
八年级上册英语Unit5 Reading A部分课文翻译

英语教育学道 162



八年级上册英语Unit5 Reading A部分课文翻译

1A 部分翻译

Giant pandas


Millie found a report on giant pandas in a magazine. Here is the report.


The story of Xi Wang


I first saw the baby panda when she was only ten days old. We called her Xi Wang. This means "hope".


When Xi Wang was born,she weighed just 100 grams and looked like a white mouse. At four months old, she weighed about eight kilograms and started to go outside for the first time. Eight months later,she was not a small baby any more and weighed over 35 kilograms.


In the beginning,Xi Wang drank her mother's milk. When she was six months old,she began to eat bamboo. When she was 20 months old, she learnt to look after herself.


Sadly,giant pandas face serious problems in the wild. For example,it is very difficult for pandas to have babies,and many baby pandas die when they are very young. Also, giant pandas live mainly on a special kind of bamboo. However, the bamboo forests are becoming smaller and smaller. As a result, pandas may not have a place to live or food to eat.


Giant pandas are now in danger. We should take action right away. Here are some ideas.


. help pandas have more babies


. build more panda reserves


. make laws to protect pandas


There are now only about 1,600 pandas in the wild If we do nothing,soon there may be none left! However,we do believe that where there is Xi Wang,there is hope.

在野生环境中,现在只有大约1 600只熊猫。如果我们什么也不做,很快大熊猫可能会无一剩存!然而,我们坚信:有“希望”就有希望。

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