
【双语】瞧!郑州街头的文化墙真好看 Cultural Places Hidden in Zhengzhou

WhereZhengzhou 397



364tharticle 第364期原创双语推文

City is one of mankind's greatest inventions. The more ideas a city has about its culture and history, the more possibilities its inhabitants will possess. That is to say, the city is more dynamic and stronger.


Zhengzhou, an ancient and fashionable city of civilization, is good at endowing old buildings with new vitality and injecting urban culture into them. Recently, several old streets in Zhengzhou have won the title of "king of popularity" in Tik Tok, which have been described as "a place worth visiting", a buzzword on the social network. Among the visitors, from the "post-50s" to the "post-00s", there are both local citizens who are reminded of their memories and tourists from home and abroad.

郑州,这座既古老又时尚的文明之城,擅长赋予旧建筑新兴活力,将城市文化注入其中。最近,郑州的几条老街相继问鼎抖音“人气王”,用社交网络上流行的词汇来形容,就是“网红打卡地”。而前来“打卡”者,从50 后到00 后,既有被勾起尘封记忆的本地市民,也有慕名而来的中外游客。

Culture wall on Xiezuo Road, Zhongyuan District


With pictures about the scenes of the city unfolding on a wall about a kilometer long, “Xiezuo Road” evokes memories of the past. Seeing the buildings in the section of “Looking back on the past”, including Zhongyuan University of Technology, Henan University of Engineering, Zhengzhou Central Hospital, Henan Fifth Construction Group, Henan Working People's Cultural Palace, you cannot help but imagine the stories of this old street in the past decades.

一幅幅抒发城市情怀的画卷在一面长约千米的围墙上展开,“协作路”三个字把人们尘封的记忆打开。中原工学院、河南工程学院、郑州市中心医院、河南五建集团、河南工人文化宫……“忆往昔• 流金岁月”,几十年来,这条老街上发生的故事似乎浮现在眼前。

“Black-and-white TV, sound recorder, iron thermos flask, and old-fashioned bicycle were the big things when we were kids.” said a man born after 1970s who came here with his family, pointing to the pictures on the wall, "see? this is the Henan Fifth Construction Group in 1978."

“黑白电视、录音机、铁皮暖水壶、二八自行车,那可是我们小时候最高大上的物件啦。”带着家人来“打卡”的一位70 后指着墙上的画说,“您往这儿瞧,这是1978 年的河南省第五建筑工程公司。”

In addition, "looking at the present" shows the city’s development history through the sections of “strength gathering, beautiful streets, teamwork, new image, smooth service, and harmonious society”. “Looking into the future” displays the "four modernization centers" in the west area of Zhengzhou. The culture wall featuring culture and warmth on Xiezuo Road makes the old street full of new vitality.

除了“忆往昔”,还有“看今朝• 似锦年华”,通过“聚合力、靓街道、齐动员、塑新颜、保畅通、促和谐”等板块呈现这里的蝶变历程。更有“展未来• 筑梦华新”,展示郑州西区的“四大现代化中心”。协作路上这面蕴含文化、流淌温暖的文化墙,让老城区焕发新活力。

Art wall on Liuchangqian Street, Zhongyuan District



Liuchangqian Street, from West Jianshe Road in the south to West Mianfang Road in the north, used to be the state-owned Zhengzhou No.6 Cotton Textile Factory where the old textile workers worked and lived. Now some of their children and grandchildren still live here. The south entrance of the street still keeps the gate of the "Zhengzhou No.6 Cotton Textile Factory". Walking through the gate, however, you will see something different, with red walls and green trees. On the west wall, over 200 old photos record the rise and fall of the textile industry in Zhengzhou, which is the memory of the old generation. On the east wall, more than 200 teenage paintings depict the city's image as the new generation’s tribute to the city.

六厂前街,南起建设西路,北至棉纺西路,曾是国营郑州第六棉纺织厂,曾是老棉纺人工作、生活的地方,如今一些“纺二代”、“纺三代”仍住在这里。街道南入口至今保留着 “国营郑州第六棉纺织厂”的大门,不过里面已是另一番光景。红墙掩映,绿树成荫。西墙上,200 多幅老照片记载着郑州纺织行业的兴衰变迁,是老一代人的记忆;东墙上,200 多幅青少年绘画作品描绘着郑州城市印象,是新一代人的致敬。

Walking along Liuchangqian Street, you can not only feel the atmosphere of the past history, but also enjoy the pleasant environment today, as if you were in the "time tunnel".


Oil painting wall on Shunhe Road, Jinshui District


The landmark buildings of old Zhengzhou including Kaiyuan Temple Pagoda, Zhengzhou Daxiang Ceramics Museum, People's Theater, and Working People's Cultural Palace once gathered on Shunhe Road. Some of these buildings still exist, some are no longer there. Some have seen them, some haven't.


Nowadays, Shunhe Road has created an oil painting wall named "Memory of Zhengzhou", which reproduces the buildings that once guarded the civilization of the city.


Poetry wall on Biyun Road, Erqi District


This is an elegant street full of flowers and poetries, with gray tiles, white walls, bamboo groves, fragrant grass,and ancient prose translation. The windows, doors, bamboos and grasses painted on the wall are all worth visiting. Nearly a hundred landscape poems, lyric poetry, philosophical poetry, and inspirational poems are playing a part in both inheritance of the traditional culture and upgrading of the city’s appearance.


Stamp wall on Xinghua South Street, Erqi District


There is a stamp wall about 400 meters long on Xinghua South Street, which presents "the city’s image" in the form of stamps. For example, there are two stamps depicting the past and present of the Erqi Tower, with a text telling the story of the Tower beside.

兴华南街上有一面长约400 米的邮票墙,以邮票状的图文来呈现“城市名片”。比如,两张展现过去和当下二七塔的邮票图,旁边还配有文字介绍二七的历史故事。

Tea culture wall on Hanjiang Road, Erqi District


Walking under the tall sycamore trees, you can see smooth pavement and well-proportioned Cycas revoluta Thunb, begonia, and azalea. Passers-by stop and chant in low voices when seeing the poetries about "tea" written by Mi Fu, Huang Tingjian and other literati on the pale yellow wall beside the Hanjiang Road. This is a road featuring "tea culture", full of sweet smell of tea.


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