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Xiao Gao shares (47) Basic data types and arrays in Java
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Frist, basic data types
Java defines eight basic data types, which are:
Integer: byte, short, int, long; Floating-point type: float, double; Character type: char; boolean: boolean
1. 整型
1. Integer type
Integers are used to represent values without a fractional part. In Java, integers have different ranges, as follows:
byte: indicates 8 bits, ranging from -128 to 127. short: 16 bits. The value ranges from -32768 to 32767. int: 32-bit. The value ranges from -2.1 billion to 2.1 billion. long: 64-bit. The value ranges from -9 trillion to 9 trillion trillion.
2. 浮点型
2. Floating point type
Floating-point type is used to represent numeric values that have a fractional part. In Java, there are two floating-point data types:
float: 32-bit, single-precision floating point number; double: 64-bit, double-precision floating point number.
3. 字符型
3. Character type
The character type is used to represent a single character, which is represented by single quotation marks, such as 'a', 'middle'. In Java, the character data type is char, which takes up 16 bits.
4. 布尔型
4. Boolean type
boolean types are used to represent values that are true or false. In Java, Boolean data types are Boolean.
Second, array
An array is a container used to store multiple pieces of the same type of data. In Java, arrays have the following characteristics:
1. 声明与初始化
1. Declaration and initialization
声明数组时,需要指定数组类型和数组名,如:int[] arr;。初始化数组时,可以使用静态初始化或动态初始化。
When declaring an array, you need to specify the array type and array name, such as int[] arr; . When initializing an array, either static initialization or dynamic initialization can be used.
静态初始化:int[] arr = {1, 2, 3};
Static initialization: int[] arr = {1, 2, 3};
动态初始化:int[] arr = new int[3]; // 创建一个长度为3的整型数组
Dynamic initialization: int[] arr = new int[3]; // Creates an integer array of length 3
2. 访问数组元素
2. Access array elements
Array elements are accessed by index, which starts at 0. For example, arr[0] represents the first element of an array.
3. 数组长度
3. Array length
The array length represents the number of elements in the array and is obtained by the length attribute. For example, arr.length.
4. 多维数组
4. Multi-dimensional arrays
Java supports multi-dimensional arrays, such as two-dimensional arrays, three-dimensional arrays, etc. When you declare and initialize multidimensional arrays, you need to pay attention to the length of each dimension.
二维数组示例:int[][] arr = new int[3][4]; // 创建一个3行4列的二维整型数组
Example 2D array: int[][] arr = new int[3][4]; // Create a 2-D integer array with 3 rows and 4 columns
Third, the relationship between basic data types and arrays
基本数据类型可以组成数组,如:int[] arr = {1, 2, 3};。数组中的元素必须是同一类型,但可以是基本数据类型或引用数据类型。
Basic data types can be formed into arrays, such as int[] arr = {1, 2, 3}; . The elements in the array must be of the same type, but can be primitive data types or reference data types.
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标签: #java方法引用参数