
物种分歧时间、分子进化速率计算TimeTree、PAML mcmctree、codeml

生信艺术家Henry14 145



分歧时间是当前进化分析的一个热点,以某几个特定类群的化石时间作为校正,然后通过基因序列间的分歧程度以及分子钟来估算物种间的分歧时间,同时估算系统发育树上其它节点的发生时间,从而推断相关类群的起源和不同类群的分歧时间。目前,采用依据BI树和ML树估计物种分歧时间的程序很多,例如R8S、MCMCTREE、MULTIDIVTIME、BEAST、MEGA等,通过不同的策略将化石时间信息整合到一个系统发育树中,从而计算得到Divergence time Tree。

进化速率(Evolutionary rate)指分子的进化速率(蛋白质或核酸等大分子中的氨基酸或核苷酸在一定时间内的替换率),也可指某一类群的物种分化速率,甚至可指特定性状的进化速率。因此,笼统地说,进化速率指在进化过程中,单位时间内发生的改变。分子钟的研究与分子进化速率相关。

分子进化速率有针对病毒进化速率研究或非编码序列的nucleotide substitution速率,也有针对编码序列的密码子同义替换速率与非同义替换速率。



分子钟的概念源于对蛋白质的研究。Zuckerkandl and Pauling (1962)比较几种动物的血红蛋白、细胞色素C的序列后注意到:这些蛋白质的氨基酸取代速率在不同的种系间大致相同,即分子水平的进化存在恒速现象。Zuckerkandl and Pauling (1965)提出将1962年提出的概念命名为分子钟,分子水平进化存在一个“时钟“, 也即进化速率是近似恒定的。因此,分子钟假设的成立条件是对于给定的任意大分子(DNA序列或者蛋白质序列)在所有进化谱系中有近似恒定的进化速率,如在一个进化分支上所聚集的突变数与该分支的独立进化时间长度成正比,其替代速率在进化过程中近似保持一个恒定的数值。




在BEAST2中,分子钟模型的模型可选项有四个包括:-Strict Clock(严格分子钟); -Relaxed Clock Exponential(松散指数分子钟); -Relaxed Clock Log Normal(松散对数分子钟); -Random Local Clock(随机本地分子钟)。


分子进化是生物分子层次上的进化,分子系统学是从生物大分子(蛋白质、核算)的信息推断生物进化历史,或者说重建系统发育关系,并以系统树的形式表示出来。系统发生树的枝长仅代表每位点的碱基替代数或者遗传距离。基于生物遗传距离所建立的分子进化速率,使得分子钟方法在分子系统学中的应用使得利用片段估算物种的起源和分化时间成为可能,并可用于进一步推测不同生物类群在进化历史上的分歧时间。在速率恒定的假设下,遗传距离是时间的线性函数,为了将遗传距离转化为分歧时间,至少需要一个能够提供时间信息的标定点(calibration point)。常用的校准信息可以分为:(1)已知的碱基替代速率;(2)化石校准点;(3)生物地理事件校准点;(4)二次校准点






2. 获取化石分歧时间


假如在已发表的文章中没有找到可用的化石点,那么这里有一个很好用的物种分化时间查询工具 - TimeTree

TimeTree通过汇总大量的原始文献,包括大量的人工核实,估计出不同物种的最近共同祖先,并构建出整个所有可及物种的进化树。目前TimeTree来到了第五个版本,包含了4000多个相关的研究,以及近14万个物种。通过网页版或者手机APP版可以方便查询任意两个物种的分化时间,或者多个物种的进化树。我们以黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster, 冈比亚按蚊Anopheles gambiae为例。








根据12个不同的研究,估计出黑腹果蝇和冈比亚按蚊的中位分化时间大约在2.43亿年前, 95%CI(1.96, 2.80)。


可以输入某个物种群组,把该群组中的所有物种的关系都显示出来。或者上传一个自定义的物种列表。比如我们此处随意输入4个物种:Drosophila melanogaster (黑腹果蝇) Anopheles gambiae (冈比亚按蚊)Aedes aegypti (埃及伊蚊) ulex pipiens (淡色库蚊)


step 1: 估计替换速率


13 1(((((((Ba,((Hm,(Mc,Kin)),Dp)),(Cc,Cn)),Pr),La),Pp),(Bm,Ha)),Dm)'@2.72';
 seqfile = allSingleCopyOrthologsAlign.4Dsite.fas      treefile = species.tree0      outfile = mlb       * main result file        noisy = 3   * 0,1,2,3: how much rubbish on the screen      verbose = 1   * 1: detailed output, 0: concise output      runmode = 0   * 0:user tree;  1:semi-automatic;  2:automatic                    * 3:StepwiseAddition; (4,5):PerturbationNNI         model = 7   * 0:JC69, 1:K80, 2:F81, 3:F84, 4:HKY85, 5:T92, 6:TN93, 7:REV                    * 8:UNREST, 9:REVu; 10:UNRESTu        Mgene = 0   * 0:rates, 1:separate; 2:diff pi, 3:diff kappa, 4:all diff        clock = 1   * 0:no clock, 1:clock; 2:local clock; 3:CombinedAnalysis    fix_kappa = 0   * 0: estimate kappa; 1: fix kappa at value below        kappa = 2   * initial or fixed kappas    fix_alpha = 0   * 0: estimate alpha; 1: fix alpha at value below        alpha = 0.5   * initial or fixed alpha, 0:infinity (constant rate)        ncatG = 5   * # of categories in the dG, AdG, or nparK models of rates      fix_rho = 1   * 0: estimate rho; 1: fix rho at value below          rho = 0   * initial or fixed rho, 0:no correlation       Malpha = 0   * 1: different alpha's for genes, 0: one alpha        nparK = 0   * rate-class models. 1:rK, 2:rK&fK, 3:rK&MK(1/K), 4:rK&MK         getSE = 1   * 0: don't want SEs of estimates, 1: want SEs RateAncestor = 0   * (0,1,2): rates (alpha>0) or ancestral states       method = 0 * Optimization method 0: simultaneous; 1: one branch a time   Small_Diff = 0.5e-6    cleandata = 0  * remove sites with ambiguity data (1:yes, 0:no)?  fix_blength = 0 * 0: ignore, -1: random, 1: initial, 2: fixed


baseml baseml.ctl


step 2: 估计Gradient and Hessian of Branch Lengths


13 1(((((((Ba,((Hm,(Mc,Kin))'B(58,84)',Dp)),(Cc,Cn)),Pr)'B(79,118)',La),Pp)'B(76,146)',(Bm,Ha)'B(100,122)'),Dm)'B(217,314)';
 seed = -1       seqfile = allSingleCopyOrthologsAlign.4Dsite.fas      treefile = species.tree1       outfile = out_usedata3         ndata = 1       usedata = 3    * 0: no data; 1:seq like; 2:normal approximation         clock = 3    * 1: global clock; 2: independent rates; 3: correlated rates      * RootAge = '<10'  * constraint on root age, used if no fossil for root.         model = 7    * 0:JC69, 1:K80, 2:F81, 3:F84, 4:HKY85         alpha = 0.5   * alpha for gamma rates at sites         ncatG = 5    * No. categories in discrete gamma     cleandata = 0    * remove sites with ambiguity data (1:yes, 0:no)?       BDparas = 1 1 0   * birth, death, sampling   kappa_gamma = 6 2      * gamma prior for kappa   alpha_gamma = 1 1      * gamma prior for alpha   rgene_gamma = 1 2.288   * gamma prior for rate for genes   ### 1/替换率  sigma2_gamma = 1 4.5    * gamma prior for sigma^2     (for clock=2 or 3)      finetune = 1: 0.06  0.5  0.006  0.12 0.4  * times, rates, mixing, paras, RateParas         print = 1        burnin = 500000      sampfreq = 5000       nsample = 20000*** Note: Make your window wider (100 columns) when running this program.


mcmctree mcmctree3.ctl

step 3: 估算物种分歧时间


mv out.BV in.BV
seed = -1       seqfile = allSingleCopyOrthologsAlign.4Dsite.fas      treefile = species.tree1       outfile = out_usedata2         ndata = 1       usedata = 2    * 0: no data; 1:seq like; 2:normal approximation         clock = 3    * 1: global clock; 2: independent rates; 3: correlated rates      * RootAge = '<10'  * constraint on root age, used if no fossil for root.         model = 7    * 0:JC69, 1:K80, 2:F81, 3:F84, 4:HKY85         alpha = 0.5   * alpha for gamma rates at sites         ncatG = 5    * No. categories in discrete gamma     cleandata = 0    * remove sites with ambiguity data (1:yes, 0:no)?       BDparas = 1 1 0   * birth, death, sampling   kappa_gamma = 6 2      * gamma prior for kappa   alpha_gamma = 1 1      * gamma prior for alpha   rgene_gamma = 1 2.288   * gamma prior for rate for genes ### 1/替换率  sigma2_gamma = 1 4.5    * gamma prior for sigma^2     (for clock=2 or 3)      finetune = 1: 0.06  0.5  0.006  0.12 0.4  * times, rates, mixing, paras, RateParas         print = 1        burnin = 500000      sampfreq = 5000       nsample = 20000*** Note: Make your window wider (100 columns) when running this program.


nohup mcmctree mcmctree2.ctl >mcmctree.ctl.log 2>&1 &;


最直接的检测方法是:分别使用不同的Seed值进行mcmctree或infinitesites进行两次或多次分析,然后比较两个结果树是否一致,实际就是比较树文件中各内部节点的Height值(分歧时间 / Posterior time)。计算各枝长总的偏差百分比,当偏差百分比低于0.1%,则认为两次结果非常吻合,差异低于0.1%,认为达到收敛。此外,还可以使用Tracer分析mcmc.txt文件,检测其ESS值,一般认为该值高于200,则可能达到收敛。该方法可用于辅助检测。最后,若不收敛,则需要提高burnin、nsample值,重新运行程序



第一步 :打开MEGA-X ------ CLOCKS ------ Compute Timetree ------ RelTime-ML

第二步 :先设置前三个输入(1)序列文件fasta格式 (2) 物种树文件 .nwk或者.tre格式 (3)设置外群

第三步 :标定化石点

在CALIBRATE NODES这,点Add Constraints就会进入下面的界面


第四步 :设置可选参数


第五步 :点击分析




第一种就是对非编码区域来说,核酸的替代的速率。当然编码区域也可以用核酸替代速率来表示进化速率。这一种算法相对简单,单位就是nucleotide substitution per Myr。在病毒进化速率计算,非编码序列的进化速率计算时通常使用这种方法。

第二种就是对蛋白质编码基因来说,一般是密码子的同义替换率与非同义替换率来表示进化速率,以及通过dN/dS来表示选择压力的大小。可以通过PAML 中的codeml来计算。



By dividing the pairwise nucleotide distances between Prolaupala and Laupala elements within each cluster by 10 million years (Myr) (twice the divergence time between Laupala from Prolaupala estimated from biogeography) (18), we obtain an estimate of the absolute rate of point substitution. The average over all clusters is 3.8 * 10-3 nucleotide substitution per Myr, which is almost four times lower than the 15 * 10-3 nucleotide substitution per Myr estimated in Drosophila (19).

公式就是 进化速率 =(P-distance) / (twice the divergence time)




dt = pd.read_excel("pdistance.xls",sheet_name=[0],index_col=0)


dt1 = pd.read_excel(input1,sheet_name=[0],index_col=0)




output_file = open(output, "w")k = 0f = 0allrate = 0for i in list:  k = k + 1  list1 = list[k:]  for z in list1:    linename = i + '_' + z    Mya =df.loc[z, i]    if math.isnan(Mya):      Mya = df.loc[i, z]    Pdistance = df1.loc[z, i]    if math.isnan(Pdistance):      Pdistance = df1.loc[i, z]    print( str(Mya) + '_' + str(Pdistance))    rate = float(Pdistance) / (float(Mya)*2)    output_file.write(linename + "\t" + str(rate) + '\n')    f = f + 1    allrate = allrate + ratemeanrate = float(allrate) / foutput_file.write('mean' + "\t" + str(meanrate) + '\n')output_file.close()



使用PAML 中baseml来计算


wget  xf paml4.9j.tgzrm bin/*.exe cd src make -f Makefile rm *.o mv baseml basemlg codeml pamp evolver yn00 chi2 ../bin

第二步 准备输入文件


第三步 修改配置文件baseml.ctl

seqfile = stewart.aa * sequence data filename     treefile = stewart.trees      * tree structure file name      outfile = mlc           * main result file name        noisy = 9  * 0,1,2,3,9: how much rubbish on the screen      verbose = 1  * 0: concise; 1: detailed, 2: too much      runmode = 0  * 0: user tree;  1: semi-automatic;  2: automatic                   * 3: StepwiseAddition; (4,5):PerturbationNNI; -2: pairwise      seqtype = 2  * 1:codons; 2:AAs; 3:codons-->AAs    CodonFreq = 2  * 0:1/61 each, 1:F1X4, 2:F3X4, 3:codon table*        ndata = 10        clock = 0  * 0:no clock, 1:clock; 2:local clock; 3:CombinedAnalysis       aaDist = 0  * 0:equal, +:geometric; -:linear, 1-6:G1974,Miyata,c,p,v,a   aaRatefile = dat/jones.dat  * only used for aa seqs with model=empirical(_F)                   * dayhoff.dat, jones.dat, wag.dat, mtmam.dat, or your own        model = 2                   * models for codons:                       * 0:one, 1:b, 2:2 or more dN/dS ratios for branches                   * models for AAs or codon-translated AAs:                       * 0:poisson, 1:proportional, 2:Empirical, 3:Empirical+F                       * 6:FromCodon, 7:AAClasses, 8:REVaa_0, 9:REVaa(nr=189)      NSsites = 0  * 0:one w;1:neutral;2:selection; 3:discrete;4:freqs;                   * 5:gamma;6:2gamma;7:beta;8:beta&w;9:betaγ                   * 10:beta&gamma+1; 11:beta&normal>1; 12:0&2normal>1;                   * 13:3normal>0        icode = 0  * 0:universal code; 1:mammalian mt; 2-10:see below        Mgene = 0                   * codon: 0:rates, 1:separate; 2:diff pi, 3:diff kapa, 4:all diff                   * AA: 0:rates, 1:separate    fix_kappa = 0  * 1: kappa fixed, 0: kappa to be estimated        kappa = 2  * initial or fixed kappa    fix_omega = 0  * 1: omega or omega_1 fixed, 0: estimate         omega = .4 * initial or fixed omega, for codons or codon-based AAs    fix_alpha = 1  * 0: estimate gamma shape parameter; 1: fix it at alpha        alpha = 0. * initial or fixed alpha, 0:infinity (constant rate)       Malpha = 0  * different alphas for genes        ncatG = 8  * # of categories in dG of NSsites models        getSE = 0  * 0: don't want them, 1: want S.E.s of estimates RateAncestor = 1  * (0,1,2): rates (alpha>0) or ancestral states (1 or 2)   Small_Diff = .5e-6    cleandata = 1  * remove sites with ambiguity data (1:yes, 0:no)?*  fix_blength = 1  * 0: ignore, -1: random, 1: initial, 2: fixed, 3: proportional       method = 0  * Optimization method 0: simultaneous; 1: one branch a time* Genetic codes: 0:universal, 1:mammalian mt., 2:yeast mt., 3:mold mt.,* 4: invertebrate mt., 5: ciliate nuclear, 6: echinoderm mt., * 7: euplotid mt., 8: alternative yeast nu. 9: ascidian mt., * 10: blepharisma nu.* These codes correspond to transl_table 1 to 11 of GENEBANK.
seqfile = test.codon * sequence data filename     treefile = test.tree      * tree structure file name      outfile = test.rlt           * main result file name        noisy = 0  * 0,1,2,3,9: how much rubbish on the screen      verbose = 0  * 0: concise; 1: detailed, 2: too much      runmode = -2  * 0: user tree;  1: semi-automatic;  2: automatic                   * 3: StepwiseAddition; (4,5):PerturbationNNI; -2: pairwise###此处模式选择一般是0或者-2,0表示使用你生成的tree,-2表示两两比较      seqtype = 1  * 1:codons; 2:AAs; 3:codons-->AAs    CodonFreq = 2  * 0:1/61 each, 1:F1X4, 2:F3X4, 3:codon table*        ndata = 5504 ###此处即为多少配对的数目,就我们上面统计的        clock = 0  * 0:no clock, 1:clock; 2:local clock; 3:CombinedAnalysis       aaDist = 0  * 0:equal, +:geometric; -:linear, 1-6:G1974,Miyata,c,p,v,a   aaRatefile = dat/jones.dat  * only used for aa seqs with model=empirical(_F)                   * dayhoff.dat, jones.dat, wag.dat, mtmam.dat, or your own        model = 0                   * models for codons:                       * 0:one, 1:b, 2:2 or more dN/dS ratios for branches                   * models for AAs or codon-translated AAs:                       * 0:poisson, 1:proportional, 2:Empirical, 3:Empirical+F                       * 6:FromCodon, 7:AAClasses, 8:REVaa_0, 9:REVaa(nr=189)      NSsites = 0  * 0:one w;1:neutral;2:selection; 3:discrete;4:freqs;                   * 5:gamma;6:2gamma;7:beta;8:beta&w;9:betaγ                   * 10:beta&gamma+1; 11:beta&normal>1; 12:0&2normal>1;                   * 13:3normal>0        icode = 0  * 0:universal code; 1:mammalian mt; 2-10:see below        Mgene = 0                   * codon: 0:rates, 1:separate; 2:diff pi, 3:diff kapa, 4:all diff                   * AA: 0:rates, 1:separate    fix_kappa = 0  * 1: kappa fixed, 0: kappa to be estimated        kappa = 2  * initial or fixed kappa    fix_omega = 0  * 1: omega or omega_1 fixed, 0: estimate         omega = .4 * initial or fixed omega, for codons or codon-based AAs    fix_alpha = 1  * 0: estimate gamma shape parameter; 1: fix it at alpha        alpha = 0. * initial or fixed alpha, 0:infinity (constant rate)       Malpha = 0  * different alphas for genes        ncatG = 8  * # of categories in dG of NSsites models        getSE = 0  * 0: don't want them, 1: want S.E.s of estimates RateAncestor = 1  * (0,1,2): rates (alpha>0) or ancestral states (1 or 2)   Small_Diff = .5e-6    cleandata = 1  * remove sites with ambiguity data (1:yes, 0:no)?*  fix_blength = 1  * 0: ignore, -1: random, 1: initial, 2: fixed, 3: proportional       method = 0  * Optimization method 0: simultaneous; 1: one branch a time* Genetic codes: 0:universal, 1:mammalian mt., 2:yeast mt., 3:mold mt.,* 4: invertebrate mt., 5: ciliate nuclear, 6: echinoderm mt., * 7: euplotid mt., 8: alternative yeast nu. 9: ascidian mt., * 10: blepharisma nu.* These codes correspond to transl_table 1 to 11 of GENEBANK.


###配置完成后,开始运行baseml baseml.ctl



以上就是物种分歧时间、分子进化速率的所有内容了,包括了两种方法推断物种分歧时间(mcmctree 和 MEGA reltime),TimeTree查询化石节点,计算分子进化速率(核酸替换速率、密码子同义替换速率与非同义替换速率)。







标签: #c语言时间函数计算时间