

翅膀英语 1729




Catherine got married _____ a policeman twenty years ago.

A. with B. for C. to


【易错原因】误认为“嫁给某人”用 get married with sb.


【试题解析】句意为:“凯瑟琳20年前嫁给了一位警察。” get married to sb.“嫁给某人,跟某人结婚”,为固定短语。


一、marry sb表示嫁给某人;与......结婚。例如:

My hope is that, in the future, I will go over there and marry her.


I am absolutely furious that he divorced me to marry her


Between ourselves, I know he wants to marry her.


She was tired of him and wanted to leave him, perhaps to marry somebody else.


She married a German.


John married Mary last week.上星期约翰和玛丽结婚了。

Marry that fat son of a fat cattle dealer? She would die first!



二、be/get married to sb表示与某人结婚。例如:

He got married to wife Beryl when he was 19


Jane was married to a doctor last month. 上个月简和一位医生结婚了。

Rose got married to a teacher.罗斯和一位教师结婚了。

三、marry sb to sb表示父母把女儿嫁给某人或为儿子娶媳妇。例如:

He married his three daughters to princes of the ruling house.


She married her daughter to a businessman.她把女儿嫁给了一位商人。

He had the good fortune to marry off his daughter to the local chief



They advised her mother to marry her off to the old man as he was very rich




She married very early. 她很早就结婚了。

They married young .


五、marry 一般不与介词with 连用。例如:


【误】She married with an Englishman.

【正】She married an Englishman.

【正】She was / got married to an Englishman.

六、若问某某是否结婚,而不涉及结婚的对象,可用be / get married的形式,相当于系表结构。例如:


【误】 Do you marry?/ Have you married?

【正】 Are you married?/ Have you got married?

I thought he would change after we got married


I am getting married on Monday


七、marry into sth


She married into the aristocracy.


People who marry into the Royal Family will have to be vetted

much more carefullyin future.





  1) absent from 不在,缺席

  2) abundant in 富于

  3) alien to 与...相反

  4) angry with sb at/about sth 生气,愤怒

  5) anxious about/for 忧虑,担心

  6) appropriate for/to 适当,合适

  7) applicable to 适用于

  8) apt at 聪明,善于

  9) apt to 易于

  10) ashamed of 羞愧,害臊

  11) approximate to 近拟,接近

  12) aware of 意识到

  13) abailable to sb for sth 可用,可供

  14) bare of 几乎没有,缺乏

  15) bound for 开往...

  16) capable of 能够

  17) careful of/about/with; 小心,注意

  18) certain of /about 确信,肯定

  19) about/in doing characteristic of 特有,独特

  20) clear of 没有,不接触

  21) clever at 善于

  22) close to 接近,亲近

  23) comparable to/with 可比较

  24) conscious of 察觉到,意识到

  25) consequent on 随之而来

  26) considerate towards 体谅,体贴

  27) contemporary with 与...同时代

  28) content with 满足于

  29) contrary to 违反

  30) counter to 与...相反

  31) crazy about 热衷,着迷

  32) critical of 挑剔,批评

  33) curious about 好奇,想知道

  34) distinct from 种类(风格)不同

  35) doubtful of /about 怀疑

  36) east of 在...东面

  37) equal to 相等,胜任

  38) equivalent to 等于,相当于

  39) essential to/for 必不可少

  40) expert at/in/on 善于

  41) faithful to 忠实于

  42) familiar to sb 为...所熟悉

  43) familiar with sth 熟悉,通晓

  44) fatal to 致命的

  45) favourable to 支持,赞成

  46) favourable for 有帮助的

  47) fearful of 惧怕

  48) fit for 适于

  49) foreign to 非...所原有

  50) fond of 喜欢

  51) free of /from 未受...;免费

  52) free with 康慨,大方

  53) guilty of 有...罪的

  54) hungry for 渴望

  55) ignorant of 不知道

  56) impatient at sth. 不耐烦

  57) impatient of 无法容忍

  58) with sb independent of 不受...支配

  59) impatient for 急切,渴望

  60) indifferent to 无兴趣,不关心

  61) indignant with sb. 愤慨

  62) inferior to 级别低于,不如

  63) ab/about sth innocent of 无...罪,无辜

  64) intent on 专心于

  65) invisible to 不可见的

  66) jealous of 嫉妒

  67) keep on 爱好,很喜欢

  68) liable for 对...有责任

  69) liable to 易 于

  70) loyal to 忠于

  71) mad at/with sb. 生气,愤怒

  72) mad with 因...发狂

  73) next to 下一个,其次

  74) necessary to /for 必要的

  75) opposite to 在对面

  76) open to 不限制,开放的

  77) particular about 挑剔,讲究

  78) parallel to 与...平等,类似

  79) peculiar to 独特的,独有的

  80) patient with 有耐心

  81) prior to 在...之前

  82) popular with 受...喜爱,爱戴

  83) representative of 代表...的

  84) relative to 与...有关

  85) rich in 富于

  86) responsible for 负责,是...原因

  87) sensitive to 对...敏感

  88) sensible of 觉查到

  89) sick of 厌恶,厌倦

  90) short of 缺少

  91) skilled at /in 善于

  92) similar to 相似

  93) sufficient for 足够的

  94) subject to 受制于,易 于

  95) superior to 优于,级别高于

  96) suitable for/to 适合于

  97) suspicious of 怀疑

  98) sure of /about 对...有信心,确信

  99) typical of 是典型的,特有的

  100) tired of 对...不在感兴趣

  101) votal to 对...关系重大

  102) uncertain of /about 不确知

  103) mad about/on 狂热迷恋

  104) void of 没有,缺乏

2. 动词 + at:

2、 动词+at

aim at 志在,旨在;瞄准,针对

be amazed at 对……大为惊奇

be annoyed at 因……而恼怒

arrive at 到达;得出(结论);做出(决定)

be astonished at 对……感到惊讶

bark at 对……吠

call at 访问(某地);(车、船等)停靠(某地)

direct at 把……对准, 针对

drive at意指

exclaim at对……表示惊奇

fire at向……射击

frown at 对……表示不满

be frustrated at 因……而沮丧(或灰心)

gaze at 凝视,注视

get at 到达,接近(以取得某物)

glance at 瞥见,匆匆地一看

glare at 怒目而视

grab at 抓住,夺得

knock at 敲(门)

laugh at 嘲笑,取笑;因……而发笑

look at 看,察看;考虑

peer at 仔细看,费力地看

point at 指向……

run at 冲向,扑向

shoot at 向……射击

shout at 对……叫嚷,对……吼叫

smile at 对……微笑

arrive at,

call at“访问某地”,

catch at (it)“当场抓住”,

fire at,

glance at,

glare at,

grieve at“忧伤”,

knock at,

laugh at,

look at,

pull at“拉扯”,

rejoice at“因……高兴”,

smile at,

shoot at,

stare at,

thrust at“刺向”,

tear at“撕”,

tremble at“颤抖”,

wonder at“对……感到吃惊”,

work at

3. be + 形容词 / 过去分词 + at:

be angry at,

be alarmed at“对……保持警觉”,

be astonished at,

be bad at,

be clever at“对某事很灵巧”,

be delighted at“高兴”,

be disgusted at“厌恶”,

be disappointed at“对……失望”,

be good at“擅长”,

be impatient at“对……不够耐心”,

be mad at“狂热于”,

be pleased at“对……感到高兴”,

be present at“出席”,

be satisfied at“满意”,

be surprised at,

be shocked at,

be terrified at,

be quick at

4. at + 名词:

at a distance,

at a loss,

at a time,

at all,

at any cost,

at best“最多,充其量”,

at first,

at hand“手头”,

at heart“在内心里”,

at home,

at last,

at least,

at most“最多”,

at once,

at present

at any time

5. 动词+against

brush against 触到,擦及

declare against 表态

fight against 反对,与……做斗争

guard against 提防

hit against 碰撞

inform against /on 告发,检举

insure against 给……保险

lean against 倚,靠,依靠

protect against 抗议

rail against /at 咒骂,严厉责备,抱怨

react against 反对,反其道而行

side against 反对

vote against 投票反对

6、 动词+for

account for 说明……原因,解释

act for 代理

aim for 瞄准;打算,企图;致力,旨在

allow for 考虑到

apologize for 为(某事)道歉;为(某事)表示歉意

appeal for 呼吁,恳求

apply for arrange for申请

arrest sb. for 为……做准备

ask for 要求(得到);自己招惹(麻烦等)

beg for 请求得到 bid for 出价,竞价

blame sb. for 因……而责备某人

budget for 编预算,为……做安排

charge …for 索价,收费

cheer for 为……欢呼,为……喝彩

criticize for 因……批评

declare for 表示支持

depart for 动身前往……

die for 渴望,切望

dig for 搜寻,探究,细查

exchange …for 以……换

excuse … for原谅

feel … for 摸索,寻找

file for 提出

forgive sb. for 因……而宽恕(或原谅)某人

7、 动词+from

arise from (由……)引起,(由……)产生,起源于

ban … from 禁止……做……

bar … from 阻止……做

benefit from 受益,得到好处

come from 来自

date from 追溯到

depart from 背离,违反

derive from 起源于,衍生于

descend from 起源于,是……的后裔

die from 因……而死亡

differ from 与……不同

discourage … from 劝阻……做

dismiss .. from 开除,解雇棵;打消(想法等)

distinguish … from 区别,把……与……区分开来

draw … from 提取(钱款);汲取(教训等)

eliminate … from 将……从……中排除

emerge … from 出现,产生于

escape from 从……逃跑(或逃走)

exclude …from 把……从……排除在外

8. 动词 + … on …

1)动词 + on:

act on“对……有作用”,

bring on“促使;导致”,

call on,

count on,

carry on,

depend on,

feed on,

figure on“料想;推断”,

go on,

have on,

insist on,

keep on,

lean on“依赖”,

live on“以……为生”,

pull on“迅速穿上”,

put on,

switch on“接通(电源)”,

take to,

turn on“接通(电源)”,

work on,

wait on“侍侯”

base on,

congratulate on,

fix on

spend on

2)动词 + sb(sth) + on + sb(sth):

have mercy on,

have pity on,

keep watch on,

3) be + 形容词 + on:

be dependent on“依赖”,

be hard on,

be impressed on“对……印象深刻”,

be keen on“渴望”,

be strict on“对……严格”

4)on + 名词:

on board“乘(车、飞机)”,

on call“听候召唤”,

on duty,

on earth,

on fire“着火”,

on foot,

on guard,

on hire“受雇”,

on holiday

8. out of 常见短语:

out of trouble 摆脱麻烦

out of danger 脱离危险

out of one’s mind 精神不正常,失去理性

out of touch 失去联系

out of tune 跑调

out of work失业,下岗

out of one’s reach 力所不及,够不着 (=beyond one’s power/reach )

out of sight, out of mind 眼不见,心不烦

out of curiosity 出于好奇

out of gratitude (for sb. ) 出于(对……)的感激

out of concern (for sb. ) 出于关心

out of Shakespeare 出自莎士比亚

out of hearing 在听不见的地方

out of patience 不耐烦

out of character 不称,不适当

out of sight 看不见

out of breath 上气不接下气

out of date 过时的

out of order 坏了,出故障

out of doubt 无疑,确实

out of humour 情绪不好

out of condition 身体不适

out of one’ s element 外行

out of sorts 不舒服

out of crop (土地)未种庄稼

out of one’s (right ) senses 失去理性,精神错乱

out of one’s depth (grasp ) 力所不及的

out of control (hand ) 失控,无法收拾

out of the ordinary 不平常的

out of proportion 不成比例,不相称

out of careless 由于粗心

out of necessity 由于需要

out of tea 茶叶用完了

out of print 绝版

out of stock 脱销

out of resolution 改变主意

out of action 失去作用;停止运动

out of all relation to 和……毫无关系

out of balance 失去平衡

out of fashion 不合于时尚

out of harmony 不和谐

out of kindness 出于好意

out of place 不适当,不相称

out of shape 变形

out of step 失调,不同步

out of sympathy with 出于对……的同情

out of touch with 与……脱离接触

(to come ) out of the blue 突然(出现)

(to get ) out of one’s clutches 摆脱某人控制

(to put ) sth. out of one’s head 忘记某事

(to jump/leap ) out of the frying-pan into the fire 刚出狼窝,又入虎穴

out of the question 不可能的,办不到的,不必谈的

out of question毫无疑问

=past question

=without question

=beyond (all ) question

=above all questions

=no problem

There is no question (but ) that— ……是没有疑问的

9. above all首先;尤其是

after all毕竟,终究

ahead of在...之前

ahead of time提前;提早

all at once突然;同时,一起

all but几乎,差一点

all of a sudden突然地,出乎意料地

all over到处,遍及;浑身;全部结束

all over again再一次,重新

all the same仍然,照样地

all the time一直,始终

and so on/forth诸如此类,等等

anything but根本不,决不

apart from远离,除…之外;且不说;缺少

as a matter of fact事实上,其实

as a result因此,作为结果

as a result of因此,由于;作为…的结果

as a rule通常,一般说来

as for/to至于,关于

as usual像往常一样;照例

aside from除了...以外(尚有)

at a loss亏本地;困惑不解

at all costs无论如何,不惜任何代价

at all events无论如何,不管怎样

at any rate无论如何;至少

at best充其量,至多

at first起先,首先;最初

at first sight乍一看;初看之下

at hand在手边;即将到来

at heart本质上,内心里

at intervals不时;每隔...时间/距离

at large详尽的;未被捕的,整个的

at last终于

at least至少,无论如何

at length最后,终于;详细地

at most至多,不超过

at no time从不,决不

at once立刻,马上;同时,一起

at one time曾经,一度;同时

at present现在,目前

at sb.'s disposal由某人支配,由某人使用;由某人做主at the cost of以…为代价

at the same time同时;然而

at this rate这样的话,照这样下去

at times有时;偶尔

back and forth反复地,来回地

because of因为,由于

before long不久(以后)

beside the point离题,不中肯,不相干的

beyond question毫无疑问,确定无疑

by accident偶然;意外地

by air乘飞机;通过航空途径

by all means一定,务必;尽一切办法

by chance偶然;意外地

by means of用,依靠

by mistake错误地,无意中(做了某件错事)

by no means决不,并没有

by reason of由于;因为

by the way顺便说说,顺便问一下;在途中

by/in virtue of依靠...(的力量);由于

by way of通过...方法/形式;经过,经由

for ever永远;永久地

for good永久地;一劳永逸地

for instance例如,比如

for the better好转,向好的方向发展

for the moment/present暂时;目前 f

or the sake of为了,为了...的利益

for the time being暂时;眼下

from time to time有时;不时

from now on今后,从今以后

标签: #marred翻译 #marry翻译 #du you marry me翻译