
java b2b2c多用户开源商城系统商品模块扣减库存源码分享










/** * 商品库存vo * @author fk * @version v6.4 * @since v6.4 * 2017年9月7日 上午11:23:16 */public class GoodsQuantityVO implements Cloneable{    private Integer goodsId;    private Integer skuId;    private Integer quantity;    private  QuantityType quantityType;    public GoodsQuantityVO() {}    public GoodsQuantityVO(Integer goodsId, Integer skuId, Integer quantity ) {        super();        this.goodsId = goodsId;        this.skuId = skuId;        this.quantity = quantity;    }    setter and getter}


/** * 商品库存接口 * @author fk * @version v2.0 * @since v7.0.0 * 2018年3月23日 上午11:47:29 * * @version 3.0 * 统一为一个接口(更新接口)<br/> * 内部实现为redis +lua 保证原子性 -- by kingapex 2019-01-17 */public interface GoodsQuantityManager {    /**     * 库存更新接口      * @param goodsQuantityList 要更新的库存vo List     * @return 如果更新成功返回真,否则返回假     */    Boolean updateSkuQuantity(List<GoodsQuantityVO> goodsQuantityList );    /**     * 同步数据库数据     */    void syncDataBase();    /**     * 为某个sku 填充库存cache<br/>     * 库存数量由数据库中获取<br/>     * 一般用于缓存被击穿的情况     * @param skuId     * @return 可用库存和实际库存     */    Map<String,Integer> fillCacheFromDB(int skuId);}



/** * 商品库存接口 * * @author fk * @author kingapex * @version v2.0 written by kingapex  2019年2月27日 * 采用lua脚本执行redis中的库存扣减<br/> * 数据库的更新采用非时时同步<br/> * 而是建立了一个缓冲池,当达到一定条件时再同步数据库<br/> * 这样条件有:缓冲区大小,缓冲次数,缓冲时间<br/> * 上述条件在配置中心可以配置,如果没有配置采用 ${@link UpdatePool} 默认值<br/> * 在配置项说明:<br/> * <li>缓冲区大小:javashop.pool.stock.max-pool-size</li> * <li>缓冲次数:javashop.pool.stock.max-update-time</li> * <li>缓冲时间(秒数):javashop.pool.stock.max-lazy-second</li> * @see JavashopConfig */@Servicepublic class GoodsQuantityManagerImpl implements GoodsQuantityManager {    private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());    @Autowired    private DaoSupport daoSupport;    @Autowired    private JavashopConfig javashopConfig;    /**     * sku库存更新缓冲池     */    private static UpdatePool skuUpdatePool;    /**     * goods库存更新缓冲池     */    private static UpdatePool goodsUpdatePool;    /**     * 单例获取sku pool ,初始化时设置参数     *     * @return     */    private UpdatePool getSkuPool() {        if (skuUpdatePool == null) {            skuUpdatePool = new UpdatePool(javashopConfig.getMaxUpdateTime(), javashopConfig.getMaxPoolSize(), javashopConfig.getMaxLazySecond());            logger.debug("初始化sku pool:");            logger.debug(skuUpdatePool.toString());        }        return skuUpdatePool;    }    /**     * 单例获取goods pool ,初始化时设置参数     *     * @return     */    private UpdatePool getGoodsPool() {        if (goodsUpdatePool == null) {            goodsUpdatePool = new UpdatePool(javashopConfig.getMaxUpdateTime(), javashopConfig.getMaxPoolSize(), javashopConfig.getMaxLazySecond());        }        return goodsUpdatePool;    }    @Autowired    public StringRedisTemplate stringRedisTemplate;    private static RedisScript<Boolean> script = null;    private static RedisScript<Boolean> getRedisScript() {        if (script != null) {            return script;        }        ScriptSource scriptSource = new ResourceScriptSource(new ClassPathResource("sku_quantity.lua"));        String str = null;        try {            str = scriptSource.getScriptAsString();        } catch (IOException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }        script = RedisScript.of(str, Boolean.class);        return script;    }    @Override    public Boolean updateSkuQuantity(List<GoodsQuantityVO> goodsQuantityList) {        List<Integer> skuIdList = new ArrayList();        List<Integer> goodsIdList = new ArrayList();        List keys = new ArrayList<>();        List values = new ArrayList<>();        for (GoodsQuantityVO quantity : goodsQuantityList) {            Assert.notNull(quantity.getGoodsId(), "goods id must not be null");            Assert.notNull(quantity.getSkuId(), "sku id must not be null");            Assert.notNull(quantity.getQuantity(), "quantity id must not be null");            Assert.notNull(quantity.getQuantityType(), "Type must not be null");            //sku库存            if (QuantityType.enable.equals(quantity.getQuantityType())) {                keys.add(StockCacheKeyUtil.skuEnableKey(quantity.getSkuId()));            } else if (QuantityType.actual.equals(quantity.getQuantityType())) {                keys.add(StockCacheKeyUtil.skuActualKey(quantity.getSkuId()));            }            values.add("" + quantity.getQuantity());            //goods库存key            if (QuantityType.enable.equals(quantity.getQuantityType())) {                keys.add(StockCacheKeyUtil.goodsEnableKey(quantity.getGoodsId()));            } else if (QuantityType.actual.equals(quantity.getQuantityType())) {                keys.add(StockCacheKeyUtil.goodsActualKey(quantity.getGoodsId()));            }            values.add("" + quantity.getQuantity());            skuIdList.add(quantity.getSkuId());            goodsIdList.add(quantity.getGoodsId());        }        RedisScript<Boolean> redisScript = getRedisScript();        Boolean result = stringRedisTemplate.execute(redisScript, keys, values.toArray());        logger.debug("更新库存:");        logger.debug(goodsQuantityList.toString());        logger.debug("更新结果:" + result);        //如果lua脚本执行成功则记录缓冲区        if (result) {            //判断配置文件中设置的商品库存缓冲池是否开启            if (javashopConfig.isStock()) {                //是否需要同步数据库                boolean needSync = getSkuPool().oneTime(skuIdList);                getGoodsPool().oneTime(goodsIdList);                logger.debug("是否需要同步数据库:" + needSync);                logger.debug(getSkuPool().toString());                //如果开启了缓冲池,并且缓冲区已经饱和,则同步数据库                if (needSync) {                    syncDataBase();                }            } else {                //如果未开启缓冲池,则实时同步商品数据库中的库存数据                syncDataBase(skuIdList, goodsIdList);            }        }        return result;    }    @Override    public void syncDataBase() {        //获取同步的skuid 和goodsid        List<Integer> skuIdList = getSkuPool().getTargetList();        List<Integer> goodsIdList = getGoodsPool().getTargetList();        logger.debug("goodsIdList is:");        logger.debug(goodsIdList.toString());        //判断要同步的goods和sku集合是否有值        if (skuIdList.size() != 0 && goodsIdList.size() != 0) {            //同步数据库            syncDataBase(skuIdList, goodsIdList);        }        //重置缓冲池        getSkuPool().reset();        getGoodsPool().reset();    }    @Override    public Map<String, Integer> fillCacheFromDB(int skuId) {        Map<String, Integer> map = daoSupport.queryForMap("select enable_quantity,quantity from es_goods_sku where sku_id=?", skuId);        Integer enableNum = map.get("enable_quantity");        Integer actualNum = map.get("quantity");        stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue().set(StockCacheKeyUtil.skuActualKey(skuId), "" + actualNum);        stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue().set(StockCacheKeyUtil.skuEnableKey(skuId), "" + enableNum);        return map;    }    /**     * 同步数据库中的库存     *     * @param skuIdList   需要同步的skuid     * @param goodsIdList 需要同步的goodsid     */    private void syncDataBase(List<Integer> skuIdList, List<Integer> goodsIdList) {        //要形成的指更新sql        List<String> sqlList = new ArrayList<String>();        //批量获取sku的库存        List skuKeys = StockCacheKeyUtil.skuKeys(skuIdList);        List<String> skuQuantityList = stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue().multiGet(skuKeys);        int i = 0;        //形成批量更新sku的list        for (Integer skuId : skuIdList) {            String sql = "update es_goods_sku set enable_quantity=" + skuQuantityList.get(i) + ", quantity=" + skuQuantityList.get(i + 1) + " where sku_id=" + skuId;            daoSupport.execute(sql);            i = i + 2;        }        //批量获取商品的库存        List goodsKeys = createGoodsKeys(goodsIdList);        List<String> goodsQuantityList = stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue().multiGet(goodsKeys);        i = 0;        //形成批量更新goods的list        for (Integer goodsId : goodsIdList) {            String sql = "update es_goods set enable_quantity=" + goodsQuantityList.get(i) + ", quantity=" + goodsQuantityList.get(i + 1) + " where goods_id=" + goodsId;            daoSupport.execute(sql);            i = i + 2;        }    }    /**     * 生成批量获取goods库存的keys     *     * @param goodsIdList     * @return     */    private List createGoodsKeys(List<Integer> goodsIdList) {        List keys = new ArrayList();        for (Integer goodsId : goodsIdList) {            keys.add(StockCacheKeyUtil.goodsEnableKey(goodsId));            keys.add(StockCacheKeyUtil.goodsActualKey(goodsId));        }        return keys;    }}



-- 可能回滚的列表,一个记录要回滚的skuid一个记录库存local skuid_list= {}local stock_list= {}local arg_list = ARGV;local function cut ( key , num )    KEYS[1] = key;    local value = redis.call("get",KEYS[1])    if not value then        value = 0;    end    value=value+num    if(value<0)    then        -- 发生超卖        return false;    end    redis.call("set",KEYS[1],value)    return trueendlocal function rollback ( )    for i,k in ipairs (skuid_list) do        -- 还原库存        KEYS[1] = k;        redis.call("incrby",KEYS[1],0-stock_list[i])    endendlocal function doExec()    for i, k in ipairs (arg_list)    do        local num = tonumber(k)        local key=  KEYS[i]        local result = cut(key,num)        -- 发生超卖,需要回滚        if (result == false)        then            rollback()            return false        else            -- 记录可能要回滚的数据            table.insert(skuid_list,key)            table.insert(stock_list,num)        end    end    return true;endreturn doExec()



/** * javashop配置 * * @author zh * @version v7.0 * @date 18/4/13 下午8:19 * @since v7.0 */@Configuration@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "javashop")@SuppressWarnings("ConfigurationProperties")public class JavashopConfig {    /**     * 缓冲次数     */    @Value("${javashop.pool.stock.max-update-timet:#{null}}")    private Integer maxUpdateTime;    /**     * 缓冲区大小     */    @Value("${javashop.pool.stock.max-pool-size:#{null}}")    private Integer maxPoolSize;    /**     * 缓冲时间(秒数)     */    @Value("${javashop.pool.stock.max-lazy-second:#{null}}")    private Integer maxLazySecond;    /**     * 商品库存缓冲池开关     * false:关闭(如果配置文件中没有配置此项,则默认为false)     * true:开启(优点:缓解程序压力;缺点:有可能会导致商家中心商品库存数量显示延迟;)     */    @Value("${javashop.pool.stock:#{false}}")    private boolean stock;    public JavashopConfig() {    }     setter and getter...   }



标签: #java计算sku算法