如今我们对“java点菜程序”都比较关注,同学们都想要知道一些“java点菜程序”的相关内容。那么小编也在网摘上网罗了一些对于“java点菜程序””的相关资讯,希望朋友们能喜欢,看官们快快来学习一下吧!力扣 1418. 点菜展示表
给你一个数组 orders,表示客户在餐厅中完成的订单,确切地说, orders[i]=[customerNamei,tableNumberi,foodItemi] ,其中 customerNamei 是客户的姓名,tableNumberi 是客户所在餐桌的桌号,而 foodItemi 是客户点的餐品名称。
请你返回该餐厅的 点菜展示表 。在这张表中,表中第一行为标题,其第一列为餐桌桌号“Table” ,后面每一列都是按字母顺序排列的餐品名称。接下来每一行中的项则表示每张餐桌订购的相应餐品数量,第一列应当填对应的桌号,后面依次填写下单的餐品数量。
示例 1:
输入:orders = [["David","3","Ceviche"],["Corina","10","Beef Burrito"],["David","3","Fried Chicken"],["Carla","5","Water"],["Carla","5","Ceviche"],["Rous","3","Ceviche"]]输出:[["Table","Beef Burrito","Ceviche","Fried Chicken","Water"],["3","0","2","1","0"],["5","0","1","0","1"],["10","1","0","0","0"]] 解释:点菜展示表如下所示:Table,Beef Burrito,Ceviche,Fried Chicken,Water3 ,0 ,2 ,1 ,05 ,0 ,1 ,0 ,110 ,1 ,0 ,0 ,0对于餐桌 3:David 点了 "Ceviche" 和 "Fried Chicken",而 Rous 点了 "Ceviche"而餐桌 5:Carla 点了 "Water" 和 "Ceviche"餐桌 10:Corina 点了 "Beef Burrito"
示例 2:
输入:orders = [["James","12","Fried Chicken"],["Ratesh","12","Fried Chicken"],["Amadeus","12","Fried Chicken"],["Adam","1","Canadian Waffles"],["Brianna","1","Canadian Waffles"]]输出:[["Table","Canadian Waffles","Fried Chicken"],["1","2","0"],["12","0","3"]] 解释:对于餐桌 1:Adam 和 Brianna 都点了 "Canadian Waffles"而餐桌 12:James, Ratesh 和 Amadeus 都点了 "Fried Chicken"
示例 3:
输入:orders = [["Laura","2","Bean Burrito"],["Jhon","2","Beef Burrito"],["Melissa","2","Soda"]]输出:[["Table","Bean Burrito","Beef Burrito","Soda"],["2","1","1","1"]]
1 <= orders.length <= 5 * 10^4orders[i].length == 31 <= customerNamei.length, foodItemi.length <= 20customerNamei 和 foodItemi 由大小写英文字母及空格字符 ' ' 组成。tableNumberi 是 1 到 500 范围内的整数。解决方案
哈希表 nameSet 保存所有的餐品名称;哈希表 foodsCnt 保存桌号及该桌点餐数量,点餐数量也用一个哈希表保存。
遍历订单并保存信息后,从 nameSet 中提取餐品名称,并按字母顺序排列;从 foodsCnt 中提取桌号,并按桌号升序排列。然后将餐品名称和桌号分别填入点菜展示表的第一行和第一列。对于表中的餐品数量,我们逐行填入,对于每一行,我们遍历餐品名称,在 foodsCnt 中查找对应的点餐数量,然后填入表格中对应位置。
class Solution {public: vector<vector<string>> displayTable(vector<vector<string>> &orders) { // 从订单中获取餐品名称和桌号,统计每桌点餐数量 unordered_set<string> nameSet; unordered_map<int, unordered_map<string, int>> foodsCnt; for (auto &order : orders) { nameSet.insert(order[2]); int id = stoi(order[1]); ++foodsCnt[id][order[2]]; } // 提取餐品名称,并按字母顺序排列 int n = nameSet.size(); vector<string> names; for (auto &name : nameSet) { names.push_back(name); } sort(names.begin(), names.end()); // 提取桌号,并按餐桌桌号升序排列 int m = foodsCnt.size(); vector<int> ids; for (auto &[id, _] : foodsCnt) { ids.push_back(id); } sort(ids.begin(), ids.end()); // 填写点菜展示表 vector<vector<string>> table(m + 1, vector<string>(n + 1)); table[0][0] = "Table"; copy(names.begin(), names.end(), table[0].begin() + 1); for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) { int id = ids[i]; auto &cnt = foodsCnt[id]; table[i + 1][0] = to_string(id); for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) { table[i + 1][j + 1] = to_string(cnt[names[j]]); } } return table; }};
class Solution { public List<List<String>> displayTable(List<List<String>> orders) { // 从订单中获取餐品名称和桌号,统计每桌点餐数量 Set<String> nameSet = new HashSet<String>(); Map<Integer, Map<String, Integer>> foodsCnt = new HashMap<Integer, Map<String, Integer>>(); for (List<String> order : orders) { nameSet.add(order.get(2)); int id = Integer.parseInt(order.get(1)); Map<String, Integer> map = foodsCnt.getOrDefault(id, new HashMap<String, Integer>()); map.put(order.get(2), map.getOrDefault(order.get(2), 0) + 1); foodsCnt.put(id, map); } // 提取餐品名称,并按字母顺序排列 int n = nameSet.size(); List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String name : nameSet) { names.add(name); } Collections.sort(names); // 提取桌号,并按餐桌桌号升序排列 int m = foodsCnt.size(); List<Integer> ids = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int id : foodsCnt.keySet()) { ids.add(id); } Collections.sort(ids); // 填写点菜展示表 List<List<String>> table = new ArrayList<List<String>>(); List<String> header = new ArrayList<String>(); header.add("Table"); for (String name : names) { header.add(name); } table.add(header); for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) { int id = ids.get(i); Map<String, Integer> cnt = foodsCnt.get(id); List<String> row = new ArrayList<String>(); row.add(Integer.toString(id)); for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) { row.add(Integer.toString(cnt.getOrDefault(names.get(j), 0))); } table.add(row); } return table; }}
public class Solution { public IList<IList<string>> DisplayTable(IList<IList<string>> orders) { // 从订单中获取餐品名称和桌号,统计每桌点餐数量 ISet<string> nameSet = new HashSet<string>(); Dictionary<int, Dictionary<string, int>> foodsCnt = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<string, int>>(); foreach (IList<string> order in orders) { nameSet.Add(order[2]); int id = int.Parse(order[1]); Dictionary<string, int> dictionary = foodsCnt.ContainsKey(id) ? foodsCnt[id] : new Dictionary<string, int>(); if (dictionary.ContainsKey(order[2])) { ++dictionary[order[2]]; } else { dictionary.Add(order[2], 1); } if (!foodsCnt.ContainsKey(id)) { foodsCnt.Add(id, dictionary); } } // 提取餐品名称,并按字母顺序排列 int n = nameSet.Count; List<string> names = new List<string>(); foreach (string name in nameSet) { names.Add(name); } names.Sort((a, b) => string.CompareOrdinal(a, b)); // 提取桌号,并按餐桌桌号升序排列 int m = foodsCnt.Count; List<int> ids = new List<int>(); foreach (int id in foodsCnt.Keys) { ids.Add(id); } ids.Sort(); // 填写点菜展示表 IList<IList<string>> table = new List<IList<string>>(); IList<string> header = new List<string>(); header.Add("Table"); foreach (string name in names) { header.Add(name); } table.Add(header); for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) { int id = ids[i]; Dictionary<string, int> cnt = foodsCnt[id]; IList<string> row = new List<string>(); row.Add(id.ToString()); for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) { int val = cnt.ContainsKey(names[j]) ? cnt[names[j]] : 0; row.Add(val.ToString()); } table.Add(row); } return table; }}
func displayTable(orders [][]string) [][]string { // 从订单中获取餐品名称和桌号,统计每桌点餐数量 nameSet := map[string]struct{}{} foodsCnt := map[int]map[string]int{} for _, order := range orders { id, _ := strconv.Atoi(order[1]) food := order[2] nameSet[food] = struct{}{} if foodsCnt[id] == nil { foodsCnt[id] = map[string]int{} } foodsCnt[id][food]++ } // 提取餐品名称,并按字母顺序排列 n := len(nameSet) names := make([]string, 0, n) for name := range nameSet { names = append(names, name) } sort.Strings(names) // 提取桌号,并按餐桌桌号升序排列 m := len(foodsCnt) ids := make([]int, 0, m) for id := range foodsCnt { ids = append(ids, id) } sort.Ints(ids) // 填写点菜展示表 table := make([][]string, m+1) table[0] = make([]string, 1, n+1) table[0][0] = "Table" table[0] = append(table[0], names...) for i, id := range ids { cnt := foodsCnt[id] table[i+1] = make([]string, n+1) table[i+1][0] = strconv.Itoa(id) for j, name := range names { table[i+1][j+1] = strconv.Itoa(cnt[name]) } } return table}
var displayTable = function(orders) { // 从订单中获取餐品名称和桌号,统计每桌点餐数量 const nameSet = new Set(); const foodsCnt = new Map(); for (const order of orders) { nameSet.add(order[2]); const id = parseInt(order[1]); const map = foodsCnt.get(id) || new Map(); map.set(order[2], (map.get(order[2]) || 0) + 1); foodsCnt.set(id, map); } // 提取餐品名称,并按字母顺序排列 const n = nameSet.size; const names = []; for (const name of nameSet) { names.push(name); } names.sort(); // 提取桌号,并按餐桌桌号升序排列 const m = foodsCnt.size; const ids = []; for (const id of foodsCnt.keys()) { ids.push(id); } ids.sort((a, b) => a - b); // 填写点菜展示表 const table = []; const header = []; header.push("Table"); for (const name of names) { header.push(name); } table.push(header); for (let i = 0; i < m; ++i) { const id = ids[i]; const cnt = foodsCnt.get(id); const row = []; row.push(id.toString()); for (let j = 0; j < n; ++j) { row.push((cnt.get(names[j]) || 0).toString()); } table.push(row); } return table;};
时间复杂度:O(T+NlogN+MlogM+MN)。其中 T 是数组 orders 的长度,N 是数据表的列数(即餐品的数量),M 是数据表的行数(即餐桌的数量)。时间复杂度由以下几个部分组成:遍历订单并保存信息的时间复杂度为 O(T);对餐品名称和餐桌编号分别进行排序,时间复杂度分别为 O(NlogN) 和 O(MlogM);将数据逐行填入表格,时间复杂度为 O(MN)。空间复杂度:O(T + N + M) 。注意这里只计算额外的空间复杂度,不计入存放最终数据表(即答案)需要的空间。
标签: #java点菜程序