

古玩收藏圈 121








英文名称:Hetian jade pen holder





朱砂主含硫化汞(HgS),其含量在95%以上。朱砂又称辰砂、丹砂、赤丹、汞沙,是硫化汞的天然矿石,大红色、有金刚光泽至金属光泽,属三方晶系。 我国朱砂主要分布在湖南、湖北、四川、广西、云南、贵州等地。朱砂主要成分为硫化汞,但常夹杂雄黄、磷灰石、沥青等。 采挖朱砂后,选取纯净者,直接研成细粉,以作他用。 对有特殊用途的朱砂,先用磁铁吸净含铁的杂质,用水淘去杂石和泥沙,再研成更细的粉末,或用水飞法制成极细的粉末。 选取纯净者、直接研成细粉的朱砂称为粗朱砂,经再次处理的朱砂称为精朱砂。





英文翻译:Hetian jade, "China's four famous jade" one (its three for Shaanxi Lantian jade, Liaoning xiuyu jade and Henan Dushan jade). The traditional narrow sense refers to the jade produced in Hotan, Xinjiang, which is famous for its "sub-materials". Hetian jade in the broad sense refers to nephrite (true jade). Although hetian jade is named after Xinjiang Hetian, it is not a regional concept, not specifically referring to the jade produced in Xinjiang Hetian region, but the name of a class of products. In China, more than 98% tremolite is named hetian jade, which is within the scope of national standards.

When Qin Shi Huang unified China, hetian jade was called "jade of Kunshan" because it was produced in Kunlun Mountain. Later, it was called "Jade of Khotan" because it was located in the land of Khotan. It was not until the ninth year of The Guangxu Emperor of the Qing Dynasty (1883) when hetian Zhili Prefecture was established that it was officially named "Hetian Jade".

The metamorphic rock formed by contact metasomatism between Hetian jade magnesian marble and intermediate-acid magmatic rock contains multiple mineral aggregates such as tremolite, hornblende and actinite. The chemical composition is water-bearing calcium and magnesium silicate, the chemical formula is Ca2(Mg,Fe2+)5[Si8O22](OH)2, the density is 2.95 -- 3.17, and the Hardness is between 6.0 -- 6.5.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: Hetian jade pen holder

Hetian Jade Pen Holder

Category: Jade

Specification: one piece

Product phase: Beautiful (Cinnabar qinrich)

This is a rare valuable.such handiwork of hetian jade pen holder, due to the long history, with half of the earth ore ooze color, this kind of non-ferrous minerals, iron ore ooze color, and cinnabar, after a long time your hetian jade, and nature combine to form more unique style, there are cinnabar ooze old jade is more popular with the market, has a very high collection value.

Cinnabar mainly contains mercury sulfide (HgS), the content of which is above 95%. Cinnabar also known as cinnabar, dansha, red, mercuric sand, is the natural ore of mercury sulfide, bright red, diamond luster to metallic luster, is a tripartite crystal system. Cinnabar is mainly distributed in Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan, Guangxi, Yunnan, Guizhou and other places. Cinnabar is mainly composed of mercury sulfide, but often mixed with realgar, apatite, asphalt and so on. After cinnabar is mined, the pure ones are directly ground into fine powder for other USES. For cinnabar with special purpose, the impurity containing iron is first absorbed with magnet, and the impurity and silt are removed with water, and then the powder is ground into a finer powder, or the very fine powder is made by flying with water. Select the pure, directly ground into fine cinnabar is called coarse cinnabar, after re-treatment of cinnabar is called fine cinnabar.


Culture: The delicate texture of oil, the pure white of "color like cut fat", and the luster of "often like fat dyed" conform to the implicit aesthetic concept of Traditional Chinese culture. It is not ostentatious, showy, or dazzling. It has attracted the Chinese people for thousands of years with the beauty of "essence and connotation". There is a mysterious charm in the beauty of sheep fat jade, how many people are infatuated with it, and do not regret.

Ancient discussions on jade's "five virtues", "nine virtues" and "eleven virtues" have raised the humanistic connotation of jade to a sacred level.

This jade pen holder is oily, full of pulp, waxy luster, is the best hetian jade, ancient hollowed-out pure handmade, vivid, the overall smooth and exquisite, cinereous obvious, is a rare collection.

标签: #firstlovemagnet