

英语教育学道 78






  First listen and then answer the following question.


  In what two areas have people made no 'progress' at all?

  Why does the idea of progress loom so large in the modern world? Surely because progress of a particular kind is actually taking place around us and is becoming more and more manifest. Although mankind has undergone no general improvement in intelligence or morality, it has made extraordinary progress in the accumulation of knowledge. Knowledge began to increase as soon as the thoughts of one individual could be communicated to another by means of speech. With the invention of writing, a great advance was made, for knowledge could then be not only communicated but also stored. Libraries made education possible, and education in its turn added to libraries: the growth of knowledge followed a kind of compound interest law, which was greatly enhanced by the invention of printing. All this was comparatively slow until, with the coming of science, the tempo was suddenly raised. Then knowledge began to be accumulated according to a systematic plan. The trickle became a stream; the stream has now become a torrent. Moreover, as soon as new knowledge is acquired, it is now turned to practical account. What is called 'modern civilization' is not the result of a balanced development of all man's nature, but of accumulated knowledge applied to practical life. The problem now facing humanity is: What is going to be done with all this knowledge? As is so often pointed out, knowledge is a two-edged weapon which can be used equally for good or evil. It is now being used indifferently for both. Could any spectacle, for instance, be more grimly whimsical than that of gunners using science to shatter men's bodies while, close at hand, surgeons use it to restore them? We have to ask ourselves very seriously what will happen if this twofold use of knowledge, with its ever-increasing power, continues.

  G.N.M.TYRRELL The Personality of Man

  【New words and expressions 生词和短语】

  loom v. 赫然耸起

  manifest adj.明显的

  morality n. 道德

  communicate v. 交流,交际

  compound adj. 复合的

  enhance v. 增进

  tempo n. 速率

  trickle n. 涓涓细流

  torrent n. 滔滔洪流

  humanity n. 人类

  indifferently adv. 不在乎地

  grimly adv. 可怖地

  whimsical adj. 怪诞的

  shatter v. 毁坏

  twofold adj. 双重的



  ①If something looms over you, it appears as a large or unclear shape, often in a frightening way.

  例句:The mountainous island loomed on the horizon.


  ②If a worrying or threatening situation or event is looming, it seems likely to happen soon.

  例句:The looming threat of recession made them anxious.


  2.take place,发生。

  take place和happen意思相近,都有发生的意思,但take place更强调有人为因素参与的某事发生、有计划的使某事发生,而happen多指没有计划的、自然发生的。来看几个例子就知道了^^

  例句:The fete will take place on Sunday, rain or shine.



  例句:The accident happened at the corner of the street.




  If you undergo something necessary or unpleasant, it happens to you.

  例句:During the past few decades, this city has undergone great changes.


  undergo changes是个比较正式地道的表达。

  4.with the invention of wrinting,短语中的with是“由于”的意思。

  5.education in its turn added to libraries,教育反过来也丰富了藏书。

  ①in turn,反过来,转而。

  例句:One of the members of the surgical team leaked the story to a fellow physician who, in turn, confided in a reporter.


  ②in turn,轮流。

  例句:The girls called out their names in turn.


  6.a kind of compound interest law,一种复利法则。compound interest law有时也被称作“雪球法则”,即利上滚利,增长很快。

  7.turn...to account,利用……。

  例句:We should turn knowledge to good account to build a better future.


  8.Could any spectacle,...to restore them?这句话从形式上是个疑问句,但实质上起一个加强语气的陈述句的作用,这种疑问句常被称为修辞疑问句。

  9.this twofold use of knowledge,知识的这种双重性。

  twofold表示双重性:You can use twofold to introduce a topic that has two equally important parts.

  例句:The case against is twofold: too risky and too expensive.




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