花费时间做某事

280. learn to do sth 学做某事

281. go camping 去野营 prefer to 更加喜欢

282. stay up late 熬夜,睡得很晚

283. calm down平静下来,镇定下来

284. force sb.to do sth.强迫某人做某事

285. be tailored to 定制

286. split up 分开

287. a great deal of 大量,许多

288. in different ways以不同的方式,不同的方法

289. avoid doing sth.避免做出

290. make an effort to do sth.努力做某事

291. be careless about不介意

292. be ashamed of 为…感到羞耻

293. be irritated at 因...而生气

294. make preparations for 为...做准备

295. make a fuss 大惊小怪,小题大做

296. be popular with 受的欢

297. by the sea 在海边

298. come up 想出,提出

299. in vain 徒劳,无效

300. point of view 观点,立场

301. by oneself单独的,独自的

302. be neglected by 被忽视

303. follow the trend 跟随时尚

304. use up 用完;耗尽

305. attract the attention 吸引注意力

306. be surrounded by被…包围

307. fall out 争吵,不和

308. global warming 全球变暖

309. in terms of 就...而言

310. be pleased to 乐意做某事

311. used to be 过去曾经是

312. bachelor’s degree学士学位

313. be involved in 被卷入…中;涉及到...

314. be trapped in 被困在

315. fail to 未能

316. be guilty of 犯有…罪

317. out of one's mind疯了;发疯;精神不正常;失去理智

318. be unworthy of不值得

319. be suitable for 适合于...的

320. soak up 汲取(知识等)

321. be responsible for对...负责

322. strive to 努力做某事

323. at the rear of在…的后面

324. be named after 以…名字命名

325. have difficulty doing 做某事有困难

326. more or less 或多或少

327. draw a conclusion from 从...得出结论

328. be noted for 以...而闻名

329. up-to-date 最新的

330. refrain from 克制:抑制:忍住

331. afford to有条件做;能承担

332. have…in common有共同之处

333. wind its way to蜿蜒而行

334. speed up 加速;使加速

335. by any means 无论如何

336. be strict with 对…要求严格

337. pull through 渡过难关

338. place emphasis on 重视;强调

339. give top priority to优先考虑

340. be addicted to沉溺于

341. have no sense of 不知道

342. run away from从...逃出

343. bring...to an end 使…结束

344. be bound to 必然

345. bring about引起

346. break down 分解

347. talk someone out of说服某人不做某事

348. keep one's distance from与...保持一定距离

349. burn down烧毁

350. blow up 爆炸

351. close down(工厂、企业等)停业;关闭

352. a scarcity of缺乏,缺少

353. be bored with 对…感到厌烦

354. blame for责备,责怪

355. hold back抑制;控制

356. to what extent在何种程度上

357. in accordance with 依照;与...一致

358. be bent on专心致力于

359. accommodate with向…供应;提供

360. tum out to be结果是;原来是

361. take part in参加,参与

362. pick up开走;取(车)

363. try out 试验

364. tidy up 收拾,整理

365. find out弄清

366. provide easy access to提供通往…的便捷途径

367. opposite to 与...相反

368. to the minimum至最低限度

369. on the site 现场

370. a couple of几个

371. lie in 在于

372. deal with处理

373. tend to倾向于

374. bring in 请来,带来

375. set up 建立

376. be confined to 仅限于

377. compete with 与…一较高下

378. add to增加

379. specialize in 专门研究...

380. attach importance to 予以重视

381. be tolerant of对…宽容,能够容忍…

382. civil servant公务员

383. get a degree(in administration)取得(管理学的)学位

384. participate in 参与

385. be impressed with 对...印象深刻

386. square with 与...协调或一致

387. go wrong with 出毛病

388. third-party insurance第三方责任保险

389. value-added tax增值税

390. make a hasty decision做出草率的决定

391. take advantage of 利用

392. on bad terms with与关系不好

393. admit to 承认

394. break with 和…决裂,和...断绝关系

395. focus on 关注于

396. be capable of 能够

397. interpersonal relationship人际关系

398. broaden the scope(of knowledge)扩展(知识的)范围

399. liberate sb. from the burden让某人从负担中解

400. be essential to对..是必不可少的

401. warn against警告不要(做...)

402. push...into使陷入

403. be faced with面对

404. meet the needs of满足的需求

405. make a fuss about 小题大做

406. share one's viewpoint 同意某人的观点

407. leave sb. alone让一个人呆着,不打扰某人

408. give up放弃

409. reflect on 反思,回顾

410. write down记下来,写下来

411. arouse the interest激起兴趣

412. serve as充当…;起…作用

413. be suitable for 适合于...

414. build up 建立

415. up-to-date information最新信息

416. find an ideal solution to 找到对…理想的解决办法

417. join hands with与...携手联合

418. result in 导致,结果是

419. on one's own靠自己

420. appeal for要求;呼吁

421. sooner or later迟早,早晚

422. be opposed to反对,与…相对

423. be sympathetic with对...同情

424. might as well倒不如不妨…;还是...的好

425. get rid of摆脱

426. find fault with挑剔;批评;抱怨

427. in consultation with 经与...磋商

428. bring into full play尽情发挥

429. leave an impression on留下一个印象

430. make a bargain with 和...做交易

431. brush upon温习;重温,复习,重新练习

432. apply for 申请

433. be aware of知道;意识到;察觉到;认识到

434. file against对…提出诉讼

435. pass away 去世

436. lack in 缺少于

437. have an impact on对...有影响

438. go into shock 休克

439. lend out 借出

440. be capable of能够

441. inform of通知;报告

442. evolve from由…进化

443. by the time等到;到.的时候

444. attract one's attention to引起注意

445. do a disservice 帮倒忙

446. get through 接通电话

447. be flooded with 挤满,充满

448. stay away from离..远点;避开

449. side effect 副作用

450. stay alert to 对..警觉

451. guard against防止;提防

452. adverse effect不利影响;副作用

453. get used to 习惯于...

454. refrain from克制;抑制;忍住

455. holdup 阻挡;拦截

456. from bad to worse每况愈下;越来越精

457. count in把...计算在内

458. tend to趋向;易于;有.的倾向

459. from cover to cover从头至尾

460. touch on提及;谈及

461. count on指望

462. health hazard 健康危害

463. be subject to 受...支配,受限于...

464. pay attention to注意,重视

465. be contrary to违背,与...相反

466. artificial intelligence人工智能

467. be applied in 应用于…

468. become/be concerned about 关心,担忧

469. hinge on完全取决于

470. manage with 用...设法应付

471. deliver to送交,交付

472. in broad daylight光天化日之下,公开地

473. in terms of 就...而言

474. appeal to对...有吸引力

475. sort out分类,整理

476. figure out 想出

477. devote….to把…用于

478. major in 主修

479. secondary education中等教育

480. executive board执行委员会,董事会

481. happen to 刚好

482. confine sb to把某人限定在范围内

483. take up 占用

484. botanical garden植物园

485. be accustomed to习惯于

486. be accused of因…被起诉/指责

487. be less likely to不太可能

488. resort to 依靠,诉诸

489. be obliged to 应该

490. be based on基于

491. put up with 忍受,容忍

492. specialize in专门研究

493. in time 及时地

494. make peace讲和,言归于好

495. out of control失控 call for 要求,提倡

496. take it for granted认为其理所当然

497. be crazy about着迷于,热衷于

498. be alien to与...相异,与...格格不入

499. broaden one's horizons开阔某人的视野

500. a sheer waste of time纯粹浪费时间

501. slip into陷入,堕入

502. have expertise in有…的专业知识

503. convert…into把…转化成...

504. regard… as 把...看作…

505. put effort into把精力花费在...

506. make use of 利用

507. sign up 报名参加

508. be qualified to能胜任…

509. buy out 出钱使…放弃地位

510. in desperate need of 迫切需要

511. be mean to对…刻薄

512. derive from 得自

513. teach sb. a lesson教训某人一顿

514. pull…out of让...从…中退出

515. embark on从事,开始(做某事)

516. turn away from避开,脱离

517. brush aside对...置之不理

518. dry out完全变干,干透

519. in case免得,以防

520. be admitted to加入获准做某事

521. lay the foundation of打下…的基础;奠定了…的基础

522. be concerned about 关心,担忧,挂念

523. rely on 依靠,依赖

524. take away带走,拿走

525. be suspected of被怀疑(做...)

526. on behalf of作为…的代表;为了…的利益

527. be irritated with 被激怒

528. thrive on因…繁荣发展

529. place a strain on使...(极度)紧张,造成压力

530. pose a threat to 对造…成威胁

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