
跟老韩学Ubuntu Server2204,apt-file帮助手册

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apt-file 帮助手册


root@hanyw:~# man apt-file | grep -Ev '^$'APT-FILE(1)                  User Contributed Perl Documentation                 APT-FILE(1)NAME       apt-file -- APT package searching utility -- command-line interfaceSYNOPSIS       apt-file [options] search pattern       apt-file [options] show packageDESCRIPTION       apt-file is a command line tool for searching files in packages for the APT package       management system.       Some actions are required to run the search:       find           Alias for search.       list           List the contents of a package. This action is very close to the dpkg -L command           except the package does not need to be installed or fetched.           By default, the list action interprets its pattern as if --fixed-string was           specified.       list-indices           List the known Content indices and their status in a human readable format.           These indices can be searched via the -I option (when enabled and after fetching           the indices).  The output is subject to change without notice and is therefore           unsuited for script usage / automation.           For a machine-readable formats (e.g. automation), please use apt-config dump           (search for options starting with Acquire::IndexTargets) and apt-get indextargets           for checking the cache (Look for entries with an Identifier field starting with           Contents-).           Note that individual sources.list entries can override the global default.           Please consult sources.list(5) for more information on advanced configuration of           the sources.list files.       search           Search in which package a file is included. A list of all packages containing the           pattern pattern is returned.           Since Contents files does not contain directories, the pattern must match (part           of a) file name.           By default, the search action interprets its pattern as if --substring-match was           specified.       show           Alias for list.       update           This action that just calls apt update or apt-get update (depending on whether a           tty is available).           The only advantage using this over a regular apt update or apt-get update           directly is for the case where you have configured an apt-file specific           configuration (via the Dir::Etc::apt-file-main configuration option).  In that           case, said configuration will be included automatically.OPTIONS       The following options are available:       -a, --architecture architecture[,...]           This option is useful if you search a package for a different architecture from           the one installed on your system.           It can be a comma-separated list for searching on multiple architectures.       -c, --config-file APT config-file           Configuration File; Specify a configuration file to use. The program will read           the default configuration file and then this configuration file. If configuration           settings need to be set before the default configuration files are parsed specify           a file with the APT_CONFIG environment variable. See apt.conf(5) for syntax           information.           The configuration file will be read relative to when it appears on the command           line and can overwrite options that appear before it.           Note that the config file will also be passed to all APT tools called by apt-           file.       -D, --from-deb           Use contents of the given .deb archives(s) as patterns.  Useful for searching for           file conflicts with other packages.  Implies -F.       -f, --from-file           Read patterns from the given file(s), one per line.  Use - as filename for stdin.           If no files are given, then the list will be read from stdin.  This is much           faster than invoking apt-file many times.       --filter-origins origin[,...]           Only search indices from the listed origins (e.g. "Debian").           This filter matches against the name listed in the Origin field from the Release           file.           If set to '*', this filter will be disabled (mostly useful for overriding the           setting in a configuration file)           Alias of the APT config option: apt-file::Search-Filter::Origin       --filter-suites suite[,...]           Only search indices from the listed suites or codenames (e.g. "unstable").           This filter matches against the name listed in the Codename and Suite fields from           the Release file.  This means that either "unstable" or "sid" will match Debian's           unstable suite.           If set to '*', this filter will be disabled (mostly useful for overriding the           setting in a configuration file)           Alias of the APT config option: apt-file::Search-Filter::Suite       -F, --fixed-string           Do not expand search pattern with generic characters at pattern's start and end.           This is default for show and list actions.       --index-names type[,...], -I type[,...]           Only search indexes of the given name(s). If set to the special value ALL (case-           sensitive), then all apt-file indices are searched.           The name(s) must match one or more of the identifiers used in the APT           configuration (minus leading "Contents-").  Example if the configuration has the           following snippets:            Acquire::IndexTargets::deb::Contents-deb { ... };            Acquire::IndexTargets::deb-src::Contents-dsc { ... };            Acquire::IndexTargets::deb::Contents-udeb { ... };            Acquire::IndexTargets::deb::Contents-deb-legacy {               # Explicitly named to "Contents-deb"               Identifier "Contents-deb";               ...;            };           Then, apt-file will recognise "deb", "dsc" and "udeb" as index names.           This option defaults to the value of the "apt-file::Index-Names" apt config           option (or "deb" if omitted).       -i, --ignore-case           Ignore case when searching for pattern.       -l, --package-only           Only display package name; do not display file names.       -o, --option APT::Option=Value           Set a Configuration Option; This will set an arbitrary configuration option. The           syntax is -o APT::Option=Value.  -o and --option can be used multiple times to           set different options.           This option can be used to overwrite other command line options (e.g. "-o           apt-file::Search-Filter::Origin=Debian" is effectively the same as           "--filter-origins Debian").           Note that the config options passed via this option will also be passed to all           APT tools called by apt-file.       --substring-match           Match if the given search pattern is a substring of a path or package.           This is default for search and find actions.       -v, --verbose           Run apt-file in verbose/debug mode.       -x, --regexp           Treat pattern as a (perl) regular expression. See perlreref(1) for details.           Without this option, pattern is treated as a literal string to search for.           Be advised that this option can be rather slow.  If performance is an issue,           consider giving apt-file non-regex pattern matching too much and pipe the output           to perl -ne '/<pattern-here>/'.  This enables apt-file to use more optimizations           and leaves less work to the "slower" regex.       -h, --help           Display a short help screen.CONFIGURATION FILES       The apt-file command relies on the APT configuration.  Notably, the default       configuration makes apt fetch Contents files by default during a call to apt update.       For information on how to configure APT to fetch more or fewer Contents files, please       refer to /usr/share/doc/apt-file/README.md.gz.       The following files are notably interesting:       /etc/apt/apt-file.conf           Note this path is actually configurable by changing the value of the APT           configuration called "Dir::Etc::apt-file-main".  The listed value is merely the           default value of that option.           If this file is present, apt-file will read this file after all default APT           configuration files.  Any config file -c or option (-o) will be evaluated before           this file (and can override options set in it).           The file will also be passed on to all APT tools called by apt-file.       /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50apt-file.conf           Chooses which Contents files to download.  Note that apt-file recognises only           "Acquire" targets that starts with "Contents-".   Special configurations similar to apt-file 2       Here are some apt-file 2 related work flows and how to (almost) emulate them with       apt-file 3.  They are documented as a starting point for people, who are attached to       these.       The emulation may not be perfect for you out of the box.  Patches are welcome to keep       the examples updated as long as the examples remain "trivial".       •   Only make apt-file update fetch Contents files           If you are accustomed to apt update not fetching Contents files, then you can run           /usr/share/doc/apt-file/examples/apt-file-2-update.sh.  This script will           configure apt and apt-file accordingly after best effort.           Please read the resulting /etc/apt/apt-file.conf.       •   Creating/using "user" caches           Previous versions of apt-file had a "--cache" option, which could be used to           denote a directory to store the Contents files.  This can be emulated by doing:             # Setup             $ mkdir -p ~/.cache/apt-file ~/.config             $ touch ~/.cache/apt-file/dpkg-status             $ sed '/^Dir::State/ d; /^Dir::Cache/ d;' \               /usr/share/doc/apt-file/examples/apt-file.conf \               > ~/.config/apt-file.conf             $ cat <<EOF >> ~/.config/apt-file.conf           Dir::State "$HOME/.cache/apt-file";           Dir::Cache "$HOME/.cache/apt-file";           Dir::State::status "$HOME/.cache/apt-file/dpkg-status";           EOF             # Update the cache             $ apt-file -c ~/.config/apt-file.conf update             # Search using the cache             $ apt-file -c ~/.config/apt-file.conf show apt-file             # Removal of the cache + config             $ rm -fr ~/.cache/apt-file ~/.config/apt-file.conf           (You will probably want to add an alias apt-file in your ~/.bashrc)           Please read the resulting ./apt-file-user-cache.conf.BUGS, QUIRKS       There are some known issues or "quirks" that are good to keep in mind.       •   The Contents files do not include a leading slash on paths.  This means that           /bin/ls is listed as bin/ls in the Contents file.  If you are looking for           something in a top-level directory, it is often better to omit the leading slash.           The search algorithm will attempt to work around the leading slash, but it will           not work in all cases.  As a workaround, try to pull the leading slash to the           beginning of regular expressions.  For example, use "/(?:usr/bin/vim|sbin/lvm)"           instead of  "/usr/bin/vim|/sbin/lvm".       •   When a new line has been added to the sources.list and apt update has not been           run, apt-file does not print a warning message.       •   By default, apt-file assumes that Contents files do not include a descriptive           header (explaining what the file is and how to interpret it).  However, some           tools have generated them with such a header (e.g. for old versions of Contents           files for the Debian archive or Contents files generated by reprepro prior to           version 5.2.0).           If you search such files, you will want to set           apt-file::Parser::Check-For-Description-Header to true (e.g. in           /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50apt-file.conf) to have apt-file properly filter out the           headers to avoid false matches.           The reason this is not the default is that it costs a factor 2 in overhead while           most common Contents files no longer have the header.  (see #881405 for more           details).       •   Not all APT repositories have Contents files.  Notably common install media (CDs           etc.) may omit them to conserve space.           The default configuration by apt-file marks Contents files as optional and will           just silently fail to search in Contents files in such repositories.EXIT CODES       apt-file has the following defined exit codes, which can be used for scripting       purposes.       0   apt-file returned successfully.  If the command was a search, there was at least           one result.       1   apt-file completed a search successfully, but it had no results.       2   An error occurred (including invalid/conflicting user options).       3   apt-file could not complete the command because the cache was empty.  Please           ensure there are indices enabled in the APT config and run apt update to fetch           them.       4   apt-file could not complete the command because the cache does not have any files           matching the restrictions.  Either change the restrictions (e.g. --index-names)           or configure apt to fetch the relevant files and run apt update.       255 There was an internal errors / uncaught exception in apt-file.  Please file a bug           against apt-file.       Any other exit code is reserved for future use.SEE ALSO       apt(1), apt-cache(8), apt.conf(5)       The APT users guide in /usr/share/doc/apt/       The example config in /usr/share/doc/apt-file/examples       The README at /usr/share/doc/apt-file/README.md.gzperl v5.28.1                             2019-02-09                              APT-FILE(1)

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