
"充满,注满,装满" 英语怎么说?

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答案在The Economist November 19th 2022 Europe French politics --- Second time unlucky 这篇文章的倒数第一段可以找到。

The Economist November 19th 2022 Europe


Brim over means the same as brim.


n. 帽檐

同义词:peak, shade, shield, visor

v. 充满,注满,装满(尤指液体)

同义词: fill, well over, fill up, overflow


Her eyes brimmed with tears when she heard that he was alive.


mull over "仔细思考,反复考虑" 英语怎么说?


As he jets about to global and European summits, brimming with ideas—a “green wall” in Africa, a new “political community” in Europe—Mr Macron has lost neither his energy nor inventiveness. He seems to be mulling over his legacy, too. “I am obsessed with one thing,” the president told a handful of reporters recently. “I believe that our duty towards our children is to leave them with the same freedom of choice as us. That means governing well. If your choices are limited tomorrow by those you make today, you have failed.” Yet at home the once-disruptive president seems unsure how to reform the country without dividing it. Six months into his second term, Mr Macron is still in search of that sense of direction and purpose that so distinctly marked the start of his first.



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