

云南读书笔记 1810


此刻兄弟们对“come into construction”大致比较讲究,咱们都需要学习一些“come into construction”的相关文章。那么小编也在网摘上网罗了一些关于“come into construction””的相关知识,希望大家能喜欢,各位老铁们一起来了解一下吧!

















A) A man was pulled to safety after a building collapse.

B) A beam about ten feet long collapsed to the ground.

C) A rescue worker got trapped in the basement.

D) A deserted 100-year-old building caught fire.








A) Its construction started before World War I.

B)Its construction cost more than $40 billion.

C)It is efficiently used for transport.

D)It is one of the best in the world.

d是答案,就在最开始,这就是很多老师强调的首尾有答案,首尾有答案。要坚持,要信仰,要实践。而很多同学听到了World War I,其实原文是after ,换成了before。因此,这种听力答案的常设干扰,什么after换成啦before ,inside换成outside啦,是不是一总结就很有戏?等我,等我破解他们出题人的习惯骚操作。


1. A) A man was pulled to safety after a building collapse.

B) A beam about ten feet long collapsed to the ground.

C) A rescue worker gottrapped in the basement.

D) A deserted 100-year-oldbuilding caught fire.

2. A) He suffered a fatal injury in an accident.

B) He once served in a fire department.

C) He was collectingbuilding materials.

D) He moved into hisneighbor’s old house.

3. A) Improve the maths skills of high school teachers.

B) Change British people’s negative view of maths.

C) Help British peopleunderstand their paychecks.

D) Launch a campaign topromote maths teaching.

4. A) Children take maths courses at an earlier age.

B) The public sees the value of maths in their life.

C) British people know howto do elementary calculations.

D) Primary school teachersunderstand basic maths concepts.

5. A) He owns a fleet of aircraft.

B) He is learning to be a pilot.

C) He regards his royalduties as a burden.

D) He held a part-time jobfor over 20 years.

6. A) He can demonstrate his superior piloting skills.

B) He can change his focus of attention and relax.

C) He can show hisdifference from other royalty.

D) He can come into closercontact with his people.

7. A) They enjoyed his company.

B) They liked him in his uniform.

C) They rarely recognisedhim.

D) They were surprised tosee him.

8. A) They were skilled carpenters themselves.

B) It didn’t need much capital to start with.

C) Wood supply was plentifulin Romania.

D) They saw a businessopportunity there.

9. A) Provide quality furniture at affordable prices.

B) Attract foreign investment to expand business.

C) Enlarge their company byhiring more workers.

D) Open some more branchcompanies in Germany.

10. A) They are from her hometown.

B) They are imported from Germany.

C) They all come fromRomania.

D) They come from all overthe continent.

11. A) All across Europe. B)Throughout the world.

C) Mostly in Bucharest. D) In Romaniaonly.

12. A) Go to a concert with him and his girlfriend.

B) Try out a new restaurant together in town.

C) Go with him to choose apearl for Susan.

D) Attend the opening of alocal restaurant.

13. A) It is sponsored by local restaurants.

B) It specializes in food advertizing.

C) It is especially popularwith the young.

D) It provides informationon local events.

14. A) They design a special set of menus for themselves.

B) They treat themselves to various entertainments.

C) They go to eat atdifferent stylish restaurants.

D) They participate in avariety of social events.

15. A) More restaurants will join Restaurant Week.

B) This year’s Restaurant Week will start soon.

C) Bigger discounts will beoffered this Restaurant Week.

D) More types of food willbe served this Restaurant Week.

标签: #come into construction