

生信宝典 126



前面无论是用全部变量还是筛选出的特征变量、无论如何十折交叉验证调参,获得的模型应用于测试集时虽然预测准确率能在90%以上,但与不基于任何信息的随机猜测相比,这个模型都是统计不显著的 (这一点可能意义也不大,样本不平衡时看模型整体准确性无意义)。一个原因应该是样本不平衡导致的。DLBCL组的样品数目约为FL组的3倍。不通过建模而只是盲猜结果为DLBCL即可获得75%的正确率。而FL组的预测准确率却很低。






Class weights: 样品少的类分类错误给予更高的罚分 (impose a heavier cost when errors are made in the minority class)Down-sampling: 从样品多的类随机移除样品Up-sampling: 在样品少的类随机复制样品 (randomly replicate instances in the minority class)Synthetic minority sampling technique (SMOTE): 通过插值在样品少的类中合成填充样本

这些权重加权或采样技术对阈值依赖的评估指标如准确性等影响较大,它们相当于把决策阈值推向了ROC曲线中的”最优位置” (这在Boruta特征变量筛选部分有讲)。但这些权重加权或采样技术对ROC曲线通常影响不会太大。


这里先通过一套模拟数据熟悉下处理流程,再应用于真实数据。采用caret包的twoClassSim函数生成包含20个有意义变量和10个噪音变量的数据集。该数据集包含5000个观察样品,分为两组,多数组和少数组的样品数目比例为50:1 (通过intercept参数控制)。

library(dplyr) # for data manipulationlibrary(caret) # for model-building# install.packages("xts")# install.packages("quantmod")# wget  R CMD INSTALL DMwR_0.4.1.tar.gzlibrary(DMwR) # for smote implementation # 或使用smotefamily代替# library(smotefamily) # for smote implementationlibrary(purrr) # for functional programming (map)library(pROC) # for AUC calculationsset.seed(2969)imbal_train <- twoClassSim(5000,                           intercept = -25,                           linearVars = 20,                           noiseVars = 10)imbal_train$Class = ifelse(imbal_train$Class == "Class1", "Normal", "Disease")imbal_train$Class <- factor(imbal_train$Class, levels=c("Disease", "Normal"))imbal_test  <- twoClassSim(5000,                           intercept = -25,                           linearVars = 20,                           noiseVars = 10)imbal_test$Class = ifelse(imbal_test$Class == "Class1", "Normal", "Disease")imbal_test$Class <- factor(imbal_test$Class, levels=c("Disease", "Normal"))prop.table(table(imbal_train$Class))prop.table(table(imbal_test$Class))


Disease  Normal  0.0204  0.9796 Disease  Normal  0.0252  0.9748

这里应用另外一种集成学习算法 (GBM, Gradient Boosting Machine)进行模型构建。GBM也是效果很好的集成学习算法,可以处理变量的互作和非线性关系。机器学习中常用的GBDTXGBoostLightGBM算法(或工具)都是基于梯度提升机(GBM)的算法思想。


# Set up control function for trainingctrl <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv",                     number = 10,                     repeats = 5,                     summaryFunction = twoClassSummary,                     classProbs = TRUE)# Build a standard classifier using a gradient boosted machineset.seed(5627)orig_fit <- train(Class ~ .,                  data = imbal_train,                  method = "gbm",                  verbose = FALSE,                  metric = "ROC",                  trControl = ctrl)# Build custom AUC function to extract AUC# from the caret model objecttest_roc <- function(model, data) {  roc(data$Class,      predict(model, data, type = "prob")[, "Disease"])}orig_fit %>%  test_roc(data = imbal_test) %>%  auc()


Setting levels: control = Disease, case = NormalSetting direction: controls > casesArea under the curve: 0.9538

confusion matrix (预测结果采用默认阈值)来看,Disease的分类效果一般,准确率(敏感性)只有30.6%。不管是Normal还是Disease都倾向于预测为Normal,特异性低,这是因为样品不平衡导致的。而我们通常更希望尽早发现疾病的存在。

predictions_train <- predict(orig_fit, newdata=imbal_test)confusionMatrix(predictions_train, imbal_test$Class)
Confusion Matrix and Statistics          ReferencePrediction Disease Normal   Disease      38     17   Normal       88   4857               Accuracy : 0.979                            95% CI : (0.9746, 0.9828)    No Information Rate : 0.9748              P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 0.02954                           Kappa : 0.4109           Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 8.415e-12                   Sensitivity : 0.3016                      Specificity : 0.9965                   Pos Pred Value : 0.6909                   Neg Pred Value : 0.9822                       Prevalence : 0.0252                   Detection Rate : 0.0076             Detection Prevalence : 0.0110                Balanced Accuracy : 0.6490                 'Positive' Class : Disease


# Create model weights (they sum to one)# 给每一个观察一个权重class1_weight = (1/table(imbal_train$Class)[['Normal']]) * 0.5class2_weight = (1/table(imbal_train$Class)[["Disease"]]) * 0.5model_weights <- ifelse(imbal_train$Class == "Normal",                        class1_weight, class2_weight)# Use the same seed to ensure same cross-validation splitsctrl$seeds <- orig_fit$control$seeds# Build weighted modelweighted_fit <- train(Class ~ .,                      data = imbal_train,                      method = "gbm",                      verbose = FALSE,                      weights = model_weights,                      metric = "ROC",                      trControl = ctrl)# Build down-sampled modelctrl$sampling <- "down"down_fit <- train(Class ~ .,                  data = imbal_train,                  method = "gbm",                  verbose = FALSE,                  metric = "ROC",                  trControl = ctrl)# Build up-sampled modelctrl$sampling <- "up"up_fit <- train(Class ~ .,                data = imbal_train,                method = "gbm",                verbose = FALSE,                metric = "ROC",                trControl = ctrl)# Build smote modelctrl$sampling <- "smote"smote_fit <- train(Class ~ .,                   data = imbal_train,                   method = "gbm",                   verbose = FALSE,                   metric = "ROC",                   trControl = ctrl)


# Examine results for test setmodel_list <- list(original = orig_fit,                   weighted = weighted_fit,                   down = down_fit,                   up = up_fit,                   SMOTE = smote_fit)model_list_roc <- model_list %>%  map(test_roc, data = imbal_test)model_list_roc %>%  map(auc)

样品加权模型获得的AUC值最高,其次是up-sample, SMOTE, down-sample,结果都比original有提高。

Setting levels: control = Disease, case = NormalSetting direction: controls > casesSetting levels: control = Disease, case = NormalSetting direction: controls > casesSetting levels: control = Disease, case = NormalSetting direction: controls > casesSetting levels: control = Disease, case = NormalSetting direction: controls > casesSetting levels: control = Disease, case = NormalSetting direction: controls > cases$originalArea under the curve: 0.9538$weightedArea under the curve: 0.9793$downArea under the curve: 0.9667$upArea under the curve: 0.9778$SMOTEArea under the curve: 0.9744


results_list_roc <- list(NA)num_mod <- 1for(the_roc in model_list_roc){  results_list_roc[[num_mod]] <-     data_frame(TPR = the_roc$sensitivities,               FPR = 1 - the_roc$specificities,               model = names(model_list)[num_mod])  num_mod <- num_mod + 1}results_df_roc <- bind_rows(results_list_roc)results_df_roc$model <- factor(results_df_roc$model,                                levels=c("original", "down","SMOTE","up","weighted"))# Plot ROC curve for all 5 modelscustom_col <- c("#000000", "#009E73", "#0072B2", "#D55E00", "#CC79A7")ggplot(aes(x = FPR,  y = TPR, group = model), data = results_df_roc) +  geom_line(aes(color = model), size = 1) +  scale_color_manual(values = custom_col) +  geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, color = "gray", size = 1) +  theme_bw(base_size = 18) + coord_fixed(1)
ggplot(aes(x = FPR,  y = TPR, group = model), data = results_df_roc) +  geom_line(aes(color = model), size = 1) +  facet_wrap(vars(model)) +  scale_color_manual(values = custom_col) +  geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, color = "gray", size = 1) +  theme_bw(base_size = 18) + coord_fixed(1)


predictions_train <- predict(weighted_fit, newdata=imbal_test)confusionMatrix(predictions_train, imbal_test$Class)


Confusion Matrix and Statistics          ReferencePrediction Disease Normal   Disease      89     83   Normal       37   4791               Accuracy : 0.976                            95% CI : (0.9714, 0.9801)    No Information Rate : 0.9748              P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 0.3137                            Kappa : 0.5853           Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 3.992e-05                   Sensitivity : 0.7063                      Specificity : 0.9830                   Pos Pred Value : 0.5174                   Neg Pred Value : 0.9923                       Prevalence : 0.0252                   Detection Rate : 0.0178             Detection Prevalence : 0.0344                Balanced Accuracy : 0.8447                 'Positive' Class : Disease



标签: #sim函数