

小智雅汇 228



数据的输入输出采取字符流的形式,字符入、字符出(character in character out)。

An ostream converts typed objects to a stream of characters (bytes):

An istream converts a stream of characters (bytes) to typed objects:



Streams have a so-called current position, The current position is the position in the stream where the next read or write operation will take place.



cout << "abc";cout.flush(); // abc is written to the console.cout << "def";cout << endl; // def is written to the console.

NOTE: Not all output streams are buffered. The cerr stream, for example, does not buffer its output.


Remember that the >> operator tokenizes values according to white space, so the getReservation_Data() function does not allow you to enter a name with white space. A solution is using unget(). Note also that even though the use of cout does not explicitly flush the buffer using endl or flush(), the text will still be written to the console because the use of cin immediately flushes the cout buffer; they are linked together in this way.


For most purposes, the correct way to think of an input stream is as a one-way chute. Data falls down the chute and into variables. The unget() method breaks this model in a way by allowing you to push data back up the chute.


A call to unget() causes the stream to back up by one position, essentially putting the previous character read back on the stream. You can use the fail() method to see if unget() was successful or not. For example, unget() can fail if the current position is at the beginning of the stream.


The putback() method, like unget(), lets you move backward by one character in an input stream. The difference is that the putback() method takes the character being placed back on the stream as a parameter:


char ch1;cin >> ch1;cin.putback('e');// 'e' will be the next character read off the stream.



标签: #c语言整数转换为字符