
理解xv6——2.8 代码:exec

chenleiyfk 75



Exec is the system call that creates the user part of an address space. It initializes the user part of an address space from a file stored in the file system. Exec (6610) opens the named binary path using namei (6623) , which is explained in Chapter 6. Then, it reads the ELF header. Xv6 applications are described in the widely-used ELF format, defined in elf.h. An ELF binary consists of an ELF header, struct elfhdr (0905) , followed by a sequence of program section headers, struct proghdr (0924) . Each proghdr describes a section of the application that must be loaded into memory; xv6 programs have only one program section header, but other systems might have separate sections for instructions and data.


Exec是创建地址空间的用户部分的系统调用。它从存储在文件系统中的文件初始化地址空间的用户部分。Exec(6610)使用namei(6623)打开命名的二进制路径,这将在第6章中解释。然后,它读取ELF头。Xv6应用程序是以广泛使用的ELF格式描述的,在elf. h中定义。ELF二进制文件由ELF头struct elfhdr(0905)和一系列程序段struct proghdr(0924)组成。每个程序段描述了应用程序中必须加载到内存中的一个部分; xv6程序只有一个程序段,但其它系统可能有用于指令和数据的单独段。

The first step is a quick check that the file probably contains an ELF binary. An ELF binary starts with the four-byte ‘‘magic number’’ 0x7F, ’E’, ’L’, ’F’, or ELF_MAGIC (0902) . If the ELF header has the right magic number, exec assumes that the binary is well-formed.



Exec allocates a new page table with no user mappings with setupkvm (6637) , allocates memory for each ELF segment with allocuvm (6651) , and loads each segment into memory with loaduvm (6655) . allocuvm checks that the virtual addresses requested is below KERNBASE. loaduvm (1903) uses walkpgdir to find the physical address of the allocated memory at which to write each page of the ELF segment, and readi to read from the file.




The program section header for /init, the first user program created with exec,looks like this:第一个使用exec创建的用户程序/init的程序段看起来像这样:


The program section header’s filesz may be less than the memsz, indicating that the gap between them should be filled with zeroes (for C global variables) rather than read from the file. For /init, filesz is 2240 bytes and memsz is 2252 bytes, and thus allocuvm allocates enough physical memory to hold 2252 bytes, but reads only 2240 bytes from the file /init.


Now exec allocates and initializes the user stack. It allocates just one stack page. Exec copies the argument strings to the top of the stack one at a time, recording the pointers to them in ustack. It places a null pointer at the end of what will be the argv list passed to main. The first three entries in ustack are the fake return PC, argc, and argv pointer.


Exec places an inaccessible page just below the stack page, so that programs that try to use more than one page will fault. This inaccessible page also allows exec to deal with arguments that are too large; in that situation, the copyout (2118) function that exec uses to copy arguments to the stack will notice that the destination page is not accessible, and will return –1.



During the preparation of the new memory image, if exec detects an error like an invalid program segment, it jumps to the label bad, frees the new image, and returns –1. Exec must wait to free the old image until it is sure that the system call will succeed: if the old image is gone, the system call cannot return –1 to it. The only error cases in exec happen during the creation of the image. Once the image is complete, exec can install the new image (6701) and free the old one (6702) . Finally, exec returns 0.



Exec loads bytes from the ELF file into memory at addresses specified by the ELF file. Users or processes can place whatever addresses they want into an ELF file. Thus exec is risky, because the addresses in the ELF file may refer to the kernel, accidentally or on purpose. The consequences for an unwary kernel could range from a crash to a malicious subversion of the kernel’s isolation mechanisms (i.e., a security exploit).


xv6 performs a number of checks to avoid these risks. To understand the importance of these checks, consider what could happen if xv6 didn’t check if(ph.vaddr + ph.memsz < ph.vaddr). This is a check for whether the sum overflows a 32-bit integer. The danger is that a user could construct an ELF binary with a ph.vaddr that points into the kernel, and ph.memsz large enough that the sum overflows to 0x1000. Since the sum is small, it would pass the check if(newsz >= KERNBASE) in allocuvm.

xv6执行许多检查以避免这些风险。要理解这些检查的重要性,请考虑一下如果xv6不检查if(ph.vaddr + ph.memsz <ph.vaddr)会发生什么。这是一个检查总和是否溢出一个32位整数。危险在于,用户可以构造一个ELF二进制文件,其中ph.vaddr指向内核,而ph.memsz足够大,以至于总和溢出到0x1000。由于总和很小,它将通过alocuvm中的if(newsz >= KERNBASE)检查。

The subsequent call to loaduvm passes ph.vaddr by itself, without adding ph.memsz and without checking ph.vaddr against KERNBASE, and would thus copy data from the ELF binary into the kernel. This could be exploited by a user program to run arbitrary user code with kernel privileges. As this example illustrates, argument checking must be done with great care. It is easy for a kernel developer to omit a crucial check, and real-world kernels have a long history of missing checks whose absence can be exploited by user programs to obtain kernel privileges. It is likely that xv6 doesn’t do a complete job of validating user-level data supplied to the kernel, which a malicious user program might be able to exploit to circumvent xv6’s isolation.


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