
每日新闻播报(July 30)

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今天咱们对“ubuntu启动failed reading sector”都比较关怀,同学们都想要剖析一些“ubuntu启动failed reading sector”的相关资讯。那么小编在网摘上收集了一些有关“ubuntu启动failed reading sector””的相关内容,希望姐妹们能喜欢,兄弟们快快来学习一下吧!

Chinese animated film Ne Zha has proved to be a big winner in this summer's box office.[Photo provided to China Daily]

>'Ne Zha' tops box office


"Ne Zha," a Chinese animated film, continued to lead the Chinese mainland box office on Saturday, the China Movie Data Information Network said. 中国电影数据信息网称,27日,国产动画电影《哪吒》上映第二天,继续霸占国内票房榜榜首位置。

The film raked in about 224.72 million yuan on its second day of screening, accounting for nearly 67% of the daily total. 当天其票房收入约达2.2472亿元,占日均票房总量的近67%。

The fantasy film follows the birth and growing up of Ne Zha, a mythical male figure created in ancient China who is widely known as the incarnation of a lotus. 这部奇幻电影讲述的是中国古代神话人物、被誉为"莲花化身"的哪吒出生和成长的故事。

He is often depicted as a young hero standing on two flaming wheels in Chinese legends and literature such as the literary classic "Journey to the West."在民间传说以及《西游记》等文学名著中,哪吒常被描述成一位脚踩风火轮的少年英雄。

Apple Store, Manhattan, New York, USA, North America [Photo/VCG]

>Siri records private moments


Apple's Siri voice assistant sends audio of private moments recorded without users' knowledge to human "graders" for evaluation, a whistleblower has revealed. 有爆料者揭发,苹果的语音助手Siri会在人们不知情的情况下把对他们的隐私活动的录音发送给评估师进行评估。

Recordings from Siri are fed to human contractors around the world, who grade the AI based on the quality of its response and whether its activation was deliberate, according to an anonymous contractor who spoke to the Guardian. 苹果的一位匿名承包商对《卫报》表示,Siri的录音被发送给世界各地的承包商,这些人根据回复的质量以及回复是否经过了"深思熟虑"来对Siri作出评分。

"There have been countless instances of recordings featuring private discussions between doctors and patients, business deals, seemingly criminal dealings, sexual encounters and so on. These recordings are accompanied by user data showing location, contact details, and app data," the whistleblower revealed.爆料人说:"我们收到大量医患交谈、商务交易、疑似犯罪交易、性行为等私密交谈的录音,同时还显示了地点、联系记录和应用程序数据等用户信息。"

Apple said only 1% of daily Siri activations are used for grading purposes and the recordings are not associated with an Apple ID.苹果称,出于评分目的的用户录音比例仅占Siri日活的1%,而且录音不会关联苹果ID。

Seniors at a high school in Binzhou, East China's Shandong province, make a V for victory sign to encourage each other ahead of the gaokao, China's national college entrance exam, on June 2, 2019. [Photo/Xinhua]

>More enrolled in colleges


China's gross enrollment ratio in tertiary education was 48.1% in 2018, registering a 2.4 percentage point increase from the previous year, according to official figures. There were a total of 38.33 million students enrolled in the country's universities and colleges, noted a statistical report on China's education in 2018 issued recently by the Ministry of Education. 教育部近日发布的《2018年全国教育事业发展统计公报》显示,2018年我国高等教育毛入学率达48.1%,比上年增长2.4个百分点。公报指出,全国各类高等教育在学总规模达到3833万人。

Of the total enrollment, 2.73 million students were with post-graduate programs, including 389,500 in doctoral degree studies and 2.34 million for master degrees, the figures showed. 其中,在学研究生课程学生273万人,包括在学博士生38.95万人,在学硕士生234万人。

The number of students enrolled in full-time bachelor degree programs and full-time junior college diploma programs in 2018 was 16.97 million and 11.33 million respectively.2018年在学全日制本科生和全日制大专生人数分别为1697万人和1133万人。


>Startups join space race


Chinese space startup iSpace, also known as Starcraft Glory, made history with the successful launch of its SQX-1 Y1 rocket. The launch sent two satellites and payloads into a 300-kilometer circular orbit and was the first time a private Chinese company put a satellite into orbit. The successful launch, which is considered a major step for private companies, came after two previous failed attempts by two other Chinese space startups. 近日,我国太空初创企业iSpace(星际荣耀)的双曲线一号遥一(SQX-1 Y1)运载火箭成功发射,将两颗卫星及有效载荷送入预定300公里圆轨道,这是我国民营公司首次将卫星送入轨道,标志着我国民企在太空探索之路上迈出了重要一步。此前,我国另外两家太空初创企业也曾尝试将有效载荷送入轨道,但以失败告终。

The 2016 China Space Whitepaper outlined appropriate mechanisms for space investment and encouraged private sector participation in space. 《2016中国的航天》白皮书明确了太空投资的适当机制,鼓励民间资本参与航天活动。

Over the following years, dozens of Chinese space startups have emerged, which are backed not only by national policy but also venture capital. 此后几年,在国家政策和风险资本的共同作用下,我国涌现了数十家太空初创企业。

While the two failed launches raised skepticism, the success of iSpace is expected to inject renewed confidence in private sector space programs in China.如果说前两次失败让人对民企探索太空的前景表示怀疑,那么iSpace的此次成功发射预计将为民营太空探索项目重拾信心。

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