

波波说运维 873




监控ASM磁盘组IO吞吐量是管理ASM的基础功能,今天主要分享通过asmiostat.sh脚本和asmcmd iostat命令监控ASM磁盘组IO吞吐量,它类似于大部分Unix操作系统提供的iostat命令。

一、Oracle 11gR2 Database之前的版本使用asmiostat.sh脚本

For every ASM disk, this is the output provided:

DiskPath - Path to ASM disk DiskName - ASM disk name Gr - ASM disk group number Dsk - ASM disk number Reads - Reads Writes - Writes AvRdTm - Average read time (in msec) AvWrTm - Average write time (in msec) KBRd - Kilobytes read KBWr - Kilobytes written AvRdSz - Average read size (in bytes) AvWrSz - Average write size (in bytes) RdEr - Read errors WrEr - Write errors


#!/bin/ksh## NAME# asmiostat.sh# # DESCRIPTION# iostat-like output for ASM# $ asmiostat.sh [-s ASM ORACLE_SID] [-h ASM ORACLE_HOME] [-g Diskgroup]# [-f disk path filter] [<interval>] [<count>]## NOTES# Creates persistent SQL*Plus connection to the +ASM instance implemented# as a ksh co-processORACLE_SID=+ASM#NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8ISO8859P1NLS_DATE_FORMAT='DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'endOfOutput="_EOP$$"typeset -u diskgrouptypeset diskgroup_string="Disk Group: All diskgroups"typeset usage="$0 [-s ASM ORACLE_SID] [-h ASM ORACLE_HOME] [-g diskgroup] [<interval>] [<count>]Output: DiskPath - Path to ASM disk DiskName - ASM disk name Gr - ASM disk group number Dsk - ASM disk number Reads - Reads  Writes - Writes  AvRdTm - Average read time (in msec) AvWrTm - Average write time (in msec) KBRd - Kilobytes read KBWr - Kilobytes written AvRdSz - Average read size (in bytes) AvWrSz - Average write size (in bytes) RdEr - Read errors WrEr - Write errors"while getopts ":s:h:g:f" option; do case $option in s) ORACLE_SID="$OPTARG" ;; h) ORACLE_HOME="$OPTARG" LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ;; g) diskgroup="$OPTARG" diskgroup_string="Disk Group: $diskgroup" ;; f) print '-f option not implemented' ;; :) print "Option $OPTARG needs a value" print "$usage" exit 1 ;; \?) print "Invalid option $OPTARG" print "$usage" exit 1 ;; esacdoneshift OPTIND-1typeset -i interval=${1:-10} count=${2:-0} index=0## Verify interval and count arguments are valid#(( interval <=0 || count<0 )) && { print 'Invalid parameter: <interval> must be > 0; <count> must be >= 0' print "$usage" exit 1}## Query to run against v$asm_disk_stat#if [[ -z $diskgroup ]]; then query="select group_number, disk_number, name, path, reads, writes, read_errs, write_errs, read_time, write_time, bytes_read, bytes_written from v\$asm_disk_stat where group_number>0 order by group_number, disk_number;"else query="select group_number, disk_number, name, path, reads, writes, read_errs, write_errs, read_time, write_time, bytes_read, bytes_written from v\$asm_disk_stat where group_number=(select group_number from v\$asm_diskgroup_stat where name=regexp_replace('$diskgroup','^\+','')) order by group_number, disk_number;"fi## Check for version 10.2 or later#typeset version minversion=10.2version=$($ORACLE_HOME/bin/exp </dev/null 2>&1 | grep "Export: " | sed -e 's/^Export: Release \([0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\).*/\1/')if ! (print "$version<$minversion" | bc >/dev/null 2>&1); then print "$0 requires Oracle Database Release $minversion or later" exit 1fi############################################################################### Fatal error#----------------------------------------------------------------------------function fatalError { print -u2 -- "Error: $1" exit 1}############################################################################### Drain all of the sqlplus output - stop when we see our well known string#----------------------------------------------------------------------------function drainOutput { typeset dispose=${1:-'dispose'} output while :; do read -p output || fatalError 'Read from co-process failed [$0]' if [[ $QUERYDEBUG == ON ]]; then print $output; fi if [[ $output == $endOfOutput* ]]; then break; fi [[ $dispose != 'dispose' ]] && print -- $output done}############################################################################### Ensure the instance is running and it is of type ASM#----------------------------------------------------------------------------function verifyASMinstance { typeset asmcmdPath=$ORACLE_HOME/bin/asmcmd [[ ! -x $asmcmdPath ]] && fatalError "Invalid ORACLE_HOME $ORACLE_HOME: $asmcmdPath does not exist" $asmcmdPath pwd 2>/dev/null | grep -q '^\+$' || fatalError "$ORACLE_SID is not an ASM instance"}############################################################################### Start the sqlplus coprocess#----------------------------------------------------------------------------function startSqlplus { # start sqlplus, setup the env $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus -s '/ as sysdba' |& print -p 'whenever sqlerror exit failure' \ && print -p "set pagesize 9999 linesize 9999 feedback off heading off" \ && print -p "prompt $endOfOutput" \ || fatalError 'Write to co-process failed (startSqlplus)' drainOutput dispose}########################################################################################################################################################### MAIN#----------------------------------------------------------------------------verifyASMinstancestartSqlplus## Loop as many times as requested or forever#while :; do print -p "$query" \ && print -p "prompt $endOfOutput" \ || fatalError 'Write to co-process failed (collectData)' stats=$(drainOutput keep) print -- "$stats\nEOL"  index=index+1 (( count<index && count>0 )) && break sleep $intervaldone | \awk 'BEGIN { firstSample=1}/^EOL$/ { firstSample=0; firstLine=1 next}{ path=$4 if (path ~ /^ *$/) next group[path]=$1; disk[path]=$2; name[path]=$3 reads[path]=$5; writes[path]=$6 readErrors[path]=$7; writeErrors[path]=$8 readTime[path]=$9; writeTime[path]=$10 readBytes[path]=$11; writeBytes[path]=$12 # reads and writes readsDiff[path]=reads[path]-readsPrev[path] writesDiff[path]=writes[path]-writesPrev[path] # read errors and write errors readErrorsDiff[path]=readErrors[path]-readErrorsPrev[path] writeErrorsDiff[path]=writeErrors[path]-writeErrorsPrev[path]  # read time and write time readTimeDiff[path]=readTime[path]-readTimePrev[path] writeTimeDiff[path]=writeTime[path]-writeTimePrev[path] # average read time and average write time in msec (data provided in csec) avgReadTime[path]=0; avgWriteTime[path]=0 if ( readsDiff[path] ) avgReadTime[path]=(readTimeDiff[path]/readsDiff[path])*1000 if ( writesDiff[path]) avgWriteTime[path]=(writeTimeDiff[path]/writesDiff[path])*1000 # bytes and KB read and bytes and KB written readBytesDiff[path]=readBytes[path]-readBytesPrev[path] writeBytesDiff[path]=writeBytes[path]-writeBytesPrev[path] readKb[path]=readBytesDiff[path]/1024 writeKb[path]=writeBytesDiff[path]/1024 # average read size and average write size avgReadSize[path]=0; avgWriteSize[path]=0 if ( readsDiff[path] ) avgReadSize[path]=readBytesDiff[path]/readsDiff[path] if ( writesDiff[path] ) avgWriteSize[path]=writeBytesDiff[path]/writesDiff[path]  if (!firstSample) { if (firstLine) { "date" | getline now; close("date") printf "\n" printf "Date: %s Interval: %d secs %s\n\n", now, '"$interval"', "'"$diskgroup_string"'" printf "%-40s %2s %3s %8s %8s %6s %6s %8s %8s %7s %7s %4s %4s\n", \ "DiskPath - DiskName","Gr","Dsk","Reads","Writes","AvRdTm",\ "AvWrTm","KBRd","KBWr","AvRdSz","AvWrSz", "RdEr", "WrEr" firstLine=0 } printf "%-40s %2s %3s %8d %8d %6.1f %6.1f %8d %8d %7d %7d %4d %4d\n", \ path " - " name[path], group[path], disk[path], \ readsDiff[path], writesDiff[path], \ avgReadTime[path], avgWriteTime[path], \ readKb[path], writeKb[path], \ avgReadSize[path], avgWriteSize[path], \ readErrorsDiff[path], writeErrorsDiff[path] } readsPrev[path]=reads[path]; writesPrev[path]=writes[path] readErrorsPrev[path]=readErrors[path]; writeErrorsPrev[path]=writeErrors[path] readTimePrev[path]=readTime[path]; writeTimePrev[path]=writeTime[path] readBytesPrev[path]=readBytes[path]; writeBytesPrev[path]=writeBytes[path]}END {}'exit 0


ASMCMD> help iostat


ASMCMD> iostat -G data 5


标签: #oracle吞吐量测量