
每日新闻播报(March 19)

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>Duck chain offers cosmetics 周黑鸭推出化妆品系列 Zhou Hei Ya, a renowned Chinese braised duck snack chain, has partnered with the cosmetic industry. Cooperating with cosmetics brand Missha, the snack company launched a full set of lipsticks, eye shadows and air cushion BB creams. Unlike the brand's featured hot flavor, this makeup line seems to have a "lighter taste". The Wuhan-based duck snack maker gained a reputation across China, especially among millennials and post-00s, by selling hot and sweet flavored snacks featuring braised duck neck. 国内知名卤鸭连锁店周黑鸭近日与美妆界展开合作。周黑鸭与美妆品牌谜尚合作推出了一款化妆套盒,其内包含唇膏、眼影以及气垫BB霜。与周黑鸭经典的重口味相比,这个化妆品系列看起来走的是清新路线。周黑鸭总部位于武汉,专售以卤鸭脖为代表的甜辣口味的零食。该品牌在全国范围内颇有名气,尤其受到千禧一代以及00后的追捧。


>AI can prevent shoplifting 智能软件提前识别小偷 Japanese tech startup Vaak claims to have developed an artificial intelligence (AI) software that analyzes surveillance camera footage in order to detect suspicious behavior and prevent shoplifting before it actually happens. VaakEye, an AI software, can allegedly detect shoplifting before it occurs by analyzing surveillance camera footage for discrete suspicious movements and behaviors of people caught in the camera's field of view. If the algorithm decides that there is a high enough probability of a person shoplifting, it sends an alert via a smartphone app so the crime can be prevented. Vaak is currently testing its software in a few dozen stores in the Tokyo area, but plans to have it installed in 100,000 stores across Japan in the next three years. 日本科技初创企业Vaak声称研发出了一款人工智能软件,能够通过分析监控摄像头拍下的视频画面识别出可疑行为,在小偷下手前就加以阻止。人工智能软件VaakEye据称可以通过分析摄像头视频中不连续的可疑动作和行为来提前识别盗窃行为。如果算法认定某个人偷窃的可能性足够高,就会通过智能手机应用发送警报以阻止犯罪。Vaak公司正在东京地区的几十家商店测试这一软件,并计划未来三年内在日本各地的10万家商店安装该软件。

A man pays his respects at a memorial site for victims of the mosque shootings at the Botanic Gardens in Christchurch, New Zealand, March 17, 2019. [Photo/Agencies]

>50 killed in NZ shootings 新西兰枪击案致50人亡 The death toll from the mass shootings at two Christchurch mosques has climbed to 50, and the number of wounded also increased to 50, New Zealand Police Commissioner Mike Bush said on Sunday. A total of 34 remain hospitalized and 12 are in critical condition. Two days after the shootings, Brenton Harris Tarrant, 28, appears to be the only person in custody that has been linked to the attack. Three other people who were initially detained were not involved in the attacks, Bush said, but authorities are not ruling out the possibility of other suspects. Bush said authorities were working as fast as they could to finish formally identifying the victims of the attacks at the Al Noor and Linwood mosques. New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said her cabinet would discuss issues including gun policy reform on Monday, repeating that there would be "changes to our gun laws". 新西兰警察局局长迈克•布什17日称,克赖斯特彻奇市两座清真寺发生的大规模枪击案导致的死亡人数已上升至50人,受伤人数也已增至50人,其中34人在医院接受治疗,12人伤势严重。在枪击案发生两天后,现年28岁的布兰顿•哈里斯•塔兰特似乎是唯一一名因这起袭击事件被羁押的人。布什表示,此前另外三名受到拘留的嫌疑人并未参与袭击事件,但是相关部门并未排除存在其他嫌犯的可能性。布什称,相关部门将尽快完成对努尔清真寺和林伍德清真寺袭击事件中遇难者身份的确认工作。新西兰总理杰辛达•阿德恩表示,内阁18日将讨论枪枝政策改革等议题,并重申"该国的枪械法规将被改变"。

Ethiopian Federal policemen stand at the scene of the Ethiopian Airlines Flight ET 302 plane crash, near the town of Bishoftu, southeast of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, March 11, 2019. [Photo/Agencies]

>Crash probe continues 埃航黑匣子数据已读取 Preliminary data recovered from the black boxes of last week's Ethiopian Airlines crash has revealed "similarities" to October's fatal Lion Air crash, Ethiopian Transport Minister Dagmawit Moges said Sunday. Moges did not provide additional details about the purported "similarities" between the two crashes but said they would be "subject to further investigation". Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 crashed March 10, six minutes after takeoff, killing all 157 people on board. It was the second disaster involving a Boeing 737 Max 8 aircraft in less than six months. In October, all 189 people on board Lion Air Flight 610 were killed when the flight went down over the Java Sea in Indonesia 13 minutes after takeoff. Similarities between the two incidents led aviation authorities around the world to ban the use of 737 Max 8s. 埃塞俄比亚交通部长莫格斯17日表示,从上周埃塞俄比亚航空公司坠毁客机的黑匣子中恢复的初步数据显示,此次飞机失事与去年10月发生的狮航严重坠机事故存在相似性。莫格斯没有提供这两起坠机事件相似性的更多细节,仅表示调查人员将对数据作进一步分析。本月10日,埃航302航班在起飞6分钟后坠毁,机上157人全部遇难。这是不到6个月时间里涉及波音737 MAX 8飞机的第二起空难。去年10月,印度尼西亚狮航610航班在起飞13分钟后在爪哇海上空坠毁,导致机上189人全部遇难。基于这两起事件的相似性,目前世界各地的航空公司已经禁飞波音737 MAX 8型号飞机。

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