

度爷金朝政 417







1.combat [com- = with 与;bat = to beat 打→“与...打仗”]


ex)We must combat diseases with better health programs. 我们必须用更得力的卫生计划与疾病作斗争。

2.commit [com- = altogether 完全;mit = to sent 送→“to sent altogether完全送去”]

vt. hand over;deliver 送交;提交

ex)The insane woman was committed to an asylum. 疯女人被送到精神病院去了。

3.compose [com- =together 一起;pos = to put 放;-e →“放在一起”]

vt. 组成,构成;创作

ex)Our party was composed of sixteen students. 我们团体由16个学生组成。

4.collide [col-(com-) = together 一起;lid = to strike 撞;-e →“撞在一起”]

vi. 猛撞;撞坏

ex)Two ships collided in the mist and sank. 两艘轮船在雾中相撞沉没。

5.correspond [cor-(com-) = with 与;respond =to answer 应答→"...相方应答”]

vi. 符合,一致;通信

ex)His promise and his performance do not correspond. 他的言行不一。

6.collaborate [col(com)= with +labor(=work)一起工作]

vi. 合作,协作

ex) The conductor collaborated brilliantly with the members of the orchestra. 那位指挥家和交响乐团的成员合作得非常出色。


1.concentrate [con-(com-)=together 一起;centr=centre 中心;-ate v.= to cause to be 使→“使共处于一中心”]

vt. 集中

ex)The fire chief concentrated his men to fight the blaze. 救火队队长把手下人集中起来扑灭大火。

2.condole [con-(com-) = with 与;dol = to grieve 悲伤→与...一起悲伤→]

vi. 吊唁;同情

ex)They condoled with the widow at the funeral. 他们在葬礼上向死者遗孀表示哀悼。

3.conform [con-(com-)=with 功能;form = to shape 造型→与...一起造型→]

v. 一致,符合

ex)If you wish to be a memeber,you must conform to the rules of our club. 你要想加入我们俱乐部,就得遵守它的规则。

4.congest [con-(com-)=together 一起;gest = to carry 运送→“都送到一起来”→]

vt. 充满;拥挤

ex)Main street is congested with people driving to work each morning. 每天早晨梅恩大街都挤满了开车上班的人。

5.conjunction [con-(com-)=together 一起;junct = to join 连接;-ion n. = act or thing 事物 → “相连的行为或相连之物”→]


ex) A severe illness in conjunction with hot weather has left the baby very sick. 重病加上热天气弄得小孩虚弱不堪。

6.connect [con-(com-) = together 一起;nect = to tie 绑→“邦在一起”→]

vt. 连接;连结

ex)The plumber connected a faucet to the pipe. 管道水工把水装在水龙头装在水管上。

下面是原生词缀co- 出现在元音字母及h,gn前的词例子。

1.coagulate [co-(com-)=together 一起;agulate = to drive 驱使→驱赶一块去→]

v. (使)结块;(使)凝结

ex)The blood from a cut soon coagulated. 伤口流出的血很快就凝固了。

2.coerce [co-(com-)=together 一起;erc = to restrain 约束;-e → "to restrain together 约束在一起"→]

vt. 迫使;强迫

ex)The prisoner was coerced into confessing to the crime. 犯人被迫认罪。

3.coincide [(co-(com-)= together 一起;in = upon 在...上;cid = to fall 落;-e → "to fall upon together 一起落在...上"→]

v. 重合;同时发生,时间重合;相符,一致

4.cohere [(co-(com-)= together 一起;her= to stick 粘;-e →]

vi. 粘合;紧凑,连贯

ex)The adornments must cohere with the basic designs. 装饰物必须与设计的基调相协调。

5.cognate [(co-(com-)= together 共同;gnate = to be born 出生→“共同出生的”→]


ex) English "father" and Latin "pater" are cognate words. 英语单词father 与拉丁语的pater 是同源词。


1.coexist [(co-= together 共同;exist v. 存在→]


ex)Can love and hate coexist in the same person ?爱与恨能共存于同一个人心中吗?

2.comanage [(co- = jointly 联合地;manage v. 经营→]

vt. 联合经营

ex) This banking group is comanaged by ABC Company and Lehman Brothers. 这个银行集团是由ABC公司与莱曼兄弟公司联合经营的。

3.co-owner [co- = joint 共同的;owner n.所有人→]


ex) His father and I are the co-owners of the newspaper. 他父亲和我是这家报纸的共同所有人。

4.codiscoverer [co- = joint 共同的;discoverer n. 发现者→]


ex)The Curies were codiscoverers of artificial radioactive elements. 居里夫妇是人造放射性元素的共同发现者。

5.coeternal [co- = together 一起;eteranl adj.永存的→“一起永存的”→]


ex)Truth is coeternal with the world. 真理是与天地散在的。

前缀coun- 的派生词例。

countenance [coun<com(=together) + ten(=hold)一起抓]

vt. 支持,赞同;奖励;默认


ex)Our teacher does not countenance tardiness in the classroom. 我们老师无法容忍上课迟到。

爱语吧的爱背单词软件正在研发中,以快速生词筛选和字根(英语偏旁,包括prefix前缀,root字根,suffix 后缀)为特色,英德法西班牙语等语言的单词跟汉字一样,都是由偏旁(字根)构成, 韩语的文字也有很多圈,我凭感觉认为也应该由偏旁构成,当然这是猜的。汉字有214个偏旁部首,而熟练掌握十几个英语单词prefix前缀和三十多个 suffix后缀,可以轻松应对四六级考研英语,如果能够熟练掌握500个左右的单词核心root字根,通过GRE美国研究生考试也没问题,到那时你就是 英语大神,可以开宗立派了!


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