
Free English Class! Topic Spring (文本)

与鲍勃一起学习英语 349



Well hello and welcome to this English lesson about spring. If

大家好 欢迎来到这节关于春天的英语课 如果

you live in the Northern Hemisphere it is spring. It

你住在北半球 现在是春天 信息技术

actually started a few weeks ago. I'm a little bit late with

实际上是几周前开始的 我来晚了一点

this lesson about spring. But we still have about two little

这节课是关于春天的 但我们还有大约两个

over two months of spring left before it is summer and I have


to be honest. Spring just started here. I know it started

老实说春天刚刚开始 我知道事情开始了

three weeks ago. But it really just started a couple days ago.

三周前 但这真的是几天前才开始的

Before that it certainly felt like winter. So welcome once

在那之前 感觉就像是冬天 欢迎你再来一次

again to this English lesson about spring. Where I'll talk

再次来到这节关于春天的英语课 我会在哪里谈

about all of the things that I would see and the vocabulary I


would use as an English speaker living in the Northern


Hemisphere where spring is just beginning. Spring time. So

春天刚刚开始的半球 春天 所以

spring time is basically spring. It's a word we use to

春天基本上就是春天 我们用这个词来形容

talk about this time of year. A lot of times in winter you'll

谈论每年的这个时候 冬天很多时候你会

say things like I can't wait till spring time. You could say

说我等不及春天了 你可以说

I can't wait till spring or you might refer to spring using

我等不及春天了 否则你可能会提到春天

time when talking about it in the past you might say ah back

在过去谈论它的时候 你可能会说:啊

in the spring time ah I enjoyed being outside more because the

春天的时候啊 我更喜欢呆在外面 因为

weather was cooler. So spring time certainly ah the time of

天气凉爽 所以春天的时候肯定是啊

year when winter ends and spring begins. Ah right now

冬天结束 春天开始的一年 啊现在

spring time like I mentioned earlier is ah it's in full

我之前提到的春天是啊 已经满了

swing here in Ontario Canada. It is ah beautiful outside the

在加拿大安大略省荡秋千 外面真是太美了

weather is getting warmer. The grass is growing and so many

天气越来越暖和了 草在生长 而且很多

other things are happening. I'm really happy that it's spring

其他事情正在发生 我真的很高兴现在是春天

time even though winter is my favourite season. So the first

即使冬天是我最喜欢的季节 所以第一个

day of spring that's how we refer to it. The first day of

这就是我们所说的春天 开学第一天

spring I hope I got this right was March twentieth twenty


twenty-two. Or March 20th two thousand twenty-2. We usually

二十二 或者2022年3月20日 我们通常

just in English when we say the year. We kind of split it up.

当我们说“年”的时候 就用英语 我们把它分开了

And I guess we're saying it wrong in a way but 2022 is the

我猜我们在某种程度上说错了 但2022年才是关键

current year. And spring actually started on March

今年 春天实际上从三月开始

twenty twenty-two. There's something that we say a lot as

二十二 有一件事我们经常说

spring is approaching. Sometimes as winter is ending

春天快到了 有时冬天即将结束

and as spring is beginning we kind of have days where some

随着春天的到来 我们有些日子

days it feels like spring and other days it still feels like

感觉像春天的日子 还有感觉像春天的日子

winter. So we use the English verb to feel to talk about the


season. So like I mentioned earlier even though spring

季就像我之前提到的 尽管春天

started on March 20th it felt like winter. It didn't feel

从3月20日开始 感觉像是冬天 感觉不到

like spring on March 20th. In fact yesterday and maybe the

就像3月20日的春天 事实上昨天 也许是

day before where the first two days where I would say oh it


Feels like spring today. Yesterday felt like spring.

今天感觉像春天 昨天感觉像春天

Today as well when I look outside it just feels like

今天 当我向外看的时候 感觉就像

spring today. So that's how we would describe just that nice

今天是春天 这就是我们所说的美好

feeling of sunshine and warmth and the opposite of winter. It

阳光和温暖的感觉 与冬天相反 信息技术

feels like spring. And we start to see what we call signs of

感觉像春天 我们开始看到我们所说的

spring. There are a lot of signs of spring and I'll talk

春天有很多春天的迹象 我来谈谈

about a few of them in this lesson. But one of the obvious

在这节课中 我们将介绍其中的一些 但其中一个显而易见的问题

signs of spring. For me is when things start to grow and things

春天的迹象 对我来说 当事情开始发展

start to turn green. So right now when you walk outside I

开始变绿 所以现在当你走到外面的时候

showed this earlier in one of my videos that you can see

在我之前的一个视频中展示了这一点 你可以看到

daffodils and tulips starting to come out of the ground. So

水仙花和郁金香开始长出地面 所以

certainly when things start to grow that is one of the signs

当然 当事情开始发展时 这是一个迹象

of spring. A really nice sign. We also start to have longer

春天 真是个好兆头 我们也开始有更长的时间

days. So in the Northern Hemisphere the winter days are

天 因此 在北半球 冬天的日子很短

really really short. I'm sure it's the same in the Southern

真的很短 我相信在南方也是一样的

Hemisphere where it's the opposite. But specifically

相反的半球 但具体来说

where I live the further north you go the shorter the days are


in the winter. So one thing we notice when spring starts is

在冬天 所以当春天开始的时候 我们注意到的一件事是

that you can tell that the days are longer. Longer days are

你可以看出白天更长 白天更长

really really nice. When you get home from work it's not

真的很好 当你下班回家的时候

dark. In the middle of the when I get home from work it's dark.

黑暗的在我下班回家的时候 天已经黑了

Now when I get home from work I can actually work outside for a

现在 当我下班回家时 我可以在外面工作一段时间

few hours because it doesn't get dark till about seven or

几个小时 因为大约七点半才会天黑

eight at night. So that's really nice. It's nice to have

晚上八点 那真的很好 很高兴有

longer days. Another sign of spring. And then of course we

更长的工作日 又一个春天的迹象 然后我们当然

have what's called a spring breeze. The only difference

有所谓的春风 唯一的区别

between a winter breeze and a spring breeze is that a winter


breeze is really cold. And a spring breeze is in the spring

微风真的很冷 春风习习

and it's very pleasant. If I was to go outside right now I

非常愉快 如果我现在就出去

can see that there's nice spring breeze. And because it's

你可以看到有很好的春风 因为它是

a warm day I would enjoy the breeze. And if you don't know

温暖的一天 我会享受微风 如果你不知道

what a breeze is it's a light wind. So the winds blowing just

这是一阵微风 所以风就这么吹着

a little bit. It's really nice in the spring on a warmer day

一点点春天天气暖和 天气真的很好

if there is a nice spring breeze to kind of keep you cool


as you walk or exercise or work outside. And one thing we like

当你在户外散步、锻炼或工作时 还有一件事我们很喜欢

about spring is fresh air. All of the windows in our house are

春天是新鲜空气的季节 我们家所有的窗户都是空的

closed during the winter. But when we start to have days

冬季关闭 但当我们开始有时间

where it feels like spring. When we start to have days in

感觉像春天 当我们开始有几天的时间

the spring where it's warm enough we open our windows to

春天 那里足够温暖 我们打开窗户

get fresh air in our house. We even also say I'm going outside

在我们家呼吸新鲜空气 我们甚至还说我要出去

to get some fresh air. So fresh air I always think of spring

呼吸新鲜空气 新鲜的空气让我想起春天

when I think of fresh air. You can open a window in the summer

当我想到新鲜空气 夏天你可以打开窗户

or fall to get fresh air as well. But certainly after

或者为了呼吸新鲜空气而摔倒 但肯定是在之后

having the windows closed all winter. It's nice to open the

整个冬天都关着窗户 很高兴能打开门

windows of our house to get a little of fresh air once spring

一到春天 我们家的窗户就可以呼吸一点新鲜空气了

has started. And the trees start to leaf out. So if you

已经开始了 树木开始长出叶子 所以如果你

see this picture here you'll notice that small leaves are


starting to come out of the branch on this tree. When I go

开始从这棵树的树枝上长出来 我走的时候

outside in the spring the trees are just starting to leaf out.

春天 外面的树刚刚开始长叶子

In about a month the trees will have leafed out. And they'll

大约一个月后 树木就会长出叶子 他们会

have leaves and you can sit in the shade. But right now the

有树叶 你可以坐在阴凉处 但是现在

trees are just starting to leaf out. They're just starting to

树木刚刚开始长出叶子 他们才刚刚开始

leaves on them. They're very very tiny. But I can't wait

上面有树叶 它们非常非常小 但我等不及了

because when you make videos outside it's nice to make them

因为当你在户外制作视频时 制作它们很好

in the shade. And in the spring before the trees leaf out it's

在阴凉处 春天 在树木长出叶子之前

very sunny and warm but there's no shade. So I'm I'm looking

阳光明媚 天气温暖 但没有阴凉处 所以我在我在找

forward to a little bit of shade under the trees in a few

向前走几步 到树荫下一点点

weeks. Uh we also have spring showers. So a spring shower is

周 我们还有春雨 所以春天的阵雨

simply a light rain in the spring. It does tend to rain a

只是春天的一场小雨 天气的确会下一场大雨

lot in the spring where I live. Quite often when I go to work

我住的地方春天有很多 我经常去上班

it's raining. We'll have a little spring shower in the

下雨了 我们将在晚上洗个小春雨

morning. We might have some spring showers tomorrow


actually. Uh they're forecasting that there might be


spring showers. All a spring shower is is it's a really

春雨 一场春雨就是一场

light rain in the spring. Uh if it happened in the summer we

春天的小雨 如果发生在夏天我们

would just call it a shower. But in the spring it rains it's

那就叫淋浴吧 但是春天下雨了

usually nice to just feel the rain coming down. It's what

通常感觉下着雨就好了 是什么

helps everything grow. It's nice when we have a spring

帮助一切成长 当我们有一个春天的时候很好

shower in the spring. And next we just have lots of sunshine.

春天淋浴 接下来我们就有了充足的阳光

Probably this is one thing that people who experience a really


really strong harsh winter. One thing they really appreciate is

真的很严酷的冬天 他们真正欣赏的一件事是

spring sunshine. When you can get out in the spring and you

春天的阳光 当你能在春天出来的时候

could feel the sunshine on your face. It's just very very nice

能感觉到阳光照在你脸上 非常非常好

after being inside for several months. It's very nice to go

在里面呆了几个月之后 很高兴去

outside and to just have a little bit of sunshine. There

出去晒晒太阳 那里

was actually sunshine when I started the lesson but when I


look outside now I see that it has clouded over. So hopefully

看看外面 我看到乌云密布 希望如此

the clouds go away and we have a bit more sunshine later

云层消失了 我们以后会有更多的阳光

today. And then we also have what's called the spring thaw.


The snow melts. If there's any ice the ice melts. Everything

雪融化了 如果有冰 冰就会融化 每件事

thaws. So we go from a winter state from a state where

解冻 所以我们从一个冬天的州 从一个

everything is frozen. To a time where during the day there's

一切都冻结了 到了一个白天

things everything thaws. But at night it freezes again. But now

一切都解冻了 但到了晚上 它又结冰了 但现在

we're at the point in spring where it's a zero all day and

我们正处在春天 一整天都是零

all night. So now everything has thawed. There's no more

整晚 所以现在一切都解冻了 没有了

snow. There's no more ice. It's very very nice outside right

雪没有冰了 外面很不错吧

now. So I mentioned daffodils here in Canada there are three


flowers that bloom really early in the spring. Uh the first

春天开得很早的花 呃第一个

they do not have a picture of and that's I think called a

他们没有照片 我认为这就是所谓的

crocus. But daffodils excuse me. But daffodils are one of

藏红花 但请原谅 水仙花 但水仙花是其中之一

the first flowers to bloom. They have not bloomed yet in my

第一批开花的花 它们还没有在我的花园里开花

area. They are still growing. But they're definitely out of

地区它们仍在增长 但他们肯定没钱了

the ground. And in a few weeks we will see them bloom. Nice

地面 几周后我们将看到它们开花 美好的

beautiful yellow flowers. Another flower that blooms in

美丽的黄花 又一朵花在我心中绽放

the spring is a tulip. Now tulips bloom after daffodils in

春天是郁金香 现在 郁金香在春天的水仙花后开花

our area. As the daffodils finish blooming the tulips

我们的地盘 当水仙花盛开郁金香

start to bloom. Uh and to are really nice because they bloom

开始开花 嗯 和to真的很好 因为它们开花了

we have like early and late daffodils so they kind of bloom

我们喜欢早熟和晚熟的水仙花 所以它们会开花

for a longer stretch of time for us. But we definitely have

为我们争取更长的时间 但我们肯定有

daffodils and tulips growing right now and they will all

水仙花和郁金香正在生长 它们都会生长

bloom in the next couple of months. They will all bloom

在接下来的几个月里开花 它们都会开花

this spring. And I'll make sure I put some I'll I'll make sure

今年春天 我会确保我放了一些我会我会确保

I feature some of these in videos coming up. People do a

我将在接下来的视频中介绍其中一些 人们做一个

lot of planting in the spring. So whether it's planting like

春天有很多种植物 那么它是否像

this this man is planting by hand. Or whether it's planting

这个人正在手工种植 或者是种植

in a big field. Like farmers will plant in their fields in a

在一个大的领域 就像农民们会在一片荒芜的土地上种植植物一样

couple of weeks. Um first we plant corn than we plant beans

几周 首先我们种植玉米 而不是种植豆类

here in Canada. But right now people might be planting in the

在加拿大这里 但现在人们可能正在种植

ground but it's a little bit early. Generally in Canada we

但现在有点早 通常在加拿大我们

do not plant until May. In my part of Canada. Things are

五月前不要种植 在我所在的加拿大 事情是这样的

different in Different parts of Canada. But where I live if you

在加拿大的不同地区是不同的 但是我住的地方如果你

planted right now people would think you're crazy. It's a

现在种植 人们会认为你疯了 这是一个

little bit too early for most things. Now that being said Jen

对大多数事情来说有点太早了 既然如此 珍

has planted a few things in the field. A few flower types that

在地里种了一些东西 有几种花

do not mind the cold. So we do have a few things planted but

不要介意寒冷 所以我们确实种了一些东西

for us as flower farmers we will do a lot more planting in

对于我们这些花卉种植户来说 我们将在非洲进行更多的种植

about three or four weeks. And we'll do that by buying seeds.

大约三四个星期 我们将通过购买种子来做到这一点

You can see here there are a lot of seed packets or small


packets of seeds. We buy a lot of seeds in the spring. Uh

一包包的种子 我们在春天买了很多种子 UH

actually we buy them in the winter and then we plant a lot

实际上 我们在冬天买了它们 然后种了很多

of seeds in the spring. If you're wondering how Jen grows

春天的种子 如果你想知道Jen是怎么长大的

so many flowers if you can't plant early. Um that's because

如果你不能早种 那么多花 那是因为

we have a lot of seeds started in our basement. So we start

我们的地下室里有很多种子 所以我们开始

seeds in pots and then we later transplant them out into the


field. So definitely in spring people buy seeds and people get

领域所以 在春天 人们肯定会购买种子 然后得到种子

ready to plant their seeds and then plant them. Um if you grow

准备好播种 然后播种 如果你长大了

a vegetable garden in my area. Most people will plant their

我所在地区的一个菜园 大多数人都会种植自己的植物

garden. Um yeah maybe around May 15th it depends on what

花园嗯 是的 也许在5月15日左右 这取决于什么

they are growing. We also do some pruning. So pruning is

他们正在成长 我们也做一些修剪 所以修剪是必要的

something that it depends on what you are pruning. Some

这取决于你修剪的东西 一些

things like to be pruned in the winter. Some things like to be

冬天要修剪的东西 有些事情像是

prune in the early spring. Pruning is when you take

在早春修剪 修剪是当你

pruners. And you take off either some of the new growth

剪枝机 你可以去掉一些新的增长点

or you take off some of the older growth or parts of the


plant that are dead. So pruning is something they do with fruit

死去的植物 所以修剪是他们用水果做的

trees. Pruning is something they do with vines in a

树 修剪是他们用藤蔓做的事情

vineyard so for grapes but pruning is something that

葡萄园对葡萄来说也是如此 但修剪

happens. I guess mostly in the winter and also in the early

发生 我猜主要是在冬天 也在早期

spring. It depends on what you are pruning. But here a lot of

春天这取决于你在修剪什么 但这里有很多

pruning happens I think when things are dormant. That means

我认为当事情处于休眠状态时 修剪就会发生 这意味着

that they are not actively growing they are waiting for

他们没有积极地成长 他们正在等待

spring. Pruners are dangerous by the way. Be careful when you

春天顺便说一句 修剪机很危险 你走的时候要小心

use pruners. There a lot of mud right now. You can see this

使用修剪器 现在有很多泥 你可以看到这个

person is walking in an area that's very muddy. Uh because

一个人正在一个泥泞的地方行走 因为

there are a lot of spring showers because it rains a lot

春天有很多阵雨 因为雨下得很多

in the spring. There is a lot of mud. Uh so when I go outside

春天 有很多泥 所以当我出去的时候

right now to make a video I'm often wearing my rubber boots.

现在要拍视频 我经常穿胶靴

Because even when I walk in the lawn there are areas where

因为即使我走在草坪上 也有一些地方

there's lots of mud. It is very muddy. Um actually today it's

有很多泥 泥泞不堪 实际上今天

not too bad because it hasn't rained for a few days. But as

还不错 因为已经好几天没下雨了 但作为

soon as it rains again we will certainly have mud. Uh again

一旦再下雨 我们肯定会有泥巴 又来了

lots of mud. I hate it when my kids track mud into the house.

很多泥 我讨厌我的孩子把泥巴拖进房子里

When you track mud into the house it means you wear your

当你把泥巴拖进房子时 就意味着你戴着你的帽子

muddy boots and you walk into the house and then the house

泥泞的靴子 你走进房子 然后走进房子

gets mud in it. There are a lot of birds chirping. So some

里面有泥 有很多鸟在啁啾 所以有些

birds go south for the winter. There are not a lot of birds

鸟去南方过冬 鸟不多

singing or chirping in the winter. But if you've watched

在冬天唱歌或唧唧喳喳 但如果你看过

some of my videos on my other channel you'll notice that


occasionally you can hear a lot of birds chirping in the


background. Uh birds seem to be back. Birds have returned from

出身背景小鸟好像回来了 鸟儿们从森林里回来了

the south. By the way birds do migrate. We'll talk about that

南方 顺便说一句 鸟类确实会迁徙 我们来谈谈

in a sec. Uh but the birds are certainly chirping. When I wake

马上 嗯 但是鸟儿确实在啁啾 当我醒来

up in the morning right now I can hear birds chirping outside

现在早上起来 我能听到鸟儿在外面叽叽喳喳地叫

my window. And there's definitely a bird nest here or

我的窗户 这里肯定有个鸟巢

there around the property. Right now you'll often see

在酒店周围 现在你会经常看到

birds flying with a little piece of straw or grass in


their mouth and they are building nests so that they can

它们在筑巢 这样它们就能

lay eggs so that they can have young. So right now definitely

产卵 这样它们就可以有幼崽了 所以现在肯定

I know when I was walking the other day I saw a bird nest a a


bird was building a bird nest in a tree. But I talked about

小鸟正在树上筑巢 但我说过

this a little bit. The grass is green. We have not started

这有点 草是绿色的 我们还没有开始

mowing the grass yet. We have not moan our lawn. That's hard

割草了吗 我们没有抱怨我们的草坪 这很难

to say isn't it? We haven't moan it yet. Mowed. Sorry. We

说实话 不是吗?我们还没有抱怨过 割草 很抱歉我们

haven't mowed our lawn Sorry I'm saying things wrong. Uh but

还没修剪草坪抱歉我说错了 但是

it will be something that we will need to do in about a week


or so. Our grass is very green. Our lawn is very green. And we

...左右我们的草很绿 我们的草坪很绿 而我们

will need to mow the lawn in about a week. In fact we

大约一周后我们需要修剪草坪 事实上我们

probably could mow a little bit of it today. There's certain

也许今天能割一点 这是肯定的

areas where the grass is very green and it's and it's already

那里的草很绿 而且已经很绿了

grown quite a bit where we could mow it. And by the way

在我们可以修剪的地方长了不少 顺便说一下

the smell of fresh cut grass is something that you that's


definitely a sign of spring. So I talked about the birds have

这绝对是春天的标志 所以我谈到了鸟类

returned. There are birds that fly south for the winter. So

返回 有些鸟会飞往南方过冬 所以

there's birds that live in my area throughout the spring,


summer and fall and then they fly south. There is a

夏天和秋天 然后它们向南飞 有一个

migration. Birds migrate. Um not all birds but a lot of

迁移鸟类迁徙 不是所有的鸟 而是很多

birds migrate south. So in the winter we have birds. But some

鸟类向南迁徙 所以冬天我们有鸟 但是有些

birds have gone they're they're kind of like people. They go

鸟都走了他们有点像人 他们走了

where it's warm in the winter. So they can enjoy life a little

那里冬天很暖和 这样他们就能享受生活了

bit better. I think some birds don't like cold weather. And

好多了 我想有些鸟不喜欢寒冷的天气 和

then often in the spring people will just wear a spring jacket.

在春天 人们通常只穿一件弹簧夹克

So it's not warm enough to go outside with just short

所以天气不太暖和 不适合只穿短外套出门

sleeves. You still need to wear something. But a winter coat is

袖子 你还需要穿点什么 但是冬天的外套是

too warm. So often you will own a spring jacket. And if you're

太热了 通常你会拥有一件弹簧夹克 如果你是

wondering what the difference is between a fall jacket and


spring jacket. For me they're the same thing. Uh my this is

弹簧夹克 对我来说 它们是一样的 我的天 这是

my spring jacket. Right here It's my spring jacket. It's

我的弹簧夹克 这是我的弹簧夹克 它是

also my fall jacket. But generally a spring jacket will

还有我的夹克衫 但一般来说 穿一件弹簧夹克就可以了

be colourful. And a fall jacket might be a grey or black or

五颜六色 一件羽绒服可能是灰色或黑色或黑色

brown. Um for some reason a fall jacket is less colourful.

棕色的嗯 因为某种原因 一件羽绒服颜色不那么鲜艳

But that's not a hard and fast rule. A jacket can be any

但这不是一条硬性规定 夹克可以是任何颜色

colour. But a spring jacket is often also waterproof. Because

颜色但弹簧夹克通常也是防水的 因为

there's a chance it might rain in the spring. We do a lot of

春天有可能下雨 我们做了很多

spring cleaning in the spring. I think in the winter because

春季大扫除 我觉得冬天是因为

you can't open your windows. You keep your house clean. But

你不能打开窗户 你要保持房子干净 但是

a lot of people when it gets really nice and when you can


open your windows and have lots of fresh air. It also makes

打开窗户 呼吸新鲜空气 这也使

them want to clean their whole house. But like extra clean. So

他们想打扫整个房子 但是要特别干净 所以

we do clean our house all year. But in the spring we sometimes

我们一整年都在打扫房子 但在春天 我们有时

open all the windows on a Saturday and do some spring

星期六打开所有的窗户 做些春季活动

cleaning. Where we clean everything we just do a better

打扫 在那里我们清洁一切我们只是做得更好

job of cleaning. Um than we normally would. Like a deep

清洁工作 嗯 比我们通常会做的要多 像深渊

cleaning. And in the yard we sometimes do some spring

打扫 在院子里 我们有时会做一些春季活动

cleanup. We started doing this actually the other day. In the

清理 我们前几天就开始这么做了 在

winter sometimes a little branches fall off of trees when

冬天的时候 有时树上的小树枝会掉下来

it's windy. In the winter sometimes things blow around.

有风 冬天有时会有风吹来吹去

And then when the snow melts you have to clean up your yard.

然后当雪融化时 你必须清理你的院子

So we do quite a bit of spring cleanup in the spring. Um we've

所以我们在春天做了很多春季清理工作 我们已经

done a tiny bit of spring cleanup. But we need to do a

做了一点春季清理 但我们需要做一个

little bit more this weekend I think. I think we'll get out

我想这个周末会多一点 我想我们会出去的

there and do some spring clean up tomorrow and I also have a

明天去那里做一些春季大扫除 我还有一个

day off on Monday so I might do some spring cleanup then as

星期一休息一天 这样我就可以做一些春季大扫除了

well. And then obviously this was something I mentioned

好很明显 这是我提到的

earlier. Uh spring is a time where it's a lot easier for

早期的 嗯 春天对我们来说是一个容易得多的时候

kids to play outside. Our kids do play outside in the winter.

孩子们在外面玩 我们的孩子冬天确实在外面玩

But usually for maybe an hour maybe an hour and a half. When

但通常是一个小时或者一个半小时 什么时候

it's below zero it's fun to play outside. But you don't

零下 在外面玩很有趣 但你没有

play outside for three hours. Because it's just too cold. So

在外面玩三个小时 因为天气太冷了 所以

it's nice when spring comes because kids can play outside.

春天来的时候很好 因为孩子们可以在外面玩

Uh and they sometimes play outside for hours on end. In

他们有时会在外面连续玩几个小时 在里面

English when you say someone does something for hours on end


it means they do it for several hours for a long time. Rubber

这意味着他们要长时间地做几个小时 橡胶

boots I talked about these a little bit earlier. I think in

我之前说过这些 我认为

other parts of the world in English they call them wellies


or other names but in Canada we just call them rubber boots.

或者其他名字 但在加拿大 我们只叫他们橡胶靴

Boots that are made out of rubber. So that when you walk

橡胶制成的靴子 所以当你走路的时候

outside when it's really wet your feet don't get wet. You

外面很湿的时候 你的脚就不会湿 你

shouldn't leave your rubber boot laying on its side though.


That's a good way for water to get in your boot. But I have

这是让水进入靴子的好方法 但我有

wearing my rubber boots outside quite often lately because it

最近经常在外面穿胶靴 因为

has gotten a little bit warmer outside. Uh because there are a

外面暖和了一点 因为有一个

lot of puddles. Um right now the puddles are gone but I

很多水坑 现在水坑都没了但我

think by tomorrow night there will be lots of puddles again.


Uh puddles in the driveway. Puddles of course are little

车道上有水坑 水坑当然很小

pools of water that form when it rains. Um but right now

下雨时形成的水池 但是现在

things are actually unseasonably dry right now. So

事实上 现在的情况非常干燥 所以

that's a good word for you. Uh it is the season of spring.

这对你来说是个好词 嗯 这是春天的季节

Normally it's quite wet outside. But it's actually

通常外面很湿 但事实上

quite dry. So we would say it's unseasonably dry. In the summer

非常干燥 所以我们会说它异常干燥 在夏天

when you have a really cold day you could say it's unseasonably

当你有一个非常寒冷的一天 你可以说这是反常的

cold today. So basically means wow this is a strange

今天很冷 基本上就是说哇这是一个奇怪的

temperature or a strange situation for this season so we

温度或是这个季节的奇怪情况 所以我们

have buds so there are a lot of buds on the trees right now


buds are things that form just before a flower comes out or


just before leaves come out. So right now the trees have a lot

就在树叶出来之前 所以现在树上有很多

of buds on them. Uh on some trees those buds will open and

上面有很多花蕾 在一些树上 那些花蕾会开放

there will be a blossom or a little flower. On some the buds

将会有一朵花或一朵小花 在一些花蕾上

will open and leaves will come out. So again I'm looking

会开 叶子会出来 所以我再次寻找

forward to things leafing out so that we have a little bit of

期待着事情的发展 这样我们就有了一点

shade. And then we talked about blossoms. To me a blossoms is a

阴凉处然后我们讨论了花朵 对我来说 一朵花就是一朵鲜花

tiny tiny flower on a tree or bush. So I wouldn't say yeah

树或灌木上的小花 所以我不会说是的

how would you say that? I would say a flower like a tulip will


bloom but a tree will have blossoms on it. So a little bit

开花 但树上会开花 所以有一点

of a Difference between the two. I should have asked Jen

两者之间的区别 我应该问问珍

for a more formal definition before I did the lesson. And

在我上这堂课之前 我想知道一个更正式的定义 和

then we certainly have bees. As soon as you have flowers as

那我们肯定有蜜蜂 只要你有花

soon as there are blossoms you will start to see bees come and

只要有花朵 你就会看到蜜蜂飞来飞去

visit. The bees are collecting pollen. I think this is where I

参观蜜蜂正在收集花粉 我想这就是我

should learn my science before I do the lesson. But we

我应该在上课之前先学科学 但我们

definitely have a lot more bees. Um not so much today but

肯定还有很多蜜蜂 今天没那么多但是

in a few weeks in the middle of spring you'll start to see a

在春天的几周内 你会看到一个

lot of bees buzzing around outside. Busy as bees. They

许多蜜蜂在外面嗡嗡叫 像蜜蜂一样忙碌 他们

will be. And then we have the return of insects. These are

将 然后是昆虫的回归 这些是

called ladybugs in Canada and I think in the United States. I

加拿大叫瓢虫 我想美国叫瓢虫 我

think in the UK they might call them ladybirds. We call them

想想在英国 他们可能会叫他们瓢虫 我们叫他们

ladybugs. So a small bug it flies a little bit and it has

瓢虫 所以一只小虫子飞了一点点

like a red back and then some black dots on it. So the

比如一个红色的后背 然后是一些黑点 所以

insects are slowly returning. Uh when you go outside you can

昆虫正在慢慢回归 当你出去的时候你可以

start to see some of the early insects are active and around.


Uh soon we'll have mosquitoes that is one of my least


favourite insects. Um spring break. So spring break has

最喜欢的昆虫 嗯 春假 所以春假已经结束了

actually already happened. Spring break is when students

实际上已经发生了 春假是学生们

don't go to school for one week in the spring. It usually

春天一周内不要上学 通常

happens in the early spring. It sometimes even happens late

发生在早春 有时甚至发生得很晚

summer. Uh sorry take the late winter. It depends on the year.

夏天呃 抱歉 让我们来看看深冬吧 这取决于年份

But most of the time spring break takes place in the early


spring. So we actually had spring break a couple of weeks


ago we had spring break we actually had spring break a


week before spring actually started. So while we were on

在春天真正开始的前一周 所以当我们在

spring break it was still technically winter and at the


end of spring break it was March 20th the beginning of


spring. In my part of Canada and in many other parts of the


world where there are maple trees and where there is winter


in spring you will have maple syrup. So maple syrup is made

春天你会吃枫糖浆 枫糖浆就是这样制成的

from the sap of maple trees. And then they kind of boil it

从枫树的汁液中 然后他们把它煮了

down into a syrup and it's very very sweet. It's one of

下到糖浆里 非常非常甜 这是其中之一

Canada's major exports. So if you've never had maple syrup.

加拿大的主要出口 如果你从未吃过枫糖浆

You should try it sometime. It's it's quite expensive but

你应该找个时间试试 很贵但是

it's also very sweet and very very yummy. Another thing you

它也很甜 很好吃 还有一件事你

will see a lot of in my part of the world in the spring is you

在春天 在我的世界里会看到很多的是你

will see motorcycles. You cannot drive a motorcycle in

我会看到摩托车 你不能开摩托车进去

the winter. So as soon as it starts to get warm enough

冬天 所以只要天气开始变暖

usually around the first or second week of spring you will


start to see motorcycles on the road again. Uh you can't drive

又开始在路上看到摩托车了 你不能开车

a motorcycle in the winter because it's too slippery. You

冬天骑摩托车是因为太滑了 你

will just fall over if you try to drive a motorcycle in the


snow. So even the other day I was out and I saw a number of

雪所以就在前几天我出去的时候 我看到了很多

motorcycles. Um because it was the warmest day of the week. Uh

摩托车 因为那是一周中最暖和的一天 UH

and people would come home from work and they would go and take


go for a ride on their motorcycle. By the way an

骑上他们的摩托车去兜风 顺便说一句

interest thing in Canada. Motorcycles are For some people

对加拿大很感兴趣 摩托车是为一些人准备的

it's their main form of transportation. But most of the

这是他们主要的交通方式 但大多数

people I know they own a motorcycle and they ride it for

我认识的人都有一辆摩托车 他们骑摩托车是为了

pleasure. Or they ride it for fun. So most of the people I

高兴或者他们骑着它玩 所以我认识的大多数人

know don't drive their motorcycle to work. They drive

知道不要开摩托车上班 他们开车

their car to work. And they go on the weekend and drive their

他们开车去上班 他们周末开车去

motorcycle for fun. So an interesting thing about Canada.

骑摩托车消遣 这是关于加拿大的一件有趣的事

Probably because yeah you can't drive your motorcycle for about

可能是因为是的 你大约有一年不能开摩托车了

five months out of the year. You can only drive your

一年中有五个月 你只能开你的车

motorcycle from about till about October and then gets a

从大约10月到大约10月 然后

little chilly and a little cold and when the snow starts to fly

有点冷 有点冷 当雪开始飞舞

in the fall you can't really drive a motorcycle. The other

在秋天 你真的不能开摩托车 其他的

thing you will see a lot of our classic cars this would be like


a hot rod or classic car or sports cars. So like a brand

热棒、经典汽车或跑车 就像一个品牌

new Lamborghini or Ferrari. In Canada winter is not a good

新兰博基尼或法拉利 在加拿大冬天不是个好天气

time to drive a classic car or a sports car for a couple of


reasons. Number one if you have a Lamborghini and you try to

原因 第一 如果你有一辆兰博基尼 你想

drive it in the snow it just won't work very good. The tires

在雪地里开它 就是不太好用 轮胎

will spin a lot and you'll go off the road really easily.

会旋转很多 你会很容易离开公路

Number two in the winter in Canada we put a lot of salt and

第二 在加拿大的冬天 我们放了很多盐和盐

sand on our roads so that it melts the snow and the or the

道路上的沙子融化了雪和雪 或者

sand gives you traction. And both of those things are not

沙子给你牵引力 而这两件事都不是

good for fancy nice cars. They the salt especially will cause

适合高档车 他们认为盐尤其会导致

the car to rust really fast. So generally people who own really

汽车很快就会生锈 所以一般来说 真正拥有

really nice cars rich people they don't drive them in the


winter. They drive something else in the winter. But just

冬天他们在冬天开别的车 但只是

the other day I was making a video and someone drove by in

前几天我在拍视频 有人开车过来

like a 1970 Chevy Nova. Really nice paint job. Really big

就像一辆1970年的雪佛兰Nova 非常好的油漆工作 真的很大

engine. Um that person would not drive that car in the

发动机嗯 那个人不会在晚上开那辆车

winter. So in the spring we tend to see a lot more classic

冬天所以在春天 我们往往会看到更多的经典

cars. A classic car is like a old car that someone has made

汽车 经典汽车就像是别人造的旧车

to look nice again or sports cars.


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