

领悟英文 228




[1] We tend to think that friends and family members are our biggest sources of connection, laughter and warmth. [2] While that may well be true, researchers have also recently found that interacting with strangers actually brings a boost in mood and feelings of belonging that we didn’t expect.

[3] In one series of studies, researchers instructed Chicago-area commuters using public transportation to strike up a conversation with someone near them. [4] On average, participants who followed this instruction felt better than those who had been told to stand or sit in silence. [5] The researchers also argued that when we shy away from casual interactions with strangers, it is often due to a misplaced anxiety that they might not want to talk to us. [6] Much of the time, however, this belief is false. [7] As it turns out, many people are actually perfectly willing to talk —and may even be flattered to receive your attention.


第[1]句:We tend to think that friends and family members are our biggest sources of connection, laughter and warmth.

tend to do sth 往往会...,常常…:To be likely to do sth or to happen in a particular way because this is what often or usually happens.

Women tend to live longer than men. 女人往往比男人长寿。

It tends to get very cold here in the winter. 这里冬天往往会很冷。

tend to think that …/think of sth as … 口语中常用来委婉表达不太确定的观点。如:

We tend to think of it as financial trade.


I tend to think that people from the mainland talk more.


connection 是“连接,联系”的意思,可以是具体的,比如 pipework connections 管道连接,也可以是抽象的,比如修饰人的时候,就是指人与人之间“联系,关系”,概念缩小一点,可以指“(能够帮助到你的)人际关系,人脉”[常用复数]:People who you know who can help you, especially because they are in positions of power. 如:

Connections in high places 在高层的人脉关系

She used her connections to full advantage. 她充分利用了自己的人脉。

与 connection 这层意思相关的形容词 well-connected, 我们经常见到,它是动词 connect 变换过来的,可表示“有上层关系的,有重要人脉的,广结达官显贵的,人脉广泛的”:Having important and powerful friends. 如:

A well-connected lawyer 有重要人脉关系的律师。

第[1]句理解和翻译的难点之一就是 connection,很多同学理解没问题,但翻译处理起来就不知如何是好,原文 of 后面是三个并列的名词 connection, laughter and warmth, 仔细看一下,我们不难发现,这三个词之间有一层递进关系,先有(建立)connection, 然后才有 laughter 和 warmth, 所以,这里的connection不是中性的(或贬义上的)关系,而是褒义上的关系,即“融洽的关系”:A shared feeling of affection and understanding(韦氏词典释义)。如:

We didn’t know each other for very long, but we had a real connection. 我们认识时间并不长,但关系很融洽。

英语中经常会出现词义范围缩小的情况,比如常见的 temperature(温度),它的词义可缩小为“体温”,这还不够,还可以进一步缩小,比如:I have a temperature. 这句话的意思是“我发烧了”,其中的 temperature = high temperature,词义缩小和更加具体化了。再比如 week 这个词,我们都知道意思是“星期,周”,但是 during the week 却不是“在一周期间”的意思,而是表示“在一周的工作日内”,这里week的词义缩小和具体化为“周一到周五”!

第[1]句理解和翻译的难点之二是 … are our biggest sources of …的翻译处理,friends and family members 是 connection, laughter and warmth 的最大来源。网上许多参看译文都是按照“XX是XX的最大来源/源泉”这个结构翻译的,如果后面的 connection 处理得当,倒也可以理解,但如果翻译成“朋友和家人是我们联系/关系…的最大来源”,没有一定英文功底的人相比会不知所云,什么叫做“我们联系的来源”?!这里稍加分析就知道,介词of的宾语 connection, laughter and warmth 是结果,前面的主语 friend and family members 是导致这个结果成立的原因,中间用 be sources of 连接起来。

至此,第[1]句的意思已经很清楚了。作者首先指出“我们常常持有的一个观点”,再交待了该观点的主题内容,包括两个方面,一是结果,即:我们需要建立 connection, 并再次基础上感受 laughter and warmth, 二是达成该结果的途径,即通过朋友和家人,另外注意 sources 前面的 our biggest 翻译时也需要体现出来。




第[2]句:While that may well be true, researchers have also recently found that interacting with strangers actually brings a boost in mood and feelings of belonging that we didn’t expect.

may well 可能,或许,也许:Used to say that something is likely to happen or is likely to be true. 如:

What you say may well be true. 你说的或许是真的。

may well 也可以用来表示“(做出某种反应,提出某个问题或产生某种情绪)很有理由”:Used to say that there is a good reason for a reaction, question, or feeling. 如:

‘What’s all the noise?’ ‘You may well ask.’ “什么声音这么吵?”“你问得好。”

a boost in mood 情绪上的提升,就是“心情变好”的意思,有时根据语境也可以翻译成“情绪高涨”等。

feeling of belonging 归属感


首先是让步状语从句:While that may well be true(虽然这可能是真的), 其中 that 指代第[1]句提及的观点。

接着是句子主干:researchers have also recently found that …(研究人员最近也发现)。

后面是 that 宾语从句:that interacting with strangers actually brings a boost in mood and feelings of belonging that we didn’t expect. 该宾语从句主语是动名词短语 interacting with strangers(与陌生人的交谈互动),谓语动词 brings, 宾语为 a boost in mood and feelings of belonging that we didn’t expect, 其中包含一个定语从句 that we didn’t expect,修饰 feelings of belonging.




第[3]句:In one series of studies, researchers instructed Chicago-area commuters using public transportation to strike up a conversation with someone near them.

series 的单复数同形,一个系列的 a/one series of …, 三个系列的 three series of ….

instruct 指示,命令,吩咐,指导,文中的意思就是:研究人员在研究过程中,要求或安排被研究对象去做什么事情,instruct 比一般的“要求/告知某某做某事”等要正式一些:If you instruct someone to do something, you formally tell them to do it(下一句中在表示“instruct”的意思时,就用了一个替换的动词,先暂定看讲解,往上翻,在第[4]句中把这个词找出来)。这里 instruct 可以翻译处理得灵活一点,当然,翻译成“指示,吩咐”问题不大,但翻译成“命令”就有点不妥。另外,文中的句型是 instruct sb to do sth, to 离的比较远,要看得出来!

commuter 通勤者(someone who travels a long distance to work every day),就是“上班族”呗!后面一个现在分词短语作后置定语: using public transportation(使用公共交通工具的),于是乎我们绝大多数的同学和老师都是这么翻译的:指示芝加哥地区使用公共交通工具的通勤者……,这个翻译当然意思表达清楚了,但倘若换个说法是不是更好?试比较:指示芝加哥地区的通勤者在乘坐公共交通工具的时候……,即把定语翻译处理成状语!英译中时我们经常可以这样处理,把定语(分词定语或定语从句)处理成状语,比如将定语从句翻译处理为时间、原因等状语从句。

strike up a conversation 表示“开始交谈”= begin a conversation. 如:

I struck up a conversation with him at the party. 我在聚会上和他攀谈起来。

建立友谊(即开启一份友谊)也可以用 strike up, 如:

The two boys struck up a friendship. 这两个男孩建立起了友谊。

这里 strike up a conversation 可以翻译成“搭讪”(为了想跟人接近或把尴尬的局面敷衍过去而找话说。——《现代汉语词典》)

“搭讪”也可以用一个动词表示:accost,但这个词较为正式,且有贬义,不像 strike up a conversation with sb 那样中性,注意使用场合。

accost (唐突地或带有威胁性地)走近跟······攀谈,上前与······搭讪:Is someone accosts another person, especially a stranger, they stop them or go up to them and speak to them in a way that seems rude or threatening.

A man had accosted me in the street. 一个男的在街上和我搭讪。




第[4]句:On average, participants who followed this instruction felt better than those who had been told to stand or sit in silence.

on average 两层含义,一是基于计算或数据统计得出结果,“平均起来,按平均值”:You say on average or on an average to indicate that a number is the average of several numbers. 二是基于全局/总体情况给出结论,“基本上,大体上,总体来说”:If you say that something is true on average, you mean that it is generally true. 如:

American shares rose, on average, by 38%. 美国股票价格平均上涨了 38%。

On average, American firms remain the most productive in the world. 总体来讲,美国公司在全球范围内还是产值最高。

本句中按照第一层含义理解也没多大问题,意思也能表达清楚,但按照第二层意思理解更加准确些,语言表达也更加顺畅些,因为前文并没有提及数据统计,而且是仅仅提到一组被研究的对象:被要求与陌生人搭讪的通勤者;第二组被研究对象在本句在开始提及:被要求安静地站着或坐着的人(those who had been told to stand or sit in silence)

this instruction 指代是上文动词短语 instruct sb to do sth 表达的内容,英语中为了避免重复,可以用动词对应的名词来指代上文动词词组所描述的事项,但汉语不介意重复,所以翻译时可以做具体化处理,比如 participants who followed this instruction 被要求与陌生人搭讪并按要求做了的参与者。如果不这么做,上文 instruct 如果翻译成“要求”“指令”“指示”“安排”等,这里就需要严格翻译成:遵守了“(这个)要求/指令/指示/安排”的参与者,如果与前文离得不远,也无大碍,但如果离得稍微远一点,中文读者就会犯迷糊,不知道作者到底指代的是哪个要求/指令/指示/安排。

本句结构不难,是一个比较级的句子,中间包含两个定语从句,分别修饰 participants 和 those,即研究中的两组被研究对象。




第[5]句: The researchers also argued that when we shy away from casual interactions with strangers, it is often due to a misplaced anxiety that they might not want to talk to us.

argue 的本义是“争论,辩论,争执”,通常的句型是 argue with sb.

argue 经常用来表示“主张,认为”,这个意思我们经常容易忽略,实际上是与本义密切相关的,因为争论/辩论过程中我们需要提出自己的主张:If you argue that something is true, you state it and give the reasons why you think it is true.

句型:V that; it be V-ed that

His lawyers are arguing that he is unfit to stand trial. 他的律师正在提出理由说明他不适合出庭受审。

It could be argued that the British are not aggressive enough. 可以说英国人不够强势。

shy away from [短语动词](因害怕或信心不足而)回避,躲避,避免做:If you shy away from doing something, you avoid doing it, often because you are afraid or not confident enough.

We frequently shy away from making decisions. 我们常常害怕作出决定。

misplaced [形容词](感情、行动)不适当的,不得体的,搞错对象的:If you describe a feeling or action as misplaced, you are critical of it because you think it is inappropriate, or directed towards the wrong thing or person. 如:

Misplaced confidence/optimism/fear 不应有的信心/乐观精神/恐惧

Misplaced loyalty 无谓的忠诚

I think your concern is misplaced. Ackroyd is no threat to anyone. 我认为你多虑了,阿克罗伊德不会对任何人构成威胁。

I realized that my trust in him was misplaced. 我意识到对他的信任是错误的。


The researchers also argued that(研究人员也认为······)是整个句子的主干,that引导宾语从句。

That 宾语从句的主干为 it is often due to a misplaced anxiety,包含一个时间状语从句 when we shy away from casual interactions with strangers 和同位语从句 that they might not want to talk to us。

Misplaced anxiety 翻译成“错位的焦虑”不太恰当,“错位”一般指位置上发生移动或错开,或者指时间上的交叉。这里 misplaced 的意思是“不适当的,不得体的”,misplaced anxiety 即不应当有的焦虑、多余的焦虑等。

That 宾语从句中主语 it 指代的是when时间状语中提及的内容,即:回避与陌生人随意互动。




第[6][7]句:Much of the time, however, this belief is false. As it turns out, many people are actually perfectly willing to talk —and may even be flattered to receive your attention.

as it turns out/as it is: used for saying what the situation really is when something different might have happened.(用来在某种不同情况可能已经发生的情况下说出真实的情形),可翻译为“事实证明,后来人们发现,事实上,实际上”

He was expecting to have completed his training by now. As it is, he’s only halfway through it. 他曾一度希望到此刻为止会完成培训,但实际上现在只完成了一半。

柯林斯释义:as it is/as it turns out/as things stand 事实上,实际上(表示实际情况和可能情况的对比):You use expressions such as as it is, as it turns out, and as things stand when you are making a contrast between a possible situation and what actually happened or is the case.

I want to work at home on a Tuesday but as it turns out sometimes it’s a Wednesday or a Thursday. 我想周二在家工作,但实际上有时却是周三或是周四。

perfectly = completely 完全地,十足地(用于强调):Used to emphasize what you are saying.

It’s perfectly normal to be nervous before a performance. 演出之前觉得紧张再正常不过了。

The sale was perfectly legal. 这笔生意完全合法。

flatter sb 奉承,讨好,向······谄媚:To say nice things about sb, often in a way that is not sincere, because you want them to do sth for you or you want to please them.

Are you trying to flatter me? 你是想讨好我吗?

flatter yourself (that…) 自命不凡,自以为······:If you flatter yourself that something is true about your abilities or achievements, you make yourself believe it is true, although it is not.

She flatters herself that she could have been a model. 她自信原本是可以当模特儿的。

‘How will you manage without me?’ ‘Don’t flatter yourself.’ “没有我看你怎么办?!”“别自以为了不起。”

be/feel flattered 被奉承得高兴,感到荣幸:To be pleased because sb has made you feel important or special.

He was flattered by her attention. 她的关注使他感到格外高兴。

I felt flattered at being asked to give a lecture. 承蒙邀请来演讲,我深感荣幸。

第[6]句主要是 belief 的理解,不要总是“信仰”,这里指“看法、信念”。

第[7]句首先要认识习语表达As it turns out(事实上,实际上,事实证明,后来人们发现),也可以说成as it is 或 as things stand,用于实际情况与可能情况的对比。然后是谓语并列 are actually perfectly willing to talk 和 may even be flattered to …, 第二个并列成分实际上是对第一个并列成分的进一步补充说明,所以作者在并列连词and前加上了破折号。





[1] We tend to think that friends and family members are our biggest sources of connection, laughter and warmth. [2] While that may well be true, researchers have also recently found that interacting with strangers actually brings a boost in mood and feelings of belonging that we didn’t expect.


[3] In one series of studies, researchers instructed Chicago-area commuters using public transportation to strike up a conversation with someone near them. [4] On average, participants who followed this instruction felt better than those who had been told to stand or sit in silence. [5] The researchers also argued that when we shy away from casual interactions with strangers, it is often due to a misplaced anxiety that they might not want to talk to us. [6] Much of the time, however, this belief is false. [7] As it turns out, many people are actually perfectly willing to talk —and may even be flattered to receive your attention.



Why You Should Talk to Strangers

Surprising research reveals the benefits of striking up a conversation.

Posted Apr 21, 2016

Picture it: You’re alone in a coffee shop, mindlessly scanning the newspaper. Or you’re on a flight, wishing away the countless hours between you and your destination. Or maybe you’re trying out a new group exercise class at the gym, or a new course at your university. In these very different scenarios, one common choice likely exists: Do you take a social risk, daring to smile at or talk to a nearby stranger? Or do you choose the safety of silence?

The right choice is far from clear: Rejection stings, after all, and most of us prefer to avoid potential hurt and embarrassment. So we avert our eyes, zip our lips, and keep to ourselves. However, we also know that other people are our greatest source of happiness, so there’s a huge potential gain to be realized by pushing beyond our comfort zones and taking that social risk.

We tend to think that close others—friends, romantic partners, and family members—are our biggest sources of connection, laughter, and warmth. While that may well be true, researchers have also recently found that interacting with “weak ties”—people that we don't know very well—actually brings a boost in mood and feelings of belonging that we didn't expect.

In one series of studies, researchers instructed Chicago-area commuters using public transportation to strike up a conversation with someone near them on their respective buses or trains. On average, participants who followed this instruction felt better than those who had been told to stand or sit in silence. The researchers also argued that when we shy away from casual interactions with strangers, it is often due to a misplaced anxiety that they might not want to talk to us. Much of the time, however, this belief is false. As it turns out, many people are actually perfectly willing to talk—and may even be flattered to receive your attention.

Surprisingly, the emotional benefits of connecting with strangers holds even for introverts. In five different studies, researchers essentially told introverted participants to “act extraverted,” being more outgoing and talkative than usual. And the participants found that doing so actually felt pretty good, confirming a novel hypothesis: Introverts underestimate the pleasure they might gain from increased social interaction. Outside of the lab, there is likely a limit to this effect; at some point, the truly introverted will feel exhausted from this effort, and disingenuous as well. But every now and then, there are gains you can make by donning your game face, being brave, and taking that risk.

So, put down the newspaper and smile at a stranger. Strike up a conversation with your seatmate. Commiserate with a classmate. You never know what you might learn. Chances are, you're overestimating the potential awkwardness and dismissing the potential feelings of happiness and connection these small encounters will provide. As William Butler Yeats said, "There are no strangers here, only friends you haven't yet met."




在身边找个小学生,你若对他说“你是我欢乐和温暖的最大源泉”(You are my biggest source of laughter and warmth),他一定会感动得......

但是,你若对他说“你是我联系的最大源泉”(You are my biggest source of connection),他一定会茫然得......





标签: #instruct的翻译