Program (main):
import java.io.*;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.Arrays;import java.util.List;import java.util.Scanner;public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { double test1Calculation; double test2Calculation; double test3Calculation; double test4Calculation; int i, j, k, l; int testOneSum = 0; int testTwoSum = 0; int testThreeSum = 0; int testFourSum = 0; int checker = 0; int index=0; String choice; Scanner students = new Scanner(new File("names.txt")); Scanner TestOne = new Scanner(new File("testOne.txt")); Scanner TestTwo = new Scanner(new File("testTwo.txt")); Scanner TestThree = new Scanner(new File("testThree.txt")); Scanner TestFour = new Scanner(new File("testFour.txt")); String token1 = ""; List<String> studentName = new ArrayList<>(); while (students.hasNext()) { // find next line token1 = students.next(); studentName.add(token1); } String[] studentNameArray = studentName.toArray(new String[0]); List<Integer> scoreOne = new ArrayList<>(); // while loop while (TestOne.hasNext()) { // find next line Integer token2 = TestOne.nextInt(); scoreOne.add(token2); } Integer[] scoreOneArray = scoreOne.toArray(new Integer[0]); List<Integer> scoreTwo = new ArrayList<>(); // while loop while (TestTwo.hasNext()) { // find next line Integer token3 = TestTwo.nextInt(); scoreTwo.add(token3); } Integer[] scoreTwoArray = scoreTwo.toArray(new Integer[0]); List<Integer> scoreThree = new ArrayList<>(); // while loop while (TestThree.hasNext()) { // find next line Integer token4 = TestThree.nextInt(); scoreThree.add(token4); } Integer[] scoreThreeArray = scoreThree.toArray(new Integer[0]); List<Integer> scoreFour = new ArrayList<>(); // while loop while (TestFour.hasNext()) { // find next line Integer token5 = TestFour.nextInt(); scoreFour.add(token5); } Integer[] scoreFourArray = scoreFour.toArray(new Integer[0]); for (i = 0; i < scoreOneArray.length; i++) testOneSum += scoreOneArray[i]; test1Calculation = (double) testOneSum / 5; for (j = 0; j < scoreTwoArray.length; j++) testTwoSum += scoreTwoArray[j]; test2Calculation = (double) testTwoSum / 5; for (k = 0; k < scoreThreeArray.length; k++) testThreeSum += scoreThreeArray[k]; test3Calculation = (double) testThreeSum / 5; for (l = 0; l < scoreFourArray.length; l++) testFourSum += scoreFourArray[l]; test4Calculation = (double) testFourSum / 5; System.out.println("The average for test one is: " + test1Calculation); System.out.println("The average for test two is: " + test2Calculation); System.out.println("The average for test three is: " + test3Calculation); System.out.println("The average for test four is: " + test4Calculation); Scanner studentSearch = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("Enter student name : "); String foundStudent = studentSearch.nextLine(); boolean found = Arrays.stream(studentNameArray).anyMatch(t -> t.equals(foundStudent)); if (found) { index++; System.out.println(foundStudent + " is found."); //menu loop do { //displayed user options System.out.println("1. To find score for first test"); System.out.println("2. To find score for second test"); System.out.println("3. To find score for third test"); System.out.println("4. To find score for fourth test"); //menu choices Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.print("\nEnter your choice: "); choice = keyboard.next(); if (choice.equals("1")) { int score= scoreOneArray[index]; System.out.println(score); checker = -1; } else if (choice.equals("2")) { int score= scoreTwoArray[index]; System.out.println(score); checker = -1; } else if (choice.equals("3")) { int score= scoreThreeArray[index]; System.out.println(score); checker = -1; } else if (choice.equals("4")) { int score= scoreFourArray[index]; System.out.println(score); checker = -1; } else { //Error message System.out.println("invalid choice"); } } while (checker != -1); } // End of Menu Method else { System.out.println(foundStudent + " is not found.");} students.close(); TestOne.close(); TestTwo.close(); TestThree.close(); TestFour.close(); }}
import java.util.ArrayList;public class GradeBook { private char[] letterGrade = {'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'F'}; private ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<>(); private double [][] scores = new double[5][4]; public GradeBook(ArrayList<String> studentNames, double[][] studentScores){ this.names = studentNames; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++){ for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++){ scores [i][j] = studentScores[i][j]; } } } public String getName(int studentIndex){ return names.get(studentIndex); } public double getAverage(int studentIndex){ double total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++){ total += scores[studentIndex][i]; } return (total / 4); } public char getLetterGrade(double avgScore){ if (avgScore >= 90 && avgScore <= 100){ return letterGrade[0]; } else if (avgScore >= 80 && avgScore <= 89){ return letterGrade[1]; } else if (avgScore >= 70 && avgScore <= 79){ return letterGrade[2]; } else if (avgScore >= 60 && avgScore <= 69){ return letterGrade[3]; } else if (avgScore >= 0 && avgScore <= 59){ return letterGrade[4]; } return ' '; } public void getStudent(){ for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++){ System.out.println("\nStudent #" + (i+1) +"\n\t\tName: " + names.get(i) +"\n\t\tAverage: " + getAverage(i) + "%" +"\n\t\tLetter Grade: " + getLetterGrade(getAverage(i)) +"\n\n"); } }}
标签: #java两个类