
「实用语料」面对疫情,如何洗手:5 steps to wash your hands

玉米妈妈Dona 110



今天与大家分享一段非常实用的英语表达。不仅是当下疫情时期,在平时日常生活中也是必不可少的——How to wash your hands!

小朋友可以回忆一下,我们平时洗手的时候需要用到什么呢?有的小朋友肯定要说了,哎,这还不简单,We need soap and water to wash our hands! Correct! 肥皂 soap 和 流动的水 running water是必不可少的!除此之外,we also need to prepare a paper towel. paper towel就是擦手纸。

小朋友,Are you ready? 我们要开始洗手啦!We have FIVE steps to wash our hands.


​Step 1 Wet Your Hands 把你的手弄湿

Turn on the water and get your hands wet. 第一步,打开水龙头,然后把手沾湿

Step 2 Soap up,涂上肥皂

Rub the soap between your palms to make bubbles. Palm就是手掌的意思,来,我们先将肥皂在手掌上,然后让我们一起来搓啊搓,搓出好多bubble泡泡吧!wow 真好玩,加油!

Step 3 Rub your hands 搓搓你的手

Rub your palms, the back of your hands, in between your fingers, and under your nails. Lather up for at least 20 seconds. 搓手要搓全面哦! 手心,手背,指缝间,还有指甲缝,小朋友们可千万不要忘了哦,并且至少要来回搓20秒才有效,不然病毒不会被消灭哦!来,跟着我一起偷偷数数吧,1,2,3...

Step 4 Rinse off your hands 用清水冲洗干净你的手


deng deng deng deng!!!!Last step !!!!

Step 5 Dry your hands 擦干你的手

Grab the paper towel and dry your hands. 洗完你的手,不要忘记取一张擦手纸,擦干净你的手哦!



标签: #水资源的英语对话