

小智雅汇 468




struct node {    int num;    struct node *next;};


typedef struct node {    int num;    struct node *next;} Node, *NodePtr;


int length(NodePtr top) {    int n = 0;    NodePtr curr = top;    while (curr != NULL) {        n++;        curr = curr -> next;    }    return n;}


NodePtr searchList(NodePtr top,int num){    NodePtr prev = top->next;    while(prev!=NULL && prev->num != num)        prev = prev->next;            return prev;}


NodePtr getLast(NodePtr top) {    if (top == NULL) return NULL;    while (top -> next != NULL)        top = top -> next;    return top;}


NodePtr makeNode(int n) {    NodePtr np = (NodePtr) malloc(sizeof (Node));    np -> num = n;    np -> next = NULL;    return np;}


void printList(NodePtr np) {    while (np != NULL) { // as long as there's a node        printf("%d\n", np -> num);        np = np -> next; // go on to the next node    }} 


#include <stdio.h>#include <malloc.h>typedef struct node {    int num;    struct node *next;} Node, *NodePtr;NodePtr createList()                  // 使用头节点{     NodePtr top = (NodePtr)malloc(sizeof(Node));    if(top==NULL)    {        printf("malloc failed!\n");        return top;    }    top->num = 0;  // 也可以用来存储链表长度    top->next = NULL;    return top;}NodePtr makeNode(int n) {    NodePtr np = (NodePtr) malloc(sizeof (Node));    if(np==NULL)    {        printf("malloc failed!\n");        return np;    }    np -> num = n;    np -> next = NULL;    return np;}int insertListFromHead(NodePtr top,int n) {        NodePtr np = makeNode(n);    if(np==NULL)        return -1;    np->next = top->next;    top->next = np;    return 0;}NodePtr searchList(NodePtr top,int num){    NodePtr prev = top->next;    while(prev!=NULL && prev->num != num)        prev = prev->next;            return prev;}void insertListFromPrev(NodePtr top,int PrevNum,int n) {    NodePtr prev = searchList(top,PrevNum);    if(prev!=NULL){        NodePtr np = makeNode(n);        np->next = prev->next;        prev->next = np;    }}void printList(NodePtr top) {    NodePtr curr = top->next;    while (curr != NULL) { // as long as there's a node        printf("%d ", curr -> num);        curr = curr -> next; // go on to the next node    }    printf("\n");} void destroyList(NodePtr* top){    NodePtr next = (*top)->next;    while(next!=NULL)    {        free(*top);        *top = next;        next = next->next;    }    free(*top);    *top = NULL;}int main(){    NodePtr top = createList();    int arr[] = {15,23,36,52};    int n = sizeof arr / sizeof *arr;    for(int i=n-1;i>=0;i--)        insertListFromHead(top,arr[i]);    printList(top);    insertListFromPrev(top,23,30);    printList(top);    destroyList(&top);    getchar();    return 0;}/*15 23 36 5215 23 30 36 52*/



#include <stdio.h>#include <malloc.h>typedef struct node {    int num;    struct node *next;} Node, *NodePtr;NodePtr createList()                  // 使用头节点{     NodePtr top = (NodePtr)malloc(sizeof(Node));    if(top==NULL)    {        printf("malloc failed!\n");        return top;    }    top->num = 0;  // 也可以用来存储链表长度    top->next = NULL;    return top;}NodePtr makeNode(int n) {    NodePtr np = (NodePtr) malloc(sizeof (Node));    if(np==NULL)    {        printf("malloc failed!\n");        return np;    }    np -> num = n;    np -> next = NULL;    return np;}void insertListFromHead(NodePtr top,int n) {      NodePtr np = makeNode(n);    np->next = top->next;    top->next = np;}NodePtr searchListPrev(NodePtr top,int num){    NodePtr prev = top->next;    NodePtr curr = NULL;    if(prev!=NULL)        curr = prev->next;    while(curr!=NULL && curr->num != num)    {        prev = curr;        curr = prev->next;    }    return prev;}void deleteFromPrev(NodePtr top,int n) {    NodePtr prev = searchListPrev(top,n);    NodePtr curr = prev->next;    if(prev!=NULL){        prev->next = curr->next;        if(curr!=NULL)            free(curr);    }}void printList(NodePtr top) {    NodePtr curr = top->next;    while (curr != NULL) { // as long as there's a node        printf("%d ", curr -> num);        curr = curr -> next; // go on to the next node    }    printf("\n");} void destroyList(NodePtr* top){    NodePtr next = (*top)->next;    while(next!=NULL)    {        free(*top);        *top = next;        next = next->next;    }    free(*top);    *top = NULL;}int main(){    NodePtr top = createList();    int arr[] = {23,52,15,36};    int n = sizeof arr / sizeof *arr;    for(int i=n-1;i>=0;i--)        insertListFromHead(top,arr[i]);    printList(top);    deleteFromPrev(top,15);    printList(top);    destroyList(&top);    getchar();    return 0;}/*23 52 15 3623 52 36*/


#include <stdio.h>#include <malloc.h>typedef struct node {    int num;    struct node *next;} Node, *NodePtr;NodePtr createList()                  // 使用头节点{     NodePtr top = (NodePtr)malloc(sizeof(Node));    if(top==NULL)    {        printf("malloc failed!\n");        return top;    }    top->num = 0;  // 也可以用来存储链表长度    top->next = NULL;    return top;}NodePtr makeNode(int n) {    NodePtr np = (NodePtr) malloc(sizeof (Node));    if(np==NULL)    {        printf("malloc failed!\n");        return np;    }    np -> num = n;    np -> next = NULL;    return np;}NodePtr addInPlace(NodePtr top, int n) {    // This functions inserts n in its ordered position in a (possibly empty)    // list pointed to by top, and returns a pointer to the new list    NodePtr np, curr, prev, makeNode(int);    np = makeNode(n);    prev = NULL;    curr = top;    while (curr != NULL && n > curr -> num) {        prev = curr;        curr = curr -> next;    }    if (prev == NULL) { //new number must be added at the top        np -> next = top;        return np; //the top of the list has changed to the new node    }    np -> next = curr;    prev -> next = np;    return top; //the top of the list has not changed}NodePtr searchList(NodePtr top,int num){    NodePtr prev = top->next;    while(prev!=NULL && prev->num != num)        prev = prev->next;            return prev;}void printList(NodePtr top) {    NodePtr curr = top->next;    while (curr != NULL) { // as long as there's a node        printf("%d ", curr -> num);        curr = curr -> next; // go on to the next node    }    printf("\n");} void destroyList(NodePtr* top){    NodePtr next = (*top)->next;    while(next!=NULL)    {        free(*top);        *top = next;        next = next->next;    }    free(*top);    *top = NULL;}int main(){    NodePtr top = createList();    int arr[] = {36,15,52,23};    int n = sizeof arr / sizeof *arr;    for(int i=n-1;i>=0;i--)        addInPlace(top,arr[i]);    printList(top);        addInPlace(top,30);    printList(top);    destroyList(&top);    getchar();    return 0;}/*15 23 36 5215 23 30 36 52*/


void update(NodePtr top,int oldVal,int newVal){    NodePtr curr = top->next;    while(curr!=NULL){        if(curr->num == oldVal)            curr->num = newVal;        curr = curr->next;    }}


void reverse(NodePtr top){	NodePtr p,q;	p=top->next;	top->next = NULL;	while(p) //top(固定),q后p前,q前插,q、p不断前移	{		q=p;		p=p->next;		q->next = top->next; // 一开始top->next=NULL		top->next = q;	}}


void list2arr(NodePtr top,int *saveLL,int size){    int n = 0;    while (top != NULL & n < size) {        saveLL[n++] = top -> num;        top = top -> next;    }}



Linked List

Direct access to any element

Must traverse list to get to element

If unsorted, sequential search

If unsorted, sequential search

If sorted, binary search

If sorted, sequential search

Easy-to-insert item at the tail of the list

Easy to insert item anywhere in the list

Must move items to insert anywhere but the tail

Easy to insert item anywhere in the list

Deletion (except the last one) requires items to be moved

Deletion of any item is easy

Need to move items when adding a new item to a sorted list

Adding a new item to a sorted linked list is easy

Can use binary search on a sorted list to find the position at which to insert new item

Must use sequential search to find the position at which to insert new item in a sorted linked list



#include <stdio.h>#include <malloc.h>typedef struct node {    int num;    struct node *next;} Node, *NodePtr;NodePtr createList()                  // 使用头节点{     NodePtr top = (NodePtr)malloc(sizeof(Node));    if(top==NULL)    {        printf("malloc failed!\n");        return top;    }    top->num = 0;  // 也可以用来存储链表长度    top->next = NULL;    return top;}NodePtr makeNode(int n) {    NodePtr np = (NodePtr) malloc(sizeof (Node));    if(np==NULL)    {        printf("malloc failed!\n");        return np;    }    np -> num = n;    np -> next = NULL;    return np;}NodePtr addInPlace(NodePtr top, int n) {    // This functions inserts n in its ordered position in a (possibly empty)    // list pointed to by top, and returns a pointer to the new list    NodePtr np, curr, prev, makeNode(int);    np = makeNode(n);    prev = NULL;    curr = top;    while (curr != NULL && n > curr -> num) {        prev = curr;        curr = curr -> next;    }    if (prev == NULL) { //new number must be added at the top        np -> next = top;        return np; //the top of the list has changed to the new node    }    np -> next = curr;    prev -> next = np;    return top; //the top of the list has not changed}NodePtr searchList(NodePtr top,int num){    NodePtr prev = top->next;    while(prev!=NULL && prev->num != num)        prev = prev->next;    return prev;}void printList(NodePtr top) {    NodePtr curr = top->next;    while (curr != NULL) { // as long as there's a node        printf("%d ", curr -> num);        curr = curr -> next; // go on to the next node    }    printf("\n");}  void destroyList(NodePtr* top){    NodePtr next = (*top)->next;    while(next!=NULL)    {        free(*top);        *top = next;        next = next->next;    }    free(*top);    *top = NULL;}NodePtr merge(NodePtr pa, NodePtr pb) {    NodePtr C = NULL;    NodePtr Clast = NULL;    NodePtr A = pa->next;    NodePtr B = pb->next;    // check if either A or B is empty    if (A == NULL) return B;    if (B == NULL) return A;    //both lists are non-empty    while (A != NULL && B != NULL) {        if (A -> num < B -> num) {            if (C == NULL)                 C = A;             else                 Clast -> next = A;            Clast = A;            A = A -> next ;        }        else {            if (C == NULL)                 C = B;             else                 Clast -> next = B;            Clast = B; // 首先C==NULL,C、Clast指向A或B            B = B -> next ;        }    }    if (A == NULL)         Clast -> next = B;    else         Clast -> next = A;    return C;}int main(){    NodePtr A = createList();    int arr[] = {21,35,28,75,61,40};    int n = sizeof arr / sizeof *arr;    for(int i=n-1;i>=0;i--)        addInPlace(A,arr[i]);    printList(A);    NodePtr B = createList();    int ar[] = {47,16,54,25};    int m = sizeof ar / sizeof *ar;    for(int j=m-1;j>=0;j--)        addInPlace(B,ar[j]);    printList(B);        NodePtr C  =  createList();    C->next = merge(A,B);    printList(C);        //destroyList(&A);    //destroyList(&B);    destroyList(&C);        getchar();    return 0;}/*21 28 35 40 61 7516 25 47 5416 21 25 28 35 40 47 54 61 75*/


#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <ctype.h>typedef struct node {    char ch;    struct node * next;} Node, *NodePtr;NodePtr getPhrase();NodePtr reverseLetters(NodePtr);int compare(NodePtr, NodePtr);int main() {    NodePtr phrase, s1, s2;    printf("Type a phrase. (To stop, press 'Enter' only): ");    phrase = getPhrase();    while (phrase != NULL) {        s1 = reverseLetters(phrase);        s2 = reverseLetters(s1);        if (compare(s1, s2) == 0)             printf("is a palindrome\n");        else             printf("is not a palindrome\n");        printf("Type a word. (To stop, press 'Enter' only): ");        phrase = getPhrase();    }    getchar();}NodePtr getPhrase() {    NodePtr top = NULL, last, np;    char c = getchar();    while (c != '\n') {        np = (NodePtr) malloc(sizeof(Node));        np -> ch = c;        np -> next = NULL;        if (top == NULL)             top = np;        else             last -> next = np;        last = np;        c = getchar();    }    return top;}NodePtr reverseLetters(NodePtr top) {    NodePtr rev = NULL, np;    char c;    while (top != NULL) {        c = top -> ch;        if (isalpha(c)) { // add to new list            np = (NodePtr) malloc(sizeof(Node));            np -> ch = tolower(c);            np -> next = rev;            rev = np;        }        top = top -> next; //go to next character of phrase    }    return rev;}int compare(NodePtr s1, NodePtr s2) {    while (s1 != NULL) {        if (s1 -> ch < s2 -> ch)             return -1;        else if (s1 -> ch > s2 -> ch)             return 1;        s1 = s1 -> next;        s2 = s2 -> next;    }    return 0;}


Noel Kalicharan 《Advanced topics in C: core concepts in data structures》


标签: #链表合并同类项 #合并链表数据结构 #数组如何转list #链表逆置c语言 #链表逆置c语言代码