

释然IT杂谈 5436



​ 内容来自星球成员马磊分享,感谢分享


screen-length disable

display version

display current-configuration

display cpu

display memory

display clock

display device

display device manuinfo

display power

display fan

display environment

display tcp status

display tcp statistics

display stp region-configuration

display irf configuration

display irf link

display irf topology

display stp root

display arp

display mac-add

display lldp neighbor-information list

display stp brief

display stp abnormal

display ndp

display ospf peer

display ospf inter

display interface

display logbuffer

dis boot-loader

display ip routing-table

display ip interface

display ip interface brief

display startup

display boot-loader

display link-aggregation verbose Bridge-Aggregation 901

display link-aggregation summary

display logbuffer reverse

more flash:/logfile/logfile.log



debug sysm power-down slot 8

display process cpu slot 9



bigpipe failover:检查是active还是standby状态

bigpipe version:查看系统版本

bigpipe list:显示设备基本清单

bigpipe base :显示配置

bigpipe interface show:检查端口状态

bigpipe service show:检查服务状态

bigpipe self show:检查网络设置

bigpipe global show:全局变量

bigpipe internal show:内部设置

bigpipe trunk show:查看trunk

bigpipe stp show:查看STP状态

bigpipe summary:查看系统总体运行情况统计

bigpipe ms:内存使用情况

bigpipe virtual show:检查virtual server情况

who -aH :查看登录信息

b platform :显示设备平台信息


cat /var/log/messages

cat /var/log/bigip

cat /var/log/bigd

date :显示系统时间

收集/var/log下日志:root登录#tar cvzf/var/tmp/$HOSTNAME-log.tar.gz/var/log/*

保存配置:b config save config20140708.ucs(默认保存在/var/local/ucs)

恢复配置:b config install config20140708.ucs

ifconfig -a :接口地址查询

netstat -rn :路由表查询

top :查询系统CPU及内存使用率

bigpipe node monitor show :查询各节点状态

bigpipe pool show :查询Pool中的负载均衡情况

watch b conn :查看当前建立的所有连接(退出请按Ctrl+C)

bigstart status :检查BIG-IP服务状态

bigstart list :检查BIG-IP服务状态

b config check all :检查设备配置报告

b failover show :检测各台BIG-IP设备的主备工作状态

bigtop :检测当前BIG-IP上的连接数量,以及每个对外服务的虚拟服务器的用户连接数量

b conn :实时监视BIG-IP的连接状态

b standby show bigtop ;查看双机状态

b failover standby ;强制备用


screen-length 0 temporary

display version

display current-configuration

dir flash:

display debug

display interface

display ip interface

display ip interface brief

display interface brief

display device

display fan

display power

display reboot-info

display environment

display alarm urgent

display vlan all

display cpu-usage

display memory-usage

display mac-address

display logbuffer

display clock

display trapbuffer

display igmp-snooping port-info

display igmp-snooping statistics

display dhcp snooping bind-table all

display mac-address sticky

display startup

display boot-loader

display memory-usage

display cpu-

display acl resource

display ip route

display ip vpn-intance

display ospf peer brif

display ospf peer

display bgp peer

display bgp vpnv4 all brif

display ldp peer all

display ldp adjacency

display lldp nei

display lldp sta

display diagnostic-information


show run 显示当前配置

show zone 显示当前配置的ZONE的信息

show zoneset 显示当前配置的ZONESET的信息

show interface fc1/1 显示端口fc1/1信息

show zone activate 显示当前活动的ZONE信息

show zoneset activate 显示当前活动的ZONESET信息

show flogi database detail 查看交换机端口连接的HBA卡的WWN号

show license fcports.lic 显示指定License

show license all 显示全部license

show license hostid 显示ID

show vsan 100 浏览VSAN100设置

show vsan usage 浏览VSAN设置

show zone 浏览Zone信息

show zoneset vsan 2-3 浏览Zone vsan2-3信息

show zoneset active 浏览zone的状态

show zoneset active detail 端口速率check

show inventory 查看设备序列号

show environment 查看设备环境及硬件状态

show tech-support 查看设备诊断信息

show logging 查看设备日志

show int bri

show ip int

show hardware

show module


switch# copy



switch# copy t bootflash: 237.img

copy run start 保存当前配置


terminal len 0

display ver

display current-configuration


display cpu-usage

display memory-usage

display histroy

display local-user

display interface

display device

display fan

display power

display environment

display zone

display interzone

display acl all

display trapbuffer

display logbuffer

display diagnostic-information:收集诊断信息

display exception 10 verbose history:收集有异常信息

display deadloop 10 histroy:收集死循环信息

display startup-type:查看系统启动方式信息

display startup

display boot-loader

display device

display fan

display diagnostic-information


show tech-support的分析工具


GSR 12000:

terminal len 0

show run

show version

show hardware

Show log

Show log summary

show logging | include Mar 10

show logging | include Mar 11

show processes cpu

show process cpu history

show processes memory

show LED

Show context summary

show hw-module subslot all oir

show hw-module all sensors

show hw-module all fpd

show environment all

show environment led

show environment power

show environment fan

show environment temperature

show standby bri

show ip osp nei

show ip osp int bri

show ip bgp vpnv4 all summ

show redundancy all

Show redundancy state

Dir all

Show clock

show gsr chassis-info

show diag

show diag detail

show inventory

show monitor event-trace lci

show monitor event-trace fab

show monitor event-trace agent-ctrl

show monitor event-trace board_mgr

show monitor event-trace slot –state X

show controller errors fabric

show controller errors fabric counters

show controller xbar

show controllers sca

show controllers clock

show controllers fab-clk

show controllers fia

show controllers fia register

show context all

show fabric

show mbus counters

show mbus can-error

execute-on all show controller fia

show ip int bri

show ip vrf

show ip bgp vpnv4 all summ

show ip os nei

show ip vrf

show ip route vrf BSS summary

show ip route vrf BSS ospf

show ip vrf BSS

show ip arp vrf BSS

show process cpu History


show mem summary


terminal len 0

show run

show ver

show logging

show logging | include Mar 10

show logging | include Mar 11

show clock

show processes cpu

show processes memory

show context

show environment all

show ip int bri

show ip vrf

show int

dir all

show ip ospf nei

show ip route summ

show bgp vpnv4 unicast all summa

show ip route all

show cdp nei

show inventory

show standby brief

show c7200

show inter

show diag

show tech-support


terminal len 0

show ver

show run

show processes cpu

show processes memory

show context

show environment alarm

show environment status

show environment temperature

show ip int bri

show ip vrf

show int

dir all

show ip ospf nei

show ip ospf interf

show ip ospf interf brief

show ip bgp summ

show ip bgp vpnv4 all summ

show ip route all

show cdp nei

show idprom all

show inventory

show module

show standby brief

show arp

show arp summ

show ip arp summ

show mac-address

show logging

show logging | include Mar 7

show clock

show inter

show diagbus

show tech-support



terminal len 0

show run

show config all

show version

show logg buff

Show log

show logging | include Mar 22

show logging | include Mar 11

show proc cpu

show proc mem

Show environment all

show envi temper

show envir power

Show module

show port

show cam dynamic

show vlan

Dir all

Show time

debug platform packek all count

show platform cpu packet statistics

show int statu err-dis 查看err出发原因

Show tech



terminal len 0

show run

show version

Show logg

Show clock

show processes cpu

show processes memory

Show environment alarms

Show environment sta

show environment temperature

Show context

Show module

Show idprom all

show controllers

show idb

Dir all

show interf

show ip int bri

show int summ

show ip protocols

show standby bri

show ip ospf nei

show ip ospf int bri

show cdp nei

show cdp nei de

show ip route

show vlan bri

show inv

show arp

show ip arp summa

show mac-address-table count

show mac-add

Show tech

CISCO 3750 、3550

show version

show inventory

show processes cpu

show processes memory

show clock

show standby

show int status

show ip int b

show vlan bri

show int

show arp

show mac-a

show run

show env all

show logg

show logging | include Mar 10

show logging | include Mar 11

show tech


terminal len 0

show ver

show runn

show cpu usage

show memory detail

show processes memory

show module

show memory

show conn cou

show xlate count

show failov

show clock

show ntp sta

show inter

show logging

show logging | include Mar 10

show logging | include Mar 11

show traffic

show ip address

show nameif

show environment fans

show environment power

show environment

show tech


terminal len 0

show runn

show ver

show clock

show nameif

show inventory

show mode

show modu

show resource usage

show asp drop

show conn count

show xlate count

show firewall

show perfmon detail

show ip audit count

dir all

show arp

show interface

show cpu usa

show processes cpu-usage

show mem

show debug

show access-list

show logging

show logging | include Mar 10

show logging | include Mar 11

show failover

show traffic

show int ip brief

show ip add

show run nat

show run global

show environment driver

show environment fans

show environment power-supplies

show environment temperature

show tech-support

clear access-list ACL_OUT contuear


terminal len 0

show running

show version

show software

show hardware

show fan

show power

show opticalinfo

show logfile

show logging alarm

show temperature detail

show processor

show ip interface brief

show interface

show sysnchronization

show nvram

show clock

show running-config adm-mgr

show running-config oam

show interface description

show ftp-server


show ip forwarding route

show ip protocol routing

show ip interface brief

show ip vrf

show interface

show ip ospf neighbor

show ip ospf neighbor detail

show ip bgp summary

show bgp all summary

show ip forwarding route

show ip protocl routing summary

show ip bgp vpnv4 all summary

show ip bgp neighbors

show ip bgp vpnv4 all neighbors

show mpls interfaces all

show mpls ldp neighbor all

show mpls ldp discovery

show ip arp vrf SC_scteloa

show ip protocol routing vrf SC_sctelbilling


terminal len 0

Show run

Show version

Show processor

show vlan

show monitor session all

show traffic-statistics 对端口流量进行统计

show bootrom

show logging alarm

Show ip ospf nei

Show ip bgp sum

Show interface

Show ip interface br

show interface brief

Show mac

Show mac interface

show logging alarm

show logfile 查看操作记录

show power

show fan

show flash-info

show clock



show run

show ver

show processor

show vlan

show ip protocol routing

show ip protocol routing summary

show ip int bri

show logging alarm

show logfile

show ip route

show power

show fan

show flash-info

show monitor session all

show clock



terminal len 0

show system uptime | no

show version | no

show chassis hardware detail | no

show chassis routing-engine | no

show chassis fpc pic-status | no

show chassis craft-interface | no

show pfe statistics error | no

show chassis alarms | no

show system storage | no

show log messages | no | last 200

show configuration | display set | no

show interfaces extensive | no

juniper netscreen防火墙巡检命令:

get chassis:查看设备序列号及其设备硬件(cpu,power,fan)的基本情况

get tech:备份设备整体状态信息

get memory:查看设备mem的使用情况

get os cost:查看设备cup利用率

get file :查看设备文件系统内容

get system:查看系统基本情况(设备名称,版本信息,端口状态,用户名等)

get nvram :查看NVRAM信息

get route :查看路由表用于协助排错

get mac-learn :查看学习到的mac地址

get dns :查看dns server的基本情况以及dns缓存

get arp:查看arp表

get config :查看当前配置文件

get performance:查看CPU的利用率

get performance cpu:查看设备利用率

get performance session

get session:查看并发连接数

get alarm:查看告警

get nsrp:查看failver状态

juniper SRX 巡检命令行

show chassis routing-engine CPU利用率核查

show chassis routing-engine MEM利用率核查

show ospf neighbor OSPF邻居关系核查

show ldp interface LDP端口状态检查

show isis adjacency ISIS邻居关系检查

show bgp neighbor BGP邻居关系检查

show vrrp extensive HSRP信息检查


show chassis environment pem 电源状态核查

show chassis environment 风扇状态核查

show chassis alarms 单板告警核查

show chassis fpc/show chassis fpc pic-status 单板状态核查

show chassis fpc/show chassis fpc pic-status 单板温度核查

show chassis fpc detail 单板固件版本信息检查

show chassis hardware

show configuration interfaces 接口配置核查

show interface descriptions 接口描述规范性核查

show configuration system AAA认证检查

show configuration chassis redundancy 引擎板冗余状态检查

show ntp associations NTP状态核查

show configuration system syslog SYSLOG配置指向检查


show configuration | display xml

show configuration | display set

show configuration | display xml

show configuration system login Telnet安全登录配置检查

show configuration system name-server DNS配置检查

show version 补丁版本核查

Show log messages 日志查看

show log dcd

Show security flow traceoptions 正常运行时所有Debug开关应该全部关闭

show security flow session summary

Show groups node0 system host-name

Show system uptime 时间

show system users

Show configuration 配置

Show chassic cluster interfaces 所有的接口都是up状态

show chassic cluster status 双机是否正常

Show interface terse 正在使用的接口应为UP或Active。

Show interface X detail 口模式(包括速率、双工模式)配置对接双方必须一致

Show interface terse 查看端口状态

Show route 路由

Show chassis route-engine CPU

Show security flow session summary 连接数

Show security zones 防火墙所属区域

Show security policies 查看域间应用的访问策略


show security match-policies protocol tcp from-zone weihu to-zone inside source-ip source-port 8080 destination-ip destination-port 8080

show | match 20150927-linshi | display set

delete security policies from-zone weihu to-zone inside policy 20150927-linshi

show configuration | compare

show | compare检查配置增加或者删除

commit check


show | match 20150927-linshi | display set

delete security policies from-zone weihu to-zone inside policy 20150927-linshi


> request system halt //设备关闭

> request system reboot //设备重启

> request chassis routing-engine master switch //路由引擎切换

> request system logout //踢掉空闲用户

> show chassis alarms //机框及引擎告警

> show chassis fpc //查看FPC状态

> show chassis fpc detail //FPC详细状态

> show chassis fpc pic-status //查看PIC状态

> show chassis environment //环境风扇温度

> show chassis routing-engine //路由引擎状态

> show chassis environment cb //控制板状态

> show chassis environment scg //SCG状态

> show chassis fpc detail 0 //fpc详细信息


system device info:确认当前设备的版本

system license get:查看当前设备的License

net ip:查看接口地址

net route table:查看路由表

sys os cpu:查看CPU

system inf-stats :查看端口流量

net l2-information :查看2层端口状态

sys logfile :显示日志信息

sys hardware temperature-show :查看设备温度(仅限ODS)

ip servers extended-table :查看服务器的连接数

appdirector client table :查看LinkProof的会话表

red v v :查看LinkProof双机冗余状态

sys config immediate :查看LinkProof的命令全部配置



show port

show port 1/1/1

show service service-using

show router 652100003 route-table

admin display-config

show router arp

show router arp

show router arp ip-int-name

show router 652100000 arp

show router 652100000 ospf interface

show router 652100000 ospf neighbor

show router 652100000 ospf database

show router 652100000 bgp summary

show router 652100000 bgp routes

show router 652100000 bgp routes

show router 652100000 static-route

show router 652100000 mpls interface

show router 652100000 mpls status

traceroute router 652100003


:FireWall-3600 5.1.A3600.33HVIPD

show version

show license

show login

show hostid

show interface

show arp

show date

show memory

show process

show route

show runningconfig

show system version

show system time

show addressbook address

show arp

show configuration

show interface

show license limits

show license modules

show login user

show modules

show ospf database

show policy

show running-config

show servicebook service

show system modules

show zone



Super/Administer/Worker [S/A/W]:S

Insert the super card1 and enter Pin:******

Insert the super card2 and enter Pin:******

Insert the super card3 and enter Pin:******


Enter IP address:

Enter Default Gateway:

Enter Subnet mask:

Please wait for ...!

list //显示加密机自带的所有终端命令

a //管理员权限

s //super密码登录设备

ip //设置加密机IP

ct //添加白名单

qp //查看加密机IP地址、网关和子网掩码


设备型号 机箱序列号查看 板卡序列号查看

GSR 12000 show gsr chassis-info show diag

CISCO 7500 show rsp chassis show diag

CISCO 7200 show c7200 show diag

Catalyst 6500 show verison show module

AS5800 show nitro show diag

AS5300 show VER show diag

Catalyst 4000 show verison show module





display device manuinfo


display elable


dis lpu manuinfo slotid


display manuinfo slotnum slotid


display manuinfo slotid


Cisco GSR:


show controllers pos 10/1


show hw-module subslot 0/0 transceiver 8 status(查看光功率)

show hw-module subslot 0/0 transceiver 8 idprom detail(sn 光功率 频率)

Cisco 7609:

show int gi1/1 transceiver detail

Cisco CRS:

show controllers gi 0/1/1/0

show controllers sonet 0/1/1/0

HuaWei routers:

display int pos 0/0/0

HuaWei switch:

dispaly transceiver interface gi 1/0/0

display transceiver interface g3/0/10 verbose(光功率)

Juniper router:

show interfaces diagnostics optics xe-21/0/0

Alcatel 7750

show port detail


华为光纤交换机OseanSror SNS 2248 Fabric OS: v7.2.1

version 查看版本

ipfilter --show 查看防火墙列表

chassisshow 查看序列号

ipaddrshow 查看网络接口设置

switchShow 显示在当前(逻辑)交换机上的所有端口及其相应的端口区域ID

snmpconfig --show snmpv1

fosconfig --show 显示是否开启虚拟Fabric

cfgshow 查看所有zone配置

snmpconfig --show mibCapability

haShow 验证HA特性是否开启

fanShow 风扇的当前状态和速度

psShow 交换机电源当前的状态

slotShow -m 显示系统中所有槽位的当前状态和占用量

portcfgshow 查看交换机的端口信息

trunkshow 查看链路聚合信息

licenseshow 确保License已正确安装

switchstatusshow 查询交换机整体状态

sensorshow 检查温度,风扇和电源

supportsave 获取交换机的调试信息



标签: #netapp巡检命令