
【语境记单词】新人教版 3500词汇必备

郑老师英语 52


今天姐妹们对“fluent couple算法”大致比较注意,你们都需要剖析一些“fluent couple算法”的相关资讯。那么小编同时在网摘上收集了一些有关“fluent couple算法””的相关资讯,希望大家能喜欢,大家快快来学习一下吧!

新人教·必修一 Welcome Unit

Bob graduated from junior high school. and now he is a senior high school student. This guy has become my best partner and we often exchange and revise our views. He is so anxious to explore new things that he becomes curious about everything on campus. He has an outgoing personality and always looks forward to making a good impression on everyone. Sometimes Bob organizes lectures. He is confident and never frightened by difficulties. He particularly concentrates on making experiments and likes to takes notes on flash cards. He has a simple life style and a good learning strategy.


鲍勃毕业于初级中学现在是高中生。这家伙成了我最好的搭档, 我们经常交换意见, 改变意见。他是如此渴望探索新事物, 以至于他对校园里的一切都变得好奇起来。他性格外向, 总是希望给别人留下好印象。有时候鲍勃会组织讲座。他很自信, 从不畏惧困难。他特别专注于做实验, 喜欢在闪卡上做笔记。他有简单的生活方式和良好的学习策略。

Suppose you want to join a company or an organisation. You should first register your personal information. You will be given a formal form designed by their designer, and then fill in your name, sex(male and female), age and nationality. At last, you fill in your goals and strategies for achieving them until you complete the registration. What if they don't agree? Don't feel awkward or annoyed. Just leave it alone.


假设你想加入一家公司或一个组织。你应该先注册你的个人信息。你会收到一份由设计师设计的正式表格, 然后填写你的姓名、性别(男性和女性)、年龄和国籍。最后, 你填写你的目标和实现它们的策略, 直到你完成注册。如果他们不同意呢?不要觉得尴尬或者恼火。别管它就行了。

新人教·必修一Unit 1

Teenage life is full of adventures and challenges. Some teenagers like to do volunteer work, and others prefer extra-curricular movements such as organising debates, studying literature, dancing ballet and cleaning up the greenhouses. But more people sign up for advanced courses suitable for their taste. Actually, some teenagers feel confused in their youth, and their behaviours are sometimes confusing. They feel there is a generation gap between themselves and adults, so experts are trying to find a suitable solution.


青少年的生活充满了探索和挑战。有些青少年喜欢做志愿者工作, 还有一些人更喜欢课外活动, 比如组织辩论、学习文学、跳芭蕾舞和清理温室。但更多的人报名参加适合自己口味的高级课程。事实上, 有些青少年年轻时感到困惑, 他们的行为有时候很混乱。他们觉得自己和成年人之间存在代沟, 所以专家们正在努力寻找合适的解决方案。

Johnson is a freshman. He is so attracted to Chinese literature that he has quit his studies in Chicago and come to China. Obviously, with the help of his teacher, his Chinese has improved greatly and he can speak fluent Chinese now. According to the schedule, he will graduate next year. He is focusing on ancient Chinese literature and is addicted to Tang poetry. The topic or title of his research content is“the differences between Eastern and Western literature”. An editor responsible for the research has recommended some classical Chinese literature to him.


约翰逊是新生。他对中国文学如此着迷, 以至于放弃了在芝加哥的学业, 来到了中国。显然, 在老师的帮助下, 他的中文进步很大, 现在能说一口流利的中文了。根据时间表, 他明年就毕业了。他专注于中国古代文学, 沉迷于唐诗。他研究内容的主题或题目是“东西方文学的差异”。一位负责这项研究的编辑向他推荐了一些中国古典文学。

新人教·必修一Unit 2

Tian Hua is making arrangements for a trip abroad. She will visit the Eiffel Tower in France, Disneyland in the United States, the Old Castle in Spain, the Amazon rainforest in Brazil and Lake Titicaca in South America. But her destination is the site the Inca Empire in Peru. She has applied for a visa. She has also rented some outdoor clothes and packed them. She thinks it is an extremely amazing trip. Tian Hua plans first to hike along the country path, rather than travel by any type of transport. But other than that she will take an international flight. She will carry her package, credit cards and a travel brochure with her.


天华正在安排出国旅行。她将参观法国的艾菲尔铁塔、美国的迪士尼乐园、西班牙的古城堡、巴西的亚马逊雨林和南美洲的的喀喀湖。但她的目的地是秘鲁的印加帝国。她申请了签证。她还租了一些户外衣服然后打包。她认为这是一次非常美妙的旅行。天华计划首先沿着乡间小路徒步旅行, 而不是乘坐任何交通工具。但除此之外, 她会搭乘国际航班。她会随身携带背包, 信用卡和旅游手册。

Once a tourist who went on a package tour lost contact with his group. He followed the narrow flat valley to the source of a river. Along the way he saw a powerful waterfall. He admired the beautiful view so much that he could not take control of himself. In front of a big statue some soldiers were unearthing a tomb. Buried in it was an ancient emperor around 300 BC. The tourist was amazed at the unique architecture designed by ancient architects. All this made up an amazing sight. Not recognizing his way back, he requested a local official to give details of how to find accommodation. He wanted to check in and checkout three days later. The official commented that tourism was very helpful to the local economy.


有一次, 一个参加包价旅游的游客和他的团队失去了联系。他沿着狭窄平坦的山谷来到一条河的源头。一路上他看到了一个壮观的瀑布。他对美丽的景色赞叹不已, 以至于无法控制自己。在一座巨大的雕像前, 一些士兵正在挖掘一座坟墓。这座坟墓埋葬了公元前300年左右的一位古代皇帝。游客被古代建筑师设计的独特的建筑惊呆了。所有这一切构成了一个令人惊叹的景象。他没有认出回来的路, 他请求当地官员详细说明如何找到住处。他想登记入住并在三天后退房。这位官员评论说, 旅游业对当地经济很有帮助。

新人教·必修一Unit 3

As an athlete, I like all kinds of sports, such as soccer, boxing, badminton, skiing, and track and field sports like marathon and jogging. I won championships in many sports events. I got not only medals for myself, but also honour and glory for my country. Over the years, I have been inspired by the applause of millions of audience. Recently I have put on weight and I'm afraid my health will fall apart. So I will go on a diet with determination and try to be slim and graceful. I know that exercise and dieting will make a big difference to one's fitness. I do push-ups every day, and never cut it out. I think it makes sense to do so. My fitness has improved a lot compared with the past. In addition, I have always been against cheating in sports, against pretending to fall, and tried to avoid errors in matches.


作为一名运动员, 我喜欢各种运动, 比如足球、拳击、羽毛球、滑雪, 还有田径运动, 比如马拉松和慢跑。我荣获过很多运动项目的冠军。我不仅为自己获得了奖牌, 也为我的国家获得了荣誉和荣耀。这么多年来, 我一直被数百万观众的掌声所鼓舞。最近我体重增加了, 我担心我的健康会垮掉。所以我会坚定地节食, 努力变得苗条优雅。我知道锻炼和节食会对一个人的健康产生很大的影响。我每天做俯卧撑, 从不停止。我觉得这么做是有道理的。我的身体素质比过去有了很大的提高, 此外, 我一直反对在体育比赛中作弊, 反对假装摔倒, 并尽量避免在比赛中出错。

Richard is good at gymnastics and is a legend. Now and then, he is seen working out in a gym or stadium. He never gives up training even if/though he is injured. Meeting with failures he faces them bravely rather than losing heart. Once, he took part in the gymnastics championship hosted by China to compete with the world's gymnastics masters. In spite of his leg injury and mental stress, he had the determination to become the champion. Encouraged by his captain, who came along with him, he gathered all his strength and finally made it. No sweet without sweat. He set a positive example for all the athletes.


Richard擅长体操, 是个传奇人物。偶尔有人看到他在体育馆或者体育场健身。即使他受伤了, 他也不会放弃训练。他勇敢地面对失败, 而不是灰心丧气。有一次, 他参加了由中国主办的体操锦标赛, 与世界体操大师比赛。尽管腿部受伤, 精神压力很大, 他还是下定决心要成为冠军。在和他同来的队长的鼓励下, 他集中了所有的力量, 最终成功了。不出汗就不甜。他为所有的运动员树立了正面的榜样。

新人教·必修一Unit 4

Today, natural disasters, such as floods, droughts, landslides, typhoons, hurricanes, tornadoes and tsunamis, often strike towns and villages, causing human deaths or great damage to people’s property. The most dangerous of them is the volcanic eruption. An active volcano can erupt at any time. Its great power can ruin crops, destroy houses and even bury villages. When a tsunami comes, the waves can crash buildings and sweep away crops. Experts say people should remain calm in the face of an emergency. Experts also give a summary of the effect of some natural disasters. Although they affect people’s lives, the effect is not as serious as people imagine.


今天, 自然灾害, 如洪水, 干旱, 山体滑坡, 台风, 飓风, 龙卷风和海啸, 经常袭击城镇和村庄, 造成人员死亡或巨大的财产损失。其中最危险的是火山喷发。活火山随时都可能爆发。它的强大威力可以毁坏庄稼, 摧毁房屋, 甚至埋没村庄。海啸来的时候, 海浪会冲毁建筑物, 冲走庄稼。专家说人们在紧急情况下应该保持冷静。专家们还总结了一些自然灾害的影响。虽然它们影响了人们的生活, 但其影响并不像人们想象的那么严重。

A great earthquake struck the city and everyone was shocked. Ninety percent of the buildings lay in ruins, metal pipes and taps cracked, and bricks covered the ground. There were ruins everywhere. Many people were trapped at home and suffered a great deal. There was neither electricity nor water. It seemed as if the world were at an end. The government immediately organised rescue teams to evacuate people and take the trapped survivors to shelters in the open air. Some doctors ran over with first aid kits on hand. The helicopters delivered all kinds of supplies and the ambulances whistled by. The PLA also came to their rescue. Thanks to their unified efforts and wisdom, the city began to breathe and revive.


一场大地震袭击了这座城市, 每个人都很震惊。百分之九十的建筑物倒塌沦为废墟, 金属管道和水龙头破裂, 地面被砖块覆盖。到处都是废墟。许多人被困在家里, 遭受了巨大的痛苦。既没有电也没有水。似乎世界末日来临了。政府立即组织救援队疏散人群, 将被困的幸存者带到户外的避难所。一些医生手里拿着急救箱跑过来。直升机运送了各种补给品, 救护车呼啸而过。人民解放军也来营救他们。由于他们的共同努力和智慧, 这座城市开始恢复生机和复苏。

新人教·必修一Unit 5

There are some differences in vocabulary between Br. E and Am. E. For example, the American English words"subway", "gas", "pants" and "apartment" are "underground", "petrol", "trousers" and "flat" in British English. Each nation has its own tongue but in my point of view, language changes relate to the variety of political systems and civilizations of different countries, and despite these, there are other factors, too. The gaps between languages will become smaller over time. Some languages can date back to the earliest dynasty. With ups and downs of a nation, its language is constantly changing. No matter how language develops, it is a symbol of a nation.


英国英语和美国英语在词汇上有所不同。例如, 美式英语单词“subway” “gas” “pants” 和 “apartment”在英式英语中是“underground” “petrol” “trousers” 和“flat”。每个国家都有自己的语言, 但在我看来, 语言的变化与不同国家的政治制度和文明的多样性有关, 尽管如此, 还有其他因素。随着时间的推移, 语言之间的差距会越来越小。有些语言可以追溯到最早的朝代。一个国家的起起落落, 其语言是不断变化的。无论语言如何发展, 它都是一个民族的象征。

Tom is a native and English is his native language. He can speak standard English as well as local dialect. In addition, he has studied Chinese characters and is good at calligraphy. He has learned to carve Chinese characters on animal bones and shells. He especially appreciates classic Chinese literature and regards it as his major research subject, so he tries every means to refer to Chinese classics based on ancient Chinese culture and civilisation. Tom cares about global affairs and has a positive attitude towards life. In his semester paper, he gives a specific description of man's demand and struggle for equal rights.


汤姆是当地人, 英语是他的母语。他能说标准的英语和当地的方言。此外, 他还学过汉字, 擅长书法。他学会了在动物骨头和贝壳上刻汉字。他特别欣赏中国古典文学, 把它作为自己的主要研究对象, 千方百计借鉴中国古代文化和文明的中国古典典籍。汤姆关心国际事务, 对生活有积极的态度。在他的学期论文中, 他具体描述了人类为争取平等权利而进行的需求和斗争。


Unit 1

In order to promote tourism in this area and keep balance between development and protection, the Cultural Heritage Protection Committee has established a special department. The department aims to investigate the condition of local cultural relics, make proposals to the committee and conduct protection activities, making sure that all the cultural relics are well preserved. They attempt to raise funds, call for contributions to the protection of cultural heritage. With major issues, they are likely to turn to local governments for help. To prevent the loss of cultural relics, everyone of us should take part in the preservation activity. For example, there is a temple on the mount, which shows the creative design of ancient people. We must prevent it from disappearing. If possible, we can donate money to the committee. Where there are cultural relics, construction must be limited and give way to them. We make a protest against any conduct of destroying cultural relics and can't forgive it. It is worthwhile for us to do so. It is believed that great changes will take place within a few years.


为了促进这一地区的旅游业发展, 保持发展与保护的平衡, 文化遗产保护委员会成立了一个专门的部门。该部门旨在调查当地文物的状况, 向委员会提出建议, 并进行保护工作, 确保所有文物得以妥善保护。他们努力筹集资金, 呼吁为保护文化遗产做贡献。面对重大问题, 他们可能会向地方政府寻求帮助。为了防止文物流失, 我们每个人都应该参与文物保护活动。例如, 山上有一座庙宇, 展示了古代人的创造性设计。我们必须阻止它消失。如果可能的话, 我们可以捐钱给委员会。在有文化遗迹的地方, 建筑必须受到限制, 并给它们让路。我们抗议任何破坏文物的行为, 不能原谅这种行为。我们这么做是值得的。人们相信在几年内会发生巨大的变化。

My friend is a professional archaeologist. He often downloads some applications and documents about cultural relics from websites. He was sent overseas to work a few years ago. He studied the pyramids in the Arab Republic of Egypt Using digital technology, he looked closely at the entrance, exit and roof of the Great Pyramid and finally formed an image of the construction process. Later, he visited some famous historic sites all over the world and further studied the local traditions and customs there. Then he went to a famous mountain to research ancient caves. There are many dragons carved on the cave walls. These sculptures are of good quality and remain there forever throughout the human history. According to various clues and after making comparisons and contrasts, he identified that these caves could date back to the Tang Dynasty. In his opinion, cultural relics must be well preserved. He often quotes this famous saying that history is like a mirror.


我朋友是个专业的考古学家。他经常从网上下载一些有关文物的应用程序和文档。他几年前被派去海外工作。他利用数字技术研究了阿拉伯埃及共和国的金字塔, 他仔细观察了大金字塔的入口, 出口和屋顶, 最终形成了一个建造过程的图像。后来, 他又游历了世界各地的名胜古迹, 进一步研究了当地的风俗习惯。然后他去了一座著名的山上研究古代洞穴。洞穴的墙壁上雕刻着许多龙。这些雕塑品质优良, 在人类历史上一直保存至今。根据各种线索, 经过比较和对比, 他认为这些洞穴可以追溯到唐代。在他看来, 文物必须保存完好。他经常引用这句名言, 历史就像一面镜子。

新人教·必修二Unit 2

In recent years, creatures such as whales, sharks, dolphins, deer, kangaroos and Tibetan antelopes have faced a threat and it's difficult for them to exist. Now their numbers are reducing due to too much hunting. As a result, they have to search for new habitats and try to adapt to new environments. This problem has concerned people very much, and stirred up emotions of alarm. At present, many volunteers join in the protection of wild animals. In the habitats they observe the daily activities of wild animals and watch them over day and night. They remove traps and nets placed by hunters to protect animals and insects like butter flies from attack. In addition, these volunteers help to recover the lost animals. They remind people in the neighbourhood of the importance of harmony between man and nature.


近年来, 鲸鱼, 鲨鱼, 海豚, 鹿, 袋鼠和藏羚羊等生物面临威胁, 它们很难生存。由于过度捕猎, 它们的数量正在减少。因此, 它们不得不寻找新的栖息地, 并努力适应新的环境。这个问题已经引起了人们的极大关注, 并且激起了人们的惊慌情绪。目前, 许多志愿者加入了保护野生动物的行列。在栖息地, 他们观察野生动物的日常活动, 并日夜监视它们。它们拆除猎人放置的陷阱和网, 以保护动物和昆虫, 如蝴蝶免受攻击。此外, 这些志愿者帮助找回失踪的动物。他们提醒邻近地区的人们人与自然和谐相处的重要性。

There is a poster in the nature reserve that says:"The authorities demand that all illegal hunting should be stopped immediately to protect the species that are endangered. Recently, some hunters have been illegally hunting wild animals, leading to a mass extinction of them, and their habitats have been threatened, too. According to WWF, an average of 75 species become extinct every day in the world. Some wild animals are dying out at a very fast rate. This is an alarming number. Many people are aware of the problem and are concerned about the endangered wildlife. Some countries have taken effective measures to protect these creatures. Why on earth do the hunters shoot these animals? Some intend to sell them as goods to make a profit, others to make a living. For example, antelopes are hunted for their skin and fur. But, to our delight, we have made great progress in wildlife protection.


在自然保护区有一张海报上写着:”当局要求立即停止所有非法狩猎, 以保护濒危物种。最近, 一些猎人非法捕猎野生动物, 导致它们大量灭绝, 它们的栖息地也受到威胁。根据世界自然基金会的数据, 世界上平均每天有75种物种灭绝。一些野生动物正在以非常快的速度灭绝。这是一个惊人的数字。许多人意识到了这个问题, 并且担心濒临灭绝的野生动物。一些国家已经采取了有效措施来保护这些生物。到底为什么猎人要射杀这些动物?有些人打算把它们当商品卖掉赚钱, 有些人则是为了谋生。例如, 猎杀羚羊是为了它们的皮毛。但是, 令我们高兴的是, 我们在野生动物保护方面取得了巨大的进步。

新人教·必修二Unit 3

Tom is a well-known blogger who often writes blog posts on his blog. He likes to use search engines to find information he needs. He also likes to watch movies streaming online. When chatting with others, he uses different identities and avatars. He has access to free Wi-Fi, which is very convenient for him to download software from the network. His database and file are updated once a week. Surfing the Internet has indeed brought him great benefits. It seems that the computer keeps him company all day. Once he went to a conference held in his province. He didn't bring any cash with him plus he lost his identity card. So he paid online.


Tom是一位著名的博主, 他经常在自己的博客上发布博客文章。他喜欢用搜索引擎找到他需要的信息。他还喜欢在网上看流媒体电影。和别人聊天时, 他用不同的身份和头像。他可以使用免费无线网络, 从网络上下载软件非常方便。他的数据库和文件每周更新一次。上网冲浪确实给他带来了很大的好处。电脑好像整天陪着他。有一次他去参加他所在省的一个会议。他身上没带现金, 而且身份证也丢了。所以他是在网上付款的。

This is a new type of tracker with many functions. Put in the battery, press the button and you can keep track of the person in the distance. By using it, you can confirm where someone is. This is our account. We can give you a discount if you click on our website and buy online. Inspired by real life, an author wrote a book“Guidelines and Tips for Residents’Lives”. He had once met with an embarrassing case which made him very upset and go through a tough time. Because he was not familiar with online shopping, he bought a false product. The tracker was useless and even made fun of him. Another time someone put a particular tracker under his car, and he became the target of theft. Now, the author keeps it in mind now that he has gone through so many things.


这是一种具有多种功能的新型追踪器。把电池放进去, 按下按钮, 你就可以跟踪远处的人。通过使用它, 你可以确认某人的位置。这是我们的账户。如果你点击我们的网站在线购买, 我们可以给你一个折扣。受到现实生活的启发, 一位作家写了一本书《居民生活指南和小贴士》。他曾经遇到过一件尴尬的事情, 这件事使他非常沮丧, 并且经历了一段艰难的时期。因为他不熟悉网上购物, 所以买了假货。追踪器毫无用处, 甚至捉弄他。还有一次, 有人在他的车下放了一个特殊的追踪器, 他就成了偷窃的目标。现在, 这位作家记住了这一点, 他经历了这么多事情。


Unit 4

Qufu in Shandong Province is the hometown of Confucius, founder of the Confucian school of philosophy. There are many cultural sites, among which the most famous are the Mansion, the Temple and the Cemetery of Confucius.

Confucius belonged to the State of Lu in the Spring and Autumn period. By the time of the Warring States period, there were seven chief kingdoms left. Sometimes, they were joined to each other because the power of an individual kingdom was too small, and sometimes they broke away from each other. During this period, the kingdoms went through a number of battles, including military of defensive as well as military defence. Finally the State of Qin conquered the other six kingdoms and united China. After that, the Qin Dynasty established a new legal system and a unified currency. Evidence shows that the Qin Dynasty made great achievements in many aspects. Why the Qin Dynasty was strong is no longer a puzzle.


山东曲阜是孔子的故乡, 孔子是儒家哲学的创始人。这里有许多文化遗址, 其中最著名的有府邸、寺庙和孔林。孔子在春秋时期属于鲁国。到战国的时候只剩下七个王国了。有时候, 他们联合在一起, 是因为一个王国的力量太小, 有时候他们彼此分离。在这一时期, 王国经历了许多战役, 包括军事防御和军事攻击。最后秦国征服了其他六国, 统一了中国。此后, 秦朝建立了新的法律制度和统一的货币。证据表明, 秦朝在许多方面都取得了巨大的成就。秦朝为什么强大已经不再是个谜了。

An exhibition of paintings will be held in a county in Wales. The man in charge of the gallery announces there will be generous landscape paintings on show, and that only a small amount of money will be charged for the exhibition to ensure its success. A painting about the customs of the countryside will be displayed. ----There is a pub in the courtyard of a farmhouse. It offers a variety of drinks and snacks, such as wine, beer and hamburgers with butter and honey. A waiter is greeting guests with a smile. A poet is surrounded by a crowd, eager to listen to his speech. A herd of cattle are grazing nearby. It's a fascinating scene, isn't it? The best approach to visiting is to keep your eyes open and see the painting from different positions without missing any details.


威尔士的一个县将举办一个绘画展。画廊负责人宣布, 将有大量的风景画展出, 为了保证展览的成功, 只收取少量的费用。一幅关于乡村风俗的画将被展出。--在一个农舍的院子里有一个小酒馆。它提供各种饮料和小吃, 如葡萄酒, 啤酒和有黄油和蜂蜜的汉堡。服务员微笑着迎接客人。一个诗人被一群人围着, 渴望听他的演讲。一群牛在附近吃草。这场景很迷人, 不是吗?参观的最好方法是睁大眼睛, 从不同的位置观察画作, 同时不遗漏任何细节。


Unit 5

My friend, a famous piano player has shown her musical talent since childhood. She is capable of playing various songs on the piano. Her aim is to release her own album. Moreover, she even wants to perform on the international music stage. She set up some music equipment for herself, and tried out for the music competition of the whole province. She experienced a romantic life. In addition, she was once unemployed, which had a great impact on her previous life. She was so absorbed in music that somehow she had a serious disease last year, and from then on her head often ached. Thus she had to get treatment in the hospital. The treatment provided relief from the ache, but couldn't cure the disease for the time being. I sincerely hope she will get through this difficult time.


我的朋友, 一个著名的钢琴演奏家, 从小就展示了她的音乐天赋。她能用钢琴弹奏各种各样的歌曲。她的目标是发行自己的专辑。此外, 她还想在国际音乐舞台上表演。她为自己准备了一些音乐设备, 并参加了全省的音乐比赛。她经历了一段浪漫的生活。此外, 她曾经失业, 这对她以前的生活有很大的影响。她如此专注于音乐, 以至于去年不知什么原因得了严重的疾病, 从那以后她的头经常疼痛。所以她必须在医院接受治疗。治疗缓解了疼痛, 但暂时不能治愈这个疾病。我真心希望她能度过这段艰难时期。

I fall in love with classical music because it is good for the soul and enables me to be full of energy. I've always wanted to set up a studio or a music band, or a virtual choir to prove my musical talent. Once, the opportunity finally came. My band played my original composition on the stage. The performers performed very well and their performance was a great success. Thus, we were awarded. As a composer and conductor, I felt very proud when I jumped onto the stage to receive the award. Nowadays, my ordinary life has changed altogether. But I don't think this is a good phenomenon.


我爱上古典音乐是因为它有益于灵魂, 让我充满活力。我一直想成立一个工作室, 或者一个乐队, 或者一个虚拟合唱团来证明我的音乐天赋。有一次, 机会终于来了。我的乐队在舞台上演奏了我的原创作品。表演者表现得很好, 他们的表演非常成功。因此, 我们获奖了。作为一个作曲家和指挥家, 当我跳上舞台领奖时, 我感到非常自豪。现在, 我的日常生活完全改变了。但我不认为这是个好现象。


Unit 1

On the Lantern Festival, joyful people wear make-up and dress up in colourful carnival costumes, arching along the streets. Some attend the ceremony, and others visit a lantern fair or guess lantern riddles. People greet and congratulate each other. Congratulations can be heard everywhere. After all, festivals have a wide range of origins. Some come from religions. In other words, their origins are religious. Some festivals are for famous figures and significant events. The harvest festival is an important agricultural festival which full of joy and charm. People are grateful or express their gratitude because all the crops have been gathered. In European countries, people decorate churches and town halls with flowers and fruit. Today, festivals are becoming commercial, with businesses taking advantage of the celebrations. With the commercialisation, some traditions may fade away. In spite of the fact that festivals are commercialised, some typical festivals still keep their traditions. Christmas is the biggest occasion in the West. People greet each other with“Merry Christmas”. On Christmas Eve, people are pleased to enjoy the roast turkeys, puddings, mashed potatoes and pumpkins.


在元宵节, 欢乐的人们化了妆, 穿着五颜六色的嘉年华服装, 沿着街道游行。一些人参加仪式, 还有一些人参观灯会或猜灯谜。人们互相问候和祝贺。到处都能听到恭喜的声音。毕竟, 节日有着广泛的起源。有些来自宗教。换句话说, 它们的起源与宗教有关。有些节日是纪念名人和重大事件的。丰收节是一个重要的农业节日, 充满了喜悦和魅力。人们心存感恩或表达感激之情, 因为所有的庄稼都收割了。在欧洲国家, 人们用鲜花和水果装饰教堂和市政厅。如今, 随着商家利用了庆祝活动, 节日正变得商业化。随着商业化的渗透, 一些传统可能会逐渐消失。尽管节日被商业化了, 一些有代表性的节日仍然保留着自己的传统。圣诞节是西方最大的庆典。人们互相问候“圣诞快乐”。在平安夜(圣诞节前夕), 人们很高兴能够享用烤火鸡、布丁、土豆泥和南瓜。

Last week I attended a wedding ceremony. The new couple are from Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. The bridegroom is a wrestler who has taken part in the national wrestling competition, and the bride is the archery champion. Both of them have represented the autonomous region in national competitions. They love each other, respect each other and have faith or belief in each other. They have a lot in common. To be frank, they are absolutely well matched. The wedding was held in a tent on the grassland, reflecting a warm atmosphere. The bride showed unique grace in her fancy robe. After the host delivered a brief speech, all the guests clapped their hands. Just at that moment, an eagle flew through the air, giving people a horrible feeling. Except for this, everything went well. After the wedding, the guests began to go off and the new couple set off for home, too. After that, the media reported on the wedding.


上周我参加了一个婚礼。这对新人来自内蒙古自治区。新郎是参加过全国摔跤比赛的摔跤运动员, 新娘是射箭冠军。他们两人都代表自治区参加过全国性的比赛。他们彼此相爱, 互相尊重, 彼此信任。他们有许多共同之处。坦白说, 他们绝对是天生一对。婚礼在草原上的一个帐篷里举行, 显示出一种热烈的气氛。新娘穿着精致的礼袍, 显得格外优雅。主持人做了简短的讲话后, 所有客人都鼓起掌来。就在那一刻, 一只雕从空中飞过, 给人一丝可怕的感觉。除此之外, 一切顺利。婚礼结束后, 客人们开始离去, 新婚夫妇也动身回家。之后, 媒体对婚礼进行了报道。

新人教·必修三Unit 2

People often talk about morals and what virtue is. But sometimes they may face moral dilemmas. For example, if an old man tripped over a stone or suddenly fainted in the street or was injured in an accident, what would be your first response? Should you assist him to rise or give first aid? Or just stand by? This will illustrate what your moral and life principles are. In Lin Qiaozhi’s eyes, life is precious. When others entrusted her with their lives, it was virtue that carried her through a life of hard choices. She did not choose marriage as the majority of girls did, but chose to study medicine. Therefore, her brother responded against her choice and complained about it, thinking of the high tuition fees. After graduation, Lin Qiaozhi won a scholarship from a union and was hired as a resident physician in a famous hospital. Once she was appointed as a visiting scholar to a clinic in a faraway country. She impressed her colleagues by rejecting a well-paid offer. In the decades after liberation, Lin Qiaozhi was elected as leaders in many important positions and led all the staff to the medical cause of China. She published a great deal of medical research. She did not retire until the day she passed away, 22 April 1983.

人们经常谈论道德和什么是美德。但有时他们可能会面临道德困境。例如, 如果一个老人被石头绊倒, 或者在街上突然晕倒, 或者在事故中受伤, 你的第一反应是什么?你应该帮助他站起来还是提供急救?还是袖手旁观?这将说明你的道德和生活原则是什么。在林巧稚看来, 生命是宝贵的。当别人把自己的生命托付给她时, 正是美德支撑着她度过了艰难抉择的一生。她没有像大多数女孩那样选择结婚, 而是选择了学医。因此, 她的哥哥对她的选择不以为然, 并为此抱怨, 考虑到学费太高了。毕业后, 林巧稚获得了联合会的奖学金, 并被一家著名医院聘为住院医师。有一次她被派往一个遥远的国家的诊所做访问学者。她拒绝了一份高薪的工作, 给同事们留下了深刻的印象。解放后的几十年里, 林巧稚被选为许多重要职务的领导人, 带领全体职工投身于中国的医疗事业。她发表了大量的医学研究作品。她直到1983年4月22日去世才退休。

There was an earthquake here. The might of the earthquake brought more or less harm to per family. Some people lived in tears, in tension or in despair. Some people had bought disaster insurance with their income savings, while some people tended to accept it. At midnight, the scared and passive people couldn’t go elsewhere but sit in the square of the kindergarten, listening to the chairman tell fables. Mothers whispered with their lips open and their children sleeping on their laps regardless of the mosquito bites. The chairman told a chain of fables as if in memory of a moral person. One of the fables began with a disguised king. He left his court and got into a cart for a visit. He hid behind a maple tree. He saw a customer limp into a café. An energetic waitress came up to greet him. However, he on purpose spilt some dirty water on her and said some sharp and unkind words. The waitress smiled and apologized, but no one knew she was pregnant. The owner of the café was a flexible person, so the operation of the coffee shop was fairly good. The café also imported and exported coffee.

这里发生了地震。地震的巨大威力给每个家庭带来了或多或少的伤害。有些人生活在泪水、紧张或绝望之中。有些人用自己的收入积蓄买了灾难保险, 而有些人则倾向于接受。午夜时分, 这些惊恐而被动的人们不能去别的地方, 只能坐在幼儿园的广场上, 听着主持人讲寓言故事。母亲们张着嘴悄声说话, 孩子们不顾蚊虫叮咬, 躺在她们的腿上睡觉。主持人讲了一连串的寓言故事, 仿佛是为了纪念一个有道德的人。其中一个寓言是从一个乔装打扮的国王开始的。他离开宫廷坐上马车去私访, 他躲在一棵枫树后面。他看见一个顾客一瘸一拐地走进一家咖啡馆。一位精力充沛的女侍者走上前来迎接他。然而, 他故意泼了她一身脏水, 说了一些尖酸刻薄的话。女服务员微笑着道歉, 但没人知道她怀孕了。咖啡馆的主人是个灵活的人, 所以咖啡店的经营相当不错。咖啡馆还进口和出口咖啡。


Unit 3

While admitting cultural diversity or diverse cultures, we should explore the historical causes of this phenomenon. Apart from this, we should also understand Chinese ethnic minority cultures. In 1848, the discovery of gold near San Francisco brought about a gold rush. Over 300, 000 people from all over the world crossed the Atlantic and headed to San Francisco to seek their fortune. Some immigrants settled down near downtown, in the Mission District. To earn a living, they opened up shops, bars and restaurants. The climate in San Francisco is mild all year round. Today a large percentage of Chinese-Americans live in Chinatown. There visitors can buy fashionable clothing, souvenirs, boots, jeans, china plates and even Chinese herbal medicine.

在承认文化多样性或多元文化的同时, 我们应该探索这种现象的历史原因。除此之外, 我们还应该了解中国的少数民族文化。1848年, 旧金山附近发现了黄金, 引发了淘金热。来自世界各地的30多万人跨越大西洋前往旧金山寻求财富。一些移民在市中心附近的教会区定居下来。为了谋生, 他们开了商店、酒吧和餐馆。旧金山全年气候温和。今天, 很大一部分华裔美国人住在唐人街。在那里, 游客可以买到时髦的服装、纪念品、靴子、牛仔裤、瓷盘甚至中草药。

A typhoon hit the small town, claiming hundreds of lives. Only a minority of the residents escaped, but the disaster destroyed their homes and caused them financial difficulties. Afterwards a series of things occurred again. Some families took food from home with them, such as spicy chips, cheese, and poisonous mushrooms. These mushrooms contained deadly poison. Some residents folded their neat clothing and other daily items. They put them on their trucks together with construction materials and accessories. They were definitely going to settle down in a new place. The children didn’t forget to bring their journals, diagrams, jazz music boxes, comics and graffiti with them. Apart from these, they selected some super collections which would suit their tastes.

一场台风袭击了这个小镇, 夺走了数百人的生命。只有少数居民逃脱了, 但灾难摧毁了他们的家园, 给他们造成了经济困难。此后又发生了一系列的事情。一些家庭从家里带走食物, 如辛辣薯条、奶酪和毒蘑菇。这些蘑菇含有致命的毒素。一些居民包裹好整洁的衣服和其他日用品, 把它们和建筑材料及配件一起装上卡车。他们肯定要去一个新的地方定居下来。孩子们不忘带上他们的日记、图表、爵士音乐盒、漫画和涂鸦。除此之外, 他们还挑选了一些适合自己品位的超级收藏品。


Unit 4

After retiring from the navy, the crew formed an ocean expedition. They were both qualified and enthusiastic explorers. After they were assigned the task, they went aboard the ship and began their voyage to the Atlantic Ocean. All the crew and stewards were full of vigour and were envied by everyone. A few days later when the ship was sailing, it was crushed against a reef unfortunately. Immediately the ship began to sink. At this time, some of the crew resolved to persevere with the voyage, but the captain turned them down. After sending out the emergency signal, the captain decided to abandon the ship, including all the belongings on board, such as furniture, cupboards, stoves, blankets and a decent banjo. It was time to test their endurance, resolve and perseverance in adversity. No one was ever selfish or bad-tempered. Although it was a bitter and miserable experience, they were fearless and showed a genuine friendship with each other.

从海军退役后, 船员组成了一支远洋探险队。他们是既合格又热情的探险者。被分配任务后, 他们就登上了船, 开始了去大西洋的航行。全体船员和乘务员都精力充沛, 受到了大家的羡慕。几天后, 船在航行时, 不幸撞到了暗礁上。船立即开始下沉。这时, 有些船员决心坚持这次航行, 但船长拒绝了他们。在发出紧急信号后, 船长决定弃船, 包括船上所有的物品, 例如家具、橱柜、炉具、毛毯和一把相当不错的班卓琴。到了在逆境中考验他们耐力、决心和毅力的时候了。没有人自私或脾气不好。虽然这是一次痛苦而悲惨的经历, 但他们无所畏惧, 彼此表现出真诚的友谊。

My nephew made an application for a job in an advertising agency. Fortunately, he was hired by the company. Under the guidance of his boss, his work was to advertise corporate culture. Once he went to a private enterprise to make a thorough investigation. Unfortunately, he found that the owner of the private enterprise beat his dog in a cruel way while it was barking. Therefore, he refused to advertise for the company. My nephew likes badminton and rugby. He is often seen in the recreation center to play baseball with a bat.

我侄子申请在一家广告公司工作。幸运的是, 他被公司录用了。在老板的指导下, 他的工作是为公司的文化做广告。有一次他去一家私营企业做了一次彻底的调查。不幸的是, 他发现私营企业老板在狗叫的时候用残忍的方式打它。因此, 他拒绝为这个公司做宣传。我侄子喜欢羽毛球运动和橄榄球运动。人们经常看到他在娱乐中心拿着球拍打棒球。

As Confucianism says, “Keep what you say and carry out what you do. ”Tom was a navigator, and he made a commitment to live or die with the ship. Here was an episode in his life. When the ship motor started, he got aboard the ship and made fire, which began to give off a light smoke. While the ship was sailing out to the sea, they met with a storm. But in the rough sea, Tom remained calm. His only motive was to navigate the ship safely. Finally, when the ship reached its destination, he gave his life to save others. I’m the suitable candidate to go sailing. I must be as loyal to my ship and the crew as Tom was.

正如儒家所言, “言必信, 行必果。”汤姆是一位领航员, 他承诺与船只共存亡。这是他生命中的一段经历。当船上的马达启动时, 他上了船, 生起了火, 冒出一股轻烟。当船出海时, 他们遇到了风暴。但在波涛汹涌的大海中, 汤姆保持镇静。他唯一的目的就是安全地为这艘船驾驶导航。最后, 当船到达目的地时, 他为了救别人而献出了生命。我是去航海的合适人选。我必须像汤姆一样对我的船只和船员忠诚。

To become an astronaut, you must go through a strict selection procedure. You need a lot of mental, intelligent and physical training. Besides, you should not only know about the universe, the solar system and our globe, but also understand rockets, satellites, spacecrafts, gravity and so on. In closing, astronauts must have a determined will and a strong desire to succeed. After a spacecraft is launched, make sure it goes in the right orbit. An astronaut on board has a lot of missions to carry on. He must be able to complete a spacewalk independently so as to transmit data to the relevant agencies on the earth.

要成为一名宇航员, 你必须经过严格的选拔程序。你需要大量的心理、智力和体能训练。此外, 你不仅应该了解宇宙、太阳系和我们的地球, 还应该懂得火箭、卫星、航天器、重力等知识。最后, 宇航员必须有坚定的意志和取得成功的强烈愿望。宇宙飞船发射后, 确保它在正确的轨道上运行。飞船上的宇航员有很多任务要完成。他必须能够独立地完成太空行走, 以便将数据传送到地球上的相关机构。

Tom keeps in mind the famous saying“That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind. ”So he is keen to explore the mysteries of the universe. Once there was virtual training in space, Tom boarded a vehicle called Jade Rabbit in the hope of exploring the final frontier. On the spacecraft there was a microwave, a smartphone, a pillow, an oxygen bottle, some soap, towels, tissues and other facilities to provide for him. After the spacecraft entered its orbit, the monitor signaled regularly. When he was finishing the ongoing mission, he began to float in the capsule for lack of sufficient training, and his muscles ached too. Fortunately, he was attached tightly to the spacecraft. Otherwise, he would float beyond the spaceship. But he felt disappointed when he found his limited resources were running out. He wanted to figure out if the resources could be recycled. Through analysis, Tom argued that the current fatal error was lack of high-end facilities, which resulted in the failure of space training. As a result, he had to signal for help.

汤姆牢记那句名言“对一个人来说那是一小步, 对人类来说却是一大步”。于是他热衷于探索宇宙的奥秘。曾经有一次在太空进行虚拟训练, 汤姆登上了一辆名叫玉兔的月球车, 希望能探索最后的边界。航天器上有一台微波炉、一部智能手机、一个枕头、一只氧气瓶、一些肥皂、毛巾、纸巾和其他为他提供的设施。宇宙飞船进入轨道后, 监视器定期发出信号。当他就要完成正在进行的任务时, 由于缺乏足够的训练, 他开始在太空舱里漂浮, 他的肌肉也开始疼痛。幸运的是, 他被紧紧地绑在飞船上, 否则, 他将漂浮在飞船之外。但当他发现自己有限的资源即将耗尽时, 他感到很失望。他想弄清楚这些资源是否可以循环利用。通过分析, 汤姆认为目前致命的错误是缺乏高端设施, 这导致太空训练失败。结果, 他不得不发信号求救。


Unit 5

Is money the basis of a happy life? Should we judge people on the basis of how much money they have? Here’s a scene from the play The Million Pound Bank Note. I love a wide range of plays, including operas and musicals. I once played the role of a dinosaur in a play and received many hugs from the audience. This time I’d like to be a narrator and tell the story in a narration pattern. I am willing to apologise to you if I leave out any plots or elements of the story. Two brothers named Roderick and Oliver made a bet on what would happen if a penniless man was given a million pound bank note. They saw by accident a young man in rags wondering near their house, so they asked the servant to call him in. They thought he was the right sort of man they wanted. The young man had been caught in a storm at sea and spotted by a ship sailing to Britain. As a matter of fact, he was a businessman who worked for a mining company in America. In London he had nowhere to go but to the consulate to ask the ambassador for help, but he failed and didn’t dare to try again. The brothers asked him so many odd questions that he seemed to lose patience. To be honest, he was so hungry indeed and ought to be on his way. Just as he was about to leave, the two brothers stopped him and gave him a large envelope in case he needed it in the future. They asked him to promise to postpone opening it until 2 o’clock.

金钱是幸福生活的基础吗?我们应该根据人们有多少钱来评价他们吗?这是戏剧《百万英镑》中的一场。我喜欢各种各样的戏剧, 包括歌剧和音乐剧。我曾经在一出戏里扮演恐龙的角色, 得到了许多观众的拥抱。这次我想当一名叙述者, 用叙述的方式讲述这个故事。故事情节或要点若有遗漏, 我乐意道歉。罗德里克和奥利弗两兄弟打赌, 如果一个身无分文的人得到一张100万英镑的钞票, 会发生什么事。他们偶然看到一个衣衫褴褛的年轻人在他们家附近徘徊, 于是让仆人把他叫了进来。他们认为他就是他们想要的那种人选。那个年轻人在海上遇到了风暴, 被一艘驶往英国的轮船发现了。事实上, 他是为美国矿业公司工作的一位商人。在伦敦, 他无处可去, 只能到领事馆向大使求助, 但失败了, 不敢再试。兄弟俩问了他许多奇怪的问题, 他似乎失去了耐心。老实说, 他确实太饿了, 应该上路了。就在他正要离开时, 兄弟俩拦住他, 给了他一个大信封, 以防他将来之需。他们要求他许诺推迟到两点才把信封打开。

As the saying goes, money is a good servant and a bad master. It will not bring happiness to pursue money. A sequence of events will indicate to a large extent that money can’t buy happiness. Eventually, no odd intention will come true. Nothing will come in return. One day, Henry saw a sign for a tailor’s shop. He stopped and hesitated to come in. The clerk on duty had the obligation to greet him at once, but instead he frowned, said something in a rude manner, and asked Henry to go downstairs. Beneath the floor was a room for ready-made suits. Almost all clerks ignored him. Later, hearing Henry had a million-pound bank note, the owner of the shop pushed the clerks aside and came over with a broad smile. He had thought Henry belonged to the upper class;therefore he wanted to maintain a good relationship with him. In that case, he provided a wide range of options for Henry to choose from. With his permission, Henry chose one without payment. The owner thought it was normal.

俗话说, 金钱是善仆, 也是恶主。追求金钱不会带来幸福。一系列的事件在很大程度上将表明金钱买不到幸福。最终, 任何奇怪的意图都不会实现, 不会有任何回报。一天, 亨利看到一个裁缝店的招牌。他停了下来, 犹豫着是否要进来。值班店员有义务立刻迎接他, 但他却皱起眉头, 粗鲁地说了些什么, 然后让亨利到楼下去, 地板下面有一间成衣房。几乎所有的店员都不理睬他。后来, 听说亨利有一张百万英镑的钞票, 店主把店员推到旁边, 满面笑容地走了过来。他以为亨利属于上流社会, 所以想和他保持良好的关系。既然那样, 他为亨利提供了多种选择。在他的允许下亨利没有付款就选购了一件。店主认为这很正常。


Unit 1

1 Tu Youyou is awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine because she has discovered artemisinin, a crucial drug for malaria. In fact, artemisinin has become a vital part of the treatment for malaria. After graduating from university, Tu Youyou worked at the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine. She committed herself to the objective of discovering a new treatment for malaria. She and her scientific research team tried to find traditional botanical treatments for the disease. They evaluated280, 000 plants and tested 380 distinct ancient Chinese medical treatments. Tu’s team tried boiling fresh wormwood, and using the liquid obtained from this to treat malaria, but this did not work. Tu Youyou wouldn’t acknowledge defeat. She insisted on analysing the medical texts again and drew a conclusion that boiling the sweet wormwood apparently destroyed its medical properties. By using a lower temperature to draw out the extract, she discovered the effective substance. Artemisinin, like penicillin, has stood up to clinical tests, just as other products or devices can stand wear and tear.

屠呦呦获得了诺贝尔生理学或医学奖, 因为她发现了治疗疟疾的关键药物青蒿素。事实上, 青蒿素已经成为疟疾治疗的重要组成部分。大学毕业后, 屠呦呦在中国中医研究院工作。她致力于发现疟疾新疗法的目标。她和她的科研团队试图找到治疗这种疾病的传统植物疗法。他们评估了28万种植物, 并测试了380种不同的古代中医疗法。屠的研究小组尝试将新鲜的青蒿煮沸, 然后用从中提取的液体治疗疟疾, 但没有成功。屠呦呦不承认失败。她坚持要再次分析医学文献, 并得出结论, 煮沸这种青蒿显然破坏了它的医学特性。她用较低的温度获取提取物, 发现了这种有效的物质。青蒿素和青霉素一样, 经得起临床检验, 就像其他产品或设备经得起磨损一样。

The difference between a novelist and a professor is that the former mostly uses his extraordinary creative genius to inspire people’s passion by writing novels, while the latter pays more attention to academic research. A politician wants to found his own theories and tries to come to power. A scientist hopes to make remarkable achievements and have more inventions and patents. Take Albert Einstein for example. He made numerous contributions to the world, the most well-known being the general theory of relativity and the famous formula E=mc 2. He earned a doctorate in physics in 1905 and gradually became famous as the new Isaac Newton. Circumstances changed in 1933, when Hitler came to power in Germany. Einstein, who was Jewish, found the doors of academic institutions closed to him. As a consequence, he had to flee Germany. He finally took up a position as a researcher at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, USA. Einstein was not only a genius, but also a very gentle man. He had a thick moustache and long white hair. Despite his peculiarities, he was loved by his friends and neighbours whom he encountered. Now let’s complete this flow chart to infer his further achievements. You can also write a draft to sum up Einstein’s life.

小说家和教授的区别在于, 前者大多是利用自己非凡的创作天赋, 通过写小说来激发人们的热情, 而后者则更注重学术研究。政治家想要建立自己的学说并试图掌权。科学家希望取得非凡的成就, 拥有更多的发明和专利。以阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦为例。他为世界做出了许多贡献, 最著名的是广义相对论和著名的公式E=mc2。他在1905年获得了物理学博士学位, 并逐渐以新艾萨克·牛顿而闻名。1933年希特勒在德国上台后, 情况发生了变化。(因为)爱因斯坦是犹太人, 他发现学术机构的大门对他关闭了。结果, 他不得不逃离德国。最终, 他在美国普林斯顿高等研究院担任研究员一职。爱因斯坦不仅是个天才, 而且是个非常温和的人。他留着浓密的胡子和长长的白发。尽管他性格古怪, 但是他相识的朋友和邻居都喜欢他。现在让我们完成这个流程图来推断他的进一步成就。你也可以写一份草稿来总结爱因斯坦的一生。


Unit 2

I have to persuade myself to use these words and phrases to describe my daily routine in the future. If I forget to switch off my electrical appliances like my air conditioners and I’m in a distant place, my integrated sensors in my smart home system will do it for me instead of remote controls and automatic knobs. These sensorsare very efficient and give instant commands. The home system will obey and give constant warnings until the appliances enter the safety mode. This will keep my home secure. In addition, my smart home can warn me early on if there is something abnormal or if I have a critical illness, such as cancer, and potentially save my life. If the electrical wire starts leaking electricity, my smart home will detect it and provide me with the relevant information. In this sense, I will fix the problem before my home catches fire. Nevertheless, this smart technology is not a fantasy. Many of these innovations are already available and being used in some homes.

我必须说服自己用这些单词和短语来描述我未来的日常生活。如果我忘记关掉我的电器比如空调, 而且我在很远的地方, 我的智能家居系统中的集成传感器会帮我做这件事, 而不用遥控器和自动旋钮。这些传感器非常高效, 可以发出即时指令。家居系统将服从并持续发出警告, 直到电器进入安全模式。这将确保我家的安全。此外, 要是有异常情况, 或者我患有癌症等严重疾病, 我的智能家居能够在初期便提醒我, 并有可能挽救我的生命。如果电线开始漏电, 我的智能家居会检测到并向我提供相关信息。从这个意义上说, 我会在我的房子着火之前解决这个问题。然而, 这种智能技术并非空想。许多这样的新发明已经可用, 而且一些家庭正在使用。

Artificial intelligence can be used to guard against potential crimes and gain a sense of security. For example, the librarian advocates combining monitors into the structure of the library building. Hence, no one is opposed to this suggestion. They are a necessity, but not a luxury. Now let’s change the subject, and talk about our future occupations and careers. We should learn to predict or make a prediction about the future, because we can’t resist the development of society. So we must keep in touch with the latest technology, and place emphasis on these new technologies, such as cloning, nanobots and satellite weather forecast. Each of us is required to write an essay with several paragraphs to give an accurate description of our future careers. I think the prospect of rural development is very attractive. There can’t be an absence of rural talents. My preference is farming. Even if I encounter resistance, I will never cease to go and work there.

人工智能可以用来防范潜在的犯罪并获得安全感。例如, 图书馆馆长倡导将监控器安装到图书馆建筑的结构中。因此, 没有人反对这个建议。它们是必需品, 而不是奢侈品。现在让我们换个话题, 谈谈我们未来的职业和事业吧。我们应当学会预料或对未来做出预测, 因为我们无法抗拒社会的发展。因此, 我们必须了解最新的科技, 并把重点放在这些新技术上, 比如克隆技术, 纳米机器人和卫星天气预报等。我们每个人都被要求写一篇文章, 用几段话来准确描述我们未来的职业。我认为农村的发展前景非常诱人。农村人才不能缺位。我的爱好是务农, 即使我遇到阻力, 我也不会停止去那里工作。


Unit 3

A group of journalists set out for the polar area. They came to a fascinating valley near the boundary, where they would camp. The north wind was buffeting the cloth of their tent. At the edge of the valley, they found a small cottage. A visible glacier from the top of the mountain flowed through the valley. The vast territory stretched as far as the eye could see. A lot of reindeer were on the move, accompanied by some local people to prevent leopards from hurting them. Hunting was banned here. All the journalists felt really blessed to be in such a beautiful place. Nevertheless, there was only one unpleasant thing. A woman journalist had a cold and sneezed all the time. The cream she had put in the teapot turned sour, too. She turned the teapot upside down and poured out the sour cream.

一群记者启程前往极地地区。他们来到边界附近一个迷人的山谷, 他们将在那里安营扎寨。北风吹拂着他们帐篷的布。在山谷的边缘, 他们发现了一间小木屋。从山顶流下的一条看得见的冰川流经山谷。辽阔的大地一望无际。许多驯鹿在一些当地人的陪同下迁移, 以防止豹子伤害它们。这里禁止打猎。所有记者都为身处如此美丽的地方而感到由衷的幸福。然而, 只有一件令人不愉快的事。一位女记者感冒了, 一直打喷嚏。她放在茶壶里的奶油也变酸了。她把茶壶颠倒过来, 倒出了酸奶油。

I was wandering along the corridor of the amusement park. A splendid fountain ahead appealed to me. Behind it was the superb aquarium. I pedaled a bicycle along the original route to visit the aquarium. I was very much amused to see some adorable fish swimming and an enormous whale on display. There were up to20, 000 fish there. Then I visited a pirate ship, had a swing with some children and took a ride on the roller coaster. In this park, there were many entertainments that aroused my strong appetite. I could watch fashion shows, iron workshops, and a rare steam engine. That was an incredible theme park that appealed to everyone. After the visit, my teacher asked me to describe the park with adjectives and imperative sentences, then to label these adjectives and put them in the left column.

我漫步在游乐园的走廊上。前面一个壮观的喷泉吸引了我。在它后面是一个美丽的水族馆。我沿着原来的路线骑自行车去参观水族馆。看到一些可爱的鱼在水里游来游去, 还有一头巨大的鲸在那里展览, 我觉得很有趣。那里有多达两万条鱼。然后我参观了海盗船, 和孩子们一起荡秋千, 坐过山车。公园里有许多娱乐活动, 引起了我的强烈欲望。我可以观看时装秀、铁器车间和一台罕见的蒸汽机。那是一个吸引每一个人的极好的主题公园。参观结束后, 老师让我用形容词和祈使句来描述公园, 然后给这些形容词贴上标签, 把它们放在左栏里。


Unit 4

In our interactions with other people, the way of expression needs to vary with the situation. Body language is important and reliable. By contrast, it is sometimes more appropriate than spoken language. A smile is always approved of in all cultures because it demonstrates politeness and can break down barriers. A fake smile is also necessary if you want to hide feelings like anger or anxiety, or when you feel ashamed or embarrassed. Of course, we can make inferences about the truth of the smile. Body language differs around the world. Different cultures may employ different gestures to express the identical feelings. In some cultures, people favour shaking hands, bowing from the waist when they meet. By comparison, elsewhere, people may kiss their friends on the cheek. You can also witness that some people interpret the gesture for OK as zero.

在我们与他人的交往中, 表达的方式需要根据情况而变化。体态语很重要也很可靠。相比之下, 它有时候比口头语言更恰当。微笑在所有文化中都是被认可的, 因为它表现出礼貌, 还可以打破障碍。如果你想隐藏像愤怒或焦虑等情绪, 或者当你感到羞愧或尴尬时, 假装的微笑也是必要的。当然, 我们可以推断出微笑的真实性。世界各地的体态语言各不相同。不同的文化可能使用不同的姿势来表达相同的感受。在某些文化中, 人们见面时喜欢握手、弯腰鞠躬。相比之下, 在其他地方, 人们可能会亲吻朋友的脸颊。你还可以看到有些人把“OK”的手势理解为零。

As an educator, I’ve learned to read my students’ body language and know what makes each student tick. In other words, I understand what my students think through their body language. As we know, people have a tendency to lean towards whatever they are interested in. So if a student has his head lowered to look at his watch, it implies he is bored. Their eyes barely move, and with their chins on their hands, they occupy themselves by staring out of the window or up at the ceiling. That means these students are distracted from class. I can perceive and distinguish why some students put their arms across their chests. I know I need to inquire and assess what is going on. Once, I made a trial with the twin brothers about nonverbal gestures. I gave an accurate assessment of their internal thoughts by how they posed, slumped and bent over. This was also a good explanation of body language. Ultimately, I call on my students not to be bothered by the outside world and adjust their learning state. At work, if there is a conflict between behaviour and learning, I will intervene in time. This is merely one component of the solution.

作为一名教育工作者, 我学会了解读学生的肢体语言, 了解每个学生的一举一动的原因。换句话说, 我通过学生的肢体语言来了解他们的想法。众所周知, 人们总是倾向于他们感兴趣的东西。所以, 如果一个学生低头看表, 这意味着他很无聊。如果他们的眼睛几乎不动, 双手托着下巴, 忙着盯着窗外或天花板, 那意味着这些学生上课分心。我能够觉察和分辨出为什么有些学生把胳膊交叉放在胸前。我知道我需要调查和判断发生了什么。有一次, 我对双胞胎兄弟做了一个关于非语言手势的试验。我通过他们摆姿势、垂头走路和俯身的方式, 准确地评估了他们的内心想法。这也是对肢体语言一个很好的解释。最后, 我呼吁学生不要被外界干扰, 调整好自己的学习状态。在课堂学习中, 如果行为和学习之间有冲突, 我会及时介入。这仅仅是解决方案的一个组成部分。


Unit 5

Known as the“father of hybrid rice”, Yuan Longping has devoted his life to the Chinese farmers. Once, China had a serious shortage of food. To tackle this crisis, alleviate hunger and get rid of poverty, Yuan was convinced that farmers must boost yields in the fields they had. One characteristic of hybrids showed that they could attain a higher yield than conventional crops. Through intense effort, Yuan overcame enormous difficulties to develop the first hybrid rice that enabled farmers to expand their output greatly. Today, it is estimated that about 60 percent of domestic rice consumption in China is comprised of crops generated from Yuan’s hybrid strains. Deep down, Yuan is still very much a farmer at heart. As a man of the soil, he cares little for celebrity or money. Despite his wealth, Yuan Longping doesn’t live a life of leisure. His assumption is that he envisioned rice plants as tall as sorghum, with each ear of rice as big as a broom, and each grain of rice as huge as a peanut. His latest vision for rice growing in salty land has also become a reality.

被誉为“杂交水稻之父”的袁隆平把一生奉献给了中国农民。中国的粮食曾经严重短缺。为了应对这个危机, 缓解饥饿和摆脱贫困, 袁隆平确信农民必须在已有土地上提高产量。杂交作物的一个特点表明, 它们可以获得比传统作物更高的产量。通过极大的努力, 袁隆平克服了巨大的困难, 培育出了第一代杂交水稻, 使农民能够大幅度提高(水稻的)产量。据估算, 现在中国国内大约60%的大米消费是由袁隆平的杂交品种形成的作物组成的。在内心深处袁隆平仍然还是一个纯粹的农民。作为一个土地之子, 他不在乎名誉和金钱。袁隆平虽然很富有, 却没有过悠闲的生活。他的设想是, 他想象水稻植株像高粱一样高, 每支稻穗像扫帚一样大, 每粒稻米像花生一样大。他最近提出的在盐碱地种植水稻的愿景也已成为现实。

Farmers prefer chemical fertilizers to organic ones for an increase of output. But crops grown with chemical fertilizers lack nutrition, essential minerals and nice flavour. Today chemical pesticides have been in widespread use in farming. Pesticides can kill harmful bacteria and insects, but damage the nutritious crops. This, in turn, affects the animals and humans who digest them. Now some pesticides have been prohibited in most countries. As an alternative, some farmers have switched to organic farming, because organic vegetables and grain are welcomed in urban groceries. These farmers also change crops. For instance, they grow corn or wheat in a field one year, and then grow beans there the next. These crops have entirely different roots and use different depths of soil.

为了提高产量, 农民更喜欢化肥而不是有机肥。但是用化肥种植的作物缺乏营养、必需的矿物质和美味。今天, 化学农药已在农业中得到了广泛的应用。农药可以杀死有害的细菌和昆虫, 但也会损害有营养的作物。这反过来又影响到消化它们的动物和人类。现在大多数国家都已禁止使用某些杀虫剂。作为替代, 一些农民已经转向有机农业, 因为有机蔬菜和粮食在城市的杂货店里很受欢迎。这些农民还更换作物。例如, 他们一年在一块地里种玉米或小麦, 下一年在那里种豆类。这些作物的根完全不同, 使用的土壤深度也不同。


Unit 1

Cholera is an infectious disease caused by germs. People who are infected with this disease will suffer from severe diarrhoea, dehydration and even death. As a young doctor, John Snow felt a little frustrated at first, but he was determined to defeat“King Cholera”once and for all. There were then two contradictory theories to explain how cholera spread. Snow subscribed to the correct theory that cholera was caused by an infection from germs in food or water. But Snow needed proof and findings. It happened that cholera broke out in London in 1854, and Snow began to investigate. He discovered that there were multiple deaths in some households near the water pump in Broad Street. This showed there was a link between the cases of cholera and the water. Snow suspected that the water pump was to blame, so he had the handle of the water pump removed. Thanks to Snow’s intervention, people began to drink pure water instead of raw water. Thus, there was a substantial decrease in the threat of cholera. Furthermore, in his use of maps and statistics, Snow transformed the way scientists study diseases. His thinking and concept on disease were quite novel at that time. Therefore, Snow is considered the father of modern epidemiology.

霍乱是一种由细菌引起的传染病。感染这种疾病的人会严重腹泻、脱水甚至死亡。作为一名年轻的医生, 约翰•斯诺一开始感到有点沮丧, 但他决心彻底击败“霍乱王”。当时有两种截然不同的理论来解释霍乱是如何传播的。斯诺赞同正确的理论, 即霍乱是由食物或水中的细菌感染引起的。但斯诺需要证据和调查结果。1854年伦敦恰巧暴发了霍乱, 斯诺开始调查。他发现宽街水泵附近的一些住户有多人死亡, 这说明霍乱病例与饮用水有关联。斯诺怀疑水泵是罪魁祸首, 于是他让人把水泵的把手拆掉了。多亏了斯诺的干预, 人们开始饮用纯净水而不是原水。因此, 霍乱的威胁大幅降低。此外, 斯诺利用地图和统计数据, 改变了科学家研究疾病的方式。他对疾病的思考和观念在当时是相当新颖的。因此, 斯诺被认为是现代流行病学之父。

Doctors use microscopes to observe cells, germs, viruses or proteins in cells, while astronomers look at stars and study astronomy through telescopes. A theory may be abstract, but research work needs to have a solid, concrete or vivid theoretical framework. Besides John Snow, it is worth mentioning Qian Xuesen, the father of China’s aerospace industry. He was an outstanding, gifted and patriotic scientist. At first, he studied railway mechanical engineering. In order to defend China’s airspace, he shifted his major to aviation. While studying in the United States, Qian Xuesen was a graduate assistant, studying jet and rocket technology. After returning to China, he was put in charge of developing China’s rocket science and its space and missile programme. Under Qian’s leadership, China’s aerospace industry made steady progress and achieved initial success. Now let’s change the subject. Here is a picture of a brilliant rainbow after a heavy rain. There is a man standing over there. The rainbow casts different shadows of the man. Above all, the moon is hanging in the sky, but the sun has not yet set. Can you find fault with this picture?

医生用显微镜观察细胞、细菌、病毒或细胞中的蛋白质, 而天文学家则用望远镜观察星体和研究天文学。理论可能是抽象的, 但研究工作需要有一个坚实、具体或生动的理论框架。除了约翰•斯诺, 值得一提的是“中国航天之父”钱学森。他是一位杰出的、有天赋的、爱国的科学家。起初, 他学习铁道机械工程。为了保卫中国的领空, 他转到了航空专业。在美国留学期间, 钱学森是一名研究生助理, 研究喷气式飞机和火箭技术。回国后, 他被任命负责发展中国的火箭科学及其太空和导弹项目。在钱学森的领导下, 中国航天事业稳步发展, 初见成效。现在咱们换个话题吧。这是一幅大雨过后的绚丽的彩虹图。有一个人站在那边。彩虹投射出这个人不同的影子。尤其是, 天空中挂着月亮, 但太阳还没有落山。你能找出这幅画的错误吗?

新人教·选择性必修二Unit 2

My friend Xie Lei recalled her complex experience of studying abroad. Xie Lei originally studied for a business qualification at a university in China. She is an ambitious girl, and her ambition is to set up a business back in China after graduation. She chose to live with a host family for her adaptation to the new culture. It was a comfort for her to have a second family. Her college tutor was very strict and advised her to participate in class activities. For example, she should speak up in class or give presentations, not cite others’ opinions. She was engaged in British culture and involved in social activities, thus acting as a cultural messenger. She knew that much exposure to another culture could give her great insights into the world. At first, she felt culture shock from a foreign country, and had an overwhelming homesickness. But later she stepped out of her comfort zone and felt much more at home. She became more motivated. Xie Lei’s advisor talked to her about maintaining reasonable expectations when studying abroad. Her motivation to study abroad became more clear, and she even wanted to be an applicant for a job at a foreign firm. However, she was looking forward to her early departure from the UK.

我的朋友谢蕾回忆起她复杂的留学经历。谢蕾最初在中国一所大学攻读商科。她是个有抱负的女孩, 她的志向是毕业后回国创业。为了适应新的文化, 她选择住在寄宿家庭。有了第二个家庭对她来说是一种安慰。她的大学导师非常严格, 建议她参加班级活动。例如, 她应该在课堂上大声发言或作报告, 而不是引用别人的观点。她融入英国文化, 参加社交活动, 因此充当着文化使者的角色。她知道, 多接触另一种文化可以让她对世界有深刻的了解。一开始, 她感受到了异国的文化冲击, 产生了一种强烈的乡愁。但后来她走出了自己的舒适区, 感觉更自在了。她变得更有动力了。谢蕾的导师跟她谈了在留学时要保持合理的预期。她出国留学的动机变得更加明确, 她甚至想申请到外企工作。然而, 她期待着早日离开英国。

In recent years, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of people studying abroad, but there exist some disadvantages. Tuition and living expenses are higher than at home and could end up costing an arm and a leg, far more than the household budget. Another factor is the tremendous life pressure. Some students are not mature enough to behave well in new surroundings. They can’t grasp the local customs. Some students may feel depressed. Now, China’s education is booming. More and more young students choose to study in China to make contributions to and strengthen their motherland in the future. No one can deny the fact that studying abroad has its disadvantages. But still some people are optimistic about it. As far as they are concerned, studying abroad helps to gain and improve our general competence. Cooperating with people from diverse cultural settings helps us view the world from different angles. China’s global outlook, with projects such as the Belt and Road Initiative, has helped us make connections across the world. China needs cultural envoys as well as more talented young people with a global perspective who are highly competent with languages. Both sides sound logical. Which idea would you probably side with? As far as I know, studying abroad doesn’t always bring good outcomes. In summary, I sincerely hope that parents will take this issue seriously.

近年来, 出国留学的人数急剧增加, 但也存在一些弊端。学费和生活费都比国内要高, 最终可能要花掉一大笔钱, 远远超出家庭预算。另一个因素是巨大的生活压力。有些学生还不够成熟, 在新的环境中表现不好。他们领会不了当地的风俗习惯。一些学生可能会感到沮丧。现在, 中国的教育正在蓬勃发展。越来越多的青年学生选择在国内学习, 在将来为祖国作出贡献, 让国家更加富强。没有人能否认出国留学有它的弊端。但仍有一些人对此持乐观态度。在他们看来, 出国留学有助于获得和提高我们的综合能力。与来自不同文化背景的人合作有助于我们从不同的角度看待世界。以“一带一路”倡议等项目为代表的中国全球观, 帮助我们与世界各国建立联系。中国需要文化使者, 也需要更多具有全球视野、语言能力强、有才能的年轻人。双方听起来都很合理。你可能支持哪一种观点?就我所知, 出国留学并不总是带来好的结果。总之, 我真诚地希望家长们认真对待这个问题。

新人教·选择性必修二Unit 3

Prior to discussing food and culture, let’s talk about the cuisine and recipes. Both Western and Chinese dishes may consist of these ingredients, such as onion, garlic, cabbage, bean curd, chilli, etc. They contain a lot of vitamins and fibre. Meat includes pork, red braised pork, lamb, lamb kebabs, bacon, ham, sausage, haggis and so on, which contain large quantities of fat and calories. In addition, there are some other ingredients, such as soy sauce, vinegar, olive oil, pepper and peppercorns. Food includes dairy products, buns, desserts, dim sum and so on. Generally speaking, there are different categories of cuisines all over the world.

在讨论饮食和文化之前, 我们先来谈谈烹饪和食谱。西餐和中餐都可能含有这些配料, 如洋葱、大蒜、卷心菜、豆腐、辣椒等。它们含有大量的维生素和纤维。肉类包括猪肉、红烧肉、羊肉、烤羊肉串、熏猪肉、火腿、香肠、羊杂碎肚等, 都含有大量的脂肪和卡路里。此外, 还有一些其他佐料, 如酱油、醋、橄榄油、胡椒粉和胡椒粒。食物包括奶制品、圆面包、甜点和中式点心等。一般来说, 世界各地有不同种类的菜肴。

Madam Wang, a member of China Cuisine Association, works in our school canteen. She used to be a chef in a hotel cafeteria. She is elegant, modest with a stable temper. She can make exceptional desserts. She is a somewhat bold chef, making dough into various shapes, slicing it into thin slices or stuffing it into different molds. She has her own tricks of the trade, so she makes her own brand of desserts, served with pearls and figs. She is overall a vegetarian, consuming a minimum of fat each day. She always eats or drinks in moderation, but never eats junk food. She also teaches us how to eat. She says one fundamental factor of an ideal diet is to chew slowly. Consistent eating habits are better for our health. This is true regardless of how healthy the rest of our diet might be.

王女士, 中国烹饪协会会员, 在我们学校食堂工作。她曾在一家酒店的自助餐厅当过厨师。她举止优雅、谦虚、稳重。她能做出特别的甜点。她是一个有点大胆自信的厨师, 把生面团做成各种形状, 切成薄片, 或者塞进不同的模具里。她有自己的行业诀窍, 所以她做出了自己品牌的甜点, 配上珍珠和无花果。她总体上是一个素食者, 每天摄入最少量的脂肪。她总是适度饮食, 从不吃垃圾食品。她还教我们如何吃。她说, 理想饮食的一个基本要素就是细嚼慢咽。连续的饮食习惯对我们的健康更有益处, 不管我们饮食的其他方面有多健康, 这都是正确的。

新人教·选择性必修二Unit 4

Two Chinese girls arrived in Vancouver by commercial airline. There they took a pleasant boat ride out into the bay and later visited an island with wonderful shops selling crafts and antiques. The next morning, the two girls arose early to take the train to Lake Louise, passing through the massive mountains and forests. The blue water in Lake Louise literally took their breath away with its exceptional beauty. Then they took a coach bound north through the Rockies to Jasper. The awesome scenery, spectacular mountain peaks and forests made them excited. One highlight of their trip was seeing many different creatures, including deer, mountain goats, and even a grizzly bear. Their first stop was Edmonton, the centre of Canada’s oil and gas drilling industry. The city is freezing cold in winter but it is home to many shopping malls. Crossing the great Canadian Prairie and a bunch of farms, they did not anticipate seeing such an open country. As the train thundered on towards the southern border, they opened the curtains and saw frost on the ground. Their trip from Vancouver to Toronto had taken a duration of four days.

两个中国女孩乘坐商业航空公司的飞机抵达温哥华。在那里, 她们乘船愉快地驶入海湾, 后来参观了一个岛屿, 岛上有很不错的出售工艺品和古董的商店。第二天早上, 两个女孩早早起床, 坐火车去路易斯湖, 途经巨大的群山和森林。路易斯湖湛蓝的湖水异常美丽, 令她们真正地惊叹不已。然后她们乘长途汽车向北穿过落基山脉到达贾斯珀。令人惊叹的风景, 壮观的山峰和森林, 让她们兴奋不已。她们此行的一大亮点是看到了许多不同的生物, 包括鹿、山羊, 甚至一只灰熊。她们的第一站是埃德蒙顿, 加拿大石油和天然气钻探工业的中心。这个城市冬天极冷, 但它是许多购物中心的所在地。她们穿越加拿大大草原和成片的农场时, 没有预料到会看到这样一个开放的国家。火车轰鸣着驶向南部边境, 她们拉开窗帘, 看见地面上有霜。她们从温哥华到多伦多的旅行持续了四天。

My friend is a photographer with a French accent. He is enrolled in an English tutoring class to learn English idioms, but the result is often contrary to his wishes. One day at dusk he was staying in a hotel. He heard someone on the upper floor shout“Look out!”He put his head out of the window at once. As a result, a basin of water poured down on his head. He was astonished. Anyhow, he felt he was coherent. “English is so strange that‘look out’means not looking out, ”he said to himself. Once he saw an advertisement that said, “Our company owes a great deal to our customers. ”He thought the company was in deep debt. In fact, it’s a way for the company to express their thanks to the customers. He proceeded alongside the cobblestone shore, past a quarry, and finally arrived at the harbour. He took some pictures of a steel bridge in the mist. He came back late and had some toast for dinner.

我朋友是一个有法国口音的摄影师。他报名参加了一个英语辅导班, 学习英语习语, 但结果往往事与愿违。一天傍晚, 他住在一家旅馆里。他听到楼上有人喊“小心!”他立即把头伸出窗外。结果, 一盆水倒在了他的头上, 他很惊讶。不管怎样, 他觉得自己是有道理的。他自言自语地说:“英语太奇怪了, ‘Look out’就是不要‘向外看’。”有一次, 他看到一则广告, 上面写着“我们公司非常感激我们的顾客”。他认为该公司负债累累。事实上, 这是这个公司向顾客表达谢意的一种方式。他继续沿着铺有鹅卵石的海岸前行, 经过一个采石场, 最后来到港口。他在雾中拍了几张钢桥的照片。他回来得很晚, 晚饭吃了些烤面包片。

新人教·选择性必修二Unit 5

My fellow classmate gave me a manual and a leaflet about first aid. They introduced many practical first aid techniques. The skin is the largest organ of your body. It acts as a barrier against disease, toxins, and the sun’s rays. It gives you your sense of touch. If your skin is burnt by radiation or acids, you feel much pain, especially when you receive an electric shock. Burns are no minor incidents. If the burn surface is red and swollen with blisters, you should work as a paramedic and provide urgent treatment to ease the pain. You can wrap the burnt area with a loose clean fabric. If every layer of the skin is affected or nerves underneath Sare damaged, the victim must be taken to the hospital immediately. Here are some other first aid cases. What if someone swallows a chemical? What if someone slips in the bathtub? What do you do if an elderly man falls on the carpet? What do you do when you get bitten by a mosquito? What if your classmate sprains his ankle and bleeds? And what do you do when you hear a drowning man screaming? You might say, “I don’t panic. I’ll give first aid, like putting in an IV needle, performing mouth-to-mouth rescue breathing and checking his vital signs. Also, I will call emergency services without delay and try to explain to the operator until the ambulance arrives. ”

我的同学给了我有关急救的一本手册和一份宣传单。它们介绍了许多实用的急救方法。皮肤是人体最大的器官。它是抵御疾病、毒素和阳光的屏障。它给你触觉。如果你的皮肤被辐射或酸物质灼伤, 你会感到很痛, 尤其是当你受到电击的时候。烧伤不是小事。如果烧伤表面红肿并带有水疱, 你应该充当一名护理人员, 提供紧急处理, 以减轻疼痛。你可以用一块干净透气(宽松)的布把烧伤部位包裹起来。如果皮肤的每一层都受到了影响或下面的神经受到了损害, 那么, 伤者必须立即送往医院。这里还有一些其他急救案例。如果有人吞下了化学物质怎么办?如果有人在浴缸里滑倒了怎么办?如果一个老人摔倒在地毯上, 你该怎么做?当你被蚊子叮咬时, 你会怎么做?如果你的同学扭伤脚踝流血了该怎么办?当你听到一个溺水的人尖叫时你会怎么做?你可能会说, “我不惊慌。我会实施急救, 比如打静脉注射针、进行口对口人工呼吸并检查生命体征。此外, 我还会毫不迟疑地打电话给急救中心(应急服务机构), 并尽力向接线员解释情况, 直到救护车到来。”

2 Once, I was having dinner in a restaurant. I had my dinner interrupted when I heard someone screaming from another table. A fellow diner at the restaurant was choking on some steak. He was now holding his throat with his face turning red, while his desperate friends were slapping him on the back. I went over to help the diner to his feet. Then I used the Heimlich manoeuvre. I stood behind him, made a fist with one hand, grabbed my fist with the other hand tightly, and then pushed up and into his stomach in one motion. I continued doing this until the obstruction was forced out. If he had been a small child, I would have laid him face down on my lap so that he couldn’t collapse. We have a duty to look after one another’s welfare. How could I justify standing by and doing nothing? Recently I was out of shape. I always ate more and slept in. I stayed in a hospital ward for two weeks. The doctor suggested that I should get a gym membership and work out at the gym in the suburbs.

有一次, 我在一家餐馆吃饭。当我听到另一张桌子上有人尖叫时, 我的晚餐被中断了。餐馆里的一位用餐者被一些牛排噎住了。此时他扼住自己的喉咙, 脸涨得通红, 而他绝望的朋友们则在拍打他的后背。我走过去帮助用餐者站了起来。然后我采用海姆立克急救法。我站在他身后, 一只手握拳, 另一只手紧紧抓住我的拳头, 然后快速地向上向内推压他的腹部。我持续这样做, 直到阻塞物被排出。如果他是个小孩子, 我会把他脸朝下放在我的膝盖上, 这样他就不会倒下。我们有责任照顾彼此的健康。我怎么能有理由袖手旁观而什么也不做呢?最近我的身体不好, 我总是吃得多, 起得晚。我在医院病房住了两个星期。医生建议我办个健身会员, 在郊外的健身房锻炼。


Unit 1

I am fond of the works of primitives,and those of realists in particular. Realists express realism by drawing realistic paintings. Different from Christianity,realistic painting pays more attention to humanity and has humanistic thoughts. Nowadays,in order to show their influential ranks and reputations,some high-ranking officials and nobles like to collect famous paintings. These clients go around purchasing paintings and photography works of famous artists. There is a painting called Impression,Sunrise ,a work filled with mythology. The sun is slowly emerging on the horizon from different dimensions,showing the outer beauty of nature. The painting is set apart from others because of its precise description of nature. It conveys the artist’s subjective view of nature,and causes a subsequent influence. As the painting precisely describes nature,it is called a breakthrough in the history of painting.

我喜欢 文艺复兴前的艺术家的作品,尤其是现实主义画家的那些作品。现实主义画家通过画写实的绘画来表达现实主义(理念)。与基督教不同,写实绘画更注重人性,具有人文思想。如今,为了显示自己有影响力的地位和声誉,一些达官贵人喜欢收藏名画。这些客户四处购买著名艺术家的绘画和摄影作品。有幅名叫《日出·印象》的绘画,是一幅充满虚幻想法的作品。太阳从不同的维度慢慢地出现在地平线上,展现出大自然的外在美。这幅画因其对大自然的精确描绘而与众不同。它传达了艺术家对大自然的主观看法,并产生了后来的影响。因为这幅画准确地描绘了大自然,所以它被称为绘画史上的一次突破。

Sculptors create sculptures to give people visual beauty. Sculpture,like painting,is also called fine art. But some sculptors don’t seem to be humble enough when their works are criticised. It means that they won’t accept criticism. You can see sculptures everywhere in this park. Over the pond in the park, there is an arched bridge with several arches in it. There are some water lilies in the pond. Brides and grooms often have pictures taken by the side of the bridge and the pond. In the center of the park stands a permanent memorial. The local government has paid a large investment in the park.


There is a big museum in our city. It houses a representative collection of antiques and artistic works,including ancient bronzes,ceramics, vases,ink wash paintings and Buddhist objects. It also has a collection of world-famous symphonies as well as contemporary animations. In recent years,entry to the museum has been limited,so there is a decline in the number of visitors. For the expansion of the museum’s influence,they often hold exhibitions and collect civil products to attract tourists. Two-dimensional technology is made full use of in these exhibitions to provide film frames and bring ancient things to life,so they are worthy of being visited. As a result,the reputation of the museum has been guaranteed.

我们城市有一座大型博物馆。这里收藏了一批具有代表性的古董和艺术作品,包括古代青铜器、陶瓷作品、花瓶、水墨画和佛教物品。它还收藏了一些世界著名的交响乐曲和当代 动画片。近年来,进入博物馆(参观)受到了限制,所以参观者数量有所下降。为了扩大博物馆的影响力,他们经常举办展览和收集民用产品来吸引游客。这些展览充分利用二维技术提供电影画面,使古代的事物重现生机,所以,它们是值得参观的。结果, 博物馆的声誉得到了保证。


Unit 2

Abuse of tobacco or alcohol can cause physical harm. If you already rely on either of them,it’s hard to quit. However,you should not take a negative or pessimistic attitude towards it. You must learn to discipline yourself and dominate your daily behaviour. According to psychology,any cue can affect your decisions and actions. Therefore,you should decide on a plan to stop smoking or drinking and start straight away. In response to your plan,don’t give up smoking or drinking repeatedly,don’t take pills,but have your health examined regularly. You should also enhance physical exercise to facilitate your ability to fight disease. If you can do this,you are sure to get a good reward.

无节制吸烟或饮酒会造成身体伤害。如果你已经依赖其中之一,就很难戒掉。但是,你不应该对此持有消极或悲观的态度。你必须学会自我控制,控制你的日常行为。根据心理学,任何暗示都会影响你的决定和行动。因此,你应该选定一个戒烟或戒酒的计划,然后马上开始。为了响应你的计划,不要反复戒烟或戒酒,不要吃药,但要定期检查你的身体。你还应该加强 体育锻炼,以促进你的抗病能力(提升)。如果你能做到这一点,你一定会得到良好的回报。

A team which was composed of medical specialists,consultants and surgeons went to the drug addiction treatment center. They had made up their minds to help the addicts get rid of their bad habits. In the center,they found some patients were smoking cigarettes. Some patients tried to skip medical tests to avoid being disturbed. But all this was stopped. Other patients that grew beards were asked to shave them off. In addition,the surgeons performed surgery on serious patients to give them a complete liberation from pain.

一个由 专科医生、顾问和外科医生 组成的小组前往戒毒治疗中心。他们已下定决心帮助吸毒成瘾的人摆脱坏他们的坏习惯。在戒毒中心,他们发现一些患者在抽烟。一些患者为了避免受到打扰, 试图逃避医疗检查。但这一切都被制止了。还有一些留着胡子的患者被要求把胡子剃掉。此外,外科医生为重病患者做了手术,让他们彻底解脱病痛。

We know that flu is caused by a virus. People with flu can feel dizzy. They feel stressed out or even feel worn out. In addition to taking medicine,sports will refresh us and make us feel dynamic. For example,skateboarding and bowling are good choices. Physical exercise can enhance our ability of disease prevention and stimulate our enthusiasm for life. In addition,it can make us absorbed in our work. Let’s change the subject. Last week,I paid a visit to the dentist and I did itmonthly. He advised me not to eat too much sugary food or too many nuts.

我们知道,流感是由病毒引起的。流感患者会感到头晕目眩。他们焦虑不安, 甚至疲惫不堪。除了服药,体育运动也会使我们精神焕发、充满活力。例如,滑板运动和保龄球运动都是不错的选择。体育锻炼可以增强我们预防疾病的能力, 激发我们对生活的热情。此外,它还能使我们全神贯注于工作。咱们换个话题吧。上周我去看了牙医,而且我每月都去看一次。他建议我不要吃太多含糖的食物和坚果。


Unit 3

One graph shows that carbon dioxide and methane emissions are increasing year by year. As a result,they have destroyed our ecology and caused global warming. People burn fossil fuels to produce waste gases,which are then released into the atmosphere. We should fully realize that global warming is a worldwide problem. We must restrict the emission of carbon dioxide. We also call for a restriction on other waste gas emissions. There is a trend that global warming may cause ice and snow to melt,making polar bears,seals or penguins starve to death,and our planet not habitable. In order to sustain our survival as well as for the sustainable development of human society,we must fight for the protection of our living environment and ecology. We should seize every opportunity to advertise our protection policy through the media,such as TV and radio broadcasts. This is a hard and comprehensive task,and we must frequently warn people about it.

一张图表显示,二氧化碳和甲烷的排放量正在逐年增加。结果,它们破坏了我们的生态,导致了全球变暖。人们燃烧化石燃料产生废气,然后它们被排放到大气中。我们应该充分认识到,全球变暖是一个世界性的问题。我们必须限制二氧化碳的排放。我们还呼吁限制其他废气的排放。有一种趋势是,全球变暖可能导致冰雪融化,使得北极熊、海豹或企鹅 饿死,我们的地球无法居住。为了维持我们的生存,以及为了人类社会的可持续发展,我们必须为保护我们的生存环境和生态而奋斗。我们应该抓住一切机会,通过电视和无线电广播等媒体宣传我们的保护政策。这是一项艰巨而全面的任务,我们必须经常提醒人们注意。

Our reform and opening-up policy aims not only to reform the economic system,but also to build a harmonious well-off society. In the course of implementing the reform,we have to undergo challenges, tests, pains and even chaos. The annual workshop on ecology and environment will be held soon,and I will attend the meeting on behalf of our city. Some sensitive topics may be discussed at the meeting. It involves the use of nuclear energy and how to protect the tropical jungles in the basins. At that time,representatives will submit their proposals.

我们的改革开放政策不仅要改革经济体制,而且要建设和谐的小康社会。在实施改革的过程中,我们要经受挑战、考验、阵痛,甚至混乱。一年一度的生态与环境研讨会即将召开,我将代表我市出席会议。会上可能会讨论一些敏感的话题, 它涉及核能的利用以及如何保护盆地中的热带 丛林等。届时,代表们将提交他们的议案。

Smog originates from the emission of waste gases. For the conservation of our environment,a nationwide campaign against smog has been launched.Dozens of enterprises in our city have set up regulations and agendas to prohibit the emission of garbage and waste gases. The enterprises concerned must carry out a thorough disposal of their waste gas emissions as well as waterways before the end of the year to restore them to their original condition. The government will never tolerate such a situation to continue. Enterprises with large volumes of emissions will be fined. If any enterprise fails to pass the inspection,it will be fined,too.

雾霾源于废气的排放。为了保护我们的环境,一场全国性的治理雾霾的运动已经展开。我市很多 企业已经制定了法规和议程,禁止垃圾和废气的排放。有关企业必须在年底前对废气排放和河道进行彻底治理,使其恢复原状。政府决不会容忍这种情况继续下去。排放量大的企业将被罚款。任何企业如果无法通过检查,也将被罚款。


Unit 4

After retiring from the navy,the crew formed an ocean expedition. They were both qualified and enthusiastic explorers. After they were assigned the task,they went aboard the ship and began their voyage to the Atlantic Ocean. All the crew and stewards were full of vigour and were envied by everyone. A few days later when the ship was sailing,it was crushed against a reef unfortunately. Immediately the ship began to sink. At this time,some of the crew resolved to persevere with the voyage,but the captain turned them down. After sending out the emergency signal,the captain decided to abandon the ship,including all the belongings on board,such as furniture, cupboards,stoves,blankets and a decent banjo. It was time to test their endurance,resolve and perseverance in adversity. No one was ever selfish or bad-tempered. Although it was a bitter and miserable experience,they were fearless and showed a genuine friendship with each other.

从海军退役后,船员组成了一支远洋探险队。他们是既合格又热情的探险者。被分配任务后,他们就登上了船,开始了去大西洋的航行。全体船员和乘务员都精力充沛,受到了大家的羡慕。几天后, 船在航行时,不幸撞到了暗礁上。船立即开始下沉。这时,有些船员决心坚持这次航行,但船长拒绝了他们。在发出紧急信号后,船长决定弃船,包括船上所有的物品,例如家具、橱柜、炉具、毛毯和一把相当不错的班卓琴。到了在逆境中考验他们耐力、决心和毅力的时候了。没有人自私或脾气不好。虽然这是一次痛苦而悲惨的经历,但他们无所畏惧,彼此表现出真诚的友谊。

My nephew made an application for a job in an advertising agency. Fortunately,he was hired by the company. Under the guidance of his boss, his work was to advertise corporate culture. Once he went to a private enterprise to make a thorough investigation. Unfortunately,he found that the owner of the private enterprise beat his dog in a cruel way while it was barking. Therefore,he refused to advertise for the company. My nephew likes badminton and rugby. He is often seen in the recreation center to play baseball with a bat.

我侄子申请在一家广告公司工作。幸运的是,他被公司录用了。在老板的指导下,他的工作是为公司的文化做广告。有一次他去一家私营企业做了一次彻底的调查。不幸的是,他发现私营企业老板在狗叫的时候用残忍的方式打它。因此, 他拒绝为这个公司做宣传。我侄子喜欢羽毛球运动和橄榄球运动。人们经常看到他在娱乐中心拿着球拍打棒球。

As Confucianism says,“Keep what you say and carry out what you do.” Tom was a navigator, and he made a commitment to live or die with the ship. Here was an episode in his life. When the ship motor started,he got aboard the ship and made fire,which began to give off a light smoke. While the ship was sailing out to the sea,they met with a storm. But in the rough sea,Tom remained calm. His only motive was to navigate the ship safely. Finally,when the ship reached its destination,he gave his life to save others. I’m the suitable candidate to go sailing. I must be as loyal to my ship and the crew as Tom was.

正如儒家所言,“言必信,行必果。” 汤姆是一位领航员,他承诺与船只共存亡。这是他生命中的一段经历。当船上的马达启动时,他上了船,生起了火,冒出一股轻烟。当船出海时,他们遇到了风暴。但在波涛汹涌的大海中,汤姆保持镇静。他唯一的目的就是安全地为这艘船驾驶导航。最后,当船到达目的地时,他为了救别人而献出了生命。我是去航海的合适人选。我必须像汤姆一样对我的船只和船员忠诚。


Unit 5

I am a literary youth and an amateur in English poetry. I am fond of Shakespeare’s poems and dramas full of sorrow. Now I can recite dozens of English poems and folk songs because they are full of imagery,rhyme and rhythm. I still remember a nursery rhyme,which contains the words “mockingbird”“diamond ring”“brass”“billy goat”and “bull”. There is a list poem called “Mother”,which describes hundreds of bees in the sunny weather,hundreds of dewdrops to greet the dawn,and hundreds of delicate butterflies in the blossoms on the lawn. There is a certain format for the number of lines in different forms of poetry. Another form of poem is called the cinquain,which is made up of five lines. It conveys a strong picture or a certain mood in a few words. Time awaits no man and stop teasing. Now let’s hold a discussion revolving around English poetry. If you already have some comprehension of English poetry, please utter what you think. I’d like to hear your respective opinions.


In a dominant place on the shelf,there is a book of prose and a collection of blank verse. There may be several other versions of them. The core content of these works is to describe the daily life of civilians. For example,in spring when the cherry blossoms were in full bloom,farmers began to sow the seeds of their crops,hoping for the autumn harvest. In the era of innocence,people were innocent and sympathetic. They showed sympathy and love for each other. At that time,correspondence was not so easy and convenient as it is today,but the relationship between people was close,not as distant as it is now. 


The deadline for the composition contest is drawing near. My paper is about racial prejudice and it needs to be polished by my teacher. To my grief,my teacher says that there are still a string of questions to be clarified in my paper. The structure of the composition is so complicated that I have to make some variations wherever necessary.

论文大赛的截止日期快要到了。我的论文是关于种族偏见的,它需要我的老师来润色。令我难过的是,老师说我的论文还有一连串的问题需要澄清。论文的结构过于复杂,我必须在必要的地方做些 改动。


Unit 1

The following passage is not fiction, but more like a true story. The boss arranged an appointment for the saleswoman to talk with a customer. He did this in order to test out her integrity. He promised to raise her salary and even give her a bonus if she succeeded. She knew that to climb the ladder of success she couldn't miss the opportunity. But it seemed to her that the boss was doing something absurd. Maybe there was something wrong with her makeup, like her red nails. The boss claimed that the saleswoman was guilty and suspended her from her post. Then he declared she would be dismissed, whereas she tried to justify her dignity. She thought it was ridiculous of the boss to do so.

下面的段落不是虚构的事,而更像是一个真实的故事。老板安排了一个约会,让女售货员与一名顾客交谈。他这样做是为了检验她的诚实正直。他答应给她加薪,如果她成功了,甚至还给她发奖金。她知道要攀登成功的阶梯,就不能错过这个机会。但在她看来,老板在做一件荒唐的事。也许她的妆容出了问题,比如她的红指甲。老板声称女售货员有过失,并把她停职。之 后他宣布她将被解雇,然而她却极力为自己的尊严辩解。她认为老板这样做很可笑。

Rumour has it that prices will rise sharply. For example, transportation fares will double and flour will reach $10 per kilogramme on a weekly basis. Alien tourism will also be greatly affected. One salesman calculates that the sales of some goods are less than 50% of the original. What's more some venues have also been closed. But the chairwoman of the consumers' association presumes that it is just a rumour, which hasn't been confirmed.

有传闻说,物价将大幅上涨。例如,交通费用将翻倍,面粉一周周地上涨,将达到每千克 10美元。国外旅游也会受到很大影响。一名销售人员计算,有些商品的销售额还不到原来的 50%。另外,一些活动场馆也被关闭。但消费者协会女主席推定这只是谣言,并没有得到证实。

My niece works in the labour department of a large company. The company deals in leather, lamps, handkerchiefs, panels, levers and other products. When there is a conflict between labour and management in the company, they actively participate in the settlement, and never make excuses for inaction. If the line between right and wrong is blurred, they will weigh the pros and cons and deal with them properly until they manage to smooth out the division. My niece has an urge to get promoted, and she is superior to her colleagues in every aspect. She is realistic and never makes an overstatement. Soon she took over as head of the department. Once, a worker in the company's workshop operated a machine at random. He couldn't grip the lever tightly, but pulled it backwards two inches, over the maximum length. Immediately the machine was jolting and flipping. After a puff of smoke, the device exploded. The operating worker was stunned at once and felt hazy about what had happened. Other workers helped turn out the power and fetched some water. They cleaned up the smoke and mud at a fast pace until the hidden danger fell away.

我侄女在一家大公司的劳工处工作。该公司经营皮革、灯具、手帕、控制板、操纵杆和其他产品。当公司里出现劳资冲突时,他们积极参与解决,从不找借口而不作为。如果是非界限模糊,他们会权衡利弊,妥善处理,直到他们设法消除分歧。我侄女有强烈的升职愿望,并且她在各方面都比她的同事优秀。她实事求是,从不夸大其词。她很快接任部门的主管。有 次,公司车间里的一名工人随意操作一台机器。他没能紧紧抓住操纵杆,而是把它向后拉了两英寸,超过了最大长度。机器立即开始摇晃和翻转。一股烟冒出来之后,装置爆炸了。操作工人一下子惊呆了,对发生的事情感到茫然。其他工人帮忙关掉了电源,取了一些水。他们迅速地清除了烟和泥浆,直到隐患消失。


Unit 2

Located to the south of the equator, Australia has many iconic attractions, as well as lovely koalas and kangaroos. The leader of the country is the prime minister. Do you know about the foundation of the country and its political divisions? If you visit Sydney, you will be attracted by the barbecue there. Moreover, bakeries, fast-food joints, butcher shops, and restaurants everywhere provide some of the premier food experiences in the world. You will enjoy Australian dim sim with a Chinese herb taste. Australian Aborigines use a musical instrument called the didgeridoo, which is made from a hollow branch Unlike a horn, there are no finger holes, and you just play it with vibrating lips. To change pitch, you have to change the shape of your mouth. Australians have a straightforward and free- and-easy attitude towards life. Here is the tourism slogan: "There's nothing like Australia.

澳大利亚位于赤道以南,有许多标志 性的景点,还有可爱的考拉和袋鼠。这个 国家的领导人是总理。你了解这个国家的基础及其行政区划吗?如果你去游览悉尼,你会被那里的烧烤所吸引。此外 随处可见的面包店、快餐店、肉店和餐馆提供一些世界上顶级的美食体验。你将品尝到带有中国药草味道的澳大利亚点心。澳大利亚土著人使用一种叫作迪吉里 杜管的乐器,它是由一根中空的树枝做成 的。与号不同的是,它没有指孔,你只需用嘴唇振动来演奏它。如要改变音高,你必须改变口型。澳大利亚人对生活有 种坦率、洒脱的态度。这是旅游的口号: “澳大利亚,尽是不同”。

The port city has many iconic attractions, one of which is the beach, not far from the strait. We can follow the marked arrows to find it. This is a great getaway, where tourists can enjoy many activities such as diving, kayaking, and playing golf. Summer is the peak season of tourism here. Another iconic site is the wild theme park, in which visitors can see many wild frogs living in their natural domain. There we can take sample photographs of wild animals, and sponsor wildlife to preserve their liberty. Still another attraction is the monument entitled "freedom fighter" .

这座港口城市有许多标志性的景点,其中之一就是离海峡不远的海滩。我 们可以沿着标记的箭头找到它。这是个很棒的度假胜地,游客可以在这里享受许多活动,如潜水、划皮艇和打高尔夫球。 夏天是这里旅游的旺季。另一个标志性的地点是野生主题公园,游客可以看到许多野生青蛙生活在它们的自然领域。在那里我们可以拍摄野生动物的样本照片,并资助野生动物以保护它们的自由。还有个景点是名为 “自由战士”的纪念碑。

In New Zealand, there are many iconic things, like kiwi birds, geysers, geothermal parks, bungee jumping and so on. There, you will also see flocks of sheep grazing on the grass. In Australia, the national animal is the kangaroo, which has a wide distribution. The baby kangaroos get into their mother's pouch after they are born, where they stay only for a temporary phase. The duck-billed platypus lays eggs in a nest like a bird, but it's really a strange mammal, with a unique biology. Its eggs hatch after about ten days. It has a capacity to find food in the water by using electrical sensors in its bill. Some countries make laws that if you want to keep a small handful of wild animals for a long or short session, you must be licensed or get a license. You should build grand fences around your feeding area. Recently, violence against wild animals occurs with increasing frequency. Those who are violent towards wild animals will be put in prison.

在新西兰,有许多标志性的东西,如几维鸟、间歇泉、地热公园、蹦极跳等等。在那里你还会看到成群的羊在草地上吃草。在澳大利亚,国家级动物是袋鼠。它分布广泛,袋鼠宝宝出生后会进人妈妈的育儿袋,在那里它们只是暂时待一段时间。鸭嘴兽像鸟一样在巢六里产卵,但它实际上是一种奇怪的哺乳动物,有着独特的生理特征。它的蛋大约10 天后孵化。它的嘴上有电子传感器,可以在水中找到食物。一些国家制定法律,如果你想长期或短期饲养少量野生动物,你必须获得许可或获得执照。在你的饲养区周围你应该建造巨大的栅栏。近年来,针对野生动物的暴力事件发生得日益频繁。那些对野生动物施暴的人将被关进监狱。


Unit 3

This is a tale about an explorer and merchant. The explorer set sail with his fleet, which was a sight to behold and was in a league of its own at that time. Members of the royal family came to the port to see the fleet off. The fleet would sail through the English Channel. The expedition was to extend to the far east, and they were going to negotiate trade with China. This time, they would never withdraw from the expedition until they reached their goal. To reach out across the sea remains a strong desire today. The 21 st Century Maritime Silk Road is part of the Belt and Road Initiative. With the latest technology in hand, the bonds between China and the rest of the world will be strengthened.

这是一个关于一名探险家兼商人的 故事。这名探险家和他的船队扬帆起航 了,这在当时蔚为壮观,独领风强。皇家 成员来到港口为船以送行。船队将驶过 英吉利海峽。这次远征计划将延伸到远 东地区,他们淮备与中国商谈贸易。这 次,他们不达日的决不退出探险。今天,远渡重洋仍然是我们的一个强烈愿望。21世纪海上丝绸之路是“一带一路”倡议的一部分。随着最新技术的掌握,中国和 世界其他地区的联系将会加强。

Tom doesn't like politics, but he is enthusiastic about sports and journalism or a mixture of them. His favorite profession is sports journalist. Whenever a press conference is held after a tournament, he brings his laptop to release media coverage. He feels particularly excited when the audience rise to applaud him. He also covers economic and military news, such as news about taxes and submarines. It is reported that the Jiaolong manned submersible can reach about 7 kilometers underwater. Experts make sure it doesn't hit the coral reef.

汤姆不喜欢政治,但他热衷于体育和新闻,或两者的结合。他最喜欢的职 业是体育新闻记者。每当锦标赛结束后 举行新闻发布会,他都会带上笔记本电 脑来发布媒体报道。当观众起立为他鼓掌时,他感到特别兴奋。他还报道经济和 军事新闻,比如关于税收和潜艇的新闻。 据报道,〝蛟龙号”载人潜水器可以到达水下约7千米。专家们确保它不会撞到 珊瑚礁。

In order to protect marine life, the maritime police arrested a group of criminals. In recent years, the government has made great efforts to exploit marine resources, and meanwhile it has also increased the protection of the ocean During whale migration, some illegal fishermen were hunting whales without mercy. According to the directory provided by the informant, the police arrested the criminals and seized tons of frozen seafood and all their possessons. The opponents refused to cooperate in the investigation, but the police found a clue by looking into their logs. It is said that their hunting of whales could be classified as murder.



Unit 4

As soon as I received the mail from my colleague, I took a bus to the secondary school in the village Dragging my parcel, I came to the hut where I was going to live. A ripe apple tree shaded the hut. At the doorway, my colleague welcomed me with a handshake. Before I could wipe the sweat off my forehead, we began to arrange the household items, such as the fireplace, kettles, pans, jars, saucers and grills. Then we cleaned up all the dust, and washed the dirty curtains. We made a platform of weeds to sleep on. In a word, we tried our best to improve our housing conditions. At noon we ate the leftover jam for lunch. I had the privilege to teach my class chemistry. When I reached the school clay playground, I was greeted by a chorus of "good afternoon" from the boys who didn't wear cotton uniforms. There was no electricity, running water or even a washroom, not to mention laptops or tablets. All the students had were pencils, rubbers, and paper. In an experiment, the mixture was bubbling out of the test tube spilling everywhere. I tried to plug the tube, but I failed. The class at once became a circus. The whole classroom was in a mess.

我一收到同事的邮件,就乘公共汽车 去了村里的中学。我拖着包裹来到了我要 住的小屋。 一棵成熟的苹果树给这间小屋 遮阴。在门口,我的同事和我握手表示欢 迎。我还没来得及擦去额头上的汗水,我 们就开始整理家用物品,如壁炉、水壶、平 底锅、罐子、茶托和烤架。然后我们清理了 •所有的灰尘,洗了脏今今的窗帘。我们用 杂草搭了一个睡觉的平台。总之,我们尽 了最大努力来改善我们的住房条件。中午 我们吃了剩下的果酱当午餐。我有幸教我 的班级化学课。当我到达学校的黏土操场时,那些没有穿棉校服的男孩们齐声对我 喊“下午好”。这里没有电,没有自来水, 甚至连厕所都没有,更不用说笔记本电脑 和平板电脑了。学生们只有铅笔、橡皮和纸。在一次实验中,混合物冒着泡从试管 中涌出,酒得到处都是。我试图堵住试管, 但失败了。这个班立刻成了一个马戏团。整个教室一片混乱。

The chemist was getting old, with a long beard on his jaw and many wrinkles on his face. He used to do things in a rigid and serious way. Being disabled, he asked to retire and resign from his present post. He has devoted his life to science and technology, and we take it for granted that he deserves national recognition. We pray that he will live a happy life.

这位化学家上了年纪,下巴有着长胡 子,脸上有许多皱纹。他做事一向刻板认真。由于身有残疾,他要求退休并辞去现 在的职务。他毕生致力于科学技术事业,我们理所当然地认为他值得国家的嘉奖。我们祈祷他会过上幸福的生活。

My friend is a doctor. Lately, he has gone to Africa as a volunteer to help those who contracted infectious diseases. I have no objection to his going, but I am unhappy about his leaving without asking for my input. You may sing a different tune. My friend does a circuit of the rural villages to provide medical treatment, help those with disabilities, and provide consultation and training for local doctors. In addition, his team has given patients a new malaria treatment invented in China, and this has saved many lives. Today, I want to relay to you that I'm proud of what the Chinese medical team has done. By any criteria this work is worth doing, because it shows that we are global citizens interested in world stability.

我的朋友是个医生。最近,他作为志 愿者去了非洲,帮助那些感染了传染病的 人们。我不反对他去,但他不征求我的意 见就走了,我很不高兴。你可能跟我唱反 调。我的朋友在农村巡回提供医疗服务 帮助残疾人,为当地医生提供咨询和培 训。此外,他的团队还为患者提供了一种 中国发明的疟疾新疗法,这挽救了许多人 的生命。今天,我想向大家转达的是,我为中国医疗队所做的一切感到骄傲。以任 何标准衡量,这项工作都是值得做的,因 为它表明了我们是关心世界稳定的全球公民。


Unit 5

Today's topic is about how to get a head start on your future career. Don't bounce around in your head about your career choice. Here is a career aptitude test that involves different work scenarios.

1. Work as a lawyer to help in a lawsuit

2. Assemble a chest of drawers

3. Help develop a cure for breast cancer

4. Work as a chemist to analyse the elements hydrogen and radium

5. Design a new range of wrist accessories

6. Design clothes for brides and bridegrooms

7. Teach children geometry

8. Help and advise people in debt

9. Categorise employee profiles.

In addition, there are many other professions that are not included, such as the real estate agents, the accountants, the graphic designers, and even the detectives or spies. In short, once you have made your choice, you must orient yourself to the profession. According to the participant's work personality code, what careers would you recommend?

今天的话题是关于如何在你未来的 职业生涯中抢占先机。不要在你的职业 选择上犹豫不决。这里是一个职业能力倾向测试,涉及不同的工作场景。 1. 当律师帮助打官司 2. 组装抽屉柜 3.帮助研发治疗乳腺癌的方法 4. 作为化学家分析氢元素和镭元素 5. 设计一系列新的手腕配件 6. 为新娘和新郎设计服装 7.教孩子几何学 8.帮助有债务的人并给他们提建议 9.对员工档案进行分类 除此之外,还有许多其他的职业不包括 在内,如房地产经纪人、会计、平面设计师,甚至侦探或间谍。简而言之,一旦你做出了选择,你就必须适应这个职业。根据参与者的职业性格代码,你会推荐什么 职业?

2.When asked about their future careers. Tom.John. Mary and Li Ming came to a conclusion quickly and submitted their CVs. For the sake of social fairness and justice, Tom wants to be a lawyer and send greedy people to prison. John hopes to be an entrepreneur and contribute to the economic development of the world. Mary wishes to be a receptionist and serve her customers better. Li Ming would like to be a socialist and dedicate himself to the cause of communism.

当被问及他们未来的职业生涯时,汤 姆、约翰、玛丽和李明很快有了结论,并递 交了他们的简历。为了社会公平正义,汤 姆想当一名律师,把贪婪的人送进监狱约翰希望成为一名企业家,为世界经济发展做出贡献。玛丽希望成为一名接待员,更好地为顾客服务。李明想成为一名社会主义者,献身于共产主义事业。

3.The Community Life Council has been established lately, and its work covers all aspects. For example, they attend to the disabled people, supervise the behavior of various enterprises, such as raising camels and foxes, knitting wool and sewing purses, and are also responsible for the management of parking lots. The Council is also in charge of their finances, checks their receipts and makes sure that employers acquire business certificates. The Council gives priority to environmental protection and orders cages and collars for family pets. Besides, the Council holds intermediate level handwriting competitions on a regular basis. Some participants have no proficiency in writing or even made mistakes. For example, camel is written as canal, desert as dessert, disk as desk, and fry as fly.

社区生活委员会最近成立了,其工作 涉及各个方面。例如,他们照顾残疾人 士,监督各种企业的行为,如饲养骆驼和 狐狸、编织 毛线、缝制钱包,还负责停车 场的管理。委员会还负责他们的财务,检 查他们的收据,确保雇主 获得营业执照。委员会优先保护环境,为家庭宠物订购笼 子和颈圈。此外,委员会定期举办中级水 平的书法比赛。一些参与者书写能力不 娴熟,甚至出现错别字。例如,“camel” 被写成“canal”, "desert" 写成“dessert” “disk” 写成 "desk". “fry”写成“fy”。

标签: #fluent couple算法