

deephub 606



本文将对Self-Training的流程做一个详细的介绍并使用Python 和Sklearn 实现一个完整的Self-Training示例。

半监督学习结合了标记和未标记的数据,可以扩展模型训练时可用的数据池。 我们无需手动标记数千个示例,就可以提高模型性能并节省大量时间和金钱。







如何在 Python 中使用Self-Training?

现在让我们通过一个 Python 示例对现实数据使用Self-Training技术进行训练


来自 Kaggle 的营销活动数据Scikit-learn 库:train_test_split、SelfTrainingClassifier、classification_report用于数据可视化的 Plotly用于数据操作的 Pandas

# Data manipulationimport pandas as pd# Visualizationimport plotly.express as px# Sklearnfrom sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split # for splitting data into train and test samplesfrom sklearn.svm import SVC # for Support Vector Classification baseline modelfrom sklearn.semi_supervised import SelfTrainingClassifier # for Semi-Supervised learningfrom sklearn.metrics import classification_report # for model evaluation metrics

接下来,我们下载并获取数据。 这里将文件限制在几个关键列,因为我们将只使用两个特征来训练我们的示例模型。

# Read in datadf = pd.read_csv('marketing_campaign.csv', encoding='utf-8', delimiter=';',usecols=['ID', 'Year_Birth', 'Marital_Status', 'Income', 'Kidhome', 'Teenhome', 'MntWines', 'MntMeatProducts'])# Create a flag to denote whether the person has any dependants at home (either kids or teens)df['Dependents_Flag']=df.apply(lambda x: 1 if x['Kidhome']+x['Teenhome']>0 else 0, axis=1)# Print dataframedf



在开始训练模型之前,我们还需要做一些事情。 由于我们的目标是训练和评估Self-Training(一种半监督技术)的性能,因此我们将按照以下设置拆分数据。


df_train, df_test = train_test_split(df, test_size=0.25, random_state=0)print('Size of train dataframe: ', df_train.shape[0])print('Size of test dataframe: ', df_test.shape[0])

现在让我们在训练数据中屏蔽95%的标签,并创建一个目标变量,使用' -1 '表示未标记(屏蔽)数据:

# Create a flag for label maskingdf_train['Random_Mask'] = Truedf_train.loc[df_train.sample(frac=0.05, random_state=0).index, 'Random_Mask'] = False# Create a new target colum with labels. The 1's and 0's are original labels and -1 represents unlabeled (masked) datadf_train['Dependents_Target']=df_train.apply(lambda x: x['Dependents_Flag'] if x['Random_Mask']==False else -1, axis=1)# Show target value distributionprint('Target Value Distribution:')print(df_train['Dependents_Target'].value_counts())


# Create a scatter plotfig = px.scatter(df_train, x='MntMeatProducts', y='MntWines', opacity=1, color=df_train['Dependents_Target'].astype(str),color_discrete_sequence=['lightgrey', 'red', 'blue'],)# Change chart background colorfig.update_layout(dict(plot_bgcolor = 'white'))# Update axes linesfig.update_xaxes(showgrid=True, gridwidth=1, gridcolor='white', zeroline=True, zerolinewidth=1, zerolinecolor='white', showline=True, linewidth=1, linecolor='white')fig.update_yaxes(showgrid=True, gridwidth=1, gridcolor='white', zeroline=True, zerolinewidth=1, zerolinecolor='white', showline=True, linewidth=1, linecolor='white')# Set figure titlefig.update_layout(title_text="Marketing Campaign Training Data - Labeled vs. Unlabeled")# Update marker sizefig.update_traces(marker=dict(size=5))fig.show()




########## Step 1 - Data Prep ########## # Select only records with known labelsdf_train_labeled=df_train[df_train['Dependents_Target']!=-1]# Select data for modeling X_baseline=df_train_labeled[['MntMeatProducts', 'MntWines']]y_baseline=df_train_labeled['Dependents_Target'].values# Put test data into an arrayX_test=df_test[['MntMeatProducts', 'MntWines']]y_test=df_test['Dependents_Flag'].values########## Step 2 - Model Fitting ########## # Specify SVC model parametersmodel = SVC(kernel='rbf', probability=True, C=1.0, # default = 1.0gamma='scale', # default = 'scale'random_state=0)# Fit the modelclf = model.fit(X_baseline, y_baseline)########## Step 3 - Model Evaluation ########## # Use score method to get accuracy of the modelprint('---------- SVC Baseline Model - Evaluation on Test Data ----------')accuracy_score_B = model.score(X_test, y_test)print('Accuracy Score: ', accuracy_score_B)# Look at classification report to evaluate the modelprint(classification_report(y_test, model.predict(X_test)))

有监督的 SVC 模型的结果已经相当不错,准确率为 82.85%。 由于类别不平衡,label=1(有小孩的购物者)的 f1 分数更高。

现在让我们使用 Sklearn 的SelfTrainingClassifier,同时使用相同的 SVC 模型作为基础估计器。作为Sklearn的一部分SelfTrainingClassifier支持与任何兼容sklearn标准的分类模型进行整合。

########## Step 1 - Data Prep ########## # Select data for modeling - we are including masked (-1) labels this timeX_train=df_train[['MntMeatProducts', 'MntWines']]y_train=df_train['Dependents_Target'].values########## Step 2 - Model Fitting ########## # Specify SVC model parametersmodel_svc = SVC(kernel='rbf', probability=True, # Need to enable to be able to use predict_probaC=1.0, # default = 1.0gamma='scale', # default = 'scale',random_state=0)# Specify Self-Training model parametersself_training_model = SelfTrainingClassifier(base_estimator=model_svc, # An estimator object implementing fit and predict_proba.threshold=0.7, # default=0.75, The decision threshold for use with criterion='threshold'. Should be in [0, 1).criterion='threshold', # {‘threshold’, ‘k_best’}, default=’threshold’, The selection criterion used to select which labels to add to the training set. If 'threshold', pseudo-labels with prediction probabilities above threshold are added to the dataset. If 'k_best', the k_best pseudo-labels with highest prediction probabilities are added to the dataset.#k_best=50, # default=10, The amount of samples to add in each iteration. Only used when criterion='k_best'.max_iter=100, # default=10, Maximum number of iterations allowed. Should be greater than or equal to 0. If it is None, the classifier will continue to predict labels until no new pseudo-labels are added, or all unlabeled samples have been labeled.verbose=True # default=False, Verbosity prints some information after each iteration)# Fit the modelclf_ST = self_training_model.fit(X_train, y_train)########## Step 3 - Model Evaluation ########## print('')print('---------- Self Training Model - Summary ----------')print('Base Estimator: ', clf_ST.base_estimator_)print('Classes: ', clf_ST.classes_)print('Transduction Labels: ', clf_ST.transduction_)#print('Iteration When Sample Was Labeled: ', clf_ST.labeled_iter_)print('Number of Features: ', clf_ST.n_features_in_)print('Feature Names: ', clf_ST.feature_names_in_)print('Number of Iterations: ', clf_ST.n_iter_)print('Termination Condition: ', clf_ST.termination_condition_)print('')print('---------- Self Training Model - Evaluation on Test Data ----------')accuracy_score_ST = clf_ST.score(X_test, y_test)print('Accuracy Score: ', accuracy_score_ST)# Look at classification report to evaluate the modelprint(classification_report(y_test, clf_ST.predict(X_test)))

结果出来了! 模型性能的确提高了,虽然只是略微提高到 83.57% 的准确率。 由于精度提高,标签=0 的 F1 分数也略好一些。

正如文章前面提到的,我们可以设定如何选择伪标签的规则。 例如可以基于前 k_best 预测或指定特定的概率阈值。

在这个例子中,使用了 0.7 的概率阈值。 这意味着任何类别概率为 0.7 或更高的观测值都将被添加到伪标记数据池中,并用于在下一次迭代中训练模型。

阈值和 k_best可以看作Self-Training的超参数,可以设定不同的值来确认哪种设置产生最佳结果(我在本示例中没有这样做)。


Self-Training可以用半监督的方式对任何监督分类算法进行训练。 如果有大量未标记的数据,建议在进行昂贵的数据标记练习之前先尝试以下半监督学习。

作者:Saul Dobilas

标签: #用于监督分类的算法有