

LearningYard学苑 172





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Dear you, this is The LearningYard Academy. Today Xiaobian brings you "How much to learn (16):”Express packaging algorithm ”, welcome your visit.



About Citespace

Citespace is a software that identifies and displays new trends and developments in scientific literature in the scientific literature. Use Citespace to find research progress and current research frontiers in a subject area, as well as their corresponding knowledge base.



Citespace usage tutorial

The first step is to prepare in advance. First create a folder, and then create four new subfiles in the folder, named data, input, output, project.


The second step is to enter the literature database through keyword advanced search, find all the documents that meet the requirements, click "Select All", and the literature data is as large as possible.


In the third step, click the number of selected documents to further filter the literature. Click on the selected number to delete some documents with weak references.


Step 4: Export the selected documents. Select the Refworks format. The exported txt file must be renamed. In the format "download_*****.txt", all letters at the beginning of download must be lowercase and the file must be placed in the input folder.

第五步,在准备工作完成后,点开软件Citespace。点击“date”转换已经从数据库下载下来的文献信息。选择文献来源,在“Input Directory”选择“input”文件夹,在“Output Diretory”选择“output”文件夹。

The fifth step, after the preparation is completed, click on the software Citespace. Click "date" to convert the literature information that has been downloaded from the database. Select the source, select the "input" folder in "Input Directory" and the "output" folder in "Output Diretory".

第六步,点击“Format Conversion”格式转换,数据栏显示500篇文献已读取且已转换,可以在output文件夹看到生成的转换文件。将转换完的这份文件复制一份到data文件夹中。

Step 6, click "Format Conversion" format conversion, the data bar shows that 500 documents have been read and converted, you can see the generated conversion file in the output folder. Copy a copy of the converted file to the data folder.

第七步,回到首页,点击“New”,创建一个新的project,在“Title”给文件命名,“Project Home”选择project文件夹,“Data Directory”选择data文件夹。其他选项保持默认值,点击“Save”保存。

Step 7, go back to the home page, click "New", create a new project, name the file in "Title", select the project folder in "Project Home", and select the data folder in "Data Directory". Keep the other options at their default values and click "Save" to save.



Packaging algorithm

In the cartoning strategy, we need to constrain the object in several aspects: the determination of the volume of the object, the determination of the stability of the object, the determination of the rotation mode of the object, the determination of the order in which the object is placed, and how to arrange the position of the goods in the container if the container selection is determined.


Using a three-digit Cartesian coordinate system, define three-dimensional space, on top of which containers, spaces, and goods are defined.


In stacking constraints, we can adopt the idea of "three-point space" based on loading. Select a space from any space, put the object in, and coincide the center of gravity and cardinal point of the object with the cardinal point of space. At the same time, the volume constraint and mass constraint of the object must be satisfied.


Under the premise of entropy constraints, in real life, we prefer to put similar items in the same container, so this algorithm needs to refer to the concept of "composite block". Composite blocks are stacked with similar objects under the condition that the volume and mass can be satisfied, and the gap between blocks is minimized.






That's all for today's sharing.

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I wish you a happy day !





《基于遗传算法的多箱型 三维装箱问题的研究 》



标签: #装箱问题遗传算法代码