
学习笔记:If You’re so Good, Why Aren’t You Rich

英语学习笔记vlog 358




You want to make a lot of money you want to be successful ? how do I get from where I am, to where I need to be ? I don't want to be rich, I just didn't want to be poor, I started at ten years ago, with a vision and two employees and now we're 250 people will do 150 million this year, and every day, when I get off the elevator and I walk into my office, it's this feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction, knowing that I had this vision, and a few years later it's real.

你想赚很多钱你想成功吗? 我如何从现在的位置到达我需要去的地方? 我不想变富,我只是不想变穷,我从十年前开始,有一个愿景和两名员工,现在我们有 250 个人,今年将做 1.5 亿,每天, 当我走出电梯走进办公室时,我会感到一种成就感和满足感,因为我知道我有这个愿景,几年后它就变成了现实。

You know when we were, when I was younger my parents didn't speak any English like many immigrants, Since I was a little kid, I was 8 years old, when we came to North America, and so I had to read the contracts, you know when my dad bought a house, I had to read the mortgage and go through the paperwork.

你知道当我们年轻的时候,我的父母不会像许多移民那样说英语,因为我还是个小孩子,我8岁,当我们来到北美时,所以我必须阅读合同 ,你知道,当我爸爸买房子时,我必须阅读抵押贷款并办理文书工作。

When I was around 18 or 17, I looked at, being at that point we were you know lower middle class, and I said, how do I get from where I am, to where I need to be, and so I started calculating, how much money, I would have to make in order just to buy a house, and then I added the taxes into it and all the other stuff, and I realized how difficult it was going to be, to accumulate capital, because that's the hardest thing to do is to accumulate capital.

当我大约 18 或 17 岁的时候,我看着,那时我们是你知道的中下阶层,我说,我如何从我现在的位置到达我需要去的地方,所以我开始计算, 我需要赚多少钱才能买房子,然后我把税收和所有其他东西加进去,我意识到积累资本是多么困难,因为那是最难的 要做的就是积累资本。

It's one thing to get paid a lot of money, but if you look at the tax system in North America, it's really hard to a mass capital, and I just decided that I didn't want to be where I was, I didn't want to be middle class or lower middle class or mediocre.

获得很多钱是一回事,但如果你看看北美的税收制度,你会发现大量资本真的很难,我只是决定我不想呆在原来的地方,我没有’ 不想成为中产阶级、中下阶层或平庸。

I just wanted to be great at something, because I figured out that the people that I saw that we're doing great things, were fundamentally great at one thing, the analogy I always use is, Peyton Manning gets paid ten million dollars a year he doesn't get paid ten million dollars a year to tackle to kick the ball to play, defense he gets paid ten million dollars a year to do one task, and do it really really well.

我只是想在某件事上表现出色,因为我发现我看到的那些我们正在做伟大事情的人,从根本上来说在一件事情上都很出色,我经常使用的类比是,佩顿·曼宁每年获得一千万美元的薪水 他每年不会得到一千万美元的报酬来铲球、踢球、防守,他每年会得到一千万美元的报酬来完成一项任务,而且做得非常非常好。

Nobody buys from you, nobody makes you wealthy because you're okay at something, the world does not reward mediocrity, nor does it reward average, it only rewards exceptional, so you got to find that one thing, that you're good at and you got to become great at it,

没有人向你购买东西,没有人让你变得富有,因为你擅长某件事,这个世界不会奖励平庸,也不会奖励平庸,它只会奖励杰出的人,所以你必须找到你擅长的一件事 你必须变得很擅长

because if you focus what you're not good at, and try to become good at it, you're gonna run into somebody who is gonna clean your clock at it, when you think about success, and you think about business and you think about being entrepreneur, everybody wants to talk about the good times, and I always say to people.

因为如果你专注于你不擅长的事情,并努力变得擅长,当你想到成功,想到商业,你想到的时候,你就会遇到一个会帮你清理时钟的人。 关于成为企业家,每个人都想谈论美好时光,我总是对人们说。

It's easy to be an entrepreneur when the sun is shining, it's easy to run your own business, when there's good cash flow, and people love you and there aren't many problems, but have that same desire to do it.


when your biggest customer just left, or do it when you don't have enough cash to make payroll, or do it when you've got real problems at home, and nobody cares, being a great entrepreneur is the ability to stay focused, and highly motivated,

当你最大的客户刚刚离开时,或者当你没有足够的现金来支付工资时,或者当你家里遇到真正的问题而没有人关心时,成为一名伟大的企业家就是保持专注的能力, 并且积极性很高,

when there's failure around you, it's not your ability to handle success, they'll decide how successful you'll be, it's your ability to absorb failure, not take failure, not get hit, but Absorbent, I mean absorb it with every fiber of your body,

当你周围有失败时,这不是你处理成功的能力,他们将决定你有多成功,这是你吸收失败的能力,不是承受失败,不是受到打击,而是吸收力,我的意思是用每根纤维吸收它 你的身体,

when there are those days where you feel like I just cannot go on, get up on those days, get in front of your team, and get them going in the same direction and be highly motivating those days, because if you can do it on those days you can do it any day.

当有些日子你觉得我无法继续下去时,在那些日子里站起来,站在你的团队前面,让他们朝着同一个方向前进,并在那些日子里高度激励,因为如果你能做到这一点 那些日子你可以随时做。

being a successful entrepreneur is really lonely, I'm not saying that, because I expect people to call me up and say I'll be your friend and look for sympathy, but it's true, the more successful you are as an entrepreneur, the lonelier it is, because there's just less people that, you can hang out with,

作为一名成功的企业家确实很孤独,我不是这么说的,因为我希望人们打电话给我,说我会成为你的朋友并寻求同情,但这是事实,作为一名企业家,你越成功,你就越孤独。 更孤独,因为可以一起出去玩的人越来越少,

and you know the bigger you are also, the bigger the target on your back, and someone's always out to get you, when you're starting out, and things aren't going well, misery really does find company, it's it's easy to find a lot of people to have a beer with and hang out with, but that level of focus to keep going is really difficult, and so one of the things I tried to do is, I look for people that have been where I want to go,

你知道你越大,你背上的目标就越大,当你刚开始的时候,总会有人出去找你,而事情进展不顺利,痛苦确实会找到陪伴,很容易 找到很多人一起喝啤酒、一起出去玩,但是要保持这种专注程度真的很困难,所以我尝试做的一件事是,我寻找那些曾经去过我想去的地方的人 去吧,

and I love to learn, I've looked for many people along the way, from Warren Davis, the guy who started Avis rent-a-car, I used to work for him indirectly, he owned a holding company that I worked for, and he was a great guy, to people you you've never heard of, to even some of the other sharks,

我喜欢学习,我一路上找过很多人,比如沃伦·戴维斯(Warren Davis),他是安飞士租车公司的创始人,我曾经间接为他工作过,他拥有我工作过的一家控股公司,他是一个很棒的人 ,对于你从未听说过的人,甚至对于其他一些鲨鱼,

I've learned a lot from Mark Cuban, I've learned a lot from Daymond John, I've learned from a lot of people, the biggest lessons, and my biggest mentor was always my dad, because that level of courage, I had never seen another human being,

我从马克·库班那里学到了很多东西,从戴蒙德·约翰那里学到了很多东西,我从很多人身上学到了很多,最重要的教训,而我最大的导师始终是我的父亲,因为那种勇气,我 从未见过另一个人,

and when I was younger, I didn't really understand it, once I got older, I understood the sacrifices, that he had to make, for me to be given the opportunity to be successful, I mean he was 37 years old, left the communist country, crossed the border, hopped on a boat and brought his wife and me, my mom and I, with one suitcase to a foreign country, where he didn't speak the language, didn't know a single soul, and we had something like 20 bucks in our pockets, that's courage,

当我年轻的时候,我并没有真正理解这一点,一旦我长大了,我就理解了他必须做出的牺牲,为了让我有机会获得成功,我的意思是他已经37岁了,离开了 共产主义国家,越过边境,跳上一艘船,带着他的妻子和我,我和我的妈妈,带着一个行李箱到了异国他乡,在那里他不会说语言,不认识任何一个灵魂, 我们口袋里有20块钱,这就是勇气,

and as I got older, what I really learned out of that is, never complain, because number one: nobody cares, and two: all you deserve in life is an opportunity, man when something gives you an opportunity, you got to take it, you don't complain, and you got to go for it.

随着年龄的增长,我真正从中学到的是,永远不要抱怨,因为第一:没有人在乎,第二:你一生中应得的就是一个机会,伙计,当某件事给你机会时,你必须抓住它 ,你不抱怨,你必须努力。

I'm a highly emotional guy, I'm a highly passionate guy, I love my business, I love everything about it, where I'm not emotional, is when it comes to winning or losing. you've got to be very careful about not taking your own bias or emotion into a negotiation, or into a fight, or into anything, because you've got to be very clear what the goal is, and in business the goal typically is to make money,

我是一个高度情绪化的人,我是一个高度热情的人,我热爱我的事业,我热爱它的一切,当涉及到输赢时,我不会情绪化。 你必须非常小心,不要将自己的偏见或情绪带入谈判、争吵或任何事情中,因为你必须非常清楚目标是什么,而在商业中,目标通常是 去赚钱,

when I went to sell my first business to AT&T, I didn't want to sell it, and so it was the night before we're supposed to close the deal, and so I changed my mind and I called the CEO at the time and I said ah I can't sell this business, and he looked and he looked at me: so why not? and I said: oh it's my baby, and hi said: no it's not, it's a business, I said no no, it's my baby, and he goes no it's not your baby,

当我把我的第一笔业务卖给 AT&T 时,我不想卖掉它,所以那是我们应该完成交易的前一天晚上,所以我改变了主意,我给当时的首席执行官打电话 我说啊我不能卖掉这个生意,他看着我:那为什么不呢? 我说:哦,这是我的孩子,嗨说:不,这不是,这是生意,我说不,不,这是我的孩子,他说不,这不是你的孩子,

is what you have at home that's your family ,your business is not your family, your business is an asset that you start it, and if you think we're paying you the right price, then you should sell it, if you think you can keep going and maximize the return, then don't sell it, and he was so non-emotional about it, it really hit home for me, I've seen more people make mistakes, because they get angry or they get highly emotional in front of a customer, or in front of a supplier, leave your emotion at the doorstep, business is about business.

是你家里所拥有的,那是你的家庭,你的企业不是你的家庭,你的企业是你创办它的资产,如果你认为我们付给你的价格合适,那么你应该卖掉它,如果你认为你 可以继续前进并最大化回报,然后不要卖掉它,他对此非常不带感情色彩,这对我来说真的很重要,我见过更多的人犯错误,因为他们生气或情绪化 在客户面前,或者在供应商面前,把你的情感留在门口,生意就是生意。

when you hit the real world, you're going to start competing with people, who are really really good at something, technology, advertising, something and they know it inside out,


you want to make a lot of money you want to be successful, you got to take those people on with a skill, that you're a world-class at, I hate the word failure, I hate that label, I wake up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night, sometimes when I feel like I'm gonna fail or I'm a failure you know, I run every day and I run pretty far, and sometimes just like everybody, I get jet lag and I get tired,

你想赚很多钱,你想成功,你必须用一种技能来对付那些人,你是世界级的,我讨厌失败这个词,我讨厌那个标签,我醒来时 半夜出冷汗,有时当我感觉自己要失败或者我是一个失败者时,你知道,我每天跑步,而且跑得很远,有时就像每个人一样,我会时差反应 我累了,

and when I get to that point where I feel, I cannot go on this little inner voice inside me says, what are you, a failure and then I don't care if my feet are gonna fall off, and blood is going to start dripping out of my veins, I will not stop, I hate that word, I do not want to be defined by that word.

当我达到那种感觉时,我无法继续下去,我内心的这个小声音说,你是什么,一个失败者,然后我不在乎我的脚是否会掉下来,血液会开始流 从我的血管里滴下来,我不会停止,我讨厌这个词,我不想被这个词定义。

标签: #你的父母是什么样子的人用英语怎么说呢