
人教版九年级Unit 5重点单词+短语+句型默写版+答案!

一枝寒梅初中英语数学 331



Unit 5


1. 筷子 n.______

2. 硬币 n.______

3. 餐叉;叉子 n.______

4. (女式)短上衣;衬衫 n.______

5. 银;银器 n. 银色的 adj.______

6. 玻璃 n.(玻璃杯复数形式)______

7. 棉;棉花 n.______

8. 钢;钢铁 n.______

9. 展览会;交易会 n.(公平的)adj.______

10. 自然环境的;有关环境的 adj.______

11. 草;草地 n.______

12. 叶;叶子 n.(复数形式)______

13. 生产;制造;出产 v.______

14. 广泛地;普遍地 adv. (形容词形式)______

15. 加工;处理 v. 过程 n.______

16. 包装;装箱 v.______

17. 产品;制品 n.______

18. 法国 n.(形容词/名词形式)______

19. 当地的;本地的 adj.______

20. 品牌;牌子 n.______

21. 避免;回避 v.______

22. 小手提包 n.______

23. 可移动的;非固定的 adj.______

24. 每天的;日常的 adj.______

25. 老板;上司 n.______

26. 德国 n.(形容词/名词形式)______

27. 表面;表层 n.______

28. 材料;原料 n.______

29. 交通;路上行驶的车辆 n.______

30. 邮递员 n.(复数)______

31. (尤指有帽舌的)帽子 n.______

32. (分手指的)手套 n.______

33. 国际的 adj.______

34. 参赛者;竞争者 n.______

35. 它的 adj.______

36. 形式;类型 n.______

37. 黏土;陶土 n.______

38. 庆典;庆祝活动 n. (动词形式)______

39. 气球 n.______

40. (pl.)剪刀 n.______

41. 生气勃勃的;(色彩)鲜艳的 adj.(活着的;在世的 adj.)______

42. (有关)历史的 adj. (名词形式)______

43. 热;高温 n. 加热;变热 v.______

44. 磨光;修改;润色 v.______

45. 完成 v.(完全的 adj;完全地adv.)______


1. 在……制造(地点)_______________

2. 由……制成(材料)_______________

3. 被……制造(人)_________________

4. 被迫去做某事__________________

5. 因……而著名______________

6. 中国生产_______________

7. 在不同区域______________

8. 据我所知_______________

9. 被种在山坡上______________

10. 手工采摘_______________

11. 似乎……_______________

12. 对A和B两者都有好处______________

13. 寻找……_______________

14. 几乎不能避免买中国制造的产品


15. 更擅长制造高科技产品______________

16. 世界各地_______________

17. 由用过的木头和玻璃制成______________

18. 被允许做某事______________

19. 每个月的最后一个星期五______________

20. 引起很多交通事故_____________

21. 尽量去找出更多有关……的情况


22. 度假_____________

23. 在节日里______________

24. 听起来有趣_____________

25. 有它自己特殊的传统艺术形式_____________

26. 转变成美丽的物体____________

27. 根据______________

28. 被放出去求救______________

29. 被……覆盖______________

30. 上升到空中______________

31. 被看作是幸福和良好祝愿的鲜明标志


32. 在用剪刀剪之前先折叠______________

33. 剪纸_____________

34. 用手小心地制作成形______________

35. 高温烧制_____________

36. 被用于某事/做某事_____________

37. 午夜关门_____________

38. 很多关于……的研究______________


1. 杭州因茶而广为人知。


2. 当茶叶成熟了,它们被手工采摘,然后送去加


3. 他意识到美国人几乎不能避免买中国制造的产


4. 有些(风筝)绘有彩色的图案。


5. 我的衬衫是棉制的。


6. 他的铅笔是木制的。


7. 这支铅笔是上海产的。


8. 茶树种在山坡上。






3.helpful;help 4.score 5.background

6.interview 7.Asian;Asia


9.shyness;shy 10.dare11.crowd;crowded;uncrowded 

12.ton 13.private 14.guard 

15.require 16.European; Europe 

17.African; Africa 18.British; Britain 

19.speech; speeches 20.public 

21.ant 22.insect 23.seldom 


25.absent; present

26.fail; failure; succeed 


28.exactly; exact



31.general; generally

32.introduction; introduce


1.used to do sth. 

2.be like... 

3.be brave enough to do sth.

4.be interested in... 

5.be on a swim team 

6.from time to time 

7.such a great idea 

8.get good scores on exams

9.a 19⁃year⁃old Asian pop star

10.take up singing to deal with her shyness

11.dare to sing in front of her class 

12.not... anymore/no more...

13.all the time 

14.get tons of attention everywhere I go

15.worry about sth./sb.

=be worried about sth./sb.

16.be careful about... 

17.be prepared to give up your normal life 

18.think about giving up 

19.fight on 

20.a small number of

21.make it to the top 

22.read books on European history

23.be afraid of being alone 

24.give a speech in public

25.other insects 

26.be nervous about...

27.be absent from classes 

28.fail the examination

29.make a/the decision 

30.advise sb. to do sth. 

31.in person

32.take a 24⁃hour train ride 

33.be proud of.../take pride in... 

34.in the last/past few years 

35.have a great influence on sb. 

36.give a general self⁃introduction in a job


37.play well in the basketball game


1.Paula used to be really quiet.

2.You really require a lot of talent and hard work to succeed.

3.It was exactly what I needed.

4.Even though they are busy, they are always thinking of me. They take pride in everything good that I do.

5.My life has changed a lot in the last few years.

6.The biggest change in my life is that I have become popular now.

人教版九年级英语全册Unit 5 同步作业和答案


Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?

Section A Period 1

一、1.forks 2.coins

3.chopsticks 4.blouse 5.cotton






Periond 2



2.leaves 3.produced,processed

4.widely 5.products


1.As,far,as,I know

2.is,famous/ known,for


Periond 3

一、1.local 2.France 3.everyday

4.mobile 5.avoid

二、1.No,matter,where 2.all,parts,of


Period 4

一、1.surface 2.Germans

3.glove 4.traffic 5.postmen


Section B Period 1


1.international 2.competitor

3.festival 4.vacation

二、1.find,out,is,held 2.wants,to,make


Section B Period 2

一、1.scissors 2.lively 3.balloon

4.heat 5,forms

二、1.are,shaped, by,hand

2.turned,into 3.It,takes, to ,complete


Period 3


1.Where is that kind of mobile phone produced by them?

2.People aren't allowed to drive after drinking wine by the police.

3.Are knives used to cut thngs by people?

4.Many ducks are kept by his grandmother on the farm.


Chinese Xuan Paper

Chinese Xuan Paper has a long history.It became popular from Tang Dynasty.The best Chinese Xuan Paper is produced in Jing county.Anhui.It is made from bamboo,qingtan,rice straw and so on.It is the reason why people can smell pleasant smell of plants when using it.However,making Xuan Paper is not an easy job.It can't be made by machines but by hand only.Besides,it needs 18 procedures to make a perfect piece of Xuan Paper.So it's very common to take about one year to complete everything.Xuan Paper is the best paper for calligraphy and paintings so it is always loved by poets and writers both in the past and now.What's more,the calligraphy and paintings on Xuan Paper can be kept and remained for many thousand years but never be destroyed when time goes by.In a word,Chinese Xuan Paper is thought to be one of the greatest treasures in China.And Chinese Xuan Paper also shows the love that all Chinese people have for life and beauty.

Period 4

一、1.widely 2.discovered 3.form

4.heat 5.farmers 6.dried

7.by 8.process 9.produce 10.Its


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