

码仔 2823



码个蛋(codeegg)第 814 次推文




1. 什么是Jenkins

Jenkins是开源CI&CD软件领导者, 提供超过1000个插件来支持构建、部署、自动化, 满足任何项目的需要。

2. 为什么需要Jenkins(DevOps)

我们日常开发一般流程: Commit -> Push -> Merge -> Build. 基本就算完成. 而Jenkins的存在就是代替这一些系列从而实现自动化,侧重在于后面几个阶段,我们可以做很多的事情. 自动化的过程是确保构建编译都是正确的,平时我们手动编译不同版本的时候难免可能会出错,有了它可以降低编译错误,提高构建速度. 然而一般我们Jenkins都是需要配合Docker来完成的,所以需要具备一定的Docker的基础与了解. 文末有Github地址,共享了DockerFile及JenkinsFile.Why Pipeline?()

3. 有Jenkins在Android能实现什么?






详细如图(Gitlab CI/CD):


4. 一个DevOps基本序列

一个DevOps的工作序列基本主要区分与Jenkins Server两种工作模式,这两种工作模式分为:

Webhook的方式(在Gitlab/Github配置event触发后的地址,即当Gitlab/Gtihub产生事件会通过HTTP/HTTPS的方式将一个事件详细发送给Jenkins Service,随后Jenkins Service收到该消息会解析并做定义的处理);



sequenceDiagramUser ->> Gitlab/Github: push a commitGitlab/Github-->>Jekins: push a message via webhookJenkins -->> Jenkins: Sync with branchs and do a build with freestyle if there are changesJenkins --x Gitlab/Github: Feedback some comments on MR or IM/EMAIL 


graph LRA(User) --Push a commit --> B(Gitlab/Github)B --Push a message via webhook --> C(Jenkins)

5. 构建一个的Android应用多分支步骤


配置一个Jenkins Server;(由于文章主要讲解Jenkins脚本高级应用,所以还请网上搜索相关环境搭建)

在Jenkins 里面创建一个应用如下图:


由于Jenkins配置的路径是在项目路径下,所以我们Android Studio也得配置在对应跟布局下:



6. 脚本详解


pipeline { agent any stages { stage('Build') { steps { // Do the build with gradle../gradlew build } } stage('Test') {  steps { // Do some test script } } stage('Deploy') {  steps { // Deploy your project to other place } } }}


想要提交comment在MR/PR上: 一般是通过调用Gitlab/Github开放的API来实现,以Gitlab为例:

/** * Add the comment to gitlab on MR if the MR is exist and state is OPEN */def addCommentToGitLabMR(String commentContent) { branchHasMRID = sh(script: "curl --header \"PRIVATE-TOKEN: ${env.gitUserToken}\" ${GITLAB_SERVER_URL}/api/v4/projects/${XXPROJECT_ID}/merge_requests?source_branch=${env.BRANCH_NAME} | grep -o 'iid\":[^,]*' | head -n 1 | cut -b 6-", returnStdout: true).trim echo 'Current Branch has MR id : ' + branchHasMRID if (branchHasMRID == ''){ echo "The id of MR doesn't exist on the gitlab. skip the comment on MR" } else { // TODO : Should be handled on first time. TheMRState = sh(script: "curl --header \"PRIVATE-TOKEN: ${env.gitUserToken}\" ${GITLAB_SERVER_URL}/api/v4/projects/${XXPROJECT_ID}/merge_requests?source_branch=${env.BRANCH_NAME} | grep -o 'state\":[^,]*' | head -n 1 | cut -b 9-14", returnStdout: true).trim echo 'Current MR state is : ' + TheMRState if (TheMRState == 'opened'){ sh "curl -d \"id=${XXPROJECT_ID}&merge_request_iid=${branchHasMRID}&body=${commentContent}\" --header \"PRIVATE-TOKEN: ${env.gitUserToken}\" ${GITLAB_SERVER_URL}/api/v4//projects/${XXPROJECT_ID}/merge_requests/${branchHasMRID}/notes" } else { echo 'The MR not is opened, skip the comment on MR' } }}

自动创建一个TAG且有CHANGELOG: 因为我们通过git tag创建的TAG一般是没有描述的,有时候比较难跟踪,所以我们可以调用Gitlab/Github API来创建一个TAG,效果如下:

def pushTag(String gitTagName, String gitTagContent) { sh "curl -d \"id=${XXPROJECT_ID}&tag_name=${gitTagName}&ref=development&release_description=${gitTagContent}\" --header \"PRIVATE-TOKEN: ${env.gitUserToken}\" ${GITLAB_SERVER_URL}/api/v4/projects/${XXPROJECT_ID}/repository/tags"}

将Gradle 缓存共享给Docker,这样每次构建的时候就不会在Docker里面每次去下载依赖包:

environment { GRADLE_CACHE = '/tmp/gradle-user-cache'}...agent { dockerfile { filename 'Dockerfile' //  args '-v $GRADLE_CACHE/.gradle:$HOME/.gradle --net=host' }}


#!/usr/bin/env groovy//This JenkinsFile is based on a declarative format// CSD_DEPLOY_BRANCH = 'development'// Do not add the `def` for these fieldsXXPROJECT_ID = 974GITLAB_SERVER_URL = ''// Or your server

pipeline { // 默认代理用主机,意味着用Jenkins主机来运行一下块 agent any options { // 配置当前branch不支持同时构建,为了避免资源竞争,当一个新的commit到来,会进入排队如果之前的构建还在进行 disableConcurrentBuilds // 链接到Gitlab的服务器,用于访问Gitlab一些API gitLabConnection('Jenkins_CI_CD') } environment { // 配置缓存路径在主机 GRADLE_CACHE = '/tmp/gradle-user-cache' } stages { // 初始化阶段 stage('Setup') { steps { // 将初始化阶段修改到这次commit即Gitlab会展示对应的UI gitlabCommitStatus(name: 'Setup') { // 通过SLACK工具推送一个通知 notifySlack('STARTED') echo "Setup Stage Starting. Depending on the Docker cache this may take a few " + "seconds to a couple of minutes." echo "${env.BRANCH_NAME} is the branch. Subsequent steps may not run on branches that are not ${CSD_DEPLOY_BRANCH}." script { cacheFileExist = sh(script: "[ -d ${GRADLE_CACHE} ] && echo 'true' || echo 'false' ", returnStdout: true).trim echo 'Current cacheFile is exist : ' + cacheFileExist // Make dir if not exist if (cacheFileExist == 'false') sh "mkdir ${GRADLE_CACHE}/ || true" } } } }

// 构建阶段 stage('Build') { agent { dockerfile { // 构建的时候指定一个DockerFile,该DockerFile有Android的构建环境 filename 'Dockerfile' // args '-v $GRADLE_CACHE/.gradle:$HOME/.gradle --net=host' } }

steps { gitlabCommitStatus(name: 'Build') {

script { echo "Build Stage Starting" echo "Building all types (debug, release, etc.) with lint checking" getGitAuthor

if (env.BRANCH_NAME == CSD_DEPLOY_BRANCH) { // TODO : Do some checks on your style // sh 'chmod +x gradlew' // Try with the all build types. sh "./gradlew build" } else { // sh 'chmod +x gradlew' // Try with the production build type. sh "./gradlew compileReleaseJavaWithJavac" } } }

/* Comment out the inner cache rsync logic gitlabCommitStatus(name: 'Sync Gradle Cache') { script { if (env.BRANCH_NAME != CSD_DEPLOY_BRANCH) { // TODO : The max cache file should be added. echo 'Write updates to the Gradle cache back to the host' // Write updates to the Gradle cache back to the host

// -W, --whole-file: // With this option rsync's delta-transfer algorithm is not used and the whole file is sent as-is instead. // The transfer may be faster if this option is used when the bandwidth between the source and // destination machines is higher than the bandwidth to disk (especially when the lqdiskrq is actually a networked filesystem). // This is the default when both the source and destination are specified as local paths. sh "rsync -auW ${HOME}/.gradle/caches ${HOME}/.gradle/wrapper ${GRADLE_CACHE}/ || true" } else { echo 'Not on the Deploy branch , Skip write updates to the Gradle cache back to the host' } } }*/

script { // Only the development branch can be triggered if (env.BRANCH_NAME == CSD_DEPLOY_BRANCH) { gitlabCommitStatus(name: 'Signature') { // signing the apks with the platform key signAndroidApks( keyStoreId: "platform", keyAlias: "platform", apksToSign: "**/*.apk", archiveSignedApks: false, skipZipalign: true ) }

gitlabCommitStatus(name: 'Deploy') { script { echo "Debug finding apks" // debug statement to show the signed apk's sh 'find . -name "*.apk"'

// TODO : Deploy your apk to other place //Specific deployment to Production environment //echo "Deploying to Production environment" //sh './gradlew app:publish -DbuildType=proCN' } } } else { echo 'Current branch of the build not on the development branch, Skip the next steps!' } } } // This post working on the docker. not on the jenkins of local post { // The workspace should be cleaned if the build is failure. failure { // notFailBuild : if clean failed that not tell Jenkins failed. cleanWs notFailBuild: true } // The APKs should be deleted when the server is successfully built. success { script { // Only the development branch can be deleted these APKs. if (env.BRANCH_NAME == CSD_DEPLOY_BRANCH) { cleanWs notFailBuild: true, patterns: [[pattern: '**/*.apk', type: 'INCLUDE']] } } } } } }

post { always { deleteDir } failure { addCommentToGitLabMR("\\:negative_squared_cross_mark\\: Jenkins Build \\`FAILURE\\` <br /><br /> Results available at:[[#${env.BUILD_NUMBER} ${env.JOB_NAME}](${env.BUILD_URL})]") notifySlack('FAILED') } success { addCommentToGitLabMR("\\:white_check_mark\\: Jenkins Build \\`SUCCESS\\` <br /><br /> Results available at:[[#${env.BUILD_NUMBER} ${env.JOB_NAME}](${env.BUILD_URL})]") notifySlack('SUCCESS') } unstable { notifySlack('UNSTABLE') } changed { notifySlack('CHANGED') } }}

def addCommentToGitLabMR(String commentContent) { branchHasMRID = sh(script: "curl --header \"PRIVATE-TOKEN: ${env.gitTagPush}\" ${GITLAB_SERVER_URL}/api/v4/projects/${XXPROJECT_ID}/merge_requests?source_branch=${env.BRANCH_NAME} | grep -o 'iid\":[^,]*' | head -n 1 | cut -b 6-", returnStdout: true).trim echo 'Current Branch has MR id : ' + branchHasMRID if (branchHasMRID == '') { echo "The id of MR doesn't exist on the gitlab. skip the comment on MR" } else { // TODO : Should be handled on first time. TheMRState = sh(script: "curl --header \"PRIVATE-TOKEN: ${env.gitTagPush}\" ${GITLAB_SERVER_URL}/api/v4/projects/${XXPROJECT_ID}/merge_requests?source_branch=${env.BRANCH_NAME} | grep -o 'state\":[^,]*' | head -n 1 | cut -b 9-14", returnStdout: true).trim echo 'Current MR state is : ' + TheMRState if (TheMRState == 'opened') { sh "curl -d \"id=${XXPROJECT_ID}&merge_request_iid=${branchHasMRID}&body=${commentContent}\" --header \"PRIVATE-TOKEN: ${env.gitTagPush}\" ${GITLAB_SERVER_URL}/api/v4//projects/${XXPROJECT_ID}/merge_requests/${branchHasMRID}/notes" } else { echo 'The MR not is opened, skip the comment on MR' } }}

def pushTag(String gitTagName, String gitTagContent) { sh "curl -d \"id=${XXPROJECT_ID}&tag_name=${gitTagName}&ref=development&release_description=${gitTagContent}\" --header \"PRIVATE-TOKEN: ${env.gitTagPush}\" ${GITLAB_SERVER_URL}/api/v4/projects/${XXPROJECT_ID}/repository/tags"}

//Helper methods//TODO Probably can extract this into a JenkinsFile shared librarydef getGitAuthor { def commitSHA = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'git rev-parse HEAD') author = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "git --no-pager show -s --format='%an' ${commitSHA}").trim echo "Commit author: " + author}

def notifySlack(String buildStatus = 'STARTED') { // Build status of means success. buildStatus = buildStatus ?: 'SUCCESS'

def color if (buildStatus == 'STARTED') { color = '#D4DADF' } else if (buildStatus == 'SUCCESS') { color = 'good' } else if (buildStatus == 'UNSTABLE' || buildStatus == 'CHANGED') { color = 'warning' } else { color = 'danger' }

def msg = "${buildStatus}: `${env.JOB_NAME}` #${env.BUILD_NUMBER}:\n${env.BUILD_URL}"

slackSend(color: color, message: msg)}




标签: #docker跑安卓