
学习英语短语“传播消息!” 和“散开!”【字幕版】

与鲍勃一起学习英语 239



In this English lesson I wanted to help you learn the English phrase

在这节英语课上 我想帮助你们学习英语短语

“Spread the word!” Now, this is something we tell people

“把消息传出去!”现在 这是我们告诉人们的事情

when we want them to tell other people about something.


Every year the farmer's market opens at the beginning of June


and we tell people, Spread the word.

我们告诉人们 传播消息

The first day of the market is June 2nd or something like that.


Spread the word.


This means that we want people to tell other people that the market is starting.

这意味着我们希望人们告诉其他人 市场正在启动

I recently started uploading English lessons to a website called


Bilibili in China, and in the comments I keep telling people to spread the word

在中国身上 在我的评论中 我一直告诉人们要传播这个词

so that everyone in China will know that they can watch my videos on my channel


instead of all the other channels where my videos happened to be...


it’s always ah... an interesting thing. when I see that.

总是啊.. 一件有趣的事 当我看到这个的时候

The other phrase I wanted to teach you today is the phrase “spread out”.


When you tell someone, a group of people, to spread out.

当你告诉某人 一群人 让他们散开

It means they're all standing


really close together and you want them to stand further apart.

靠得很近 你想让他们站得更远

I do remember my physed teacher, my physical education

我还记得我的物理老师 我的体育课

teacher, saying this a lot in physed class.

老师 这句话在体育课上说了很多

At the beginning he would say, Spread out, and then we would all stand,

一开始他会说 散开 然后我们都站起来

I think, arm length apart for our warmup exercises.

我想 我们的热身练习要分开一臂

I don't really remember what those exercises were.


Anyways, when you tell someone or a group of people to spread the word,

无论如何 当你让某人或一群人传播消息时

you want them to tell everyone they know about something important.


When you tell a bunch of people to spread out,


it means you want them to stand far from the people around them.


By the way, you can also use this verb for other things.

顺便说一句 你也可以把这个动词用于其他事情

You can spread things out on your table when you get home from grocery

当你从杂货店回到家时 你可以把东西放在桌子上

shopping to see what you've bought.

购物 看看你买了什么

And there's other uses as well.

此外 它还有其他用途

My uncle actually used to work there.


He was really good.


He ran the whole truss making division.


He was really good at getting people to be very efficient.


I'm not sure if he was a good boss.


He was certainly an effective boss, but he could get people to make trusses

他当然是个能干的老板 但他能让人做桁架

really fast and he could get them to do a really, really good job as well.

速度非常快 他可以让他们做得非常非常好

I think usually what he did is to have each


area that was making trusses compete with each other to see who could build

制造桁架的区域相互竞争 看谁能建造

the best trusses and who could build those trusses the fastest.


Anyway, once again, I'm on the train tracks.

不管怎样 我又一次站在了铁轨上

I'll just show you again that I'm not in danger here.


You can see that there are no trains visible at all.

你可以看到 根本看不到火车

Anyways, thanks for watching this short English lesson.

无论如何 感谢您收看这节简短的英语课

I'm actually still in town and it's evening.

我其实还在城里 现在是晚上了

It's Wednesday evening.


But I'm just making this quick before I go back to work.


I have to be at school at night tonight


for a little open house, I guess you would call it.

对于一个小小的开放参观 我猜你会叫它

I'm excited.


I know it doesn't sound like I'm excited, but parents and students come at night

我知道这听起来并不令人兴奋 但家长和学生都是晚上来的

and there's a barbecue, and it should be a lot of fun.

还有烧烤 应该会很有趣的

The food's free.


Anyway, see you in a couple of days with another short English lesson. Bye.

不管怎样 过几天我们再上一节简短的英语课 再见

标签: #提交的英文单词怎么写