

米兰设计之旅 2587



在生活的格调里,不做绝对的物欲排斥者,将对家的自定义融入到每个细节里。简洁、轻奢、质感,和品味恰到好处的相处,守住了自己的冷静和简单,这就是Dinara Yusupova的风格。

In the life style, does not do the absolute material desire repulsion, melts to the home custom in each detail. Simplicity, lightness, texture, and just the right amount of taste, keeping yourself calm and simple, is the style of Dinara Yusupova.

Dinara Yousupova

YOUSUPOVA工作室创始人Dinara Yusupova和她的团队不断从客户的个性和生活方式中汲取灵感。简而言之”受你启发的设计”。根据现实生活中的故事,喜好,需求和梦想完成项目,Dinara对客户说“我们为您设计’这是工作室的座右铭。

Dinara Yusupova, the founder of Yousupova Studios, and her team draw inspiration from their clients'personalities and lifestyles. In short, "design inspired by you. " Based on real-life Stories, likes, needs and dreams to complete projects, Dinara tells clients, "we design for you. " That's the studio motto.


Jack House

这个200平方米的项目,Dinara Yusupova是为那些懂得欣赏其高雅风格而设计的,这就是为什么室内结合了装饰艺术和现代经典元素的原因。既有气质,也有个性,在设计中通过不同的材料满足不同的功能,却让每个空间都有统一的格调。

The 200 square meter project, Dinara Yusupova, is designed for those who appreciate its elegant style, which is why the interior combines art deco with modern classics. Both temperament and personality, through the design of different materials to meet different functions, but let every space have a unified style.


The bold decisions of the designers blend perfectly into each other, adding more elegance to the interior with classic elements such as decorative lines on the walls and hanging crystal chandeliers in the living room and bedroom.


The interior of the kitchen is more delicate and elegant, combining cold steel tones, light-colored tiles and wooden floors. The bathroom is high-toned and features marble panelling.


The light and warm room is of course the children's bedroom. The unusual light and pictures on the wall evoke an unforgettable atmosphere and lead the children into the world of dreams.


Flawlessness style


244 square meters of classical style residence, perfect charm is fascinating, linear shape of the harmonious composition, noble and soft atmosphere is fully reflected here. The House is an example of a combination of classic tradition and Modern Technology, including "smart home" and water and air purification technology.



Dinara Yusupova以陈设艺术品及线条来营造轻奢的装饰美学氛围,客厅和卧室墙壁上的造型和水晶吊灯等经典元素为室内增添了更多优雅,通过优雅的大理石质感,装扮出一个高档大方的空间感,巧妙利用家具进行点缀,营造出优雅端庄的轻奢格调。

INARA Yusupova creates an aesthetic of lightness and luxury by presenting works of art and lines, adding more elegance to the interior with classic elements such as styling on the living room and bedroom walls and crystal chandeliers, through an elegant marble texture, dress up a high-end generous sense of space, clever use of furniture for embellishment, to create an elegant elegant elegant elegant style of light luxury.




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