
使用这些方法让你的 Python 并发任务执行得更好

冷冻工厂 169






所以从 3.4 版本开始,Python 引入了 asyncio 包,通过并发的方式并发执行 IO-bound 任务。经过多次迭代,asyncio API 的效果非常好,并发任务的性能相比多线程版本有了很大的提升。



async def main():    result_1 = await some_coro("name-1")    result_2 = await some_coro("name-2")


async def main():    task_1 = asyncio.create_task(some_coro("name-1"))    task_2 = asyncio.create_task(some_coro("name-2"))        result_1 = await task_1    result_2 = await task_2

此代码将等待 task_1 先完成,而不管 task_2 是否先完成。




大多数读者已经知道如何使用 create_task 启动后台任务。今天,我将介绍几种等待后台任务完成的方法以及每种方法的最佳实践。



from random import random, randintimport asyncioclass AsyncException(Exception):    def __init__(self, message, *args, **kwargs):        self.message = message        super(*args, **kwargs)    def __str__(self):        return self.messageasync def some_coro(name):    print(f"Coroutine {name} begin to run")    value = random()    delay = randint(1, 4)    await asyncio.sleep(delay)    if value > 0.5:        raise AsyncException(f"Something bad happen after delay {delay} second(s)")    print(f"Coro {name} is Done. with delay {delay} second(s)")    return value
并发执行方法比较1. asyncio.gather

asyncio.gather 可用于启动一组后台任务,等待它们完成执行,并获取结果列表:

async def main():    aws, results = [], []    for i in range(3):        aws.append(asyncio.create_task(some_coro(f'name-{i}')))    results = await asyncio.gather(*aws)  # need to unpack the list    for result in results:        print(f">got : {result}")asyncio.run(main())

asyncio.gather 虽然组成了一组后台任务,但不能直接接受一个列表或集合作为参数。如果需要传入包含后台任务的列表,请解包。

asyncio.gather 接受一个 return_exceptions 参数。当return_exception的值为False时,任何后台任务抛出异常,都会抛给gather方法的调用者。而 gather 方法的结果列表是空的。

async def main():    aws, results = [], []    for i in range(3):        aws.append(asyncio.create_task(some_coro(f'name-{i}')))    try:        results = await asyncio.gather(*aws, return_exceptions=False)  # need to unpack the list    except AsyncException as e:        print(e)    for result in results:        print(f">got : {result}")asyncio.run(main())


results = await asyncio.gather(*aws, return_exceptions=True)

接下来我们看看为什么gather方法不能直接接受一个列表,而是要对列表进行解包。因为当一个列表被填满并执行时,我们很难在等待任务完成时向列表中添加新任务。但是 gather 方法可以使用嵌套组将现有任务与新任务混合,解决了中间无法添加新任务的问题:

async def main():    aws, results = [], []    for i in range(3):        aws.append(asyncio.create_task(some_coro(f'name-{i}')))    group_1 = asyncio.gather(*aws)  # note we don't use await now    # when some situation happen, we may add a new task    group_2 = asyncio.gather(group_1, asyncio.create_task(some_coro("a new task")))    results = await group_2    for result in results:        print(f">got : {result}")asyncio.run(main())


async def main():    aws, results = [], []    for i in range(3):        aws.append(asyncio.create_task(some_coro(f'name-{i}')))    results = await asyncio.wait_for(asyncio.gather(*aws), timeout=2)    for result in results:        print(f">got : {result}")asyncio.run(main())
2. asyncio.as_completed


在使用 asyncio.as_completed 方法之前,我们先看一下这个方法的源码。

# This is *not* a @coroutine!  It is just an iterator (yielding Futures).def as_completed(fs, *, timeout=None):  # ...  for f in todo:      f.add_done_callback(_on_completion)  if todo and timeout is not None:      timeout_handle = loop.call_later(timeout, _on_timeout)  for _ in range(len(todo)):      yield _wait_for_one()


async def main():    aws = []    for i in range(5):        aws.append(asyncio.create_task(some_coro(f"name-{i}")))    for done in asyncio.as_completed(aws):  # we don't need to unpack the list        try:            result = await done            print(f">got : {result}")        except AsyncException as e:            print(e)asyncio.run(main())

as_completed 接受超时参数,超时后当前迭代的任务会抛出asyncio.TimeoutError:

async def main():    aws = []    for i in range(5):        aws.append(asyncio.create_task(some_coro(f"name-{i}")))    for done in asyncio.as_completed(aws, timeout=2):  # we don't need to unpack the list        try:            result = await done            print(f">got : {result}")        except AsyncException as e:            print(e)        except asyncio.TimeoutError: # we need to handle the TimeoutError            print("time out.")asyncio.run(main())


3. asyncio.wait

asyncio.wait 的调用方式与 as_completed 相同,但返回一个包含两个集合的元组:done 和 pending。 done 保存已完成执行的任务,而 pending 保存仍在运行的任务。

asyncio.wait 接受一个 return_when 参数,它可以取三个枚举值:

当return_when为asyncio.ALL_COMPLETED时,done存放所有完成的任务,pending为空。当 return_when 为 asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED 时,done 持有所有已完成的任务,而 pending 持有仍在运行的任务。

async def main():    aws = set()    for i in range(5):        aws.add(asyncio.create_task(some_coro(f"name-{i}")))    done, pending = await asyncio.wait(aws, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED)    for task in done:        try:            result = await task            print(f">got : {result}")        except AsyncException as e:            print(e)    print(f"the length of pending is {len(pending)}")asyncio.run(main())

当 return_when 为 asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED 或 asyncio.FIRST_EXECEPTION 时,我们可以递归调用 asyncio.wait,这样我们就可以添加新的任务,并根据情况一直等待所有任务完成。

async def main():    pending = set()    for i in range(5):        pending.add(asyncio.create_task(some_coro(f"name-{i}")))  # note the type and name of the task list    while pending:        done, pending = await asyncio.wait(pending, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_EXCEPTION)        for task in done:            try:                result = await task                print(f">got : {result}")            except AsyncException as e:                print(e)                pending.add(asyncio.create_task(some_coro("a new task")))    print(f"the length of pending is {len(pending)}")asyncio.run(main())
4. asyncio.TaskGroup

在 Python 3.11 中,asyncio 引入了新的 TaskGroup API,正式让 Python 支持结构化并发。此功能允许您以更 Pythonic 的方式管理并发任务的生命周期。


本文[1]介绍了 asyncio.gather、asyncio.as_completed 和 asyncio.wait API,还回顾了 Python 3.11 中引入的新 asyncio.TaskGroup 特性。




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