

库课网校 738




1.If I were you , I__________ book tickets as soon as possible .

A . would C . could D . might B . were

答案: A

解析:本题考察虚拟语气,由从句可知,对现在的虚拟,从句是一般过去时,主句 would , might , could , should +动词原形,由题意可知,如果我是你,我将尽快定票,故选 A .

2.Tom ________online , when his computer broken down

A . was shopping B . is shopping C . shops D . had shopped

答案: A

解析:本题考查句型 be doing .. when …句型结构,某人正在做某事时,突然…从 broke 可知,应该是一般过去时,故选 A .

3.Yesterday, I ____________a great effort and I got up early .

A . made B . had C . did D.over

答案: A

解析:本题考察词组 make a great efort 作出努力,故选A。

4.Nowadays, many people prefer subway_________ buses .

A . to B . off C . against D . over

答案: A

解析:本题考察词组 prefer A to B .相对 A 更喜欢 B 。故选 A .

5.Can you help me with my homework ? I ’m sure it __________take long .

A . won’t B . Will C . can’t D . can

答案: A


6.Liu Yang is__________ first Chinese woman , who has work in space .

A./ B . the C . a D . an

答案: B

解析:本题考查序数词的用法。在序数词前加定冠词 the .故选 B .

7.We missed the bus , so we decided ____________for the next one .

A . Waiting B . to be waiting C . to wait D . having waited

答案: C

解析:本题考查 decide to do sth .决定做某事。故选 C .

8. ________extremely tired , thousands of medical workers continue to perform their duties .

A . Since B . As C . However D . Although

答案: D


9. ________you show me your health code do ? you wouldn’t be allowed to get in . If you.

A . Could ; can’t B . Can ; couldn’t

C . Will ; won’t D . May ; can’t

10.Children may feel more confident for working groups _________working alone .

A . by B . over C . to D . than

答案: D

解析:本题考査比较级搭配。前面有 more confident .后面应该是比。故选 D .

11.Bob____________ his parents ofen takes a long walk in the evening

A . and B . both C . as well as D . but also

答案: C

解析:此题考察主谓一致,由 takes 可知主语应该是 Bob . as well as 就远原则。故选择 C .

12.I made a lot of mistakes in the reading . Could you tel me ___________。

A . how I can improve my English

B . why I can improve my English

C . how can I improve my English

D . why can I improve my English



13. These pictures ___________on campus last week .

A . was taken B . were taken D . have taken C . has taken

答案: B

解析:These pictures 为复数,谓语动词考单三个方面的问题,根据主语复数,时间提示词 last week 过去时,照片被拍摄,所以选B。

14. Tom . please help__________ to some drinks , they are all over there on the table .

A . you B . me C . yourself D . myself

答案: C

解析:本题考察固定搭配 help oneself to 随便吃,自取,自便。

15.Alex, did you see all the acts ?

--- No , when I got to the theater , they were playing .

A . act three B . third act C . the act third D,the act three

答案: A .

解析:解析:题意为“你看到所有的表演了吗?”“影院的时候他们在放第三幕”第三幕可翻译成 act three 或者 the third act。

16. I’ m sorry , I promise I won ’t___________ my homework , tomorrow。

A.remember B . forget C . bring D . finish

答案 B


作业”remember 记得 forget 忘记 bring 带来 finish 完成.

17.My friend is not interested _______a new job .

A . Looking out B . Looking in

C . Looking on D . Looking for

答案: D

解析:本题考查词组辨析, look out 向外看,当心;look in往里看; look on 袖手旁观。

18.People sometimes cross their arms and this gesture may themselves

A . say B.tell C . speak D.talk

答案: B

解析:本题考查固定词组 tell sb . sth .告诉某人某事;say+说话的内容;speak +语言;talk with / to sb .,根据后文可以看出这里要使用主谓双兵的动词,所以选B。

19.We will be ready at ________time they get here this .

A . whenever B . however C . wherever D . whatever

21.We haven ’t been able to get it __________with him since graduation .

A . meet B.play C . touch D . link

答案: C

解析:本题考查固定搭配 get in touch with sb .与某人保持联系。

22. Please feel ___________to ask me any questions if needed .

A . glad B . good C . well D . free

答案: D

解析:本题考查固定搭配 feel free to do sth “随便做某事”

23. The headmaster is rather busy and could __________me no more than S minutes .

A . spend B . save C . spare D . take

答案: C

解析:本题考查词义辨析,题意为“校长很忙,只能给租分钟的时间”。spare “留出(时间)”

24. Every one could see that he was just __________trying to impress his classmates。

A . showing around B . showing up

C . showing off D . showing out

答案: C

解析:本题考查词组辨析, show around 带….……参观;show u off 炫耀;show out 送出“每个人都能看出,他只是在炫耀,试图笃深刻印象。”

25.This classroom isn’t good , but that one is__________ better .

A . ever B . hardly D . rather C . less

答案: B

解析:根据题意可以得知是“也不比这个教室好”,根拥可知, C 选项不可以选,因为less修饰原型;答案在B和D里面选择,而B选项偏向否定,D选项偏向肯定,前面为isn’t good,后面应选择hardly。

标签: #专升本c语言历年真题及答案