

瓦罗兰特k仔 67


眼前同学们对“瓦罗兰特换区session missing”大概比较关注,咱们都想要学习一些“瓦罗兰特换区session missing”的相关资讯。那么小编也在网摘上收集了一些对于“瓦罗兰特换区session missing””的相关文章,希望咱们能喜欢,看官们一起来了解一下吧!


理智分析下BLG现在为什么稳定打不过JDG,团战配合先不说。let's rationally analyze why BLG can't beat JDG,now let's not talk about teamfight coordination,这几把暴露的就不是团战问题。what has been exposed in these games is not a teamfight problem。相反的是对局里打团的BLG还是几次有亮点的。

on the contrary,BLG has several bright spots in the team fight。就从队伍打法和选手个人来说,both in terms of the team's playstyle,and the individual players。

BLG其实是有着明显偏向下路战术风格的队伍。BLG is actually a team with a clear preference for the bottom lane,tactical style。

以往赢比赛的方式基本都是凭借下路二人组个人实力压制对面下路。in the past the way to win games,was to rely on the personal strength of the bottom lane duo to suppress the opponent's bottom lane。然后摇中野帮助起节奏,给elk累积人头并为后续打团建立获胜资本。

and then move the middle and jungle to help start the rhythm,给elk累积人头并为后续打团建立获胜资本。accumulate heads for Elk and build winning capital for subsequent team fights。即使是下路受挫没打过对面的几句也基本都有打野和中路比较频繁的帮助。

even if the bottom lane is frustrated,and has not played a few words against the opponent,will basically be more frequent help from the jungler。

however ruler as a very traditional Korean ad,然而尺帝作为很传统的韩式ad,拥有稳健的对线实力。has solid laning strength,你很难在对线上突破他和missing的下路二人组。it is difficult for you ta break through the bottom lane duoof him and missing in the laning。

on the contrary,相反,强行试图对线取得优势往往会暴露问题。will often expose problems。


bottom lane actuallyhas a lot to do with their desire to break through。

at a single point in the bottom lane and their positional play is very reckless。


for a period of time in the spring Split。

Elk was praised for its positioning and hiding skills。

but in the last few games。

this feeling has obviously disappeared。


in these twogames on has given people the feeling of dementia。

maybe it has something to do with wanting to prove himself too much。

标签: #瓦罗兰特换区session missing