
介词5 between among over across #每天学习一点点

英英子学英语 54


现时同学们对“在什么什么之后 用英语怎么说”大约比较关切,同学们都需要分析一些“在什么什么之后 用英语怎么说”的相关资讯。那么小编在网络上汇集了一些关于“在什么什么之后 用英语怎么说””的相关知识,希望小伙伴们能喜欢,大家快快来学习一下吧!


·先来看语法,在什么之间?英语介词怎么表达?两者之间用between,比方说the relationships between countries are pretty complicated,这个就是国家与国家之间的关系,是相当复杂的complicated。

·tom sat between Alice and Mike.tom坐在center Mike.这个是两者之间用between,用between,okay,yeah,go on。

·三者以上用among,for example say there is a village among the can among the mountains.大山里有一个小村庄,大山里那大山绝对是不止一座,连绵的山脉,所以要用among,okay,yeah,go on。

·然后来看穿越,英语当中介词怎么来表达?穿越,横跨,用across,for example say the girls were walking across the square when the car rushed in.说是女孩子们正在横跨广场,一辆车突然冲了进来,广场从这一边到那一边,所以用across,okay,go on。

·穿越空间用through,for example the soldier was walking through the forest with difficulty.这里就要用through,the 怎么同样都是来汉语,比方说是横跨广场在这里是穿越森林,士兵正在困难的在森林间穿越,ok。

·然后through the window came in the sweet music.说是穿过窗户,甜美的音乐飘了进来,through the window它是一个空间,翻阅,用over,yeah,say go on。

·the villagers had to climb over the large mountain to sell their apples.怎么说是村民要翻越大山来推销他们的苹果,大山里面的,ok,yeah,go on。

·再来看在上面,英语有什么表示方法?平面接触用on,for example there is a break on the table.桌上有一本书,不可和桌面是平面接触,斜上方用above,有一架飞机飞在云上面,不可能是正上方的,这个时候就要用above,ok,yeah,用above。

·再看正上方用over,刚才over是翻越山脉,在这里the workers are building a bridge.要用over across the river.工人们正在河上架桥,可以用over,也可以用across。


·under say a boat was going under the bridge when the excellent happened.·no no no 船一定是要在船的桥洞正下方过的。

·under the bridge.·under the bridge.·一个小船正在穿越桥洞的时候事故发生了。

·go on against the line.·第一个意思是反对,比方说they are strongly against the plan.他们强烈反对这个计划。

·但是还有一个是以什么为背景?for example say the picture looks good against that light wall.啥意思?说是那幅画有浅色的墙作为背景看上去更好看了。

·还有一个要看一下介词连用,比方说behind的是介词from也是介词,说from behind the tree从树背后。for example a fox came out from behind the tree一只狐狸从树后钻了出来。across世界词from也是 from across the river the table.so they were speaking from across the table他们隔着桌子在说话。from under the table从桌底下。a dog came out from under the table一只狗从桌底下钻了出来。


接下来来看昨天留下来的练习。say we must read not only between the lines.在这里他说是between the lines不应该只是字里行间。but sometimes beyond the lines.你要就是要跳过字里行间。so that we can fully understand the writer beyond the lines.就是啥?话外音吗?beyond话里有话。ok也超越这些个字眼。

所以在这里说的是beyond,经常说between the lines beyond the lines.yeah go on say which spot costs most in terms of 又来了。这个词组有多重要?training equipment and uniforms.是那样运动花销最大?有关他们的训练器材和训练制服。

informs有关在什么什么方面?in terms of这个词组三。应该记住了,给我to be environmentally friendly,为了要环境友好,the couple chose to go on bicycles,这对夫妇是选择骑自行车,而不是instead of,而不是fancy vehicles,那些花里胡哨的豪车,to their wedding reception,就是去他们的婚礼接待会。

有的人要结婚,动辄就是豪车十辆,叫fancy vick,instead of,回过来,而不是go on,i'm so tired of analyst work,厌倦了这些无休无止的工作了,be tired也是个固定哒,hanging there坚持住,brain是个人民,your career would take off in time,事业终会起飞,take off腾飞。

在这里,当然说是in time,今天是在讨论借词,总归会,okay in time go,作为什么什么的结果,就是as a result of 固定哒,车抛锚了结果就不能够按时及时到达目的destination,okay,介词绝大部分都是固定的,所以要扩大词汇量。


标签: #在什么什么之后 用英语怎么说