手把手教你7个有趣的JavaScript 项目-上「附源码」(本篇)
手把手教你7个有趣的JavaScript 项目-下「附源码」
如果您是javascript语言的初学者,则待办事项列表应用程序是最好的和最容易的应用程序之一,如果您使用HTML CSS和一点点的javascript,则可以创建此简单的待办事项列表应用程序,您将找到源代码这个js项目的底部。
<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="zh"><head><meta charset="UTF-8" /><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge" /><title>创建待办事项列表应用</title><style type="text/css">$primary: #313e50;$grey: #cdcdcd;$secondary: #1dd2af;%reset { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: none; outline: none; background: transparent;}%transition { transition: all 0.2s ease; -webkit-transition: all 0.2s ease;}body { background: #f1f1f1; margin-top: 2rem;}/*PEN STYLES*/.tasker { max-width: 400px; margin: 0 auto; .error { display: none; background: rgba(237, 28, 36, 0.7); color: #fff; padding: 14px; margin-bottom: 10px; border-radius: 5px; text-align: center; } ul { @extend %reset; background: #fff; } li, .error, button, input { @extend %reset; font: 18px/1.25em Helvetica, Arial, Sans-serif; }}.tasker-header { display: inline-flex; background: $primary; justify-content: space-between; width: 100%; input, button { color: #fff; box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 1.25em; padding: 14px; } input { flex-grow: 2; } button { @extend %transition; background: $secondary; border-left: 1px solid ($secondary * 1.05); &:hover { background: $secondary * 1.1; } }}.tasker-body { .task { display: block; position: relative; padding: 14px 40px 14px 14px; border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); &:last-child { border-bottom: none; } &:hover > button { opacity: 1; } &.completed { color: $grey; text-decoration: line-through; } input { margin-right: 10px; } button { @extend %transition; color: $grey; margin: 14px; position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; opacity: 0; &:hover { color: #ed1c24; } } }}</style></head><body><!--PEN CODE--><div id="tasker" class="tasker"> <div id="error" class="error">Please enter a task</div> <div id="tasker-header" class="tasker-header"> <input type="text" id="input-task" placeholder="Enter a task"> <button id="add-task-btn"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-plus"></i> </button> </div> <div class="tasker-body"> <ul id="tasks"></ul> </div></div><!--END PEN CODE--><script type="text/javascript">(function() { 'use strict'; var tasker = { init: function() { this.cacheDom(); this.bindEvents(); this.evalTasklist(); }, cacheDom: function() { this.taskInput = document.getElementById("input-task"); this.addBtn = document.getElementById("add-task-btn"); this.tasklist = document.getElementById("tasks"); this.tasklistChildren = this.tasklist.children; this.errorMessage = document.getElementById("error"); }, bindEvents: function() { this.addBtn.onclick = this.addTask.bind(this); this.taskInput.onkeypress = this.enterKey.bind(this); }, evalTasklist: function() { var i, chkBox, delBtn; //BIND CLICK EVENTS TO ELEMENTS for (i = 0; i < this.tasklistChildren.length; i += 1) { //ADD CLICK EVENT TO CHECKBOXES chkBox = this.tasklistChildren[i].getElementsByTagName("input")[0]; chkBox.onclick = this.completeTask.bind(this, this.tasklistChildren[i], chkBox); //ADD CLICK EVENT TO DELETE BUTTON delBtn = this.tasklistChildren[i].getElementsByTagName("button")[0]; delBtn.onclick = this.delTask.bind(this, i); } }, render: function() { var taskLi, taskChkbx, taskVal, taskBtn, taskTrsh; //BUILD HTML taskLi = document.createElement("li"); taskLi.setAttribute("class", "task"); //CHECKBOX taskChkbx = document.createElement("input"); taskChkbx.setAttribute("type", "checkbox"); //USER TASK taskVal = document.createTextNode(this.taskInput.value); //DELETE BUTTON taskBtn = document.createElement("button"); //TRASH ICON taskTrsh = document.createElement("i"); taskTrsh.setAttribute("class", "fa fa-trash"); //INSTERT TRASH CAN INTO BUTTON taskBtn.appendChild(taskTrsh); //APPEND ELEMENTS TO TASKLI taskLi.appendChild(taskChkbx); taskLi.appendChild(taskVal); taskLi.appendChild(taskBtn); //ADD TASK TO TASK LIST this.tasklist.appendChild(taskLi); }, completeTask: function(i, chkBox) { if (chkBox.checked) { i.className = "task completed"; } else { this.incompleteTask(i); } }, incompleteTask: function(i) { i.className = "task"; }, enterKey: function(event) { if (event.keyCode === 13 || event.which === 13) { this.addTask(); } }, addTask: function() { var value = this.taskInput.value; this.errorMessage.style.display = "none"; if (value === "") { this.error(); } else { this.render(); this.taskInput.value = ""; this.evalTasklist(); } }, delTask: function(i) { this.tasklist.children[i].remove(); this.evalTasklist(); }, error: function() { this.errorMessage.style.display = "block"; } }; tasker.init();}());</script></body></html>2.使用JavaScript和CSS创建垂直时间轴(里程碑)
<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="zh"><head><meta charset="UTF-8" /><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge" /><title>CSS创建垂直时间轴(里程碑)</title><style type="text/css">*,*::before,*::after { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box;}body { font: normal 16px/1.5 "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif; background: #456990; color: #fff; overflow-x: hidden; padding-bottom: 50px;} /* INTRO SECTION–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– */.intro { background: #F45B69; padding: 100px 0;}.container { width: 90%; max-width: 1200px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center;}h1 { font-size: 2.5rem;}/* TIMELINE–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– */.timeline ul { background: #456990; padding: 50px 0;}.timeline ul li { list-style-type: none; position: relative; width: 6px; margin: 0 auto; padding-top: 50px; background: #fff;}.timeline ul li::after { content: ''; position: absolute; left: 50%; bottom: 0; transform: translateX(-50%); width: 30px; height: 30px; border-radius: 50%; background: inherit;}.timeline ul li div { position: relative; bottom: 0; width: 400px; padding: 15px; background: #F45B69;}.timeline ul li div::before { content: ''; position: absolute; bottom: 7px; width: 0; height: 0; border-style: solid;}.timeline ul li:nth-child(odd) div { left: 45px;}.timeline ul li:nth-child(odd) div::before { left: -15px; border-width: 8px 16px 8px 0; border-color: transparent #F45B69 transparent transparent;}.timeline ul li:nth-child(even) div { left: -439px;}.timeline ul li:nth-child(even) div::before { right: -15px; border-width: 8px 0 8px 16px; border-color: transparent transparent transparent #F45B69;}time { display: block; font-size: 1.2rem; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 8px;}/* EFFECTS–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– */.timeline ul li::after { transition: background .5s ease-in-out;}.timeline ul li.in-view::after { background: #F45B69;}.timeline ul li div { visibility: hidden; opacity: 0; transition: all .5s ease-in-out;}.timeline ul li:nth-child(odd) div { transform: translate3d(200px, 0, 0);}.timeline ul li:nth-child(even) div { transform: translate3d(-200px, 0, 0);}.timeline ul li.in-view div { transform: none; visibility: visible; opacity: 1;}/* GENERAL MEDIA QUERIES–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– */@media screen and (max-width: 900px) { .timeline ul li div { width: 250px; } .timeline ul li:nth-child(even) div { left: -289px; /*250+45-6*/ }}@media screen and (max-width: 600px) { .timeline ul li { margin-left: 20px; } .timeline ul li div { width: calc(100vw - 91px); } .timeline ul li:nth-child(even) div { left: 45px; } .timeline ul li:nth-child(even) div::before { left: -15px; border-width: 8px 16px 8px 0; border-color: transparent #F45B69 transparent transparent; }}</style></head><body><section class="intro"> <div class="container"> <h1>Vertical Timeline ↓</h1> </div></section><section class="timeline"> <ul> <li> <div> <time>1934</time> demo1 </div> </li> <li> <div> <time>1937</time> demo1 </div> </li> <li> <div> <time>1940</time> demo1 </div> </li> <li> <div> <time>1943</time> demo1 </div> </li> <li> <div> <time>1946</time> demo1 </div> </li> <li> <div> <time>1956</time> demo1 </div> </li> <li> <div> <time>1957</time> demo1 </div> </li> <li> <div> <time>1967</time>demo1 </div> </li> <li> <div> <time>1977</time> demo1 </div> </li> <li> <div> <time>1985</time> demo1 </div> </li> <li> <div> <time>2000</time> demo1 </div> </li> <li> <div> <time>2005</time> demo1 </div> </li> </ul></section><script type="text/javascript">(function() { 'use strict'; // define variables var items = document.querySelectorAll(".timeline li"); // check if an element is in viewport // function isElementInViewport(el) { var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return ( rect.top >= 0 && rect.left >= 0 && rect.bottom <= (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) && rect.right <= (window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth) ); } function callbackFunc() { for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { if (isElementInViewport(items[i])) { items[i].classList.add("in-view"); } } } // listen for events window.addEventListener("load", callbackFunc); window.addEventListener("resize", callbackFunc); window.addEventListener("scroll", callbackFunc);})();</script></body></html>3.用JavaScript构建一个简单的井字游戏
如果您想构建简单而有趣的东西来练习JavaScript知识,那么使用HTML CSS和JS创建TIC TAC TOE游戏对您来说是个不错的选择,该游戏虽然简单但并不容易,因此您需要专注于该项目的逻辑方面,因为它是该项目最具挑战性的部分。
<html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="description" content=""> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> <title>FreeCodeCamp: Tictactoe</title><style type="text/css">@import url();$app-background-color : #508ABB;$app-row-height : 100%;$winAnimStartColor : cyan;$winAnimEndColor : #508ABB;// html, body, div, span, a, li, td, th {// font-family: 'Lato', sans-serif;// font-weight: 300;//// }@-webkit-keyframes winAnim{ 0% { background-color: $winAnimStartColor; } 100% { background-color: $winAnimEndColor; }}@-moz-keyframes winAnim{ 0% { background-color: $winAnimStartColor; } 100% { background-color: $winAnimEndColor; }}@-o-keyframes winAnim { 0% { background-color: $winAnimStartColor; } 100% { background-color: $winAnimEndColor; }}@keyframes winAnim { 0% { background-color: $winAnimStartColor; } 100% { background-color: $winAnimEndColor; }}@keyframes winAnim { 0% { background-color: $winAnimStartColor; } 100% { background-color: $winAnimEndColor; }}*{ -webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; outline-style:none;/*IE*/}.center-box{ margin : auto; position: absolute; top : 0; right : 0; bottom : 0; left : 0;}html,body{ //background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom,#dddbd1,#d2dbdc); background-color: #d2dbdc; height : 100%; width : 100%;}.app{ @extend .center-box; width : 80%; height : 70%; max-width: 550px; background-color : $app-background-color; box-shadow: 0 5px 30px -5px rgba(0,0,0, .85); border-radius: 10px; .app-container, .app-row{ height: $app-row-height; }}.play-box,.symbol-option{ font-family: 'Yesteryear', cursive;}.play-box{ border-bottom : 2px solid #fff; border-right : 2px solid #fff; height : $app-row-height / 3; cursor: pointer; position: relative; &.last-right{ border-right : none; } &.last-bottom{ border-bottom : none; } &.win { -webkit-animation: winAnim .2s ease-out infinite; -moz-animation: winAnim .2s ease-out infinite; -o-animation: winAnim .2s ease-out infinite; animation: winAnim .2s ease-out infinite; animation : winAnim .5s infinite; } .symbol{ @extend .center-box; width: 50%; height : 50px; text-align: center; line-height : 50px; font-size: 35px; color : white; }}.modal-content{ .content{ padding : 15px; text-align: center; margin : 0; &.body{ line-height: 2; } } .symbol-options{ width: 200px; margin-top: 10px; .symbol-option{ &:first-child{ margin-right: 10px; } &:last-child{ margin-left: 10px; } } } .warning-hr{ margin: 0; }}</style> </head> <body> <div class="app"> <div class="container-fluid app-container"> <div class="row app-row"> <div class="col-xs-4 play-box" id="0"> <div class="symbol"></div> </div> <div class="col-xs-4 play-box" id="1"> <div class="symbol"></div> </div> <div class="col-xs-4 play-box last-right" id="2"> <div class="symbol"></div> </div> <div class="col-xs-4 play-box" id="3"> <div class="symbol"></div> </div> <div class="col-xs-4 play-box" id="4"> <div class="symbol"></div> </div> <div class="col-xs-4 play-box last-right" id="5"> <div class="symbol"></div> </div> <div class="col-xs-4 play-box last-bottom" id="6"> <div class="symbol"></div> </div> <div class="col-xs-4 play-box last-bottom" id="7"> <div class="symbol"></div> </div> <div class="col-xs-4 play-box last-right last-bottom" id="8"> <div class="symbol"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="modal fade app-modal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="mySmallModalLabel"> <div class="modal-dialog modal-size"> <div class="modal-content"> <h3 class="content heading">Warning!!!</h3> <hr class="warning-hr"> <div class="content body"> Please save your time and don't even think you're smart. <br><strong><em>I'M SMARTER THAN YOU! HA-HA-HA!!!</em></strong> <br> Wana try me? Chose : <br> <div class="center-block symbol-options"> <button class="symbol-option btn btn-default btn-md" data-dismiss="modal">X</button> OR <button class="symbol-option btn btn-default btn-md" data-dismiss="modal">O</button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><script src="../js/bundled/tictactoe.bundled.js"> </script> </body></html>4.创建一个JavaScript倒数计时器开始停止重置
<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="zh"><head><meta charset="UTF-8" /><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge" /><title>CSS创建垂直时间轴(里程碑)</title><style type="text/css"> /* Variabes */ $orange: #ffa600;$grey:#f3f3f3;$white: #fff;$base-color:$orange ;/* Mixin's */ @mixin transition {-webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;-moz-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;}@mixin corners ($radius) {-moz-border-radius: $radius;-webkit-border-radius: $radius;border-radius: $radius; -khtml-border-radius: $radius; }body {background:$base-color;font-family: "HelveticaNeue-Light", "Helvetica Neue Light", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, "Lucida Grande", sans-serif; height:100%;}.wrapper {width: 800px;margin: 30px auto;color:$white;text-align:center;}h1, h2, h3 { font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; font-weight: 100; font-size: 2.6em; text-transform: uppercase;}#seconds, #tens{ font-size:2em;}button{@include corners (5px);background:$base-color;color:$white;border: solid 1px $white;text-decoration:none;cursor:pointer;font-size:1.2em;padding:18px 10px;width:180px;margin: 10px; outline: none; &:hover{ @include transition; background:$white; border: solid 1px $white; color:$base-color; }} </style> </head><body><div class="wrapper"><h1>Stopwatch</h1><h2>Vanilla JavaScript Stopwatch</h2><p><span id="seconds">00</span>:<span id="tens">00</span></p><button id="button-start">Start</button><button id="button-stop">Stop</button><button id="button-reset">Reset</button></div> <script type="text/javascript"> window.onload = function () { var seconds = 00; var tens = 00; var appendTens = document.getElementById("tens") var appendSeconds = document.getElementById("seconds") var buttonStart = document.getElementById('button-start'); var buttonStop = document.getElementById('button-stop'); var buttonReset = document.getElementById('button-reset'); var Interval ; buttonStart.onclick = function() { clearInterval(Interval); Interval = setInterval(startTimer, 10); } buttonStop.onclick = function() { clearInterval(Interval); } buttonReset.onclick = function() { clearInterval(Interval); tens = "00"; seconds = "00"; appendTens.innerHTML = tens; appendSeconds.innerHTML = seconds; } function startTimer () { tens++; if(tens < 9){ appendTens.innerHTML = "0" + tens; } if (tens > 9){ appendTens.innerHTML = tens; } if (tens > 99) { console.log("seconds"); seconds++; appendSeconds.innerHTML = "0" + seconds; tens = 0; appendTens.innerHTML = "0" + 0; } if (seconds > 9){ appendSeconds.innerHTML = seconds; } }<script src="../js/bundled/tictactoe.bundled.js"> </script>} </script> </body></html>5.用JavaScript创建一个简单的乒乓球游戏
我可以用JavaScript构建游戏吗?答案是肯定的,使用javascript甚至可以创建复杂的游戏,但是在这种情况下,我们将专注于一个简单的游戏,该游戏可让您练习HTML CSS和javascript技能。
<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="zh"><head><meta charset="UTF-8" /><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge" /><title>使用js调用设备摄像头并实现拍照</title><style type="text/css"> body { text-align: center;} </style></head><body> <script type="text/javascript"> // Global Variablesvar DIRECTION = { IDLE: 0, UP: 1, DOWN: 2, LEFT: 3, RIGHT: 4};var rounds = [5, 5, 3, 3, 2];var colors = ['#1abc9c', '#2ecc71', '#3498db', '#e74c3c', '#9b59b6'];// The ball object (The cube that bounces back and forth)var Ball = { new: function (incrementedSpeed) { return { width: 18, height: 18, x: (this.canvas.width / 2) - 9, y: (this.canvas.height / 2) - 9, moveX: DIRECTION.IDLE, moveY: DIRECTION.IDLE, speed: incrementedSpeed || 9 }; }};// The paddle object (The two lines that move up and down)var Paddle = { new: function (side) { return { width: 18, height: 70, x: side === 'left' ? 150 : this.canvas.width - 150, y: (this.canvas.height / 2) - 35, score: 0, move: DIRECTION.IDLE, speed: 10 }; }};var Game = { initialize: function () { this.canvas = document.querySelector('canvas'); this.context = this.canvas.getContext('2d'); this.canvas.width = 1400; this.canvas.height = 1000; this.canvas.style.width = (this.canvas.width / 2) + 'px'; this.canvas.style.height = (this.canvas.height / 2) + 'px'; this.player = Paddle.new.call(this, 'left'); this.paddle = Paddle.new.call(this, 'right'); this.ball = Ball.new.call(this); this.paddle.speed = 8; this.running = this.over = false; this.turn = this.paddle; this.timer = this.round = 0; this.color = '#2c3e50'; Pong.menu(); Pong.listen(); }, endGameMenu: function (text) { // Change the canvas font size and color Pong.context.font = '50px Courier New'; Pong.context.fillStyle = this.color; // Draw the rectangle behind the 'Press any key to begin' text. Pong.context.fillRect( Pong.canvas.width / 2 - 350, Pong.canvas.height / 2 - 48, 700, 100 ); // Change the canvas color; Pong.context.fillStyle = '#ffffff'; // Draw the end game menu text ('Game Over' and 'Winner') Pong.context.fillText(text, Pong.canvas.width / 2, Pong.canvas.height / 2 + 15 ); setTimeout(function () { Pong = Object.assign({}, Game); Pong.initialize(); }, 3000); }, menu: function () { // Draw all the Pong objects in their current state Pong.draw(); // Change the canvas font size and color this.context.font = '50px Courier New'; this.context.fillStyle = this.color; // Draw the rectangle behind the 'Press any key to begin' text. this.context.fillRect( this.canvas.width / 2 - 350, this.canvas.height / 2 - 48, 700, 100 ); // Change the canvas color; this.context.fillStyle = '#ffffff'; // Draw the 'press any key to begin' text this.context.fillText('Press any key to begin', this.canvas.width / 2, this.canvas.height / 2 + 15 ); }, // Update all objects (move the player, paddle, ball, increment the score, etc.) update: function () { if (!this.over) { // If the ball collides with the bound limits - correct the x and y coords. if (this.ball.x <= 0) Pong._resetTurn.call(this, this.paddle, this.player); if (this.ball.x >= this.canvas.width - this.ball.width) Pong._resetTurn.call(this, this.player, this.paddle); if (this.ball.y <= 0) this.ball.moveY = DIRECTION.DOWN; if (this.ball.y >= this.canvas.height - this.ball.height) this.ball.moveY = DIRECTION.UP; // Move player if they player.move value was updated by a keyboard event if (this.player.move === DIRECTION.UP) this.player.y -= this.player.speed; else if (this.player.move === DIRECTION.DOWN) this.player.y += this.player.speed; // On new serve (start of each turn) move the ball to the correct side // and randomize the direction to add some challenge. if (Pong._turnDelayIsOver.call(this) && this.turn) { this.ball.moveX = this.turn === this.player ? DIRECTION.LEFT : DIRECTION.RIGHT; this.ball.moveY = [DIRECTION.UP, DIRECTION.DOWN][Math.round(Math.random())]; this.ball.y = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.canvas.height - 200) + 200; this.turn = null; } // If the player collides with the bound limits, update the x and y coords. if (this.player.y <= 0) this.player.y = 0; else if (this.player.y >= (this.canvas.height - this.player.height)) this.player.y = (this.canvas.height - this.player.height); // Move ball in intended direction based on moveY and moveX values if (this.ball.moveY === DIRECTION.UP) this.ball.y -= (this.ball.speed / 1.5); else if (this.ball.moveY === DIRECTION.DOWN) this.ball.y += (this.ball.speed / 1.5); if (this.ball.moveX === DIRECTION.LEFT) this.ball.x -= this.ball.speed; else if (this.ball.moveX === DIRECTION.RIGHT) this.ball.x += this.ball.speed; // Handle paddle (AI) UP and DOWN movement if (this.paddle.y > this.ball.y - (this.paddle.height / 2)) { if (this.ball.moveX === DIRECTION.RIGHT) this.paddle.y -= this.paddle.speed / 1.5; else this.paddle.y -= this.paddle.speed / 4; } if (this.paddle.y < this.ball.y - (this.paddle.height / 2)) { if (this.ball.moveX === DIRECTION.RIGHT) this.paddle.y += this.paddle.speed / 1.5; else this.paddle.y += this.paddle.speed / 4; } // Handle paddle (AI) wall collision if (this.paddle.y >= this.canvas.height - this.paddle.height) this.paddle.y = this.canvas.height - this.paddle.height; else if (this.paddle.y <= 0) this.paddle.y = 0; // Handle Player-Ball collisions if (this.ball.x - this.ball.width <= this.player.x && this.ball.x >= this.player.x - this.player.width) { if (this.ball.y <= this.player.y + this.player.height && this.ball.y + this.ball.height >= this.player.y) { this.ball.x = (this.player.x + this.ball.width); this.ball.moveX = DIRECTION.RIGHT; beep1.play(); } } // Handle paddle-ball collision if (this.ball.x - this.ball.width <= this.paddle.x && this.ball.x >= this.paddle.x - this.paddle.width) { if (this.ball.y <= this.paddle.y + this.paddle.height && this.ball.y + this.ball.height >= this.paddle.y) { this.ball.x = (this.paddle.x - this.ball.width); this.ball.moveX = DIRECTION.LEFT; beep1.play(); } } } // Handle the end of round transition // Check to see if the player won the round. if (this.player.score === rounds[this.round]) { // Check to see if there are any more rounds/levels left and display the victory screen if // there are not. if (!rounds[this.round + 1]) { this.over = true; setTimeout(function () { Pong.endGameMenu('Winner!'); }, 1000); } else { // If there is another round, reset all the values and increment the round number. this.color = this._generateRoundColor(); this.player.score = this.paddle.score = 0; this.player.speed += 0.5; this.paddle.speed += 1; this.ball.speed += 1; this.round += 1; beep3.play(); } } // Check to see if the paddle/AI has won the round. else if (this.paddle.score === rounds[this.round]) { this.over = true; setTimeout(function () { Pong.endGameMenu('Game Over!'); }, 1000); } }, // Draw the objects to the canvas element draw: function () { // Clear the Canvas this.context.clearRect( 0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height ); // Set the fill style to black this.context.fillStyle = this.color; // Draw the background this.context.fillRect( 0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height ); // Set the fill style to white (For the paddles and the ball) this.context.fillStyle = '#ffffff'; // Draw the Player this.context.fillRect( this.player.x, this.player.y, this.player.width, this.player.height ); // Draw the Paddle this.context.fillRect( this.paddle.x, this.paddle.y, this.paddle.width, this.paddle.height ); // Draw the Ball if (Pong._turnDelayIsOver.call(this)) { this.context.fillRect( this.ball.x, this.ball.y, this.ball.width, this.ball.height ); } // Draw the net (Line in the middle) this.context.beginPath(); this.context.setLineDash([7, 15]); this.context.moveTo((this.canvas.width / 2), this.canvas.height - 140); this.context.lineTo((this.canvas.width / 2), 140); this.context.lineWidth = 10; this.context.strokeStyle = '#ffffff'; this.context.stroke(); // Set the default canvas font and align it to the center this.context.font = '100px Courier New'; this.context.textAlign = 'center'; // Draw the players score (left) this.context.fillText( this.player.score.toString(), (this.canvas.width / 2) - 300, 200 ); // Draw the paddles score (right) this.context.fillText( this.paddle.score.toString(), (this.canvas.width / 2) + 300, 200 ); // Change the font size for the center score text this.context.font = '30px Courier New'; // Draw the winning score (center) this.context.fillText( 'Round ' + (Pong.round + 1), (this.canvas.width / 2), 35 ); // Change the font size for the center score value this.context.font = '40px Courier'; // Draw the current round number this.context.fillText( rounds[Pong.round] ? rounds[Pong.round] : rounds[Pong.round - 1], (this.canvas.width / 2), 100 ); }, loop: function () { Pong.update(); Pong.draw(); // If the game is not over, draw the next frame. if (!Pong.over) requestAnimationFrame(Pong.loop); }, listen: function () { document.addEventListener('keydown', function (key) { // Handle the 'Press any key to begin' function and start the game. if (Pong.running === false) { Pong.running = true; window.requestAnimationFrame(Pong.loop); } // Handle up arrow and w key events if (key.keyCode === 38 || key.keyCode === 87) Pong.player.move = DIRECTION.UP; // Handle down arrow and s key events if (key.keyCode === 40 || key.keyCode === 83) Pong.player.move = DIRECTION.DOWN; }); // Stop the player from moving when there are no keys being pressed. document.addEventListener('keyup', function (key) { Pong.player.move = DIRECTION.IDLE; }); }, // Reset the ball location, the player turns and set a delay before the next round begins. _resetTurn: function(victor, loser) { this.ball = Ball.new.call(this, this.ball.speed); this.turn = loser; this.timer = (new Date()).getTime(); victor.score++; beep2.play(); }, // Wait for a delay to have passed after each turn. _turnDelayIsOver: function() { return ((new Date()).getTime() - this.timer >= 1000); }, // Select a random color as the background of each level/round. _generateRoundColor: function () { var newColor = colors[Math.floor(Math.random() * colors.length)]; if (newColor === this.color) return Pong._generateRoundColor(); return newColor; }};var Pong = Object.assign({}, Game);Pong.initialize(); </script></body></html>
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