

中国日报双语新闻 3191






推己及人Put Oneself in Another’s Place

以自己的心思推测别人的心思。亦即儒家所说的“恕道”,是实现仁民爱物的重要原则和方法。它首先承认人类在精神上的根本一致,进而以此为原点,弘扬宽和、仁爱精神,设身处地为他人着想,以自身的所思所欲去理解别人:自己不希望的,不要强加给别人;自己所希望的,也要帮助别人实现。This term means to infer others’ thoughts with one’s own. It is exactly what Confucianism advocates as tolerance toward others, which is an important principle or method of caring for the people and cherishing all things. In the first place, such thinking believes that people basically share a common spirit. On this basis, tolerance and benevolence need to be advanced. One should show consideration for others by putting oneself in their place, and understand others by walking in their shoes. We should never do unto others what we would not want others to do unto ourselves, and whatever we would wish for ourselves, we should also help others to achieve.


忠恕违道不远,施诸己而不愿,亦勿施于人。 (《礼记·中庸》)Loyalty and forgiveness is very close to the principle of integrity, which means we should never impose upon others what we are not willing to accept ourselves.

己欲立而立人While Seeking to Establish Oneself, One Strives Also to Establish Others


The more complete rendering of this concept is “while seeking to establish oneself, one strives also to establish others; while seeking to enhance oneself, one strives also to enhance others.” The concept was coined by Confucius (551-479BC) as an expression of his doctrine of being considerate, which requires people to understand and be considerate of others with their own feelings and aspirations, and putting themselves in the position of others.


夫仁者,己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人。 (《论语·雍也》)

When the man of perfect virtue seeks to establish himself, he seeks also to establish others; when he seeks to enhance himself, he strives also to enhance others.

敬业乐群Work Diligently and Keep Good Company with Others


This expression means one should both work diligently and be ready to mix with others. Ye (业, work) originally meant studies; later, it came to mean one’s job or duty. Qun (群, others) referred to fellow students and friends but it also included team members and society at large. Working diligently is about one’s attitude to work, while keeping good company is about one’s need to have proper social behavior. They are basic qualities required of an educated person or a person with a job, and are also the basis of a good and healthy society.


一年视离经辨志,三年视敬业乐群,五年视博习亲师,七年视论学取友,谓之小成。 (《礼记·学记》)During the first year, students learned how to punctuate classics and studied them, and they developed motivation through learning. By the third year, students should immerse themselves in learning and develop fraternity with fellow students. During the fifth year, students should gain comprehensive knowledge and hold their teachers in reverence. In the seventh year, students should learn enough to form independent judgment and they should make true friends, which was called secondary attainment.

己所不欲,勿施于人Do Not Do to Others What You Do Not Want Others to Do to You

自己不愿意的,不要强加给别人。这是孔子(前551—前479)所提倡的“恕道”(推己及人的原则),以自己的心意推测、理解别人的心意,亦即今之所谓设身处地, 换位思考。Do not impose on others what you do not want yourself. That is the “way of being considerate” advocated by Confucius (551-479 BC). It calls for using one’s own mind to infer and understand other people’s minds. In today’s words, it means to put oneself into others’ shoes or to think from their positions.


子贡问曰:“有一言而可以终身行之者乎?”子曰:“其恕乎!己所不欲, 勿施于人。” (《论语·卫灵公》)Zigong asked, “Is there any teaching that can serve as a lasting principle for conduct in one’s whole life?” Confucius replied, “Surely that is to be considerate! Do not do to others what you do not want others to do to you.”


《中华思想文化术语(历史 哲学 文艺)》是国务院批准设立的“中华思想文化术语传播工程”的成果之一,以学生和教师等群体为读者对象,为其研读、理解和翻译中华思想文化相关内容提供准确权威、正本清源的参考。


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