
MinIO 高性能分布式存储最新版单机与分布式部署

大数据老司机 3156




MinIO 是一个开源的对象存储服务器,用于存储和管理大规模的非结构化数据,例如图像、视频、日志文件、备份和容器镜像。MinIO 旨在提供高性能、高可用性、可扩展性和易用性的对象存储解决方案,适用于私有云、公共云和混合云环境。

以下是 MinIO 的主要特点和介绍:

开源和自由MinIO 是一个开源项目,根据 Apache License 2.0 许可证发布,这意味着您可以免费使用、修改和分发它。对象存储MinIO 是一种对象存储系统,它使用存储桶(buckets)来组织数据,每个存储桶包含多个对象。对象可以是各种文件、文档、媒体和其他非结构化数据。高性能MinIO 具有出色的性能,能够以高速处理大规模数据。它采用了分布式、并行和多线程处理技术,以支持高吞吐量和低延迟。高可用性MinIO 具有内置的冗余和故障转移功能,支持数据备份和多副本存储,以确保数据的持久性和高可用性。它还支持数据版本控制。容器化MinIO 可以轻松部署在容器化环境中,如DockerKubernetes。这使得它适用于云原生应用和容器化工作负载。分布式扩展MinIO 支持分布式架构,可以轻松扩展以适应不断增长的数据需求。您可以添加更多的MinIO实例以构建多节点集群。S3 兼容MinIO 提供了S3(Simple Storage Service) API 兼容性,这意味着它可以与现有的S3客户端和应用程序集成,无需进行大规模修改。安全性MinIO 提供数据加密、身份验证和访问控制功能,以确保数据的保密性和完整性。它还支持SSL/TLS加密。易用性MinIO 的配置和管理非常简单,具有用户友好的命令行界面和Web管理控制台。它还有丰富的文档和活跃的社区支持。

MinIO 是一个功能强大且易于使用的对象存储解决方案,适用于各种应用,从数据备份和存档到大规模媒体存储和分析。它为云原生环境提供了一个强大的存储选项,并且由于其开源性质,广受开发者和组织的欢迎。


以前也写过蛮多 MinIO 的文章,可以参考以下:

高性能分布式对象存储——MinIO(环境部署)高性能分布式对象存储——MinIO实战操作(MinIO扩容)【云原生】Minio on k8s 讲解与实战操作【大数据】通过 docker-compose 快速部署 MinIO 保姆级教程【云原生】镜像仓库 Harbor 对接 MinIO 对象存储二、单机部署(单主机,多硬盘模式)



mkfs.xfs /dev/sdb -L DISK1mkfs.xfs /dev/sdc -L DISK2mkfs.xfs /dev/sdd -L DISK3mkfs.xfs /dev/sde -L DISK4mkdir /data{1..4}vi /etc/fstab  # <file system>  <mount point>  <type>  <options>         <dump>  <pass>  LABEL=DISK1      /data1         xfs     defaults,noatime  0       2  LABEL=DISK2      /data2         xfs     defaults,noatime  0       2  LABEL=DISK3      /data3         xfs     defaults,noatime  0       2  LABEL=DISK4      /data4         xfs     defaults,noatime  0       2
file system Label 就是分区的标签,在最初安装系统是填写的挂载点就是标签的名字。使用设备名(例如:/dev/sdb)和 labeluuid 作为标识的不同。这里使用的是 lablemount point 挂载目录。type 文件系统类型,包括xfs、ext2、ext3、ext4、reiserfs、nfs、vfat等。options 文件系统的参数,参数如下:Async/sync:设置是否为同步方式运行,默认为asyncauto/noauto:当执行 mount -a 的命令时,此文件系统是否被主动挂载。默认为autorw/ro:是否以以只读或者读写模式挂载exec/noexec:限制此文件系统内是否能够进行"执行"的操作user/nouser:是否允许用户使用mount命令挂载suid/nosuid:是否允许SUID的存在Usrquota:启动文件系统支持磁盘配额模式Grpquota:启动文件系统对群组磁盘配额模式的支持Defaults:同事具有rw,suid,dev,exec,auto,nouser,async等默认参数的设置dump 是一个用来作为备份的命令参数值解释如下:0 代表不要做dump备份1代表要每天进行dump的操作2代表不定日期的进行dump操作2)创建服务启动用户并设置磁盘属主
groupadd -r minio-useruseradd -M -r -g minio-user minio-userchown minio-user:minio-user /data{1..4}
3)下载 minio 安装包
wget  -O minio.rpmsudo yum install minio.rpm -y

vi /etc/default/minio

# MINIO_ROOT_USER and MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD sets the root account for the MinIO server.# This user has unrestricted permissions to perform S3 and administrative API operations on any resource in the deployment.# Omit to use the default values 'minioadmin:minioadmin'.# MinIO recommends setting non-default values as a best practice, regardless of environment.MINIO_ROOT_USER=myminioadminMINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=myminioadmin# MINIO_VOLUMES sets the storage volumes or paths to use for the MinIO server.# The specified path uses MinIO expansion notation to denote a sequential series of drives between 1 and 4, inclusive.# All drives or paths included in the expanded drive list must exist *and* be empty or freshly formatted for MinIO to start successfully.MINIO_VOLUMES="/data{1...4}"# MINIO_SERVER_URL sets the hostname of the local machine for use with the MinIO Server.# MinIO assumes your network control plane can correctly resolve this hostname to the local machine.# Uncomment the following line and replace the value with the correct hostname for the local machine.#MINIO_SERVER_URL=";
5)配置 systemctl 启动

vi /usr/lib/systemd/system/minio.service

[Unit]Description=MinIODocumentation=[Service]WorkingDirectory=/usr/localUser=minio-userGroup=minio-userProtectProc=invisibleEnvironmentFile=-/etc/default/minioExecStartPre=/bin/bash -c "if [ -z \"${MINIO_VOLUMES}\" ]; then echo \"Variable MINIO_VOLUMES not set in /etc/default/minio\"; exit 1; fi"ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/minio server $MINIO_OPTS $MINIO_VOLUMES# MinIO RELEASE.2023-05-04T21-44-30Z adds support for Type=notify ()# This may improve systemctl setups where other services use `After=minio.server`# Uncomment the line to enable the functionality# Type=notify# Let systemd restart this service alwaysRestart=always# Specifies the maximum file descriptor number that can be opened by this processLimitNOFILE=65536# Specifies the maximum number of threads this process can createTasksMax=infinity# Disable timeout logic and wait until process is stoppedTimeoutStopSec=infinitySendSIGKILL=no[Install]WantedBy=multi-user.target# Built for ${project.name}-${project.version} (${project.name})


sudo systemctl daemon-reloadsudo systemctl start minio.servicesudo systemctl status minio.servicejournalctl -f -u minio.service# 从日志里可以看到访问入口地址,也可以看/var/log/messages

【温馨提示】如果需要加磁盘,必须先把这个这个目录删掉,要不然无法启动,/data{1..4}/.minio.sys,报错:ERROR Unable to initialize backend: /data1 drive is already being used in another erasure deployment. (Number of drives specified: 5 but the number of drives found in the 1st drive's format.json: 4)

web 访问:

S3-API: 管理后台 web 地址,Console: ,【注意】42925端口是随机的,每次重启都不一样。其实也可以通过9000端口访问。登录之后会自动跳到这个随机端口。


6)客户端工具 mc

wget  +x mcsudo mv mc /usr/local/bin/mc


# mc alias set <ALIAS> <YOUR-MINIO-ENDPOINT> [YOUR-ACCESS-KEY] [YOUR-SECRET-KEY]mc alias set local  myminioadmin myminioadminmc admin info local# 创建桶# 并创建bucket harbormc mb local/testmc ls local

更多 mc 客户端命令操作可以参考官方文档:




mkfs.xfs /dev/sdb -L DISK1mkfs.xfs /dev/sdc -L DISK2mkfs.xfs /dev/sdd -L DISK3mkfs.xfs /dev/sde -L DISK4mkdir /data{1..4}vi /etc/fstab  # <file system>  <mount point>  <type>  <options>         <dump>  <pass>  LABEL=DISK1      /data1         xfs     defaults,noatime  0       2  LABEL=DISK2      /data2         xfs     defaults,noatime  0       2  LABEL=DISK3      /data3         xfs     defaults,noatime  0       2  LABEL=DISK4      /data4         xfs     defaults,noatime  0       2
file system Label 就是分区的标签,在最初安装系统是填写的挂载点就是标签的名字。使用设备名(例如:/dev/sdb)和 labeluuid 作为标识的不同。这里使用的是 lablemount point 挂载目录。type 文件系统类型,包括xfs、ext2、ext3、ext4、reiserfs、nfs、vfat等。options 文件系统的参数,参数如下:Async/sync:设置是否为同步方式运行,默认为asyncauto/noauto:当执行 mount -a 的命令时,此文件系统是否被主动挂载。默认为autorw/ro:是否以以只读或者读写模式挂载exec/noexec:限制此文件系统内是否能够进行"执行"的操作user/nouser:是否允许用户使用mount命令挂载suid/nosuid:是否允许SUID的存在Usrquota:启动文件系统支持磁盘配额模式Grpquota:启动文件系统对群组磁盘配额模式的支持Defaults:同事具有rw,suid,dev,exec,auto,nouser,async等默认参数的设置dump 是一个用来作为备份的命令参数值解释如下:0 代表不要做dump备份1代表要每天进行dump的操作2代表不定日期的进行dump操作2)创建服务启动用户并设置磁盘属主
groupadd -r minio-useruseradd -M -r -g minio-user minio-userchown minio-user:minio-user /data{1..4}
3)下载 minio 安装包
wget  -O minio.rpmsudo yum install minio.rpm -y

vi /etc/default/minio

# Set the hosts and volumes MinIO uses at startup# The command uses MinIO expansion notation {x...y} to denote a# sequential series.## The following example covers four MinIO hosts# with 4 drives each at the specified hostname and drive locations.# The command includes the port that each MinIO server listens on# (default 9000)MINIO_VOLUMES="{1...4}/minio {1...4}/minio {1...4}/minio"# Set all MinIO server options## The following explicitly sets the MinIO Console listen address to# port 9001 on all network interfaces. The default behavior is dynamic# port selection.MINIO_OPTS="--console-address :9001"# Set the root username. This user has unrestricted permissions to# perform S3 and administrative API operations on any resource in the# deployment.## Defer to your organizations requirements for superadmin user name.MINIO_ROOT_USER=minioadmin# Set the root password## Use a long, random, unique string that meets your organizations# requirements for passwords.MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=minioadmin# Set to the URL of the load balancer for the MinIO deployment# This value *must* match across all MinIO servers. If you do# not have a load balancer, set this value to to any *one* of the# MinIO hosts in the deployment as a temporary measure.MINIO_SERVER_URL=";

【注意】MINIO_SERVER_URL 值必须所有节点是一样的。

5)配置 systemctl 启动

vi /usr/lib/systemd/system/minio.service

[Unit]Description=MinIODocumentation=[Service]WorkingDirectory=/usr/localUser=minio-userGroup=minio-userProtectProc=invisibleEnvironmentFile=-/etc/default/minioExecStartPre=/bin/bash -c "if [ -z \"${MINIO_VOLUMES}\" ]; then echo \"Variable MINIO_VOLUMES not set in /etc/default/minio\"; exit 1; fi"ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/minio server $MINIO_OPTS $MINIO_VOLUMES# MinIO RELEASE.2023-05-04T21-44-30Z adds support for Type=notify ()# This may improve systemctl setups where other services use `After=minio.server`# Uncomment the line to enable the functionality# Type=notify# Let systemd restart this service alwaysRestart=always# Specifies the maximum file descriptor number that can be opened by this processLimitNOFILE=65536# Specifies the maximum number of threads this process can createTasksMax=infinity# Disable timeout logic and wait until process is stoppedTimeoutStopSec=infinitySendSIGKILL=no[Install]WantedBy=multi-user.target# Built for ${project.name}-${project.version} (${project.name})


sudo systemctl daemon-reloadsudo systemctl start minio.servicesudo systemctl status minio.servicejournalctl -f -u minio.service# 从日志里可以看到访问入口地址,也可以看/var/log/messages

【温馨提示】如果需要加磁盘,必须先把这个这个目录删掉,要不然无法启动,/data{1..4}/.minio.sys,报错:ERROR Unable to initialize backend: /data1 drive is already being used in another erasure deployment. (Number of drives specified: 5 but the number of drives found in the 1st drive's format.json: 4)

web 访问:

S3-API: 管理后台 web 地址,Console:


6)客户端工具 mc

wget  +x mcsudo mv mc /usr/local/bin/mc


# mc alias set <ALIAS> <YOUR-MINIO-ENDPOINT> [YOUR-ACCESS-KEY] [YOUR-SECRET-KEY]mc alias set local  myminioadmin myminioadminmc admin info local# 创建桶# 并创建bucket harbormc mb local/testmc ls local

更多 mc 客户端命令操作可以参考官方文档:

MinIO 高性能分布式存储最新版单机与分布式部署就先到这里了,有任何疑问也可关注我公众号:大数据与云原生技术分享,进行技术交流,如本篇文章对您有所帮助,麻烦帮忙一键三连(点赞、转发、收藏)~

标签: #css单机